East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, August 05, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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    l V ;
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0 j -
Forecast for CiMrrn Oregon by the
tnitod Stat Wrtther Observe
at Portland.
The Emt Oregotitaii ns the lament ptld
clrculatlun of suy paer In Oregon, umt of
t'ortlmid, scd over twice the clrculstluD In
fradleton 01 107 other oewiptuer.
Filr tonight and Friday.
VOL. 27
NO. 8366
- , "." -v
Sill ' D0Pf
-Proposition to Submit the Frye Case
to the Hague Tribunal to Test
Treaty Will be Accepted.
Ounirovmry Dons Not Winui a
Break la Diploma tlo Relations
I'nlusd State Denies That Germany
lias Right to Sink Contraband CV
ried on American Ship.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Tho t" nit
til States probably will accept Ger
many' proposition to submit the
frye can to The Hague tribunal to
teat the treaty of 182S between this
country and Prussia. In the reply
dealing with the ' sinking of the Prosecuted. The city water mm
steamer William Frye. Germany minion Is filing the Information
maintained the sinking of American.
ships carrying contraband, was not
a violation of the treaty Officials
aid that while the controversy does
not warrant a break it Is Impera
tive that a settlement be reached.
The United States denies that Ger
many Iihs the right to sink contra
band carried on American ships.
The United States has Insisted that!
the question of Indemnity to be!
made for the destruction of the Frye,
and Its cargo, be settled through tne
embassies by experts to be appointed
ny me two countries, mis plan Hi
now accepted by Germany and the.
offer to pay for the Frye was re
newed In the last note. Pending an
arbitration of the dispute aa to t'ea-
ty obligations, It Is expected the
ministration will accept Germany's
offer to. settle for the Frvt. but With
the understanding this does not con
stitute a waiver by either country as
to their Interpretations of the treaty.
South Main Pavement
Ordered by Council
The city council last evening ad
opted grades on South Main street
and plans and specifications for tho
Improvement of that street from
Muff street to High. Likewise the
first and second resolutions were
pawed, placing the proposal within
ten days of final proceedings.
The council did not Include In the
district created the block on High
between Main and Cottonwood for
the pavement of which a petition
was presented recently. Action was
taken only upon the original petition
asking for the two blocks up tho
hill It Is extremely doubtful -whether
the council will attempt to secure
the High street pavement Inasmuch
as considerable opposition hns devel
oped from property owners.
The South Main street resolutions
call for the paving of a 16 foot strip
up the hill, In accordance with the
petition presented.
C. P. Strain last evening petition
ed the council to establish a grade
on LMeth street south of High so
that he might lay a sidewalk along
his property.
The title to the deed of tho strip of
land on the north side recently pur
chased for park purposes waa tip
proved and the deed accepted Inst
evening. The warrant foi 12000 will
be turned over to H. F. Johnson at
The first chief's monthly report
showed there had been IB fire alarms
last month and that the total esti
mated damage was 12650. Thirteen
of the alarms came In over the alarm
system. A total of 6900 feet of hoso
was laid, 16 S-10 gallons of chemicals
were tiKcd and two quarts of Pyrene.
Councilman Vaughan reported that
the front tires on the fire truck were
In bad condition and the fire com
mittee wan Instructed to take the
matter up with the company from
which the car was bought.
Warsaw falls before German attack
declares DcrUn.
United States cruiser shetli lebel
Farmer, who taps city pipe) line
without pcrniiHHlon, will be prosecuted.
Cltisens plan dance to celebrate re
turn of night to Cart Gutott; to bo
lietd Monday.
Council orders South Main street
paved; High street excluded.
Senator Chamberlain receives ex
planaUon of refusal to establish rural .
pip Sill
not be allowed
Prosecution Will Follow Alleged
Stealing of Water From Gravity
System by Harvester.
City Water ymmlHk will Fllo In
formation Against RcNervation Far
mer and Inutile Attorney Will
IYcu-e Complaint at Once Will
lie Filed Maybe Today.
Because he Is alleged to have stol
en water from the pipe line of the
Pendleton gravity water system. J.
I D. Roue, who operates a harvester on
ln reservation, win te arestcd and
against him and has Instructed Dis
trict Attorney Frederick Stelwer to
prepare the complaint at once. The
complaint will be filed this afternoon
or within the next day or two, In all
Rose Is alleged to have broken the
lock from the lid of the manhole
which Is located on the Sam Hlttner
ranch five miles above the city He
was running a harvester on that
place st the lime and the supposition
is that he opened the manhole to
take water for his tanks.
