EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1915. PAGE TIIFJ Wuxtry! All about the Jail and Win ter fashions, 1915-1916 models straight from the firing line. Bond Clothes S15 to $30 Teeming with style and correct to a hair. Just the garments YOU are looking for. Bond Bros. PmuUetoa'i Leadta Clothier KG LADIES III BE Gil IMP TO ifl-UP BY PAPER PHIZES TO BE GIVE uDUSTRIAL VORK AT PAIS AT VINCENT TIIK DALLES C II It O X 1 C f, E LUNCHES POITLAH si n SC'RIPTlO.V CONTEST. All Exene Will Ixi paid and Rest of Everything Will be Afforded the Lucky Ones to Win a Free Trip XnwHaMr Expect U Send Large Delegation to Khow. A bevy of young- ladies from The Dalle will lie present at tho 1915 hog J Buy Soda in Bottles BECAUSE IT IS MORE SAX. ITARY THAN THE SODA AT FOUNTAIN'S. We bottle, sell and deliver to any part of the city, the pureat sodas made from pure flavor! and filtered water. Try an order from the follow ing list of delicious beverages: CeJro-Kole CoU Queen Hires Root Beer Crape Smack Ginger Ale Tru-Frult Pineapple Soda of all FlaTora. OXLY 11.00 A CASE. Constating of two dozen bottiea, and delivered. dcvpi crm iwn mn rniflvm bkd by thc dozen knuhi. i v si Miiir wa,M vwiivniHb vkhii of OR BARRCLL P10 Telephone ITT. .jeer BOTTLIfiG VOBXS Paul Ucmroelgarn, Prop. US E. Court St APPROPRIATION OF IMM) HAS IlKEX RECEIVED FROM THE COUNTY. Srliool Superintendent Young Has l-repared l.lst of Awards Whieh Will He Made Roy and ;lrl Who tJet IllgtuM Points Will be Sent to the State Fair at Salem, j Having received an appropriation of 1500 from the county fair fund, Coun ty Superintendent I. E. Timni h. uouna-up as guests or The Dalles prepared a llHt of the prizes which uany i nronicie. that paper has an- will be offered for the exhibits of In nounced a plan to give free trips to dustrlal work at the Vincent fair, Sept renaieion wnn ail expenses, includ- lo and 11, - A similar list will be pre Ing transportation, hotel accommo- pared for the school fair to be held In aatlons and grandstand seats, paid to connection with the Hermiston every young lady who brings In and dalrv show twelve new subscription to the paper.) The boy and girl who are declared The number who may thus win an the highest point winners In any two easy opportunity of seeing Pendleton's club projects at each of the exhibits big wild west show Is without limi- i will be given a trip to the state fair tation and, Inasmuch as the work re- school camp at Salem with all expens- quireu is very small, the paper ex-;es paid. PC-is iu srau a lurge delegation to put me following are the rules and The Dalles and the Chronicle on the prizes for the Industrial school exhibit map at the Kound-up. at the Vincent fair: Rules and prizes for articles to be ELECTRICITY TnE FUN MAKER, exhibited at the Annual East End Nearly all the fun making devices ralr- by P"!"8 ln tne Pub"c schools at our nubile narka and nlaces of i mamia county recreation and amusement depend Entries to close at noon on the first unon eleotrlcltv for their aureMurul dav ot tn tJr. oneratlon. Electricity clays the! Each boy or girl must do all of the t ranks, makes the surprises, drives work preparing the article exhib the various merry-go-rounds, hoot- lted- thc-s hoots. Incline railways, etc.. and ' nR P"" or someone else may i ,mninv,i for All th nnei-tftciilur.il. ln8trU(it the child how to do the work. lumlnatlon so necessary for the night-' but ,ne cn"d must be tne one who ly kuccess of these parka. a,,n r.acn exmmtor must sign One of the greatest amusement places In the world Is to be found at the Panama-Pacific exposition In San certifi cate that the article exhibited is the product of his or her own work, ex- Francisco and without electricity It. r , " nnc ueni ivicjiaieu uy some one else. Is doubtful If It could be operated at all. The streets and avenues of the Amusement Zone, or simply "The Zone" as It Is popularly called, are lighted by Mazda lamps, as are also the Interiors of the various buildings. The electric motor la used on every hand. It does the heavy work of liansporiawoii on actum; immojo u j trove miles or gorgeous scenery rap- Idly before admiring audiences. It drives the mechanical burros down the "Grand Canyon" trail, pumps the water for the cascades In "Creation," moves countless dummies and targets and