East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 24, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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When you see the beautiful
new Fall patterns we are re
ceiving daily in the now fam
ous Bond Clothes
$15 to $30
you are bound to join with us
and say they are the finest
clothes ever brought to Pen
dleton, for the money.
Fit to you perfectly by our
own tailors.
See them.
Bond Bros.
Pandletoa'i Ledin( Clothien
TOKIO, Aug. 24 That Japa.use
Irooiw mny noon face the Germans In
Poland was reported her following
publication of an Interview In the
Kokumln Fhlmbiin. In which Premier
(ikuma la quoted that Japan ha de
cided the time has come to Klve
"greater assistance" to her ally Rus
sia In the war.
Okua Is reported as refusing to dis
cuss detail. It Is believed certain
that large shipments of munitions of
war will be Immediately made via
Vladivostok to Russia, and while It I
not officially confirmed. It Is gener
ally believed that troops will be sent
In the near future.
for years, this season have become a
Ira (j. Boyce, an oldtlme merchant
at John Day, says eggs are more
plentiful than In years because of the
ubundunce of this delicacy for the
chickens to feed on, and that the Au
gust record of production will beat
any In Its history. The grasshoppers
are more numerous than ever at this
time of year.
lfwtn lloom l".gir Output.
BAKER, (ire., Aug. 24. Grasshop
pers, a pest In the John Day country
New Poo Not Feared.
UK R LIN, Aug. 24 The German
press takes the view that Italy's dec
laration of war on Turkey will not
alter the situation In the Dardanelles
and will have no effect on Balkan
politic. Italy will probably try to
occupy some territory In Asia Minor,
according to the views expressed by
the papers, but Turkey, It Is declared
Is sirring enough to keep the Italians
from Turkish territory.
Oregon Theatre Pendleton, Ore.
August 26
I ' v
15 ROUNDS 15
Of Seattle, Wash.
Billy Farrell
Of Pendleton, Ore.
Contestants will weigh in at
133 pounds.
NARIES. Show bpgins promptly at 9
o'clock. Tickets on sale at
Welch's Cigar Store.
Ringside $1.50
Reserved Seats $1.00
Balcony 50c
Buy Soda in Bottles
KTK a a
We bottle, sell and deliver to
any part of the city, ths purest
sodas made from pure flavors
and filtered water.
Try an order from the follow
Ing list of delicious beverages:
Celro-Kola Cola Queen
Hire Root ncer
Grape Smack Ginger Ale
Tru-Frult Pineapple
Sodas of all Flavors,
ONLY 11.00 A CASE.
Consisting of two dozen bothes,
and delivered.
Telephone 177.
Paul Hemmelgarn, Prop.
22J E. Court St.
Vutlran l ITotM-trU by Homlngtmi
and Wattcrly Arms WlHcli Give
Oulto a MMlrn Tom'h to the Plr.
turewiir pile Austrian Kple Said
Ui Infcrt HlMoric place.
(I'nlted Prens Staff Correspondent )
imwi!. Julv 30. (Rv mall.)
While .tirlling stories of how the
pope Us utiout to flee to Spain for
safety continue to blossom on the
glornallKtlv tree with regularity, it Is
Interesting to know what Is really
going on to protect the head of the
hlstoiic church.
That the Vatican is protet ted by
Romliihton and Wetterly arms, gives
(iille a modern toue to the plclur
ef'iue pile. The protection offered
an.l 'given Iry the Italian government
Is interesting to analyze on account
of the relations between church and
stiite. P.enedlct XV has no need to
worry for his safety as the govern
ment of Italy not only gives protec
tion hot has offered far more than
he would accept.
Am to Internal seruiity the Italian
police colli I take no steps as the Vat
ican lx considered a "foreign state."
Tile Italian government besought the
pope to accept, if It so pleased him
whatever armed forces he saw fit for
protection of the Vatican and the
pontifical property. The- men
would be exempt from military duty
to the Italian government. Moreover
the government offered the pope the
necessary protection of modern arms
nml Ammunition.
