DAILY atlL'C EClTiOll DA1LYVEI!C;S EOITI0:i ForeeaM fur la-ilcm !retron by Hi tnlted stairs West tier Ubarrrrr at Portland. TO ADVERTISERS, The Rait Oronlan ban thf largrat paid clmilatliin of any (mwr In Oieicon, pjut of i'ortiwn.l, aid over twlr th circulation In I'eudlelon 01 tujr other oewapaper. Fair tonight snd Wednesday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER -4 v- DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGT' i5. VOL. 27 NO. 857G GALVESTON HALL SAVES THE CITY FROM ANGRY SEA Gulf Storm Rages With Fury But Danger is Over and Water in Streets Beginning to Recede. I FIVE PERSONS LOSE LIVES Two Fin Reported In tlie City Transport Is Damaged by Being Hipped from Her MoorlngH Tlie Damage In Galveston Is Estimated at Million Dollars Wind Terrific NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 17. Oalve. Urn I safo. nie water In tlio streets Is receding. The city was avcd from the terrific gulf storm, by tlie new sea wall, a wireless nieMKagc said, it Is estimated a million dollars Onmage was done. Fire persons per. Ilicd, according to early estimates, Two fires are raging lu Uie city, tlie wlrcle-i mwwago mid. Tim transport . McCkltan was relortod damaged by bclnc ripped from lior mooring. BROWNSVILLE. Tex Auk. 17 Tlie army wireless station here received a report from the transport Buford at Gal visum lat night that the water had risen 10 feet and that several vessels had turned over In the har bor there. The government wireless station here after trying without success to raise Galveston or Texas City, receiv ed the following report by wireless from Fort Sam Houston at San An tonio: "Fort Sam Houston reports it has been calling Galveston since 8 o'clock In vain Texas City reported at i p. m. that ha expected his mast to bio down at anytime. He also reported hs had word that water was going oret tire causeway at I p. m." ,, T GALVESTON, Tex., Aug. 17. The tropical storm which struck Galves ton yesterday, while severe, had caused no serious damage anl no loss of life at 8 o'clock last night. The Galveston sea wall, built as a precaution against such hurricanes, had withstood the fury of the storm and showed no signs of weakening. The storm struck the city late In the forenoon with a velocity of 34 miles an hour. At noon It had in craved to 80 miles an hour, and dur ing the late afternoon fluctuated to 0 and 70 miles an hour, blowing In a northeasterly direction. Wind Blows 90 Mile an Hour. At 8 o'clock last night the highest (Continued on psgs five.) Chester Fee Home After Winning Honors Young Athlete Goes to Having won the distinction of be-' ing the third best all-around athlete in the United States, Chester A. Fee, son of Judge and Mrs. James A. Fee, arrived home this morning from San Francisco where he participated In the far western, senior and Junior national amateur athletic games and in the decathlon. It was In the decathlon, which Is n ten-event contest, that young Fee won his greatest honors.. He won three of the first ten places, more than any of the other contestants, taking the pole vault. Javelin throw and high hurdles. The decathlon was held on two days, five events each day. On the first day the contestants were requir ed to enter the high Jump, 100 meter dash, 400 meter dash, shot put and broad Jump. On the second day ths events were the pole vault, 1500 me ter run. high hurdles, Javelin and discus throw. At the end of the first day, Fee was In sixth place, but, by winning more points than any other man on the second day, finished In third place, only a few points behind Rlchnrds of Illinois and Brundage. of New York. Fee's records In the decathlon were n follows: High Jump, 5 feet K Inches; 100 meter (110 yards) dash, 12 1-46 seconds; 400 meter dash, 63 2-6 seconds; shotput, 36 feet; broad Jump, 20 feet 4 Inches; polevanlt, 12 feet; 1600 meter run. R minutes, 30 1-6 seconds; Javelin thiow. 168 feet 8 Inches; discus throw, 98 feet, 10 Inches. The Olympic records were taken as a basis for scoring. If a man equal led or surpassed all ten of the Olym pic records, he would have made a retire of 10,000 points. Fee finished with 8442.71 points. Fee states that the cameras show ed him finishing second In his heat of the 100 meter dash by several yards but that by some mistake the ludges -caught him as third man. In the shot put his second put was 40 feet but the Judges called a foul without any Pope Seeking Peace '7 I7'T N?