East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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war and marine insurance on
wheat from Portland to Liver-
! pool is less than six cent a
I hllcbol
roblUhM luiiy t"i Semi Weekly it Pen-: ' ' , . . , . ,
,),, orgon. bT tbf Through the behavior last
a.i oKhuoxuji iiBLi-suisa co. I wil)ter o Messrs Burton, Root
orfk-iAi ronnty i-pr J ancj others, warmlv lauded by
BaurM it ihf p.torfi, n l wdirton. ' the torv press of the east and
tmm. """ jWpSt. the national government
bobcat i was prevented from coming to
" on iai.k in other cities, the rescue of the producer by
rlKJ"" aoX" "WD i the only method of rescue open,
ttowoAa nci co , r!i oro. j and the northwest farmer is
nirt Borfo. o s-oritT Buiidin j now paying the penalty and
WMhlnrtoo, I" C, Bureau IX'l, Four- C
. . - ! thii cnm nwnarc n ra tAOnincr
!No surer barometer of trade
exists than steel. As it now
reads, that barometer forecasts
an immediate area of excep
tional prosperity. New York
oU street, N. W,
the ship owners are reaping
their expected harvest.
Wonderful indeed is Burton
. . 1 it A
iti .ii iout'tii. bj mtii!""";.-; aw;and wonderful the tory press
" m"""- 1 -St:that spps ska mnrri
(E. T. Allen.)
Goodbye to the tool with the empty
Foi gotten his bid for fame.
ltall mi mitnth. bv mill.
miiy. oie jr by ctrrier t so and glory in the plundering of
IVIit. m nuinihK. by cirner l it , , ....
tiiy, thre m..nth, by crrir io the wheatraiser bv the milh-
tllj, auDin. oy carrier w V.: ,..V:V
ISO v'linnc fiuu LUinuiliC nuillt
happiness T"ough he kl,ls his triena, it only
vhuiiis one.
And that, nowadays,
9m Weekly, one year by null.
nl Wefkly, four mouth, by mall.
Vest W'eekir. sli mnth. by mill 7S without nlnwino-
-- c - ' .-.I
i narvesting is making tortunes
i this year out of the wheat bus-
The wind to me Us an almighty
Vnto the clouds the waters
and the trees
Fr faking a thousand infinite
And hiddltig men by turns
regret rejoice.
No exhalations v.igue anB pur
poseless. Born of contending currents
in the air;
But speech of One whose Soul
is everywhere.
Hut oftenest speaking in the
The voice that spoke of old on
That upon Horeb's holy hill
was heard. '
Speaks yet aeain . . . and
1 am strangely stirred
Saddened or gladdened by the
For I. alas, am deaf; I cannot
More than a little of the
truth Divine;
j Umatilla county farmers this
year are being robbed of not
less than a million dollars be
cause of the filibuster by Bur
ton and others against the ship
bill. No wonder people in a
certain quarter like to make a!
'fuss over him.
Is tame.
fool who playfully rocks the
Is on the front page no more,
lie may rank high with the fools
afloat .
Hut his glory Us gone ashore.
There's the fool with women, the
fool with 'wine,
And the fool who games with
And the joy-ride fool (he does well
in his line
By combining these ancient dangers).
down in the
tly're all still
primer class.
I Jlere novices takine a fiver.
tin -v i- j ii. Compared with the prize-taking
HE Civilization Of the criminal ass
lynching of Leo Frank
an unjust and cowardly act.
There may be faults in the ad
ministration of the civil law
but at its worst the law is in
finitely preferable to mob rule.
In the case of Frank, the law
found the accused man guilty,
but there was a shadow of
doubt so he was saved from the
extreme penalty and given a
life imprisonment sentence.
