PAT.n FIGHT PATLY FAST ORFGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 191f EIGHT PAGES JEWLLER SAWTELLE TGO EOSY; i i" H.U.I.M AUh ) I l'l. .11 XVI I I K I1M I;i; i o i:tiox M toi:k utv. o;:r Organisation. The . h;i o the ap- ; !! the 1-...I.B8 1 i . U-r ami vni ! man t.i ii a,l to join ' :;!! ami toi-vr,v a h.ire- j r Newsy Notes ol Pendleton il. r. Mr M Sawhl'l. i m of our ?)' l-iiMnf.iiii'ii has 1'ccn look up' fi'iv;tuj In iUltraiiiii; the Annual i. in . ulioii of IHU.M AliK Jewelers ii; Nr York, August JSth to 2th, Inn i.n account of the increase of his luiHM.-ss brought on by his Jitney Madh Silo ht is nnal'le to gii. "Winn the Kjst dregonian report er visiled I;iin cs!oiiiay, ho spoke of Hi- jioinlnic nt and told us brief ly K-iiiO' of the advantages accru mjs !o a HW.l.MAUK .leivoler. "You jn." lie said, "this Convention will he .lUcrdid by a law number of the Kri.ileM jewelers in the country. More 1'liins w ill be evolved such as those I 'iaie already introduced through the JUU.MARK IDEA.' 'The United Jewelers was organ oid n year aw by Mr. Ernest M. lain! and Mr. Fr:,rk I.i !'ron. who saw 'thr ncd ,.f co-operation in the pro "liidion and distribution of these art litres of ours which mean so much dm the hii'in of the people. "The plan is tj unite the purchas ing power of ihe leading jeweler in arh of the cities and towns of the I'niled States to control the quality jM, v, f.,..c,a a.,,..,. I l10a 1,1 iov,-cry merchandising has manufacture of ware, ,,, , i, ! ,een Phenomenal Did you know that ailed miMuir ., .k:.. ! that own "hares In this economically, so a to save on the costC T"' a U? doln of goods and rut them withi the ! -"7.""' .T".?" $"t T ,& reach of a greater number of con-i 7?" &T ff,0,r ln turners because of the savin effected "a k'"' BU 'ni i . , ... . c"ru,u:mim jeweli-v bus ness si h er ware for by large production and economical fhl , , , . V? T distribution I household and in fact touch, by 11 u , ' pur operations, every department in High Quality and Economy" is the the best stores." "We have gained a great advantage in our Annual Meetings on the score of efficiency and 1 always like to come into touch with my other part ners, where we hear reports of suc cesses, have our debates oxer prob lems that come up durins the year, learn the trend of the taste of the public in all sections of the country I and see the results of the search of our great Buying Committee, that ex amines the world's products for our benefit. "At our Meetings lots of real work is done, but we also believe in play. The Organization is a great Uiother hood: all for each and each for all. and the social part Isn't the least of the enjoyment of the day and evening sessions. "Of course we fully post those of our members who cannot attend the Convention by the detailed reports in our HALLMARK XKWs' periodical so that 1 shall know every detail of tne proceedings and my customers will pet the full benefit notw ithstand ing my absence. 'I am only voicing my personal disappointment which with this ex planation I think you will understand "The success of the co-operative MPS WANTED. Tor sale One two story, eight room, brick echool building, situate on tehoo! grounds at Athena, t"ms tlla County, Oregon Sealed bids will be received by the board up to and until i o'clock p. m. August ':Sth, 1915. The board reserves the right o reject any and all bids. Reason able time will be allowed to remove building from premises. For further Information enquire at the office of B. B. Richards, Athena, Oregon. ERNEST A. ZERBA, Clerk of School District No. 29 BERLIN NEWSPAPERS PASS UP TORPEDOING LONDON", Aug. 21. Berlin news papers have been ordered to withhold! the news of the sinking of the liner Arabic until further notice from the government, according to Amsterdam dispatches here. ' "It Is evident that Berlin la ner vous and fears serious differenceE," said one dispatch. Hunting Party Koturn, With 12 grouse to their credit a hunting party composed of Happy Hay, Loren Hoover, W. A. Rhodes and Fat McDevlit returned yesterday from the head of McKay creek near Mcaeham. Christian Soionee Clmivh. Fast Webb and Johnson streets. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Wednesday, 8 p. m. Subject of lesson sermon. 