( HI I LONDON. Auff. 17t, i. here on what is declared to be high authority on matters pertaining to the Vatican, that Germanv I. m.irln. overtures to obtain the mediation of ine pope ror the discussion of peaco on Hit basis of the restitution of Bel glum, rioth Germany and Austria manifest great unwillingness, i: is aid, to fuce another winter cam paign. MEXICAN BANDITS MAKE -ATTACK ON U, S. TROOPS BROWNSVILLE, Aug. 17. A body of soldiers and newspapermen were attacked today, being fired upon by Mexican bandits near Mercedes, where Corporal Williams was killed and two troopers wounded last night, but they took refuge In the underbrush along the river. None was hurt. A close guard is being kept along this section f the border to prevent the Mexicans crossing the river again. . The kings call on God to deliver them, but the people are doing the fighting. His Father's Ranch explanation. They also called a foul on his second throw In the discus when he put the Grecian disc out 120 feet. But for these two misfor tunes, he would have been within a few points of first. Fee won the Javelin throw in the far-western meet with a throw ot over 172 feet and took second In the ChOU Fee. senior and Junior national meets. Ho was permitted to use his own Javlln In the far-western but was required to use a Spauldlng Javelin In the o'her meets. Fee will leave at once for his father's ranch near Uklah where he will spend the balance of the sum mer. He will return in the fall to the University of Oregon where he will captain the track team next ceason . Li" J i. - ' ' fl i I ' y. - : ft ' , I : i f . . " " i nni.-M.lii.ii..-iu.1 AMERICA AGREES TO ACCEPT PLAII REGARDING FRYE Germany and United States Will Each Designate an Expert to De termine the Cost of the Loss. LEGAL POINT DOESN'T ENTER Ac-ci-ptam-e of ITopoeal Made by Berlin Will Not Preludioe die Con tention of Tills Country Tlmt tlie Destruction of Uie Vewwl Was Not Jui-rlflablo Act. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 The tnited States has agreed to Ger many's acceptance of the proposals that each country designate an ex pert to fix the amount of Indemnity to be paid for the sinking of the Frye but with the understanding it will not prejudice the contention that the destruction of the ship was not le gally Justified. The administration's reply to Germany's note will be pub itshed by the state department. Ger many' proposal that the controversy us to the Prussian-American treaty involved in the Frye-case be submit ted to The Hague board of arbitra tion, was agreed to. Acceptance of payment for destruc tlon of the Frye will not effect the contention of either the United Jtatea or Germany as to the interpretation of this treaty. Germany claims the sinking of American ships carrying! contraband Is Justified under the Prussian-American treaty of 1828. The administration maintains the sinking of the Frye was a direct vi olation of the treaty. Kovno Forts Are Stormed by Germans VIENNA, Aug. 17. General Von Elchhorn's German forces have storm ed the forts defending the Russian stronghold of Kovno, it was officially announced. Three of the northwest forts at Novo Georgiewsk also have been stormed. LONDON, Aug. 17 The Germans are preparing to land troops in Fin land, according to a Stockholm dis patch. LONDON, Aug. 17. Giving way before the onward thrusts of the army of Von Hlndenburg. the Russians are evacuating Blelostok on the Warsaw Petrograd railway. 15 miles east of Lomsta. Petrograd dispatches declar ed the factories at Bielostok have been dismantled and moved further Into the interior of Russia. The greater part of the civilians have fled. Passengers Are Buried Under Wreck Hl'NTIN'GTON, W. Va., Aug. 17.--Fcur were killed and many Injured and over 100 were Imprisoned In a tunnel of the Chesapeake and Ohio railroad when an express train was derailed. The train demolished the supporting arches when It left the track, causing a cave V- Workmen are digging in the tuniiel to extri cate the Imprisoned passengers. $1.01 (Now Asked For T'ortland Club I'UIC'K r 3 BID TODAY IN PORT. LAND; MVKKPOOL MARKET IS $1.71 I'KH BI SUEU PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 17. (Special) Portland wheat of ferngs today have shown bid prices as follows: club 93 with $1.01 asked; bluestem 81.01 bid with 8 106 asked. ClUcago. CHICAGO, Aug., 17. (Speci al) At the close of the mar ket today the following quota tions obtained: Sept. 31.05 8-4 bid; Dec. 81.05 7-8 bid; May 11.10 3-8 asked. Liverpool. Liverpool quotations are as follows: Wheat Spot, No. 2 Manitoba, lis 9d; No, 8. lis 7d; No. 1 northern Duluth, lis 7d. In American terms the Liver pool quotation for spot No. 2 Is 81.71 per bushel. 