EIGHT FACES DAILY EAST PRECOX! AK, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 11, 1915. FAGw FIVE 'Ji!l!illlllll!;!!l!l!llll!!l!!ll!i:il!lIilll!Illl!ll!lll!l!iillllll!!l!!;ilil!i::iil!ll!i:iili;ii;i!;!V- I GigonfiG Unloading 8n!o 1 I THE HUB I 0r KRE K OVKft MACHINISTS' STRIKE i li ivil ii L? O the brand that is your constant assurance of receiving Purity High Standard Home Production MEATS IIAL.S BACON LARD &nd our unexcelled JELLIED GOLD TGI.BUE You can pay more but you cannot Ret more. You may pay the same and send jour money .-way from home, HUT Wt make your money make yoa money whet you patronbx? home Industry and buy PEMECO proi'iets. SERVICE QUALITY T he Central Market PHONE LOCALS (& Advertising in Brief KATKH. I'er line flint Inwruon 10e Per Hue, additional iDsertlon. . . . tx I'rr Hue, per auuih fl.oo No Uicalit taken fer'lesi thao liiie. fount t ordinary worfM to line. Lorsts will not ke Ukro over the pbooe and remltfe-ore must serosa patiy order. For fuel ton flv. For rent FurnlHhed five room cot tnge. Enquire 50J Water street. 'ant to rent or buy UBed electrle vibrator. Address Box 705, City. Separator mun wants position; good reputation. J A. Polley, Adams, Or. For sale Five acre tract with good houae In Riverside. Address Box li 11. F. D. 1, City. John Rosenberg, Court street watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guaranteed. Wanted Competent housekeeper for family of two. No children. Ref erences. Cull 35 Cosble. Very many people desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Old papers for sale; tie,! In bundles Good for starting fires, etc. 10 tiiindlo. This office. WantedTo rent, modern 4 to room well furnished house by respon sible permuncBt tenant. Inquire B this office. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff shows the speed. Penland Pros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 647 Main street. Phone 839. For sale One 36" Ohio Alfalfa cutter, and 28 II P. gas engine. Write cr Inquire of P. H Htanflcld, Oregon. lluchholz Co., For sale cheap Five room house on Jackson street, corner lot. Easy ' terms. Phone 2, or call room I over. Taylor Hardware Co, j Why pay 1126 an acre for wheat land when I can sell you land as good from $26 to J0 an acre. Write M. Fltiminiric Condon. Oregon k lialr dressing and dyeing, maul' -l....nAnl.,n .lnntirii, JkllW. . . . T ' captaincy in the First Volunteer Bat trie fac a massage and scalp treat- ,.,, n.i rnmhlnw'twy n-Rlmoiit to Join the medlca ment, ladles or gentlemen. Combings made to any design. Hair and orna ments at reasonable prices. Miss Hart, at Hansen Millinery. flood Cool and Wood. Our Rock BprlnKi coal burnt clean giving you more heat and less dirt for your money. Good dry wood1 V. . A .. . V. 1 1 .,,. hi Alan' , . j,, ' , ..i.i siaut ana Kinuung. i-roiecv yuuiomi. from cold and cost order from B L. Burroughs, phone 5. Adv. Kdlrs A..U, Repair Shop. All work guaranteed. Electric starters a specialty. Second hand Cottonwood cars bought and sold, street, opposite city hall. Phone 633 House for sale. Two Hero tract, 7-room liniuu. r,nrim bnrn and modern chicken house. Matlock and W. Bluff. Terms Phone ,10SJ. Adv. IMr Sale. On account of leaving the city. I wish to sell my modern home, Jane street. Reasonable terms. Ofi will rent to right party. Call all house or E. (Adv.) office. SCOTT BUTLER. Por Sale. I My home place on McKay creek of. 320 acres, 160 In summer fallow, 100 In stubble and 20 In alfalfa. Will sell stock and equipment with place, If deelred. Write or see Chnrles Man tling, Pilot Rock, Ore. Adv. For Snle Cheap. One Buffalo Pitts 25 II. P. traction engine In good condition. Inquire Tan Petten Lumber Co. Adv. For Sale, 160 acres of good farm land in flllllam county. A snap if taken at, ence Address Lock Box 32, Echo. Oregon. Adv. SANITATION 45S TO RESCUE PARENTS. HE HAS WARRANTS ISSUED RARKIt, Ore., Ana;. 