Supt. F. M. Hayes discovered the
offenne about two weeks ago when
he whs making a trip up the pipe
line. He found the broken lock near
th manhole and another common
l-,0(.it substituted for It. Appearances
indicated that someone had been us
ing the .manhole s a source of sup
ply for several days.
The water commission Is very
much aroused over the matter and
declares the charges will be pushed
to the limit The loss of the water
does not amount to anything but the
opening of the manhole creates a
source of danger from contamination.
"The city has too much money In
vested In its water system to permit
of such tampering." declared Chair
man J. T. Brown this morning.
District Attorney Stelwer states
that the offender may be prosecuted
under several statutes. He may be
charged with larceny. Inasmuch as
the water In the pipeline has become)
the property of the city or he may be
charged with malicious destruction
of personal property. It Is probable
that the latter charge will be filed
against him.
Haitian Native
V! ViVv
The picture la that of a typical Hat-
tin, tn Ms calmer moments. The
people of the black republic have
now risen In another revolution,
V Jv?
J -'Y i
I -.1
Germany Denies American
Rights Were Violated in
Sinking of Sailing Ship
Pay i Offered in Ce of Frye and Proposal of United State
That the Amount of Damages be Fixed by Two Expert,
One to be Selected by Each Country is Accepted Treaty
Points are Argued.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. Germany
is unyielding in her refusal to Con
cede that the sinking of the American
sailing ship William P. Frye by the
auxiliary cruiser Print Kitel Frleder-
Ich In the South Atlantic last Janu-
ary was a violation of American rights
under the Prussian-American treaty
or of International law.
In reply to the last representations
of the fnlted Slates, the German
foreign office. In a note made public
here last night by the state depart
ment, reiterates a previous Justifica
tion of Germany's course, declares
again her willingness to pay for the
hip, and accepts a proposal first ad
vanced by the United States that the
Dance Will be Given
as Benefit to Guiott
On next Monday evening Pendle
ton musicians, lodges and business
men will give a public dance In the
Moose hall In celebration of tho re
storation of sight to Carl Guiott. The
full proceeds will be turned over to
the man who, though blind, has
made his own way In the world with,
out any appeal to charity.
Plans for the dance were complet
ed last evening. Started by the mu
sicians who have been closely asso
ciated for years with Mr. Guiott, the
suggestion was seized upon by a
number of business men and lodges
with enthusiasm. The musicians vol
unteered to furnish the music with
out cost and the Moose lodge prompt
ly offered tn contribute their hall
for the event Other lodges and a
number of business men asked per-j
mission to dispose of tickets and!
friends who live in other towns have
asked that tickets be sent there.
The tickets are being printed to
day and will be circulated during
the weekend. Already many re
quests for them have been received
Ills many friends, regardless of
whether or not they dance, have
come forward with ready assurances
of support and even strangers have
signified their Intention of Joining Inj
this most unusual celebration of a
mosi unusual event.
.ii. uuiou nam iiruunuiy piuea 'or
more dances In Lmatllla county than
INatatorium Turned
Over to Council at
Session Last (Night
The management and maintenance
of the public natatorlum was last ev
ening formally transferred from the
Commercial club committee, which
has had charge during construction,
to th city council.
The comlmttee waited upon the
council at the regular meeting and
asked to be relieved of the manage
ment but declaring a willingness to
continue In the work of collecting un
paid subscriptions and closing up
the financial part of the construction
work. The council somewhat reluct
antly took 'over the pool, several ol
the members stating that they would
prefer to have the Commercial club
committee continue to act.
Messrs. C. M. Bishop and O. A
Hartman. members of the committee,
made a report to the council on tho
stains of the pool. They stated that
if all of the subscriptions which had
been signed
have monev
were paid .they would
enough to complete thel
paMnents to the contractors. How-
ever, they anticipated that some of!
the subscriptions would not prove
collectible and that they would prob-j
ably have to raise some additional
They recommended Messrs Tubhs
and Thome.,, who row hnv ne.,t.,i '
ehne nf ih Mmn.... ... i
and they will nro'bsblv he continued i
In their respective positions aa flnan
clal agent and caretaker. The com-
mlttlkA Minted lhaf th ru-ttlt( tmm
swimmers last Saturday and Sunday!"
amounted to over JS0 and expressed
the belief that the present charges
mtalntaln the pool and to provide a
balance to pay for swimming suits
and towels.
In being relieved of the' manage
ment of the pool, the committee ex
pressed a willingness to serve the
council In an advisory capacity at
any time.
amount of damages be fixed by two
experts, one to be selected by each
Stipulation Is Made.