4 The Situation in Poland The situation in Poland according! to the latest dispatches Is as fol ic ws: Russian warships successfully beat off a German naval attack at the en trance to the Gulf of Riga (1) al though Berlin reports that the Rus sian torpedo boats did no damage to the German vessels. The Germans report having re rulsed strong Russian attacks on tbe Riga-Mitau road. (2). Attacks being made by the Rus sians from. Kovno, (3) TRANSPORT WITH BRITISH TROOPS SUNK; 1000 LOST LONDON, Aug. 17. The British transport Royal Edward, formerly of tbe Canadian Northern, was sunk by a German submarine In the Aegean sea Saturday, the admiralty announc ed. A thousand troops are believed to have been lost. Man Refuses to Leave Auto After Being Given a Ride It is considered proper road cour tesy for a man. driving an empty auto to give a lift to a pedestrian which he overtakes. But w hat would you do j if. after Eivinir s:ild lift nnd hauilnffl the hiker to town, he refused to leave your car? This was the Mtuation which con fronted R. E. Haynes of North Pow der when he arrived In Pendleton this morning. He tried all of the expedi ents he knew short of physical force and finally had to appeal to the po lice for aid. The aid proved effective Haynes was driving in to Pendleton this morning and noted a dusty pedes trian, weary with walking, plodding! along the country roads. He stopped and invited the man to ride. The man got up to the seat beside the driver and the latter noted that his passenKer was somewhat the worse for linuor. He drove him to town and to the garage. Mr. Haynes got out of his car but his companion did not move. It was explained that the car would go no farther but still the man moved not. He was politely re quested to descend but the Inebriate one liked the comfort of the seat. Persuasion, protestations and com mands had equal effect upon him. Finally the owner of the car walked to the police station and explained his prdeicament. "Drive the car over to the station and I'll help the man out." said Chief Carney. Haynes returned to the garage, cranked his car and drove It to police . .'1 The Germans era ulniin. ward from Lomaa. 4 toward thi jvur-iMarew line-. -Th6 railway iunctinn - - - -vj tuono vi ostrow (5) has been captured by the Germans. The army of Prince Leopold of Bavaria, nursuim. h - e ICUDUIH, Kussians, has reached the region of a.uiuszyn, while General von Woy rach stormed positions west of Luk ow (6). Field Marshal von Mackensen Is- at tacking the Ruaalans near Parcaew and Ostrow (7K An official statement said: "Six hundred are known to have been saved. The vessel was carrying 1350 soldiers, 32 officers and 21 crew. The Edward was a steel vessel of more than 11.000 tons. headquarters. The chief, with a yank and a pull, accomplished what the other man's words could not. The bibulous passenger descended from th car with more haste than grace and now reposes where his rest is undi turbed. Wheat Market Is Down. The wheat market has been down for several days, buyers quoting only S. and SS for club wheat. There isi nothing offering at these prtcs and quiet prevails NEWS SUMMARY General. British transport Is sunk and 100O troon refilled lost. America acres to Germany's plan of .payment In loaa of Uie steamship Fry. Mob drags li Frank from prison and lynches htm, Galveston is vcd from the hjr new wall. Local. Body of drtmnea man b reentered. t'liet Fee returns from athletic meets with new honors. Ioiik Tom lo be Immortalised In poetry. VHu Hsu for m-ho industrial ex hiMts at Vincent fair are announced. Doer hunters have poor luck. MOB DRAGS FRANK FROM PRISON CELL AND LYNCHES HIM Guards Make No Attempt at Rescue Man Convicted of Murdering Mary Phagan is Taken Out by Party of 20 and Hanged to Tree No Clue Obtained to Those Who Took Part in Midnight Tragedy Mob Ap pears at Prison in Automobiles and Soon Has Warden Overpowered. MARIETTA, Georgia, Aug. 17,-The body of Leo Frank waa found hanging from a tree two miles east of Marietta, lynched by an automobile party of kidnapers who appeared at the state prison at Milledgeville last night, overpowered Warden Smith, Superintendent Burke and the from the dormitory by the, heels. The body was a ghastly sight. The scene of the hanging wa a short distance from the birthplace of Mary Phagan, whom Frank was convicted of murdering. Frank's wrists were hand cuffed in front of his body. The rope, noosed about his neck, had opened the wound inflicted by Convict Green who attempt ed to cut Frank's throat "recently. Blood had streamed from the wound down upon his prison suit. His hair was disheveled, his clothing torn and he was barefooted. No clues to the identity of the lynchers has been obtained thus far. Of all the armed guards at the prison farm, none raised a hand to protect Frank from the kidnapers when they appeared in automobiles and overpowered the officials and dragged oat the prisoner. Of Frank's last hours, none except the lynchers know. No shots were fired into the body as the corpse was not marked by bullet wounds. The fusillades fired by the lynchers evidently were intended to frighten off pursuing posses. M UXEDGE VILL.FT. Inr. TT TTnw half a dozen men rushed Into Leo Franks room and dragged him by the legs and hair, bumping down the taJr of the prison was tofd by J. M. Burke, superintendent of the state farm from which Frank was takes and Iynchetf "I was caUed to the or ef my residence Jast mm I wag preparing to retire," said Burke, "r was imlni the threshold