PAGE TOr. DAILY EAST OREGOMAN. FEN'DLETON. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1915. EIGHT TAGE3 K I.Mihl tiM't M .NKWM'il KB. rutitttixl l Uf "A Kml t lea 111 (iU.uMA,V I'lhUKlIINtJ CO. orfi-mi Contur ppr. HHlr I riited I'rrm Asuu, litlno. Bitereri St ibf p. ..ifl. HI Pendleton. Vn((. at tM-DCd ciaM Bi-i ttittter. tapfeuM I ON SAl.r IN OTHKR I'lTIFS lrll News Stand, I'ortlana. fnm. ktuvu Ne-t Co. rinitn4 Owfoa. ON I'll 8 AT Itlnio Burrto, K" Security Bnlldln MiinrtoD, C, Bureau tx'l, tout mats Htm S. W. sheets to follow the lead of the wide-awake Fittburg paper. For so many years have certain editors been penning screeds about democratic depression and hard times that now it has become a matter of fixed habit. They have been at It so long that they can now dash off a column without any conscious mental processes and they will iui wraiwj iriu uiai wnini. th gM-a parent armed with his gun n a a fa V A a 1-c fi 1 a A o r anmnm il. . r . . i . . o vi i uio iiiivu a iiica.uiiu in I wir ,uuni man Ilea prevlLmaieiJ . "If you dare to kiss me again.' she said. "I must tell my father.11 Kiss her again the ard.nt lover-. I I pon this she fled to her father's ! ri-om. where she happened to find ?r I him examining a gun. u I "oh. pupa." she exclaimed, "do rur.jfE downstairs and show Mr. Muchlovejgi your new gun. He is so interested inlgj guns." I "Very well, dear." was the good I tiatured reply, and down went the i unsuspecting father. At the sight of tiiamt'HitOM DOOGIXti THE ISSI E. iof space with a minimum of ef fort. 11 it i auiiuufu in ute im vou know wher, , can buy ribbed republican State Of i any counterfeit money?" inquired the Pennsylvania that the time to ' suitcase, discredit the old campaign cry UrilUCRllTlOS BATES I IS Al'VANCK) Pallf, oe rear. b mill IS (W tH7. in m.-ntt.s. by mail ISO Ifellv. ihrr booth, br Bill 1.25 '!! Ia",bh b "f' .-JSi has come, then there can be no nj,' ii ii..o;h. by carrier tTMOOUbt of it I:!!?: X''nbT.:::::: m afe bet that there are at least! being made uncomfortable .ne tr by mall 1 tu-n notion in rimn... ,,.v, : waiters ' ii montb, Bill.,,, 7S , , r. r, . ---o- so De oiincl to the nandwntino' on the wall. nr. Ira! Wek!f enlweet!;. four mtttthi, kj mill.. "Are you looking for trouhle? "No. But I'm against the tipping evil and at th mm time 1 want to But it's a pretty j go through the formalities and avoid bv the rFori-E s !ong or teace. Ttie gra--j is green on BunKer Hill, TSie waters fweet on Brandy, wine; The sword sleeps in the scab Lord still. The farmer keeps hi. flock and vine CLEWS' PEACE PLAN THK WII01.E OK NONE. An eastener who had bought farm In t'allfornla had heard of his neighbor's talent for raising large FXRY PI.TvWC: YbA nf potatoes so sent his farmhand over ... - , , , 1IVUV1 V' L ta. XT, v-i. . to get a hundred pounds. , , , ' 1 li U licit. K lU'Hir. (Hii-nriiti i .ing nouse ana Dresiaent f jOf the American Peace and j "and ten your boss that i won't out A -ruarauon L.eajrue. nas a ten-s phhio ior any on?. P jtative plan for the settlement! of the European war. He be- A WITTY rtEJOlNPKJt. Then who would mar the scene ,UeveS it will Secure a fair Setl-I Barry Sullivan, the tragedian, 'was today With vaunt of fra ? battlefield or T!ie brave corn lifts in regi ments Ten thousand sabers in the sun; The ricks replace the battle tents, The bannered tassels toss and run. The neighing steed .the bugle's Mast, l -II : j I wicinciii, n an iiaiiuns aim in- sure peace for many years. ln: ;his own words the plan is as follows: ! "Germany to sell to France! j Alsace-Lorraine for an equiva- j lent of its real value and retire! ifrom France and Belgium, but i to have commercial access toj !the Beljrian seanort. which playing in "Richard III." at Shrews bury on one occasion. When the no tor came to the lines, "A horse, a horse! Mv kingdom for a horse some one in tl)e pit railed out "Wouldn't a donkey do. Mr. Sulli van?'' 