whirls the people around in the Bowls of Joy." Electricity also does the work In the candy kitchens and refreshment palaces all along the Zone. Every man becomes a general In Mexico, ready to start a new little revolution, when he has the misfor tune to stumble over an old sword. ID? 17 ACH day the receiving rooms of the stores grow busier and counter and shelves grow brighter. The seasonal tide has turned the new goods are coming in. . Fall business is in sight. The advanced fashions are getting ready to disclose themselves. It is a period of interest to every woman and every man too for that matter. And day by day the adverti sing in The East Oregonian be comes more "ndwsy" and by the same token more interesting reading. Club members who have not yet sent their note books to the Oregon Agricultural College for examination and grading, should do so at once, so that the books may be in the hands of 'the county superintendent on or be 1 fore the opening date of the fair. State Fair School Camp. To one boy and one girl who each scores the greatest number of points ln any two club projects, will be given a trip to the state fair school camp, all expenses paid. In grading the work, exhibit will count "a per cent and note books 25 per cent A cash prize of $5 will be given to the boy and the girl winning second place In this contest. All contests are open to those boys and girls actually attending the pub lic schools. The trip to the stae fair school camp is offered only to regu larly enrolled club members who ex hibit at this fair. Prizes will be awarded as follows: Prem. 1000 Best loaf of bread, first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1001 Best cake, first tl.00 second, 50c. Prem. 1002 Best assortment of cookies (not less than ) first, $1.00; second, 60c. Prem. 1003 Best canned fruit (qt Jars, three varieties) first, $1.00: sec ond, 50c. Prem. 1004 Best canned vegetables (quart Jars, three varieties) first, 1.00: second, 5nc Prem. 1005 Best preserves and Jel lies (three varieties) first, $1.00; sec ond, 50c. Prem. 1006 Best general display of domestic work, first, $2.00; second. $1. Domestic Art. Prem. 1007 Best machine-made dress, first. $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1008 Best hand-made ap- S3 VI 5 POINT'S FOR STOMACH AXD LIVER SUF FERS. Don't take medicine for your stom ach ailments morning, noon and night, as usually such medicines only give temporary relief and simply di gest the food that happens to be In the stomach. Don't permit a surgical nnsmtlnn There la always serious danger n operations and In many cases of stomach, liver and intestinal ailments the knife can be avoided if the right remedy is taken In time. Don't go around with a foul smell ing breath caused by a disordered stou.ach and liver, to the discomfort of those you come In contact with. If you are a stomach sufferer, don't think you can not be helped: probab ly worse, cases than yours have been permanently restored by Mayr's Won derful Remedy. Moat stomach ailments are mainly caused by a catarrhal condition. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy not only removes the catarrhal mucus, but al lays the chronic Inflammation and assists In rendering the entire alt mentary and intestinau tract antlsep tic and this Is the secret ot its mar velous success. Don t suffer constant pain and agony and allow your stomach all ments to physically undermine your health. No matter how severe your case may be or how long you have suffered one dose of Mayr's Won derful Remedy should convince you that you can be restored to health again. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has been taken and la highly recom mended by members of congress, Jus tice of the supreme court, educators, lawyers, merchants, bankers, doctors, druggists, nurses, manufacturers, priests, ministers, farmers and peo ple In all walks of life. Send for FREES valuable booklet on Stomach Ailments to Geo. H. Mayr, 154-15$ Whiting St, Chicago, 111. Mayr's Wonderful Remedy Is sold by lending druggists everywhere wltn the positive understanding that your money will be refunded without ques tion or quibble If ONE bottle falls to give you absolute satisfaction. I ron, first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1009 Best darning (three pieces) first, $1.00; second, 