Benedict XV, always practical, de
clined the offer of men, being unde
sirous of Increasing the number of
Vatican armed guards, especially ilnco
he had desired all of his attendants
who had military service to perform
or who wished to go as volunteers to
file at once beneath the banner of
the Patria The holy father Is cr'dtt
ed with saying to Cardinal Gasparrl:
"Let all go who have the obligation,
let all go who have the desire and let
them know that not a solda will be
deducted from their pay that their
places will be waiting for them
hut let us not talk of accepting- the
offer of the government for more
n)f.n that would be the earn? as
converting the Vatican Into a haven
of poltroons."
The government, knowing how the
apostolic palaces are Infested with
Austrian spies, who as visitors to the
great museums and galleries alleged
students of the libraries, have ears
and eyes open, suggested an army ol
plain-clothes men.
The Vatican, however, so far has
not accepted the government's offer
of police though there Is every reason
to believe arms and ammunition have
been Introduced Into the vat'ean
through the government. The armed
Vatican corps are Indeed manned
with Remingtons. These arms being
very heavy, the Swiss guards are be
ing trained in the use of Wetterlys.
the heavier arms being given to the
outside guards. The gendarmes are
Alan armed with revolvers which
they need In their duty In the gardens
and courts.
In Piazza St. Peter and In thp Old
Borgo there are two barracks, in
which are stationed great contingents
of terltorlal militia and carabinlerl
who are In constant contact with de
tectives In uniform and In plain
clothes, who In turn are stationed at
the famous bronze doors In tho Via
della Fondamenta along the outside
wall of the Paslclllca of Saint Pe'er.
At the Cavalleggeri gate and the An
gelica gate are two stations of cara
binlerl. reinforced by a great body
of territorial militia. Protection of
the Vatican meterological observatory,
which Is In the garden, has been aug
mented by the presence of a number
of civil functionaries who assist the
Jesuits. In the observatory an elec
trical reflector has been placed with
which It is possible to search the now
dangerous depts of the sky. The ob
servatory Is In direct telephonic :om
municutlon with the Vatican. It was
thought at first a good Idea to place
an observation station upon the oup
olo of St. Peters as was done In ISTil.
but this idea was abandoned.
A most scrupulous guard has been
placed about the palaces of the Di-
tarla and the Caneeiloria ami i!
Propaganda of .the Faith beneatn ;he
It Is believed the treasure of the
I'p,,n:iir:iniln mav have been trans
ported to the subterranean vaulti of
the Vatican or elsewhere.
ai niaht the nnostollc nalaces arei
wrapped In darkness as Is wise In a.
cltv within the war sone, for tne
church has learned Its lessons from
Rhelms and Its other despoiled reli
gious houses. j
The rare nedestrlans who pass at
night through the solitary ways on
either slue 01 tne Vatican are reguiai
Iv stopped by carabinlerl. And If!
these passers-by can not justify their
presence at that hour In the deserte 1
thev are amlablv reauestcd to
i-iiutw-r- inwir ,ii.,inv . . - - ' - I
supply wagons wnicn ai nawn 1:101
ter up to the Vatican are Inspected
minutely, and the drivers have to pre
sent Identification cards. Letter car
riers and messenger boys are stop
ped at the bronze doors, where they
give over their messages except those
for the secretary of state. Special
ushers carry the message to the oth
er persons residing within the Vatican
It Is now clear how vigilant an eye
the government Keeps on tne vatict.i
and how careful Is Its protection.
A luminous paint for automobiles,
Invented In England, Is said to be so
effective that a car coated with It Is
visible at night for two miles without
the use of lamps.
EfajQgt Fall Hyles
rx -
fTf HIS store is prepared to show you the very snappiest Suits and
VL Coats to be found in this city. It has always been our pride to
be able to show the newest things first and for this season we
have made greater preparations than ever before, with the result that
we have far outclassed any previous showing made by this or any
other store in Pendleton. Visit our New Suit Department, let us show
vou these charming garments. Courteous salesladies to serve you.
You will not be urged to buy.
Have you seen those Snappy
New Creations in Neckwear?