1 1.- To Teacae I his fit her and mother, .Mr. and Mra. Albeit llernisen. who are Maid to !e detained on government land by lleorfie l.miK, a rancher at Mill f'rwli, 14 miles northwvMt of here, Wtlbam Herxiaen Was forced to ask for the arf rem of hi parents, charxinv then, w ith ttVKnaaa, Constable Claude Howman left fur Mill Creek to briau the oldorly Ieiple home. According to the story told, F. I Hiibbiird, Justice of the peace, the llermaens when startla or, their cairiping trip lust week received per mission from Uing to woks his land. Yesterday when (hey wished to re turn. ling ia reported tn have refused to let them cross again, and they had no other way to get out. T.vading Ijng. it la said, one of the boys made riis way over the land and brought word into Raker and the swearing out cf the complaint was declared to be the only way to save the parents from enforced prolongation of their ramp K. l.or.1 Oiinford. a Pr!vtvt I.OMtOK, July 20. (liy Mall)--"Prlvale, Lord Crawford, R. A. M. C." England is shocked. For the most titled soldier In the entire Rritlsh army is a common private ne is lAtra i rawiorn, premier earl ; of Scotland and head of the famous bouse of Lindsay. He Is mw with the Royal Army Medical Corps with other Tommies at the front. ljrd Cruwford conies from a fa mous line of Scottish warlors. lie was prominent In British politics at "whip" of the conservatives In par liament from 1S95 to 1913. He U an expert on Italian art and Is ehaii- mnn of the National Art Collection Fund, as well as trustee of the na- tlonal portrait gallery and honorable secretary of the Society for the Pre servatlon of Ancient Monuments. Distinguished feats at arms In the rvtective Williams declared that he family of Lord Lindsay date from, knew nothing about it. Nevertheless H'" when Sir David, thirteenth Lor,lj,n,,r rmpIoyes of the hotel told or of Lindsay, vanquished Ixrd Welles : th(, remarkable good fortune of Mrs. London bridge In tne presence ot Richard II. Mght yearn later Sir I ' David became Earl of Crawford. The present earl relinquished corps As a private he will receive H cents a day from the government. FIVE ARE INJURED IN RUNAWAY AUTOMOBILE BAKER, Ore., Aug. II. In an cf i font to save a motorcyclist from a runawiuy automobile five Bakeritcs in the car were Injured this side of Sumpter. J. II. Grlswold was driving the automobile, and lost control ol !,,ht """"l" nP" .V'"' '"" "1 ,h '" ' """ o. ...... -... for tho bottom. Harry Dyke np Pronched on a motorcycle, and Crl wold turned the car, which rolled ov um! righted Itself. Mrs. D. K, Laurie and Mrs. H., E. Curry Jumped and were seriously 1'rulsed. Mr. and Mrs. Grlswold and ""''1 Director N. C. Haskell were thrown out., Mr. Grlswold sustained a broken rib, Mrs.. Grlswold a broken clavicle and Mr. Haskell a broken rib and collarbone. Mr. and Mrs. Gris- t"'d "re In St Ellzaheth'a Hospital. American Pacing Death. WASHINGTON, Aug. 10 Henry Francis, an American newspaper n an, Is confined at Vera Cruz under sentence of death, the state depart- ment was advised by the friend of the imprisoned man The govern ment was asked to act quickly. In nn eflort to save FranclB. John Sllllnmn srecinl agont at Vera Cruz, was no:l fled. Sailors' I'lilMTiils Held. BOSTON Mass., Aug. 10. A mili tary funeral was given the two sail ors killed at Port nil Prince In an en gagement with Haltlen rioters Sail ors and marines from the V. R. S Washington! participated in the cere- mcny, firing a volley as the flag- di aped casket were lowered Into the fravee. John sit. Daffion of The Dalles, Is registered t the St. George. Charles S. Huffum of Walla Walla wan ut lh Pendleton last night. B. J. Wisslng of Weston U among the visitors in Pendleton today. ('ail K. Enghahl, buyer for the Farmers' I'nlon at Helix, Is here to day. Dudley Evans, whilom fight pro moter, la baeli In Pendleton for a