'Mind' The reading room at the church Is open daily except Sunday, from 2 until 4 p. m. Move to lVndHHon. Ciiailea Martin of Pilot Rock has purchased the rooming house at 205 West Webb street, and his wife will take charge of It at once. Mr. Mar tin will remain In Pilot Rock until he closes np business affairs and then intends entering the harness business in this city. laxate Parents of Miller. Coroner Rrown this morning suc ceeded In locating the parenta of Clyde Miller, the young man drown ed rcently at Barnhart. They are livli g In Chatteroy, Wash., a little town about 14 miles' north of Spo kane. The body will probably be shipped thre. Ma!. Ins Trijt Old Home. John McGinn, well kntAvn Pendle ton resident, will leave tomorrow ev ening for New York state to visit brothers and sifeters whom he has not 4een for 33 years. They are liv ing in Hudson and Mr. McGinn will spend most of hi time with them, thongh he Intends going on to New Tork City and to old home in an other section of the state. He will be absent about six weeks. Hunting Party Returns, Hen F. Trombley, John Rows and Lee D. Drake returned last night from the south end of the county, where they had been Hunting since Sunday. Ther brought back venison but not from deer killeJ by them selves. Dave Graybea.1 of this city and Leniael Esteb of Ea?hw each bg ged a buk la 8i same Ticinlty and r. fe U t. i Ik 13. ; f X. Today Only "Tfio SafSlo of ilderteh Gulch" One of the most thrilling and spectacular two-reel pictures ever filmed. A historical drama from the West in the early days. Featuring Lillian Gish, Henry Walthall and Mae Marsh. "The Limited's Peril An episode in the "Hazards of Helen" series 2 Laugh Making Comedies 2 Dreamy :Dud Goes Bear Hunting Essanay Billy Reeves and May Hotly in a one reel comedy Her Romeo-Lubin Sunday and Monday i JI Wilagraph-Lubin-Selig-Essanay Inc., THE BIG FOUR, presenis L1AMS and all Ftar cast in the SeJig Red Seal 5 act potoplaj? KATHLYN WIL- fr A Adopted from the world-famous novel by Harold MacGrath. The production is crowded with suspense and thrills and relates in a realistic manner the hazzards of two men and a beautiful woman. A prayer rug stolen from, an ancient Mosque in Bagdad causes a series of exciting adventures. Oriental streets and temples A beautiful love story Magnificent scenery A sandstorm in the Sahara Camels and caravans Cast of all-star players shiu'eii the meat with their less for tunate fellow hunters. Mioriff Sells rlty liiierlj. ihe property at the corner of Cot tonwood and Webb streets involved In the partition suit recently hecvin bv the heirs of Peter Carroll was sold this afternoon at a sheriff's sale to Gritman Bros. She price being $1550. Thermometer at 95. Tlie official thermometer at 3 o' clock this afternoon registered 95 with a probability of a further rlso. Yesterday's maximum was 95 and the minimum last night was 56, making It tha warmest night for some time. Homo from San Frnnclsro. J. P. Walker, veteran clerk of Pendleton camp, W. O. W., returned this morning from San Francisco, wheie he attended the anniversary reunion held by the Woodmen of that city. It was a notable affair, with the grand officers present, Mr. Walker being one. and the enter tainment was continued for four days. HoiT Has Itnd I.og. Tommy Clark, the Seattle boxer who lost his bout with Hilly Fari"ll at Athena last night, left on the early morning train for Portland. His leg, which he Injured In training and which was thrown out of place In the fight, was in bad condition, being swollen a preat deal. Tie will not be able to enter the ring again for some time. Soes Krotliors After S3 Tews. I. X. Sones of this city Is enjoyinc a visit from his brothers. W. W. Sonos of Lacona, Iowa, and J. B. Sanes of Gordon, Nebraska, whom he had not seen for 35 years. The two nun wilt visit here for awhile and wirr then go on to Seattle and San Francisco. On their return .they will stop at Leng Beach, Calif., to visit at other brother, P. H. Sones. La Grande Fujrltlvo Cansht. Sheriff Taylor today received word from Walla Walh that Jess Taylor alias Sam t-ingfovd. the negro who was one of the three prisoners escaping last week from the t.'nlon county jail, had been captured in that city. Taylor was one of the men whom Sheriff Taylor and Dep uty Eates were trailing- yesterday. Grand Jury Summoned. Sheriff T. D. Taylor this afternoon sent out summons to the members of the grand jury, calling them to con vene here on the morning of August 31. The grand jury Is composed of Grant Steen of Milton, Richard Mor rison of Weston, William McBride of Athena, G. W. Eugg of Pendleton, J T. Haun of Freewater, H. R. Van Slyke of Freewater and R. H. Wilcox of Pendleton. Are You Thinking of Some Changes in the House? THEN YOU'LL NEED SOME NEW RUGS, CURTAINS OR PORTIERS, AND AS USU AL YOU WILL FIND JUST WHAT YOU WANT AT THE GOLDEN RULE STORE FOR LESS. COMPLETE SHOWING OF THE NEW FALL PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. 9x12 Smith's Axminstcr rugs in floral, or oriental designs, every one a good number at $25.00, Gold en Rule price $19.50 Smith's Axminster Rugs, 8-3x10-6, splendid new designs and only $17.50 27x54 Small Rugs in Pro brussels at 98 27x54 Velvet Rugs.. $1.49 36x60 Axminster Rugs at $2.49. 36x72 Axminster Rugs, at $3.45. 