when two men grabbed me and snapped handcufXs- on my wrists. Four armed men stood guard over me. I remonstrated. Thev said there was a" use for me- to squirm, as they had come for Ftasi and wera going to get him. With that I was marcned to- the penitentiary building. The uard aver me wn tinuhlnii n route. The kidnapers demanded thai ttio gate be- evened. Whe the truafv pn duty h-wHated. they ut all the wires and threatened him. with death. The trusty ecened the Rite. Nieht guard Hester then came nn n,l aJ covered witft revolvers and ordered to. put his haads uo. Half nr -in the stairs half a dozen men rushed by and dash 1 into Franks room. Tta ethers st-wd guard ovf Hester and me. Prisoners who v.rtnessed th taking of Frank said four men setzurt him by tfy arms and k-ss and a fifth by the hair. They dragged him oat of his room, then bumped him down the stairs. He was tarown into an automobile and the kidnapers speed ed awaf.' ATUm TI RNs E HORROR FROM STEM? OF FRANK LYNCHING ATLANTA, Aug. 17 Withi the horrible picture of Frank dngling from a rope's end. clad only in a Moodsmeared. coarse prison night drees, with manacled hands, and the theught of Fra-nk's . widow, grief stricken and horrified, Atlanta turn ed in revulsiom from the horrible work of the mob of 20 who lynched him. Even these who were bitter In their denunciation of Slaton for corn muting Fran, cried for venseanfe against the men who hanped the not ed prisoner. Criticism of the Mili edgevllle prison officials was particu larly bittl. They permitted Frank to be carried away without resistance. The body hung for hours, sw.iylng in tlie breeze, before it was cut down. The sheriff could not be found. The coronr said he hid no authority to take charse of the re mains. MORBID ONES HASTEN TO SCENE WHERE THE BODY HANGS FROM TUFF, MARIETTA. Aug. 17. As soon as it became known that Frank had' been lynched, hundreds of automo biles containing the morbidly custom hurried to the scene. By n o'clock It was estimated S000 people had gathered about the tree. The body whs not cut down until after a num ber cf speeches were made. One man urxed mutilation of the body. Judge Morris urged that order be ob served. The crowd then voted against mutilation. The body wis placed in a wagon to be taken to Marietta for an inquest, but Judr Morris, fearing the threats of mutil ation, transferred it to his automo- guards and then dragged Frank bile and sped to Atlanta, two nun) dred automobiles pursuing. Widow Swoon at News. MlLLEDGEVTLLE. Aar 11 -Ac- 1 com panted by a nhvsiclan SI A at nilPtta the widow of Frank left here at 11 o'clock for Atlanta where her unci Jives. Although she knew her hus bsnd had been kidnaped from the state prison farm during the night, she was not told he was lynched un til Just before boarding the train. She swooned. She was hurried on to the train by the physician bot she bore up better than was expected. - I Troubles Ended. Says Mother. NEW YORK, Aug. 17. "Thar.Ic God he's dead. He's through with his troubles.- cried Mrs. Rudolph Fiank. the mother of Leo. "If my boy lived, his life would have been one of continued torture, and he might have been kitled in a worse way." Cowardly Atuu-k Says Slaton SAX FRANCISCO. A tie. 17. "Mv horror Is inexpressible. There's no language at my command which can convey- my sentiments over this out rage.'' declared former Governor SUi ton of Georgia, the rommuter of Franks death sentence to life im prisonment. "Tfc abduction of Frank was a cowardly attack on civilization,'" said Slaton. "I know the people ot Georgia well enoueh to sav the entire state will reeent the outrage and that nothing; wilf be undone to pun ish the malMctors who diseraee.1 the coiamonweafth.' Body at Atlanta. ATLANTA. Aug. 17. Franks bod was brought here this aftercoon but s whereabouts is being kept aeeret. BOOT OF CLYDE MILLER IS RECOVERED AFTER ACCIDENT The body of Clyde Miller, the f irm laborer who drowned mar Barnhare Sunday afternoon, was reroverr.l yes terday afternoon about 2 o'clock. mcasage tellinir of tlie finding of tha body was received by Coroner Brown Just as he was about to start wlttt Jimmy Fulton, the prof.-aslon.il dl'.i-r. for the scene. Tho body was bro'ii-lit to Fendletiin about 7 la.-t evenln nn-i is now at the Brown undertak.ng parlors. With the aid of grab h-mk. thu hody was picked up in th centec of the !are pool made by the river Just below Barnhart. It wan In M f-t of water and only a short distawo from where he sank No word has been received yet from the relatives of the young man. II is supposed to have relative in Spangle. Wash., and also In Water vllle. Wash. Messages have been s.-tit to both places. Little Is knnwa of the deceased here. He had l-u w.-irklng for Guy Wyrb k only a before his drowning. Germany, too, has .-t a cUte f r the "beglnnlnn" of the war They re getting together on tht line, ny way.