few day. Halley Ross, Meacham merchant, la down today to look after business mat te r. Judge Charles H. Ma run Vft last night for Portland on a brief business visit. JlaK Mosgrove, prombiflnt Milton merchant, spent last night In Pen dleton. W. K. Smith of StanfieU was num. be red among the visit.!: !n the city yesterday. C.vrll i. Hr.,wn 11, prow I m m young resident of Umatilla, la a business vis itor here t(HUty. Ian Major and CtUtiton Davis ef Meacham were twrf .fciday to secure naming liceswes. J. W. Campbell, -fiermiston merch ant and rnrocim:n, returned to hit, home todat after spending a d-ay In trie city. J. T. Hawkins. II ('. Hoskins -uni : Charles Ifct-klriN. farmers and nhot P jmen of fvrho, were, in Pendleton -tai business JeslcrdaV. .Mr. and .Mrs. Purest U Haker Mid j little soij will leate tonight for Olym- pla, n . In response tu a telegram stating rhat Mr. Raker's fartier its ill. '('hclihlb- (,lr Dnmwil. clir.HAUS. "Wash., Aug. U.--liss Anna lanson, i i, was drnvned while bathil g hi tin ','eweukrnii river. bout three miles southeast rf Clntialis. 1'nanie to swim she stepped off into a deep hole. H r mother and compan ions 'dragged tier out, br.t the physici ans sumniOTie.l worked over Tier for ahnMi an hovr and half without suc cess RriMK-ti I 01111,1 to JViorwMv. KKW Y(r;K. Aug. 11. Jewels lost by well known persons have been found In 'Strange places; m pillow slips. In ithe very ctses w'tn-re they should he. 011 rosebushes and under carpets But recently a iarl and diamond mooch, belonging to Mrs. Frederick IT. Havemeyer, of East Tt.lrty-ne.v,ith street, was -Biscovered In a groove under the revolving doors of the main entrant! of the Hlltmore Hotel. The brooch was r.nh to he worth about T6f). -vrs 7ikemeyer ts sal to have! arned nl her loss ,m after she! tfached Hie Cascades! Rcsu.urant, on" ha Hccomimnled frkends t th. nlv " ' and Is supposed to have lost the brooch when she entered 1ne hotel. As as Mrs. Havemeyer dis covered hvr loss the management 0! the hotii; caused a search to be made lor the brooch. The sweepers then at Work were not aware that Mrs. Ha , meyvr had lost the brooch, hut they r- -ever on the alert for such finds, in cleaning the sttace neariwe what a fine Thta It wis and then""""' Rivn '"" here, fta -trie Rus- the revoh lng doors one of the sweepers chanced tn see something that sparkled. He picked -II up and gave li it, the night manHger of fhe hotel. "The brooch bad been there some time and the revolving doors probably turned hundreds of times over the gems. The brooch was not bimaged ami it Is said to have been gradiiallv swent into rhe amove. wnlch protected It Detective of the hotel knew noth ing of the loss and less of the find. Havemever In not having the brooch damaged. Mrs. Havemeyer is said to possess one of the finest collections of pearls In this city. Her maid ad mitted that the lost brooch had been found. , SAXONIA . LOADING .viEOP.ANCS CAT NEW YORK, Aug. 1 1. Carrying the largest war cargo that ever left this port and 110 passengers the steamer Sasoniu sailed fur Liverpool. h I v f YU 'J. vff n'-r nr Krd ' ik"V rr if y b ' I ,? I I , - : " - 'A " f ' t ' m i tv -,6 :.'. ! I .-. if - rfas s wi (Continued From Page Two). Mr. and Mr. Charles I.une have returned from Bingham Springs where they had been for a month. Miss Alma Eggerth and Miss Ilene Webb of Echo, returned to their home yesterday after visiting friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs A. IX frost left this morning by auto for Portland which city will be their future home. Mr. Frost will supervise from that point the seven stores in which he la In terested. Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Ford of Umatil la are her today en "route home from Wallowa Lake where they have been spending their vacation. Mr. Ford is principal of the scheols at I'matilla and will teach one more year before taking up the practice of law. Miss Alta Smith ,f Pilot Hock left at noon today for Portland and other points. Ileettioa Is Honored. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11. German-Americans honored the memory of l.udwig vo Beethoven, the. 1'rus aian composer, at the unveiling of a bust of the xnsician, presented to San Francisco by the Beethoven Raemier chor of New -York. A jaiade of Cerman societies and delegates, w lu attended the convec tion of Jhe National Germaa-Ameri. can Alliance.1 which concluded its bus- : inPK sessions Wednesdav, marched to Cnl.kri hate Park, where addrwses .'ere d!tered by OeorKe K. Alutadt, I prefodnin of the Hethovnr Mifenner ch,,r of New York, and o"ther. The ironcluding went -,n th' pro gramme was a Heethovm cor.oi-rt at the municipal auditorium on r the direction of Alfred Hertz, :frmerly cwnriuMor of Oersnari aiera t the Metropolitan ),era Hntt. Nr York, swiw vonductoT of the f'an t'ranciso) Symhony Onralra. MilnatCkt I0aiesi Wnv. H'OKAXK. Wash., Aug. H. Tne Milwaukee Aerie of Ragles won the first prize In the $3di,u comc-st in the f-mplificat,m of "ftie rititil at the Wind aerie f the fraternal order of Eagles here. Snohomish. V ash.. vaf s'cond. San Francisco, third, Seattle f 'urth and Helen, Mont., Tlfth. In the military drill jullKvd by Uni vr States army iifTicers. 'mt Helens team won first prize of Jl(j and Mii waukee the second of jr.O. The ritmv'l prize was divided I lie. 100, $606. 0 -8T3 20t The arand aerie considered means to build iif the ofder in (he smaller -cities. ' ISnnm. Mnn Is 11b-1 $5. VAXCOl-A'ETi, Wash., Aug. 11. .rton. tries! ..- ' " a result he paid the cltv :, and costs hvW ,H..i ., chief of police, who i dam' e Master -Butchers of clothes at the time Mmernu. Tt vo soial trans bear- Koherf. game was to pick up a'." "' the .nven- two-caret imitation diamong ring""n "" herf mrly toa Just as a proKperous-i'it-king rnant passed on the sidewalk. He would! l ick It up no that the nssserbv could remark: "Just mv luck to find a U'iamond ring when w Iwtt I need is 25 ents to pet a meal. Hay, mister, what will y.m give me for my find?" New IWai-h to He Ola-lied. EUGENE. Ore.. Aug. 11. The for n.al opening of Heceta "beach, in Lane county, will be held Sunday with an excursion of 100 persons from Eugene. It will also mark the entrance of the first steci excursion train on the lower Siuslaw. The new WIHamejte Pacific rail road was completed this week to Cushman new townsite at the most western point of the new Coos Bay ( railroad, and Mapletun. at the head of tidewater. Is no longer the ter- minus of the railroad. i Sliisbiw people are planning to greet the excursionists with a barbe- cue OFF WITH RECORD WAR SAXCNfA. In her cargo were auto trucks, aero planes and other munitions. Not one of her 118 passengers or Capt. Dlggle. commander of the boat felt the slight 33 t I . ' f 8 , l I 3 . I-:V YORK, Aug. 11. ConfriiC es are continuing between employers I and representatives of employees is 'the machine shop situation in this !city and the currounding H-rritory. Vice President J. J. KeppVr of Is I Intel national Association of Machin ists, when asked about the situation in regaro to me miiss wtfkH a con cern in P,rooklyn iwannfaoturinu war .munitions f.r the aJVies, -.-clared thej ex,((-t to spring a big surprise within ! a f e ,ti, v It is thwnght that flee situaiion In Plah. field. X. J., has been salisfnc- toriK seril-d. AH but one shop, .m- braors shout 2.nnn men have ad jus-p-d tkvir dfficumes wim their -alo.vees. Ilijih Irvt Mle for Hat. PHn.ADEl.PHlA. Aug. 11. In fct. attempt to recover his bat. which tlevv ut of'. trolly car 'Window kbH i 'over the approach of the Y; rays Ferry tivente britge spanning the Sa-kvyl-kill. recenCy suffered a broken arm fractured jaw aJ cftncMssion of the gram. hen his hat blew- off, Ivenpold left the p.ir. Tien he climbed -over the bridge rail and ?tsade his way d,n n a girder Tor a iNDrt distance He Inst hui Iv.ld b4 fefl a distance of 20 feet. Dr. Joseph Patterson, wtio wnt driving by !m his ut, re iwnvetl Xenprtli to l'svrslry ITospit- lasrcr Kiik-ss-im lrea. SAN FRA.NVISCO. Atig. 10 Fed- Tal insipectiot of imrorted Diet.ts. tho Maughlicr of v outhfu heaves wid the 'Tpguhit'ion of meat 'packing ue be- J"K ' "'"" "m ule l -tneium '. ' h, 's . ... ,u,rhs a.mbled at tfcin. 