27x54 inch Rag Rugs just received 79 18x27 Smith's Axminster Mats only 98 10-6x12 Smith's Nefferban Brussels Rug without seams; you will not buy it elsewhere under $20; Golden. Rule pr. $16.50 Smith's Manor Brussels Rujrs 9x12 feet. $12.50 9x12 Granite Art Square, good $5.50 values at only $3.98 Union Art Square, full 9x12 feet at $4.98, and $5.90. Lace Curtains in white or ecrue at about, half their real value 49, 69, 08, $1.49, $1.9S. Portiers, solid colors, red or green at pair, $1.49, $1.98, $2.49, $2.98. Yoa can do better at We Lead Others follow "HIS BE SURE AND SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON PAGE 5 IN THIS PAPER- Cosy TSieflto Today OBLIGATION" Featuring Ed Coxen and Winifred Greenwood. An American drama. You must see this picture. I Keystone Comedy, "The House Breaking Hound1' 0 ii! MM if tin bvdasEi A Mutual Masterpicture in 4 reels. See this picture by all means, Sunday and Mon day. Watch for Chas. Chapl'in next week. You like good pictures and the Cosy is going to show them. Start with the crowd Sunday. Heath Pnrely Accidental. The coroner's jury which last even ins Investigated the clrcumstnnces surrounding the death of Martin Fr&nk Jones at Pilot Rock Junction yesterday morning, returned a ver dict absolving anyone from blame, findin? that death was purely acci dental The jury was composed of J. H. Gwinn, E T. Wade. S. R. F.rld gcc. H. H. Elder, T. B. Gurdane and O. F. Grattan They found that he came to his death beneath the wheels of a dozier to which an engine had J'it been coupled. The body was buried this morning at Olney ceme tery. Coroner Brown will attempt to locate his relatives through insurance policies which he had carried. Ii 1 1 1 u i minmimmnm m m m m m m in n n in. m n h 'A a ) im ! jrrJTMUli. l i, miimfflm iviTymmwimrK Auto Raw to Walla Walla. "Arrived In Walla Walla 3:40 this morning. I claim the money," was a message received this morning from Guy Matlock by the stakeholder of a wager made last night. Guy Matlock and his cousin, Wesley N. Matlock, were the principals in the wager which was for J7S laid upon the out come of an auto- race to Walla Walla. The two Matlocks drive different mikes of cars and late last night on their return from Athena, where they had been to attend the boxing bout, their friendly banter ended In a wa ger. The two cars left the city about 1 o'clock this morning, but the Wes ley Matlock car returned soon, the driver having come to the conclusion that his cousin had withdrawn from the rare because he went a different road. The movie magnate finished the race He carried a passenger, Claude Privett. AP'xanilors Make Improvement. Fxtensiv Interior improvements have Just been completed at the AleJt anilpr ri.nnrtm.nt Store. Thev not only make the arrangement of the cepartmenui better but enlarge me rnnr slur, mnko the store better lighted and add to the attractiveness of the Interior. The back balcony nas trpn enlarged bv tearing OUt the of fices and moving the stairway farther .toward the front The new stairway f. murh ontdor nf ascent. The bookkeepers' office has been moved to the front of the balcony and Mr AtoTHnder's office ta now on a bal cony In the front of the building that connects the grocery and drygoods df onrtments. thu affording him a view of the whole store. He alsj comtrands a (rood view of Main street The downstair shelving has been lowered so that any one enter ing the door haa an nnobstructel i lew. The new arrangement triples Hi floor ftivapn for the suit depart ment and enables the corset and art needle work departmentii to be put on the balcony. It also Increases the floor space for the show deparm5nt. The hosiery and underwear depart ment now occupies the room where the ladles shoe department formerly wss. A cash carrier system has alio twn installed and' Mr. Alexander In tends nuttlnir In another skylight and to make other Improvements that wll'j I m m PN "V J wm j- 111 LAST TIME TODAY THE CHARMING AND YOUTHFUL ! HAZEL DAWN AS "CLARISSA" In the elaborate photo production, "GAM BIERS ADVOCATE," ihe story of love amid the intrigues high society. Many realistic and thrilling scenes, of which the most spectacular is the daring rescue of a drowning person at a famous seaside resort. lIlIIllIlIlIIlIIlIIIUMIIIIIlIIlMIlIlIIlllIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIlIlllllIlllllIIIllllIIItllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllltlllllllllll' SUNDAY AND MONDAY AMERICA'S FAVORITE SIT AE3Y PICICFOO in "THE DAWN OF TOMORROW A thrilling drama in which she scores her greatest success. In addition we have Peterson and Vierr&'s Ilavoiian Singers and Playors O z 3 z 55 7' - , f: ' t i 1 ft. J 4l ' 13 r o Touring the world. American and Hawaiian numbers. This talented company will give two performances each evening, Sunday and Monday. ADMISSION: AFTERNOONS, 5c, 15c. ADMISSION: EVENINGS, 15c, 25c add much to his store. ?iiiiuiiiiuiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiii