PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1913. EIGHT PAGH3 Climb of Mountain in June Brings One to Winter Snows H- Marion Randall Parsons. Treas- urer of the Starr Club.) j'OSKMITK. June 5. In June, Yo "fili' valley Is at the very height f itj beauty, The deciduous trees re in new leaf, maples nd dogwood in lend'-reM brishtest green, oak tipped with pastel shades of pink and red in prophecy of their autumn Fl". ahaleas in full blom. and the mes'lon'C rippling mass of exa.ui3-j Jfcr ;.,ks brifthiened with flower. In .ki!u. too. the rivers are at theiri ' lihcvt uiid 'be falls in wildest heau-j f.r while the fast melting snow still lii-s deep In the upper forests and on tVe hither mountain slopes. j After a week or more In the val ley, following the better-known trails, (retting muscles In condition again af- (r e:t -bound 'lavs, we were anxious to the valley trail over whk-h our trip self with the breakfast fire, a doe came out of the woods and stood mo tionless for a long minute watching him before she quietly stole away Where one's possessions are so few washing dishes and packing is a matter of scant ceremony. In leas than an hour we were ready for the tra'l, or for the inarch, rather, as we Events in the War One Year Ago Today must begin. All the way up to Lit- expected to leave lulls behind us and tie Yosomite we were beset with questions Where were we going? Didn't we find it very hard work? Wouldn't we get lost? Weren't we afraid of getting sunburned? We had an inclination to slink shame facedly by these proper-looking folk. In Little Yosemite we made a amp r-o.-lde the smoothly flowing Merced, and after lunch set out on a ramble up toward the base of Half Dome. l"p the Cloud's Rest trail we climbed, and then pushed through the forest lo the brink of Tenaya Canyon, forge almost as deep as Yosemite ,i!ey itself. Inaccessible to all but the hardiest mountaineers. The great chasm, more than 2000 feet deep, lay at our feet. Half Dome towered ma- s gainst what spring was like In the . ' .". .mm.!. m-. , . h- "hJl l',i!fs of El Capftan and the Cathed ral Rocks. A Buck In Velvet, companion on this ramble el to climb Clouds Rest before laincd for love or money, we prepar vA to make pnek animals of ourselves! and knapsack over to Mount Clark jiv (1109 feett on the southwestern, ecltil wu.i.jary or me pars, me most returning to camp, so I made mv way .prominent peak of the Merced group. back to LiuIe ToSem!te alone Near There were four of us in the oarty,! the foot of the trail. In a glorious -two men and two women, and we i;tle mounUin meadow, I surprised planned to be out two nighta with a, a beautiful buck, the largest I have mfortable markln of provisions for ever seen in the Sierra. His noma third night, if necessary. Bacon, Uere In velvet and he stood so near hardtack, and that blessing to moun- me that I could see the oulck. nr-l ta inters, soup, made up the bulk of me that I could aee the quick, ner- cuinmisaarj, reeniorceo. nowever, watched me. For two or three mln y raisins, cnocoiate .anea irun,; mes we stood there regarding one beans, spaghetti, and cheese. Our1 another. Then, with a nonchalant personal outfits, of course, were re wug of his funny little tail, he turned ....u iu kciiubu. . Bicepius anii 0fr through the woods, as un weigning aoout eignt pounas, a hurriedly and indifferently as if I. too. had been a woodland creature. Perhaps I looked It. After his de parture I examined the meadow more closely. It was a little gem of Its kind sloping from a ledge of graa- lte that was covered with gnarled and m-oked Junipers. At the first gllsso I thought it an unbroken sheet of the tiniest blossoms of yellow mimulus. -sweater, a change of hose, tooth ruh, hairbrush, towel, a box of j'lai-hes. and a tiny roll of adhesive tape would about complete the list. Tin buckets, a small frying pan, and -a tin cup and spoon apiece compris ed the camp equipment Share Alike With tbe Men. We women who "knapsack" pride tur.lves on being able to do our h"t on kneeling down, 11 species of jihare, so, while we do not pretend to any such heavy packs as the men, e carry our own outfits and a part, at least of the general commissary -Mir piles. Short-skirted, flannel-shirt-d, with hobnailed boots to the knee -and shocking bad hats, we are as easy in our own clothing and as re saniless of wind or weather as the isnen themselves. J.t was rather hard for us to nerve flowers revealed themselves all the daintiest and most delicate of their kind yellow violets, white forget-me-r.ots, gillas. white saxifrage, and the smallest pink pea I have ever reen. A knapsacker's camp is a simple affair a bed of pine needles, a few stones rolled together to make a fire-' place, a pile of firewood gatherel! together; and there is home. By S viur.n''.ves to meet the stares and o'ekek next morning we were astir. q ieiias of the tourists we met along! As our energetic leader busied him fted Crown ) l ) the Gasoline 7 V t of Quality J STANDARD OIL COMPANY tCalitonus) strike across country to the base of Mount Clark. Hot llocka Ui Warm C'vUl lUils. We held It to be but a tribute to t.ur skill as mountaineers, however, when we found an old sheep trail following the very route we had planned to take. For many miles we followed it through the rolling forest oast of Mount Starr King, throunh Star King Meadow, and out near the cret of a granite ridge near Clark Fork. Here we left It behind and struck across the open country, over j ridge afte ridge, across stream after stream, until we came to the north em fork of Gray creek, where we made a camp. We had reached the altitude of about 8500 feet, and snow drifts lay deep all about us. But flicwood was abundant and our lit tle nook among the tall firs promis ed every comfort that a knapsacker need expect. In default of extra bedding we took hot rocks to bed with us. The night passed comfortably and we were up at dawn ready for the as sault on Mount Clark confident also of success Ai we climbed the snow lay even deeper about us. The for est of fir and mountain pine gave way to the hardier white-bark pine, the tree of timber-line. Up to the top of the ridge It crept, at the top of a mere shrub, bent and twisted beneath the winter's weight of snow, As we climbed, our- horizon to the south and west widened. We were looking across the valley of the 1111 louette toward the snowy divide sep arating us from the South Fork of the Merced where lies .Wawona and the splendid Mariposa grove of se quoias. Yosemite valley was but a blue rift in the" forest with only its great domes. Halm Dome. Sentinel Dome, and Starr King, rising Into any prominence. Far different was our view to east ward from the crest Our ridge end ed on the east in an abrupt precipice. Though a h'nken "chimney" or wln- uowiiKe aperture in tne rocks, we looked down BOO feet Into a great snow field filling all the eastern ba sin, and beyond this lay the cleft of the Merced canyon, and still beyond. the magnificent snowy peaks of the summit crest, Lyell, MeClure. Ritter Dana, a host of others, all above 13,- 000 feet, all shining and gleaming in the brilliant sunshine with a radi ance tha hardly seemed to belong to this world. Comneasatcd Disappointment. Well for us that this glorious vi sion was compensation for all the many miles we had climbed, for we got no farther that day and Clark still remains unconquered. For we had anticipated the season for moun tain climbing by a fortnight or more, and the slope that should have of fered an easy rock climb to the sum mit was now a precipitous wall of treacherous snow. We had no rope, no ice ax, not even a knife with which to cut steps, and tte Icy edge where rock and snow met proved an invincible barrier to the summit. Up and down the ridge we prowl edged, over every ledge. Into every chimney, only to admit ourselves de feated In the end. For an hour or more we remained upon the ridge feasting our eyes on the marvelous paronama a hundred rrilr of snowy angle, a magnificent alpine region, the greater part of elglun seat of government re- moved to Antwerp. German cav- airy approaching Brussels. " French claim continued for- ward movement in Alsace and capture of one Alsatian regi- ment. 4 Russia says Austrians suffer severely In sabre engagement on frontier. The Adriatic Is swept clear of Austrian warships by a French fleet. Four vessels sunk. The kaiser reported to have left for the battlefront In Al sace. Wealthy Americans reach N'ew York In steerage. which is now almost Inaccessible, soon to be opened