2,000 te annual Ktissiaa Losses 3.W.-0f. nr.r.ui.N. Aug. 11. Official esti 'c"; 'laweg s nee Mis cititbTetk of the 4 rJI 3'"Xi"' "0, " ia Prdr- ted that jt wot Id require- 't wo years 5.viw!itiis to drill -ivw fOPOBft l;v-t anil Pound. Personal "Wlll'tlKe yourrgltidy who wbo inM-neii an unslbrolla -tn front of The theater the ott?r nHrltv please l,1i nu the lejiti 'foi a mac -eye? Durint; 1H1, 3,il,ooo aouen eg v.fre shipped from ShangtMi. China, to American Pacific coast states; their value -was ;fl,000, sjuivalen! to 1.", cents per -dozen. Th freight rate from China to Pacific oast porta via r-gnlar line bj I per ?wn (T cases of eggs to fi-e ton. .Jtakitng rate of approximately 1.6 i-CMs per dozen). RefrlgeraSt.r apace oants 8H a ton. Monthly Crop ReiJHWt, JnlJ 15, 1915. CARGO "APT- G 0iil est fear of German submarines. The Saxonia has been making regular voy. ages ever since the war began and has not once sighted a German undersea boat. I SHOES! SHOES!! Indies' Velvet, 2 Strap Pumps, size 1 1-2 to S. regular 13 00 values, Just the thing for this hot weather, sale price, the pair ' 90 Ladles' Patent Leather Pumps In all the very latest styles, regular 14.00 values, all sizes, sale price f J 5 Children's White Canvas Mary Jane Pumps, real bargains at 11.25, sale price, the pair 3c Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes, a good assortment, values to 13.00 pair, while they last, ail sizes, sale price, pair.. XS Our entire line if ladies' Oxfords all must so at this sale, values to $4 .50 the pair, sale price only .VS Remember, this means any ladies' Oxford in our store, regard less of cost. Ladies' Julit-tts, rubber heel, regular 11.50 va!.. sale pr ice Hc MEN'S SHOES Men's light work shoes In black and tan, a shoe that is worth $: 50 of any man's money, sizes " to 12, sal price, pr. SI. 4. Men s heavy work shoes, all sizes, J3.50 to $4 00 values, sale, price the pair Men s Goodyear Welt Oun Metal Button Shoes, regular J.1.50 values, sale price the pair $2. Men s Fine Oress Shoes in Button and Lace, good values at 14 50. alt sizes, sale price, pair $3.4. Men s Lignt Weight Work Shoe, a shoe that will wear, regu lar tKJ values, sale price, pair S2.4. MEN'S OXFORDS Our Kntire Line of Men's Oxfords, regardless of cost, must go, site price, the pair Metis Riding Boots, the best assortment in town, H7.00. If it's a boot, we have it. THE 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. liTOiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiHiiiiiiiii miiiHuiiiimnmiinmmiiiHiiiiit? SENATOR CHAMBERLAIN jwELL KNOWN PHYSICIAN IS CALLED TO CAPITAL; OF UNION PASSES AWAY PORTLAND, Or-, Aug. Il.-SenaJ LA GRANDE, Ore., Aug. H--Jf-.... r. - r c 'wi.i. has been! I. X. Cromwell, since IS, 7 a practic- ked by PreseJent Wlson to ,me to Washington I fore the opening of the next wngress in Decvmber to discuss with h.m the q.-s...n of national de - tf!ns AscbwrnLan of ahe senate commit- tea ta military afairs the Oregon senat.,r will play an impprtant part in shajing e the nation's Tnattary pol icy and a recent letter received by Seiu.tor Oiambertain from the presi dert ttidicated that the chief execu tlw Is g: rng the question a great deal of 3iought. J-enator Charr.yierlain expects to go to 'Washington about a month before eiBTe convetws in order to get In tdnse touch with the general staff of the Cnited States army ana me army war college, and he Is constantly in correspondence with these two bodies r. the present time. "The tiresidflii's letter written under Bate ut August 2 from the summer rapfc.il at Ornish. X. H.. follows: My dear Senator Chan,"berla!n: I am sure you have had as much 3n mtnJ as I'have the whole matter of "what't: is wi?e and necessary to do in trie Tt:i tter tit national defense. I have fceen 'taking steps to get full recom- Tnen'b;ions from the war find navy de- I-arnra'nts an I am hnpmg that after 1 get liack t,i Washington it may. be- k t,,r iiit orAL erwiuu, w coil eilltMii v.