'Yes," responded the tragedian, turning quickly on the interrupter. "Please come round to the stage door." j would be declared a free port; A SYMPATHETIC SINXEH. These 1 but stories of the past Germany tO pay OVer to Belgi-I A vWting minister preaching In her field The earth has healed wounded breast. The cannons plow ihe no more; The heroes rest! Oh, let them rest In peace along the peaceful shore! ':11m the amount acquired from mall town near which a well known J France to restore Belgium; the' rac,p meetln is Md- forcibly d?- . ! rvir,.,; u i j m i nounced the "sport of kings." The u.umca ucicsLuieu w u r- w , ()n of thp chur;h a! iiuaiiv in lie r.niriann s nnn .ia. ipans peace concessions; Aus- ways attended the home meetings, and of this the stranger was after ward informed. "I'm afraid I touched one of your weaknesses," said the preacher, not wishing to offend the wealthy one tria and Italy to agree between They fought for peace, for peace jeacn otner ior a settlement and they feu-, ! urged to do so by the other na- They sleep in peace and all is itions; Constaptinople to be aibut it was quite unintentional." I as well. t t r. - . i nee pori to appease nussia, bu,b -,uu-. i rr, l , , . the battles jinrKey xo acquiesce ana aus- Itria and Servia to asree be tween themselves to settle their! differences; establish a World Court able to enforce its de crees by an international police e it .n counirv euuor wrote: force of the world military ! ., r,n,,, i, The fields forget fought. The trenche wav in golden grain; Shall we neglect the lessons taught. j And tear the wounds agape again ? Sweet Mother Nature, nurse the land, j vut hr wounds with gen- ! tie hand. the world. All the above na- itions to nledtre themselves for Ut peace on earth: Lo! flock tn lat f.ftv ,,OQril Qi sheen of jleast, agreeing as advantages i to be gained thereby to reduce song of their armies and navies to I riDQPO Kacio xiViiVt n-AiiM n A mit, during tnat period, Oh. don't mention It," cheerfully retorted the backslider; "It's a mighty poor sermon that don't hit me somewhere.' BETWEEN flllENDS. Brother. Rtnn -onr nnttpr ins hecnuse and naval forces superior to 'you don't agree with the editor. The those of any single power in ! l"t cabbage you sent us didn't agreejgjj. The Worlds Largest Automobile Factory, Building Sixes Exclusively, has produced the sensation of all car building history in the (0) VAiyE-fW-HEAP J CjUfS MOTOR CAH PRICES F. 0. B. PENDLETON r? i iTl. i lb t ' The model C-55 "Big Six" Buick has the refinements, power, beautiful finish and graceful lines of the highest priced cars, and gives you more pleasure and return for your money than any car at or near its price. Don't buy a $2000 car until you see the BUICK Bi8 Six at $1650 Less Cost OREGON 119-121 W. Court St. Less Upkeep MOTOR B. F. TROMBLEY, Prop. More Mileage GARAGE TeleDhone 468 and fold! And valleys clad in gold. C). rise and sing i peace For Theseue roams the land no more, And Janus rests with rusted door. Joaquin Miller. with us, either, but we didn't drop you from our subscription list on that account." THE PASSING OF A CAM PAIGN CRY of their liquidating their liabili ties incurred by the war. All these nations to obligate them selves to work in unison to maintain peace not only am ongst themselves but through out the world. I feel quite sure that the United States, South America and China would gladly join in the com bination for the great advan tages that would accrue to them by the certain assurance of peace prevailing for the next fifty years." Now that the wool has pass ed mostly into the hands of the buyers, the prices are taking a jump. Wheat raisers may profit by the sheepmen's ex- "rrS the "prosperity" cam Jl paign cry, employed so long and so tirelessly by the republican press and stump orators, to be banished to the realm of things outworn. Judg ing from a recent editorial in the