to travel by the construction of the John Mulr trail. After luncheon In camp a 15-mlle walk back still lay ahead of ns. Our defeat lay lightly upon us. for many mountain summits have been ours in the past, and we had had. after all, the Inspiration and the uplift of the glorious upper regions of snow even If the exhilaration of the summit had been lacking. Down among the great below of yellow pines, undsr the spreading arms of sugar pines and out upon open crests covered with manzenlta and chinquapin we hastened past Nevada and Vernal and down through the Happy Isles where thrushes sang their evening songs, and into our Yosemite valley camp. SPOR TS Hearing the Voice from How York m 1i WWW-A. 1 -rill & & m ex. Hear for yourself the conversation and music over the Transcontinental Telephone Line. See the mo tion pictures illustrating the Progress of Telephony an intensely interesting story. Demonstrations daily (except Sunday:) 1 1 :00 A.M., 1 :30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30 P.M. PALACE OF LIBERAL ARTS Panama Pacific International Exposition Cor. of Ave. "C" and 7th St. Admission Free Tho Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Go. Farrell and Mosler May Arrange Bout LATTER LIGHTWEIGHT IS NOW IX THE CITY NEGOTLATIXG FOB THE BATTLE. Billy Farrell, local lightweight and AI Mosler, lightweight contender for the northwest title, will probably meet at the Oregon theater In this city on the evening of August 25 just five days after FarrelPs bout with ommy Clark In Athena. Mosler Is here and Is negotiating for the bat tle and Farrell Is willing to take him on. This will be the first card of a se ries of fistic bouts which will be stag ed here during the fall and winter. Frank Barrleau .welterweight cham pion of Canada, may get a bout here. He has written for one and Farrell Is desirous of giving the fans a chance to see him in action. Sammy Good of Seattle who claims the lightweight championship but who fights mostly as a welterweight also wants a bout and Farrell will try to match him with Barrleau. Farrell Is In fine condition for his match with Clark on the 20th and ex pects to win. Many local fans will go up for the bout and efforts are being made to secure an auto truck to take them up. Even a f Ong can't dictate what you should like or not like If it so happened that Fatimas were originally "Made and blend ed for lha cf Whatiz" would that fact prove that you were going to like Fatimas best? It would not. A man's taste 13 his own. A dzarett3 that mirjht delight some old potentate's palate would not necessarily pleaso you. That's why we leave Fatimas vp to your taste. Dut thcro h something more than good tsste that is mighty important to you. No matter how good-taating a cigarette may be it can only be the SENSIBLE drjarette for you if it is comfortable, too. Its pure tobacco must be cool and comfortable to your throat at all times. And it must leave you feeling fine and fit at the end of a hard-smoking day. WLU it do all that? Then, it is the sensible ciga rette for YOU. There are thousands and thou aands of men who believe that Fatima is the most sensible cigarette there is. Try them yourself. You may discover as these thousands of other men have that Fatimas have Just the cool, mellow taste that you've been longing for in a cigarette. You may find that Fatimas have the kind of mildness which allows you to emoke more of them than you might of other cigarettes. You may find that Fatimas oflbr you a little more satisfac tion in every pufT than you ever before found in any other ciga rette. Buy your trial package of Fatimas and test them today. FATIMA wot thi rtifr ClrarrtU Atrarittd tkt tiramJ Priu at tkt i an t-raetfic Itttermaiionai txMfiM. i ' n n m AW. . JL P kl J ffwaret n PACIFIC COAST LEAGCE. At Portland Portland 7 J Chicago 3 FEDERAL LEAGUE. At Buffalo Kansas City 5 Buffalo M 0 At Baltimore Chicago g Baltimore 4 At Fittsburg Brooklyn 4 Pittsburg 1 0 2 9 3 7 3 XOItTirWKSTERN LEAGUE. At Tacoma Seattle 4 3 Tacoma , 1 H At Spokane Vancouver S 9 f-pokane 1 6 AMERICAN LEAGCE. At Boston Boston 1 i Washington 0 I At New York Philadelphia 2 10 New York 0 1 At Cleveland Detroit (13 , Cleveland 2 10 Kecond game: Detroit t 1 Cleveland 1 1 At St. Louis Chicago t S St. Louis 4 II Second game: Chicago S St. Louur 1 ( NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia Philadelphia S Boston 0 At Brooklyn New Tork 2 Brooklyn 1 At Pittsburg Pltabunr (12 Cincinnati 4 I Good TempUrs Meet. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 14. Hun dreds of delegates and visitors from all parts of the country are here to day to attend the annual convention of the National Grand Lodge, Inter national Order of Oood Templars. Wednesday will be observed as "Oood Templar day" at the Exposition. The program Includes a great military and civic parade. WAR ODDITIES. LONDON King George hospital Just opened will house 1660 wounded sold:ers, contains three Ilea of beds, four miles of partitions, nine and one half acres of linoleum and covers 46,500 square feet. LONDON Experts' statistics from London's east end show that since the war sixty per cent of all births are girls compared to statistics from Vienna which show the opposite ex treme. AMSTERDAM, Aug. 1. Appara tus for a big wireless station at Con stantinople was shipped from Oer niany to Turkey through Roumanla as a circus," thus not violating Ru mania's neutrality. LONDON The British navy has advertised for 50,000 new recruits, none of whom will serve on the wa ter, but will enter the navy's land and air services. LONDON A big London newspa' per carrying on a "cigarette for sol dlers" campaign announced that without cigarettes the British Tom mies could not beat the Germans. LONDON Lance Corporal William Angus returned from the front with forty wounds and Is recovering. marines on the battleship New Hamp shire were swept overboard and drowned during a storm In the Gulf of Mexico on Sunday, the navy de partment announced. The men lost were Berdle Ray of Mississippi and Joseph Robinson of Ohio. The bodies were not recovered. Their parents have been Informed. hTdB eamp nruish VeHwi Torpedoed. BERLIN, Aug. 11. The British auxiliary cruiser India was torpedoed entering Restfjord, Sweden, It wu announced. The steamer Qoesland tared 80 of the crew. Mexico is strangely dense as to "notes" unless they are of the dollar variety. 2 Marlnog WASHINGTON, Drowned. Aug. 1. Two AN OLD RECIPE TO DARKEN HAIR Only about tA( bright onea have remarked that the Liberty Bell Is Just t what it's cracked up to be. ' 3 SAGE TEA AND SULPHUR TURNS GRAY, FADED HAIR DARK AND GLOSSY. Almost everyone knows that Sage Ten and Sulphur, ptoperly compound ed. brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair when faded, streak, ed or gray; also ends dandruff. Itch ins scalp and ttopj falling hair, Years ago the only way to let this mixture was to make It at home, which Is U musty and troublesome, Nowadays we simply ask at any drugstore for "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Compound." Ion will get a large bottle for about 10 cents. Everybody uses this old, famous n clpe, because no one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as It does It so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; bv morning the gray hair disappears, an? after another application or two, yrur hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and (lossy and you look years ounger. wmm0'r JT A GROUP OF EXTRA ORDINARY VALUES in fine fixtures are now b. Ing shown by us. It affords you an excellent opportunity to purchase handsome chandeliers and side fixtures at remarkable savings. In cluded Is a great variety of celling fixtures and lamps. We wish es pecially to have you see our fine dining room domes. J. L. VAUGHAN UV THE)!) tickets to the East, the West, the South, from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. Via nORTIIERN PACIFIC RY. The "Great Big Baked Potato" Line. TWO THROUGH OBSERVATION CAR TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO via Minneapolis and St Paul. ONE DAILY TO ST. LOUIS ' Via St. Joseph and Kansas City. ;i Excursion Fares To all points in the East, with long return limit. To Clat sop (Oregon) Beach. To Washington Beaches. To Cali fornia Expositions, by rail, or via Portland and S. S. "Northern Pacific" and S. S. "Great Northern," the two magnificent new steamships of G. N. P. S. S. Co. Visit YELLOWSTONE PARK Season to Sept SO. L M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P.' A., Portland, Oregon.