The governor took cognizance
of the fact the evidence against
i am no prophet and i have no Frank was not absolutely sure ;
key the mnh made nn allowance
"'not1'" 1 dafe for a Pssibility of innocence,
n Arthur ooodenough. but rushed headlong to its work
i of destruction. It disregarded
the constitutional rights guar-
......... j anteecj t0 every citizen the
HE COST THIS COUNTY A right of trial by jury and the
MILLION DOLLARS. j right of appeal for executive
klemency. It was dangerous
V1TH Theodore E. Burton business and there was nothing
fjPf of Ohio a visitor in the manly or courageous about it.
state a Portland morn- it was many men against an
ing paper heaps high praise up- unarmed and helpless individu
on him for his alleged magni- al and whatever the real facts,
ficent work in filibustering may be in the Frank case the
against the rivers and harbors WOrk of the Georgia mob last
bill and in helping block the night has only added to the
ship purchase bill. j horror. I
A fine recommendation in-!
deed. Had the rivers and har-READING THE STEEL BA
bors filibuster succeeded fully ( ROMETER.
the Celilo canal would still bej
unfinished and a vast amount rm HROUGHOUT its exist
of Oregon river and harbor , ence of fourteen years,
work would have been blocked net earnings of the Unit
to decided loss of the state. j ed States Steel Corporation
As to the ship purchase bill , have never been so small as
the sequel of that filibuster is , they were in the six months
found in extortionate charters including last fall and winter,
for grain ships. With harvest j These earnings are now rapidly
underway we find the fanner rising to normal. They prom
robbed outrageously by a sys- ise for the current quarter to
tern that holds him almost help-J equal the highest previous
less. We have the spectacle quarterly record ot $45,000,
of wheat quoted at $1.70 in ,000.
Liverpool and less than 90 It is thus apparent that the
cents just now in Pendleton. ' Steel Trust can "come back."
This differential is due almost Can it ever do much better
entirely to the ship situation, than that? It can undoubted
It is due to extortion, not to ly consolidate and hold this po
war dangers, because the total sition, as they say in the trench
1 warfare of Europe. Can it ex
tend that position in relation to
, the whole steel industry of the
Ansco Cameras
and Films
The court decreed
original film and
Cyko the prize win
ning paper.
Take n Ansco
on your vacation
Tallman & Co.
Ladu Dru(bti
The fool in the woods with fire.
the deeds
A few hearts break for
they've done,
In their pitiful amateur way,
Rut fire slays dozens whese they slay
And srourages a state in a day
For the ruined home and the smoke
less stack
And the worker unemployed.
vnow a nunnreo: years snail never
bring back
The things that his match de3trov
ci.ock mc.iits streets.
An ordinary alarm clock lights the
streets of the village of Leetonln,
Ohio. At the proper time the clock
snap? on me street ngnts and at t
later hour it turns them off.
A circular piece of metal soldered
on the alarm winding key acts as a
revolving drum and winds up a heavy
cord which, acting on a lever, trips
a weight. The falling of this weight
jerks a light rope which throws the
snitch for turning on the electric
Farmer Stubblefield was gathering
"Are you sure them things ain't
toadstools?" inquired Neighbor Jones.
"Wal. no, I ain't dead sure," was
the answer. "But It's all right. The
boarders won't know the difference.
"I believe." said the impatient man
as be put aside the telephone, "that
I'll go fishing."
"Didnt know you cared for fishing."
"I don t ordinarily. But If the
only chance I have of finding myself
at the end of a line that isn't busy
Washington Star.
Satisfaction f Mortgage.
A mortgage executed by Oliver
Dickenson, adm., to Farmers' Bank
of Weston, Nov, 19, 1914. is satisfied.
A mortgage executed by Win. J.
Mills to State Land Board. May 21,
THOU, for f 24Q0. Is satisfied.
Oliver Dickenson, adm., to Fann
ers' Bank of Weston, 11000, a tract
of land, title descriptive.
lvun Carr to Western Loan &
Bldg. Co., 11000. The W 1-1 of E
1-2 of lots 1 and 2. block 222, Reser
vation addition to Pendleton.
John T. Grlswold 10 John Orls
wold 1500, lots S and 10, block 2, in
tho city of Helix.