Such a sum the German govern
ment pledges Itself to pay promptly,
with the stipulation, however, that the
payment shall not be viewed as a satis
faction for violation of American
rights. Should that method be unsat
isfactory, Germany Invites the United
States to arbitrate at The Hague.
The unofficial view here is that
reparation through commission of
experts probably will be satisfactory
to the United States, with the express
(Continued on page three )
any other man and his friends be
neve mat It is fitting and proper t
celebrate his great good fortune with
a dance,
The sight, which he regained Mon
day afternoon so miraculously, con
tlnues to Improve slowly. This
morning Mr Guiott stated that he
could distinguish objects better than
he could yesterday. His vision is
better for things at a distance than
close up.
According to the physicians who
examined the t ye, the return of sight
was caused' by the displacement of
an opaque crystalline lens which lay
between the pupil and the retina,
thus preventing the visualized object
from being transferred to the retina.
There is some danger, they say. that
the lens capsule will rupture
result of the displacement but
s a
Guiott Is confident that he will re
tain the vision which he has recov
ered. He believes that his study of
l he psychology as published bv tho
Unity school of Kansas has been
largely responsible for his returned
sight. His wife is a Christian Sei
entist and believes that Scientist
treatment brought about his rcov
ery. Mr Guiott will not withhold
credit from his wife's
was certainly mental
belief. "It
or spiritual
powers that gave me back my sight.'
ne tteciares. "Certainly I did n"t re-
celve medical or surgical aid
Refusal of Rural
Route Into Coombs
Canyon Explained
More explicit reasons for the re
fusal of the post office department to
establish a rural line Into the Coombs
Canyon district are contained In a
letter Just received by Senator Cham
oeriain from the fourth assistant
postmaster general, a copy of which
was forwarded yesterday to Frank
Hardy, one of the Interested peti
tioners. Th fact that many of the
petitioners were found to be resi
dents of Pendleton or to be living
within one mile of this city and that
o good many others are men w ithout
families led the department to the
conclusion that the requirements for
a rural line could not be met. the
letter states The letter In full is as
Washington. July 2.1. 1915,
Hon. George E. Chamberlain.
Portland. Oregon.
My Dear Senator Chamberlain:
With reference to your communica
tion of the 23d Instant. Inquiring; as
,n( status of the application for
,ne establishment of an addllonal ru
ral lt", from Post office at reli
aieion, uregon, I Peg to advise voit
mat a petition for such servi.-o to
extend south and southwest from
that post office, signed by Daniel
Kemler and others, was made the
s"1Jwt "f "" Investigation by a rep
rcsentatlve of the department In
February. 1915. but It developed
"'" - from h while the petition for
tne route contained over 100 names,
twenty six of that number were per
sons residing within the town llm-
f ndleton, or within one mile
of existing service.
and of th
I malnlng petitioners
I persons without families so that
they could hardly be considered as
bona fide prospective patrons of the
route. It was also ascertained that
about fifty families; who permanent
ly reside tn that locality, would be
supplied although less than that num.
ber of boxes would be erected In the
(Continued on pag flvj.)
U. 5. Cruiser
at Cape Haitien
Shells Soldiers
Entering City
Forces Under (Vunmand of (tieral
Ilobo .Are IVsrwBd to Hetlre tn a
Woods outside tlie Town Admiral
Caperton Makes Report to Navy
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5. The crui
ser Eagle shelled the Haitien rebels
under command of General Bobo
when they endeavored to enter Cape
Haitien yesterday morning. Admiral
Caperton reported to the navy de
partment. The rebels were driven
back to the woods outside of the cltr.
result of a cutting scrape at Colfax,
J. L. Porter of Walla Walla Is con-1
fined In the Whitman county jail
and James Whalen, released from
the county Jail after serving a term
for larceny, Is In a hospital at Col
fax with his left breast 'slashed and
his chances for recovery slim.
The men had been drinking togeth
er. It Is alleged and later mixed in a
fist fight In which Porter claims to
have gotten the best of It. Whalen
withdrew. Porter said he then told
Whalen to stay away from him and
pulled out his knife. On being at
tacked again by Whalen, ' Porter
says, the knife was used and Whalen
will probably die as the wound was
deep enough to puncture the lung.
Doctors In charge do not believe he
can recover. Whalen Is single and
32 years old with no known relatives.
Porter is 50 and says he has a son
27 years old in South Carolina. He
talked with the prosecuting attorney
and sheriff and said he intended to
"cut his opponent in two" if he at
tacked him the second time, but that
he acted in self defense. Porter said
he is a member of the Odd Fellows
lodge at Prosser, where he lived for
five years.