Pittsburg Gazette-Times, a stalwart republican journal, a death blow has been dealt to this mouthword of a great party. That paper admits having made use of this "prosperity jpenence. Ktnff in vfar pone bv and hav- ing done bo with glee. It has I Simon Benson wants Port aided in the laborious effort of j land to adopt a new form of trying to tie the empty dinner j government that will make him vail to the tail of the democrat-! the manager of the city with ic donkey. "But," that paper1 autocratic powers. I his is a( now savs : ! new urn to his philanthropy. "Republicans must take itj xT""T, r all back now. Wages are on Pendleton has had a full the up grade. The democratic 'chapter of accidents during partv is clearlv the party or! the past,week. I business. It is being vindicat fd. If any unregenerate re publican so much as alludes to j the thread-bare campaign cry about a defective tariff system or to the depressing consp quenres of democratic domina tion he will be referred to the ntatistics applying to exports. He will be asked what more' , , . , i A young ladt, much admired bv a Could any party do. ' your, man staying at the am It will be exceedingly hard how., was kissed by him one day for some Of the old "standpat"! Preatly to her indignation. WHAT If K WAXTKD TO KNOW. "Yes," said the fortune teller, "1 see It all here very plainly In the lines of your hand. There is a dark lady. She is tall and slender. She has eves that flash when she is an gry. She Is " "Never mind telling me anything more about her. I married her nine years ago. Don't you see anything encouraging In my future." mi i5 Collcee Wisdom. "What are the bonds of mony?" "Haby rilions:'' matri- Poor Henry, "It Is quite clear that Mis. Peck Is, Ihe ruling power In that household."! "Yes .Indeed. Poor Peck Isn't even I recognized as a belligerent." I IIKI.PFI) MAKK XKW X AVY IS Procrastination is the thief i ;of time. He also steals a good1 imanv opportunities. I THIS MA Y ENTER TA IN WOMKN S WAYS. Publicity for Srlmol WASHINOTON, Aug 10 Frank publicity in securing the cooperation of the community In the work of the schools Is urged by W. 3. Deffen baugh of the C S. bureau of edu cation in a report on "School Pro gress In the Smaller Cities," just is sued. "School boards that are managing the schools ably and honestly do not i'eur to turn on the searchlight," de clares Mr. Deffenbaugh. "The sen timent is growing among school hoards that Ihe public should know how its money Is expended. In the most progressive schools, the board and the superintendent are present ing facts to the people either In printed reports. In newspaper articles,! or by both. "Some schoolmen .however, object, to furnishing the newspapers wilh I school information on the ground! that they are thereby advertising! themselves A superintendent who! was complaining about lack of Inter-! est among the parents In the schools! of his city was asked whether he re ported the progress of the schools ' through the local papers. He replied, that he did not believe in advertis-j i ing himself. He failed to grasp the. 1 Idea that school news is not for the purpose of boosting a supcrltndent, ! besides being legitimate news. It calls ' -,tieritf"n to the needs of the work of I the school so that the school may t become more efficient. ! "In several cities, as Fredonia. ' Kans., there Ik an educational issue: of the local paper. In some cities! there are daily school notes, fin the) ! whole, the puiilic is becoming bet-i ' ler inform' regarding . the schools iMtirrxv k(.i isii SOCIKTY (ilKIWro WKI) irsf National 1 N i I ' E3 I is'f " , JJ I Oanh FEXDLETOX, CHESCX ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For It's Strength LONDON, Aug. 11. The Hon. Clarissa Tennant, belonging to one of the oldest English families, and fa vorite neice of Premier Asquith Is en ifaged to marry William Adrian Vin cent Pethell, the son of a rich com mercial family of Yorkshire. MIkh ,, .. jrnnanis lamer is ,rd is toward greater publicity f . .