L. A. Chapman to Frank V. Chap
man, 1.00. The W 1-S of w 1-8 of
W 1-2 of sec. 29, and N 12 of N 1-2
of sec. 31, T. 2 S., II. SO E., Y. M.
wide distribution of the scientific In
formation it has collected at large ex
pense of time and money, and many
of the bulletins and circulars issued
by the government are now affecting
directly the everyday procedure ot
education. The Boys' and Girls' Club
work In the departent of agriculture
and the circular letter service of the
bureau of education Illustrate two
different types of the information
service of the federal government,!
loth of recent development. In the
two years ending June 30. 1914, the
bureau of education issued 112 num
bers of its bulletin, representing
about a million separate copies, and
covering nearly every phase of edu
cational endeavor for the direct use
of school officials.
"A host of other organizations
mak'ng no claim to a place in the
formal school system are nevertheless
doins active work of a directly ed
ucational nature. The Boy Scouts
the Girl Scouts, the Camp Fire Girls,
women's clubs, parent-teachers' as
sociations, musical societies, art ccn-j
ters; these are doing a work whose
educational Importance Is only be
ginning to be apprehended. The In
fluence of the fraternal organizations
Is directly educative. The whole vast
field of religious instruction In
Churches and Sunday schools repre
sents an educational problem that Is
seldom viewed as such because cf
tiie larger spiritual issues that are
felt to be Involved, and because ot
the traditional separation of church
and state In America. Chautauquns,
fanners' institutes, lecture courses,
tbe Grange, Young Men's Christian
Association and Young Women's
Christian Association, social settle
ments, summer camps, the periodical
and newspaper press these are as
trjly educational agencies as the
schools "
"The outcome of the present war
can only be a peace which by ex-'
pnndlng our frontiers east, west and
over seas, which protect us mllltar-1
l!y, politically and economically
against new attacks and compensate'
us lor the enormous sacrifices which
the German nation already has made
and is determined to continue until
a victorious conclusion." j
Complete confidence in Ernst-Bas-,
sormann, leader of the national liber-
al party, was expressed in the reso
lutions, which announced that the
party would stand solidly back of
any movement pursuing with unbend.!
Ing firmness the aims outlined in the
resolutions which were adopted with
only two dissenting votes. I
Astronomers hav discovered an
other big sun spot, but It doesn't act
as an umbrella for this sunbaked
In the meantime, bumper crops
means So much prosperity In thH
country we can afford to send some
out of It.
SB i.
h" n If 1
now on display at our garage
delivered to you
with full equipment
Phone or call for demonstration
Pendleton Auto Company
Phone 541
8 1 2 Johnson St,
FRANK L, McNEIL, Manager.
HOTEL RATES $11.00 and $12.00 Per Week
BERLIN, via London, Aug. 17.
Resolutions calling for the extension
of German frontiers as the result of
the war. were adopted by the execu
tive committee of the national liber
al party which met at the Reichstag.
The resolutions made the following
Makes regular trips between Pendleton
and Lehman Springs.
Leaves French Restaurant. Pendleton, :30 a. m.
every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, with round
trip on Sundays. 14.00 one way; 17.00 round
trip. Hauls passengers, mail and freight
See II. Stubblefield at French IlmtaaranC
m ss
: CMipBpMMMfl
fl, i1
"What ure you crying for, Willie?"
"I've got a toothache, and there
ain't no school to stay home from."
Ttw Way Out of It.
T.jinmy Tucks, after tucking away
three portions of glorious plum pud
din.i. passed his plate for the fourth.
I;ut Mr. Tuck said firmly:
"Nr. Tom. No more plum pudding
tonight, my boy. Dont you know
yon can't sleep on a full stomach?"
"Well,' whined Tommy, "can't 1
Meep on my back?'
The educational significance of
other than school agencies Is empha
siz d in a current survey of educa
tional progress just issued by the V.