50c. Premium 1010 Best handmade handkerchief, first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1011 Best bureau scarf, first. $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1012 Best sofa pillow, first. $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1013 Best Mending (three pieces) first. $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1014 Best display of cro chet or tatting, first, $1.00; second 50c. .Manual Art. Prem. 1015 Best book case, first. $2.00; second, $1.00. Prem. 101 Best library table, first, $2.00: second. $1.00. Prem. 1017 Best display of wood work, first, $3.00; second, $2.00. Poultry. Prem. 1018 Best trio ducks, first. $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1019 Best barred Plymouth Rocks (trio) first $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1020 Best White Plymouth P.ocl:z ftrlo) first $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1021 Best Buff Plymouth Rocks (trio) first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1022 Best White Wyandot te (trio) first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1023 Best White Orpingtons trio) first $1.00; second; 50c. Prem. 1024 Best Buff Orpingtons (trio) first, $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1025 Best P.hode Island I'.eds (trio) first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1026 Best White Leghorns (trio) first. $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1027 Best Brown Leghorns (trio) first $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1028 Best Miscellaneous (trio) first $1.00; second. 50c. Pig Feeding. Prem. 1029 Best Poland China Pig (under five months) first, $3.00; sec ond. $1.50. (Note book should be submitted). Prem. 1030 Best Berkshire Pig, first. '$3.00; second. $1.50. Prem. 1031 Best Duroc-Jersev Pig. first, $3.00; second. $1.50. Prem. 1032 Best Pig (any breed other than those mentioned above) first. $3.00; second. $1.50. Prem. 1033 Best Sow and Pigs (registered) .first, $5.00; second, $2.50. Prem. 1034 Best Sow and Pigs. (grade) first, $5.00; second, $2.50. Sleep. Prem. 1049 Best Fine Wooled Sheep (American Merino, Lelaine Me rino, Ramboulllets) first. $2.00; sec ond. $1.00. Prem. 1050 Best Medium Wooled Sheep (Southdown, Shropshire. Horn ed Dorset) first, $2.00; second. $1.00. Prem. 1051 Best Long Wooled Sheep (Leicester, Lincoln, Cotswold) first, $2.00; second, $1.00. Dairy Herd Record Keeping. Prem. 1035 Best Dairy Record during fair from cow under three years (four milkings) first $3.00; sec ond. $1.50. Prem. 1036 Best Dairy Record during fair from cow over three years (four milkings) first. $3.00; sec ond. $1.50. Agriculture. Prem. 1037 Best display of vege tables, first, $5.00: second. $2.50. Prem. 1038 Best ten ears of field corn, first $2.00; second, $1.00. Prem. 1039 Best ten ears of sweet corn, first, $2.00 second, $1.00. Prem. 1040 Best ten ears of pop corn, first $2.00; second, $1.00. Prem. 1041 Best field corn (six stalks with ears) first $2.00; second. $1.00. Prem. 1042 Best watermelon, first, $1.00; second, 60c. Prem. 1042 Best squash, first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1043 Best potatoes (not less than 50 pounds) first $2.00; second,! $1.00. Prem. 1044 Best tomatoes (ten) first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1045 Best table beets (ten) first. $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1046 Best carrots (ten) first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1047 Best onions (ten) first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1048 Best cabbage (five) first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 104Sa Best collection of ve getables grown in any school district, first, $10.00; second, $5.00. Honey. Prem. 1052 Best comb honey (5 lbs.) first, $1.00: second, 50c. Flowers. Prem. 1053 Best assortment of roses, first, $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1054 Best assortment of as ters, first, $1.00; second. 