Canada's Premier is Honored
it1" -
7 '-w'
4 ,A'
The photograph shows Sir Robert
Borden greeting Lieut. Horsey of the
4sth Canadian Highlanders, who was
twice wounded and Is now on sick
leave, when they casually met on
Downing street.
Sir Robert
M. P
Is with j
R. IV Hennett.
4 -
Germans Hurl Attacks Against Slavs in Final
Effort to Take Warsaw-Petrograd Does Not
Believe That Polish Capital Has Yet Yielded
Declared the Garrison Can Hold off Teutonic
Assaults for Indefinite Period.
BERLIN, Aug. 5. Warsaw has fallen.
An official statement from the war office announced the Ger
mans have entered the Polish capital. The Russian garrison, it
was announced, retired over the three bridges spanning the
Vistula to the eastern suburb of Praga after offering a brief re
sistance to the Teutonic forces. Bavarian troops under Prince
Leopold stormed the last line of defenses and entered the city
over the Kolish and Radom roads.
From Praga the Russian center is retiring along the railway
leading to Novo Minsh and over the plain of the Northern
railway, keeping in touch with the right wing near Novo Geor
gievsk. German forces are pursuing the retreating Slavs and
have captured many stragglers. In Berlin extra editions an
nounced the fall pf the city, bells were tolled and the capital is
The official statement of the war office gave no details of
the final engagements at the gates of Warsaw, or of the greater
battle on the wings in which the Germans sought to envelope
the Slav forces. That the struggle. before the last defenses of
the city was short and fierce was evident by the fact Prince
Leopold arrived before the outer works of Warsaw only a day
and a half ago. The Russians were holding the line running
through Blonie, 30 miles from the city. With the opening of
the Bavarian assault, they fell back to the last lines in front of
the city and finally were driven out entirely.
It is believed the greater part of the Russian garrison which
remained in Warsaw to:the last was captured. No specific
mention was made of the success of the pursuit of the remain
der who escaped and it is supposed the Slavs either destroyed
the Vistula bridges or attempted to destroy them after with
drawing in order to impede the pursuit of the Teutons. The
first Germans entered the city last night.
PETROGRAD. Aug. 5 Less than
six miles from the town hall, the
Russians are. making a last stand In
a bloody battle within the city lim
its of Warsaw. Retiring from
1 V
recognition of his services on
behalf of the empire, Sir Robert
norden, premier of Canada
!JuIy !9, formally presented
was, on
with the
freedom of the city of London
honor granted to but few.
Blonie the Slav Garrison took up a
position behind the outer defenses on
the western borders of the city
where assaults directed against them
by Bavarian troops are being stub
bornly resisted, according to the lat
est advices received. The Germans
took up positions along the G0I4
Mocozydle line and opened a bom
bardment of the last defenses of the
Polish capital.
It is possible the Slav garrison al
ready has withdrawn across the Vis
tula, leaving Warsaw In the hands of
the Germans, but officials do not
believe the city has yet finally yield
ed. They declared that from the
outer defenses the garrison coul't
sweep all the western approaches tn
the town and hold off the Germans
indefinitely. It was predicted War
saw would, not be entirely evacuated
until the last soldier of the main
Russian army had entered the new
positions This will mean. It was
I declared, that thousands of Germans
will he sacrificed in massed attacks
against the last defenses of Warsaw
before the city Is finally entered.
RERUN. Amr. 5. Wlu-thrr the)
kalT has enu-rcil Warsaw with hi
victorious army In not known. He H
n-ported to liave planned to entT with
the ;orman troop, but lilt wh.-re-alNtiiM
the last two day ha ls-n
I mvtterv. The la-t ofrMal rvxrt re-
carditis the kaiser uid he wa at t.a
j lliian hcadipiarti-r with Archduke)
; IlvdorH-k of Austria. I jirly rNrt
; stated tlie kai-s-rlne and the cntw
j prince planned to rnti-r tlw ity with
J the kaisr. hut they were last return.
I Hl as rftomhtg to Itorlln from th
I east.
0. S. Ifl MEXICO
: WASHINGTON'. Aug 5 .-Mx!, V,
I destiny hung In the balam e this (
ernoon. With Iinslng presijln.
envoys of the leading Central and
South American republics met at the
state department to discuss IBn plans
which were outlined by I.snntng to
restore peace south of ths ftlo
, Grande.
I At 2 45 all the envoy had rr v-d
' with the exception of Amlatsdor
Suarex of Chile. II was unavoidably
detained The conference proce-df-d,
There Is now little doubt that th
warring Mexican factions must bum
(Continued en pas slsht )