Shown only at this store, Neck
wear section.
snLW silks that are sure to meet with your approval, are here in a
great variety of patterns and cloths. Plaids, stripes, foulards
and plain shades in every wanted color and combination, fancy
and plain Marquisettes in all shades. New patterns in fancy Chiffon
cloth and Figured Nets. Costume Velvets in black and colors, pite
and cravenette Coatings. In fact you will open your eyes in wonder at
the magnificent showing which this store is making in correct Fall
merchandise in all departments. May we have the pleasure of show
ing and explaining the new things to you.
Visit This New and Better Store
Planned For Your Convenience
pr''NE&a& 'j,misJi 1
;r-yf-, - ft yd' .-k
f) i - . 'Vr, . t . i. , 7T a i
:. -w.v V -1
Photo shows a wounded North bravery and courage of yourself and
Wales soldier in a Croyden Hospital thousands of others that we are not
reading a letter written by Mr. Lloyd-j
George, the British minister of mu
nitions, in his (wn hand- The !ett:'
says In part.
LONDON. Aug. 24. It Is said that
the iron crosses awarded the German
troops number almost a half million.!
ne struggle up 10 now nas neen yet the English Victoria Cross is
hard and severe, and it is due to the' probably the rarest decorajlon award.;
ed by any nation At the same time,
however, praise in return for the
risk of his life, is the only reward
his commander can bestow upon s
brave soldier. It is becoming custo
mary fur English dignitaries to ac
knowledge with personal letters, writ
ten by hand, the heroism that comes
to their attention.
H SI 10 1
in of hi;:; mhity
(From the Atlanta Constitution.) hadn't got careless and Permitted a'
ATLANTA, Ga., Aug. 24. Full de-j'leak.' Governor Harris was apprised!
tails of the laying of the plans for the of the plans and ordered the militia 1
removal of Frank from Milledgeville ;u be in readiness. That was the das
and their successful culmination were when the county police were scout-1
disclosed here. j ing In the edge of Fulton and Cobb ;
Story Of How Mob Lynched Prank. 1 counties on the lookout for automo-
"The public will never know the biles from Marietta. I
Identities of the 25 men who took in-, "Governor Harris and the military I
to their own hands the execution of a authorities no doubt received wide
law that had been stripped from them spread censure fur apparently un-;
by. Governor Slaton. I would not ad- necessary action, but if the truth were '
vise Inquisitive authorities or persons known it gave Leo Frank at least one!
to try to reveal them. They are as : month of grace he would not navel
r.ealously banded together now, and received from the hands of the men
as relentless, as the moment they In- j ho were about to go to Mllledge-i
vnded the slate prison." I ville for him. !
This was the statement of a citizen j "Ever since the day Governor !Sla-1
of Marietta to a reporter for The ton commuted the sentence of Frank j
Constitution Tuesday afternoon. He this hanging has been in the,
was thoroughly aware of the move- process of formulation. Minute andj
ments of the lynching clansmen, or , aeflnite plans were draw n. and there I
the process of organization, of their, was not a missing thread from thej
plans, and of their palnstakng sys-j fabric of the perfected scheme when
tern of advance preparations. He ; the twenty-five men set out early that
known, collectively and individually.
I doubt that vou would find anywhere
a body of men more loyal, faithful,
obedient and determined. They were
resolved to bear whatever burden
ar..se as though it fell upon individu
al shoulders, and go through with
their i lans at any cost.
"They were business-like, as well
as determined.. Like business ven
tures, they would not go into it with
out fir.-t knowing every 'lav of the
ground." and every detail so far as
could be foreseen. The business of
getting the men was the first under
taking. This was done only after a
good deal of sifting and weeding.
"I have learned from my father,
and from those of my various kin who
served in the reconstruction days, the
modes and methods of the kuklux.
But even that noble Institution, for
perfection of organisation, determi
nation and daring, could not enua!
this modern exploit, done In the in
terest of a Justice of which we had
been denied by the man we put into
(.rim Vindication Minion Of Mob.