50c. Prem. 1055 Best assortment of Sweet peas, first $1; second 60c. Prem. 1056 Best assortment of dahlias, first $1.00; second, 50c. Prem. 1057 Best assortment of flowers (all kinds) first, $2.00; sec ond. $1.00. Prem. 105S Best collective exhibit by any school, first $10.00; second. $5.00. Exhibit "104Sa" cannot be user as a part of "1058." For entry blanks apply to R. E. Bean, secretary, Freewater, to Klye McDaniel. Freewater, or to the county superintendent's office. FIRST SHOWING OF MEN'S FALL SUITS ; II; 0m I I XV II Ml fPUN With Extra Panta FREE. Oregon Caiaimere Pure Wool. These suits are made from the famous Oregon Cassimere, guaranteed to be absolutely all wool, fast color and un equalled for service. Garments are Carefully Tailored Have good linings and are made in a variety of model. We Can Fit You. Priced .00 SUIT With Two Pair Pants. Popular Cash Store Better Goods for Lest Money. (Former Wohlenberg Dept. Store Location.) afl f"S!il "conditions are different in China and America, and It is impossible to transplant a system from one country to another." China Republic Since 1912. China became a republic on Febru ary 12, 1912. upon the abdication of the Emperor Kuang Su. following the revolution of the previous year. A provisional constitutional formulated by the revolutionary government of Nanking was accomplished and under this a provisional parliament met in Pekin on April 8. 1913. A permanent constitution was drafted and the articles dealing with the election and term of office of president and vice-president were passed by parliament. Under these. Yuan Shi Kal on October ( was elect ed president for a five-year term. Ffcre at Americans. WASHINGTON, Aug. II Thirty Mexicans fired a volley at four Am ericans south of Mercedes at dusk Sunday, the war deparement was ad vised. There were no casualties. The Mexicans were driven off. A boy becomes a "man" at that psychological moment when he ceases to make a figure as a fireman or a chauffeur, and begins to dream of making a fortune by pressing a but ton at the side of his desk. YUAN SHI KAI WOULD BE CHINA'S EMPEROR PEKIN, Aug. 17. The project of proclaiming himself Emperor is being discussed by Yuan Shi Kal, president of the Chinese republic, with his Im mediate supporters and Professor Frank Johnson Goodnow, of Johns Hopkins University, legal adviser to the Chinese government, who Is spend ing the summer in Pekin. Professor Goodnow, who secured the confidence of Yuan Shi Kal by advice given during former critical times, has been consulted on this question since his arrival here a month ago. and it Is learned that he ap proves the project. Publication Is Deliberate. The news became public by the de. liberate publication In this morning's newspapers of accounts of the forma tion by several prominent men of an association for the purpose of dis cussing whether a monarchy Is not the better form of government for China. The published article telling of the formation of the society quotes Pro fessor Goodnow as declaring that for China a monarchy is a better form of government than a republic and that Make it Easier For Baby in Summer MANY OF THE HOT WEATHER TROUBLES CAN EASILY BE AVOIDED. If the mother will see to it that the bowels are kept regular, much of the illness to which children are ,most susceptible during hot weather can be prevented. A mild laxative, administered at regular intervals, will prove an excel lent preventive of summer complaints that are caused by inactive bowels. The combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, sold in drug stores under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, Is excellent for chil dren, being pleasant to the taste, gen tle yet positive in action, and free , K . . - , . , . . ., In every home a bottle of Dr. Cald from opiate or narcotic drug of any description. It acts naturally, with- weI1' Syrup Pepsin should be on out griping or other discomfort, and hand, ready for use when occasion is altogether dependable. requires, n costs only fifty cents a The cleansing of the bowels wilt bottle and is sold in drug stores every most effectively check an attack of where. A free trial bottle can be ob diarrhoea by expelling the foreign tained by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald matter and poisons that irritate and well, 453 Washington St., Uontlcello, Inflame the tissues. IU. ROUND-UP DATES. The 1915 Round-up will be held on Sept 23, 24, 25. gleel fie Fan for your office or home 9i (i!) (H $3.00 down $3.00 a month Manufactured for and for sale by the Pacific Power & Light Company Easy payments make them easy to own.