- -tor yi to ctm,e and have a talk with rxne.ias to tht oest way tb w hich the whole thing can be handled, so that we sh: 11 all nave a single Judgment for theirn the matter and a sinsrle program of ictiniY I sha'il value your advice In jrJ.te ir.tter vrry much rnUeed. "Clially and sincerely yours. WWDROW T-ILSOX.' Motorcyclist Is 'Hart. VAMJOUYEK Wash.. Aug. 11. "hn JJolzer has been niide defend ant -In -a suit tn the superior court by L J. Archer, who asks "J2530 dam t.es at a resan-of an ssrtijent. An'-he r alle, Kolzer, with his nutorcyole. fn;htened "his horse, wtiich t pped vvr.r the bogy, causing hijuries which kept him ttom work mv for four menths and giving his nervous '.system t severe st ock. Facts Wanted Regarding Crop Yiefds; Farm Reports Desired .So nmch dtcibt exi5i? this year rerrr.rdir.g the wheat yit.!d thit the East Qregonian will endeavor to secure niu:h exict daU from first hand sources. With this aim in view farmers are asked to fill out the blank below at .soot as iheir harvesting has proceeded sufficiently to give them an act urate lite on what the yield will be. By pecnl arrangement the information gathered in this manner wDl be tabulated and given to the government trop reporting officials, thus helping them adjust their timares as to the actual yield. It is desirable to get the exact truth as to the situation and the co-operation of farmers will be appreciated. I'lease fill out the following blank and mail the sam to i the East Oregoniui. If you prefer to 'phone, do so. The Last Oregonian's number is ONE. Xanif Ad drew No. of acres in wheat barley Yield of wheat per acre Average wheat yield per acre during past few yrs. Barley yield per acre Average barley yield per acre during past few yrs. . What variety of wheat gives heaviest yield What variety of wheat suffered most from burning What variety of wheat suffered least from burning SHOES!!! . . . . $3.00 to HUB j ing physician at Union, but of tat .years tn poor neaun. u.eo. ; evening of hardening of the arterw. ,Mrs. Robert Eakin. wife of Court Justice Eakin. arrived this. morning to attend the funeral which is to oe neia tomorrow !"-""'" 2 o'clock. Mrs. Eakin is a sister-m-law of the deceased. Dr. Cromwell attended Willametto university for a time, and flnlshedl out his education in the east. He waa. nearly 70 years old at the time of: death. In 1877 he located in Union ad was a prominent physician of the county until infirmities and old age seized him. His wife died a number of years ago. Mrs. Filfillan of Union is a sister of the deceased. He was a, Mason. Women Hun for Senate. ATCHISON, Kan., Aug. 10. Mrs. E. K. Burr.es. superintendent cf tho state orphan home here, announced she would become a candidate for United States senator from Kansas in 1918. "I will oppose Mrs. Lillian Mitch ner. who has already announced her candidacy," said Mrs. Burnes. India Shows Its I.oyaltjr. SiMLA, India, Aug. 9. Interces sion services are being held in the churches, mosques and temples throughout India, all sections of tho British and Indian communities par ticipating. Numerous patriotic meet ings also have been organized by In dian citizens. It is estimated that 5. 000, 000 haj been subscribed to the Britishm war loan through Bombay and Calcutta. i CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears wars rof C&a$ the Signature i