"In the first place, the organization ,
of the body w ho lynched Frank was
more open than mysterious. It was j
more on the order of a plain, 'open-'
and-shut" business proposition. The
purpose of the kuklux was more to
overawe and frighten than anything
else. The determination of the men
who brought retribution to the mem
ory of Mary Phagan was of grim vin
dication even if at extreme peril.
'"When the business of organizatiou
u finished the next object was to
fully acquaint themselves with con
ditions and contingencies in Milledge
ville, the first seat of action. Ad
vance men .were sent to the scene.
They went in automobiles that they
might familiarize themselves with th
roadwaya and draw maps of them.
"In Milledgeville they made thor
ough observations of th nru.m
grounds, took into contemplation the
Daroed-wire entanglements, made
themselves acquainted with the tele
graph and telephone connections, and
made intimate inspection of all in
roads and outlets to the town.
"The plass were perfect when the
hour came to strike.
Two Men Sent In Advance).
"Two men were sent in advance of
the main body. They were to recon
noiter and to sever telegraphic and
telephonic communications with the
outside world, so that Milledgevillo
authorities couid not notify other
townships to intercept them as they
carried Frank to the place selected
as the scene of his death.
"Early Monday night the automo
biles assigned to the journey were
sent along their respective routes to
Pick up the chosen men. Even the
wives of hardly any of them were
aware of their departure. The auto
mobiles slid up quietly to the front of
the houses, a signal given, and the
man joined them.
It Is doubtful if members of their
25 households knew that they had
been absent after midnight. It won't
be possible to disclose the Identities
of the 'lo' even through their wives
of children.
"The men who proceeded to Mll
ledgeviHe never grouped until they
reached the outskirts of the town.
They took a circnitout route so a.' to
void the muchly traveled roads and
larger towns. Approaching Milledge
ville a qar was sent ahead to inform
'-he advance' men who were to cut
off communication "
rrs Gitr vr ron ru.kt
We want all people who havs
chronic stomach trouble or constipa
tion, no matter of how long standing,
to try one dose of Mayr's Wonderful
Remedy one dose will convince you.
This Is the medijine so many of our
local people have been taking with
surprising results. The most thor
ough system cleanser ever sold
Mayr's Wonderful Remedy is sold by
leading druggists everywhere with
the positive understanding that your
money will be refunded without
quibble If ONE bottle fail to
you sbsolute satisfaction.
would neither admit nor deny that
he was a member of the mob.
The men who hanged Leo Frank
night on their journey to Milledgeville.
Prominent Man Cliown As l-catrer.
'"Meetings were held in a spot so
the murdered of Mary Fhagan. did i conspicuous that you would be as
not go about it with a spirit of law-1 tonlshed to hear Its name called. A
lessness nor vlndlctlveness. They lender was chosen, a man who bears
felt It a duty a duty to their state as reputable a name as you would
and commonwealth, a duty to the me- j ever hear In a lawful community. He
mory of Mary Phagan. whom all Cobb was a man respected and honored,
ennntv loved .and whose memory Is Hundreds of men would obey him
cherished by every household in the , the twenty-five would have gone
hills you see over there to the west.! through hell and high water 1th him
' Mrst Planned Ftor Months Ago. i "The chosen twenty. five (although
"Thev would have lynched him this wasn't the entire number avail
more than' a month ago if some one able) were men whose worth was
There sre many tliinps learned
from experience and observation
that tin.1 olJcr feneration should, im
press upon the younger. Amonjf
them is t'.ie fact that scrofula an
other bair.-rs are iv.i si successfully
treated with Hood's ?arapari"i.
This prom liiciiai.ij is a pcedLr
combitiiUi.it ot rciK'.rU.ilil.y etieetivt
blood-pvirtl'vinsr r. .1 licalth-'v'.r..
roots, b .:. ir.'.l 1. : lis. and ha' !.e- :
tcs'eu for i'of'.y vcai j. Oct it tci-
Ansco Cameras
! and Films
The court decreed
original film and
; Cyko the prize win. !
, ning paper.
Take an Ansco
on your vacation
Tallman & Go.
Lesdiof DrufiiU