-,.. T, ' Mr. liethell Is twenty-five and officer In the Second Life (iuanls. Is a nephew of U,rd Midilleton. Ho -l'!:.'Jjl - Juh NkQM Mall WiIKMiiM fW-l . (If O THE "GREATER OREGON" U tth n-w foul Min c, Ktrttr rquf pniftil, n lftrgMf imunili, bim many adHHiun to 14 farultr. the I ntrltr of ilrgan tHI b-rln It fortieth fr, Turmtiar, HHf n. twr 14. IVIfi. Hptal tmhiinc In rjtnntrr, JoarnJillmn, Art hltM-laif), Mm lne. Tmu tUnr. LMr- tf Murk, Muil-, Fhyilml Tralnlnc and Mm A rim. Ijirc and trunic Atmrtmmut at Llbr- at hMui-mtitm, I Library of or tlian 6A.00O volumm. tlilr I U-n butlrilnr fully nuippfi, lw plrmlld gym naitlumii. l ultin r. IonnlUHia fop men and fr ONMn. fcaKnr UMt Write far frae rataluc,a4HreMlnv Registrar I UKIVERSITY OF OREGON j (.cneral lien jiiinin V. 'I'racy. j tleneral iienjamin F. Tracy, one of the organizers of the republican par ty, and secretary of the navy in the caliiiot ,,f president Harrison from to 18:i:t. is near death at his home In New York Cil. He was In jured In an automobile accident May 30, which. It Is bellew-d brought on a rtroke of paralysis. (ii-neral Tracy was born In 1 30 He served through the Civil War and was breveted a brigadier general., Prior to that he had helped organize the republican party in New, York state. He has always been one of Its stanchest adherents. He was Induced by Senator Piatt, boss of New York state, to run for mayor of New York City In 1S97, but was defeated. , ,. , I- .c.n " -jiennant'B father Is l,ord filenronnor, icnuen ! b- nit-ans nf jirinted I newn.ioer articles. ! "That the schools can work to ad vantage through women's civic lm- rrovement clubs and through parent- teacher associations has been thor oughly demonstrated in many of the smaller cities. Such clubs are often instrumental in the introduction of klnderravtens. manual training and domestic science The superintend ent nf one school utilized the wom en's clubs of the city by asking that each club give some consideration to the oiiestion. 'What can be done to I improve the efficiency of jour (schools?' Each club discussed the (tuestlon and sent a representative to I present to the teachers In that city. the plan aroused Interest among tne women of the city In better schools." These and other plans for arous ing Interest In school work are dis cussed in chapter IV, Vol. I of the 1914 report of the commissioner of education. This Is obtained as a sep arate publication. , Germans to I'M! HIr din. I)NDON, Aug, 10. Several 42-cen-tlmeter guns to be used In the bom bardment of Ilusslan forts passed through Merlin last week on the wu to the eastern frontier. This was announced by a Central News dispatch from Amsterdam. Steamer I'rb'l Aimoind. HATH, Me., Aug. 10 The sulphur-laden steamer Frieda from Sa bine, Texas, for Searsport, Me., went ashore In a dense fog on Seguin Is land, off the mouth of the Kennebec river. The vessel was so firmly grounded that the chances of floating her without assistance were consid ered slight. The crew of about 30 men were re. ported safe. The Frieda was msnj miles off her course. Attack oil fiirso Denied. VENIf'S, Aug. 11 fienernl Ca dorna, commanding the Italian ar mies, has begun a second attack against the Austrian defenses at Car go In an attempt to break through to Trieste, according to reports receiv ed here. The Market. First citizen: How's the market? Second cltiien Rummer resort men, preferred, 98 bid and 102 asked common, 87 bid. Brisk trade In sum mer girls, but market flooded 77 bid. Young widows lively at 33.--Puck. ge Brothers MOTOR CAR You will encounter many features which exceed your expectations never that falls below them. one The motor Is 30-36 horsepower The wheelbase Is 110 Inches The price of the car complete Is I7SI if. o. b. Detroit.) Pendleton Auto Co. Phone 541 812 Johnson Street 3