S. bureau of education.
"Libraries, museums and art gal
leries are unlocking their treasures,
ami peeking to establish a very di
rect relation to organized school
wirk " declares W. Carson Ryan. Jr.,
editor of the bureau. Numerous oth
er agencies and organizations are do
Inir h work whose direct educational
Influence must In the aegrega'i- be
ttuit iniiiiLMiiiiiii ii iiiii milium iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiig
I Uliy is flic Fruit from I
! East End Grocery j
Always the choicest of the eason? Because this store is
h.'udquarters for practically all fruitmen. They not only
I m'11 us, but buy from us. Take the tip, and call
1 JOHN DYER Phone 536
country, whose steel consump
tion is much greater than in
Perhaps it does not want to
under the Anti- Trust Law as
now administered. Its most
powerful argument against the
j government dissolution suit has
been that its proportion of the
I whole industry is now less than
half, Where before it had been enormous. There are the 300 i-dti
calional associations, many of thm,
like the National F.diicntlnn Associa
tion and Its branches, doing d red
nurk in the professional educati'fi of
teachers and school superintendents;
rthera. I'ke the National Socleiv for
the Promotion of Industrial Educa
tion, carrying on a propaganda for
i 'location among the general public:
;nd still others, like the Public Kd-
ii -ot Win Assoclatkin of New York yid
Philadelphia. Investitrating city con
dition? and 'stimulating an Interest
In i-ducfitinn among the people of
the lofil communltv. Orgnnlzai !ons
tii .. rj....An Ua.ih :. !
the New York Bureau of MunWipal
Research, the rarnegie Foundaiion.
nnd tbe general education b.vrd,
have brought Into the work of 'dii"
oitWiri the welcome Influence of an
I'lip'-rn'iral, Hclentlf'e Judgment No
record of the year In educailon
would be complete that did not ot,y
trilni'e to tbe Work these orgs na
tion nnd others of the kind are do
ing. . i
"Colleges, universities and normal
schools are going fur beyond their j
o vr, walls In rarrvlng education to j
ti e local communities. Nearly blf j
the colleges in the I'nlted States did'
(!relon work last year. The fed
em I government Itself Is realizing, as
iiciei' before, the deenrablllty of a
Special Subscription Offer
Goth cb
for P
much more than half.
I Perhaps it cannot if it would.
;The boasted "economies" of
vast industrial combinations
have as a rule proved a delusi
!on and a snare. It is the smal
ler independent steel compa
nies which are now making;
most of the noise in the trade.
Eut there is every evidence
of business piling un enough to
tax the capacity of them all.
This in turn reflects an activity
affecting all lines of industry.
TIIK Pacific Homestead is recognized as the leading
farm paper of the Northwest. It is published in
the interest of the farmer who believes in up-todate
and modern fanning methods.
Lach issue contains valuable'information on dairying,
agriculture, horticulture, stock raising and articles on
poultry, kes, garden and the home. Edited by men who
are recognized as leaders in their particular lino.
No expense is barred in putting out a clean, newsy and
wholesome paper. It is printed on a fine quality of book
paper, illustrated with real cuts and photographs.
The fact that it goes into more than 18,000 homes in
the Northwest each week and is read from cover to cover
by every member of the family is the greatest argument
in its favor.
If you want to keep posted on all phases of the farming
business suWrilie to the Pacific Homestead. It will como
rcsnilarly enoh wk, 52 big issues a year with four special
editions, each one of which is worth the subscription price
The East Oregoni&n
TIIE Semi-Weekly East Oregonian is an eight page
paper with seven columns to the page, and is issued
on Tuesday and Friday of each week, making 104
issues in a year.
If you wish to keep just a little closer in touch with lo
cal happenings, or with what is transpiring in any part of
the country, be it city, county, stato or nation, you could
not choose a lietter and safer method than by obtaining
that information through tbe columns of the East Oregon
ian, the official county and home paper of Umatilla coun
ty, the paper that prints the nws th day it happens.
Also remember this offer includes our Home and Farm
Magazine section which apjicars in each Friday's issue
of the Semi-Weekly.
Send at once if you wish a newsy, reliable newspaper
and a leading farm journal, all for ?1.50.
Send all orders to the East Oregonian 's of
fice and order now as this offer is too good
to fast indefinately.
East Oregonian Pub. Co.
Pendleton, Oregon
5 Fill out this blank today and enclose with money order or
E cheek to the Eat Oregoninn, 5
Enclosed find $1.50 for which send me the Scini-Woekly
E East Oregonian for one year and a full year's subscription
to the Pacific Homestead, to this address: 5
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