TAGE MIGHT DAILY EAST ORF.GONIAN. rEN'DLF.TOX. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 29. EIGHT PAGES i 5; t i I 1 4 it I 4 pv f sr o El i! l Vlr t HU Sl V T LJki L : , , i icres . here lout Iroul; :o lzqs OUR experience in vision testing enables us to correct your eye with scientific accuracy. We specialize in the most modem forms o spectacles and eyeglasses, including the popular Toric and Kryptok Invnible Bifocal Lenses. It will be pleasure to demonstrate for you the superior merits of these lease m our patented You wul admit that Fits-LTj are the most com fortable and best-looking glasses you eret saw. 33 Royal M. Sawtelle Established 1887 The HALLMARK Store JSolllME II InlSsii II bills TODAY AND TOMORROW "WOMAN GIVES AND FORGIVES MAN GETS AND FORGETS" The Great Emotional Drama of a Woman's Sin crpn nnj w duuvuMuvl mx&l ILmwI ite i 1 ill nmfTT" - i - - - I Newsy Notes of Pendleton v.. .. I Mutlol. Io Alaska. Wesley N. Matlock left last night for Portland and will go on to Alaska to look after property Interests there. Anotlwr Craw Fire. Another grass (Ire on the south hill between Tustin and Bluff streets railed out the fire department yesterday af ternoon about 4 o'clock. No damage was done. Taken to Sanitarium. Mrs. Charles Baxter, Jr., formerly Miss Hazel Nolen of this city, has been taken to the Open Air Sanltnrlum near Portland for treatment, accord ing to word received by her friends here. Takes Prisoner!! to Portland. 17. S, Deputy Marshal Dave Fuller left on No. IT today with Jack Joyce and Joe Parsons for Portland, the two men being held to the federal grand Jury on a charge of Introducing liiiuor on the reservation. i'f DEAN IS KOW SERVIXi TIE FOB KIOlPiHG BOISE, Idaho, July 29. Leon Dean, kidnaper for ransom of Ernest Empey, began serving a sentence of from one to ten years in the state penitentiary. He pleaded guilty at Blackfoot. if s , - , y- . " f J ' ' ft I t w - i 4 t v W4 5 V . . .. .1 ': " a.1 lHUli "The Accusation' o D3 or -CTQ z I r cT a 3 '2. 15c ADULTS CHILDREN 5c "ill I p h h J?3 ill it Iyowell to IlopaJr House, Judge S. A. Lowel has taken out a jermit to repuir and remodel the old Lowell home on Johnson street. The building will be raised and a new con crete foundation put under it. The cost of the repairs w ill be about 500. SAM) HAGS PltOTKCT I.INKll FltOM GF.HMANS NEW YORK. July 29. The White Star liner Arabic sailed for Liverpool today with a number of sand bass surrounding the after steering gear as a protection against possible shell fire from German submarines. The Arabic carried 16.00 tons of cargo, almost all of which was war supplies, with aeroplanes and auto molbles forming the chief portion. Of the ISS passengers, la were Am-ericans. Stiirtevant Ca.c Again Adjourned. With the conclusion of testimony yesterday in the Sturtevant will con test, the case was again adjourned. It will be resumed again just as soon as certain witnesses can be located and brought in. Kcvortlcr (iot-) Leave of Absence-. The council last evening eranted Recorder Thos, Fitz Gerald a two weeks' leave of nlwnce to begin Au gust 1. He will join li is wife at Ix'li maa Springs. During his absence John Hailey, Jr., will net as recorder aid police judge. 1 ipl flu ( liu agti Wants a Hound-up. The Round-up association within the past few days has1 received a let ter and a telegram from Chicago par ties stating that they want to put on a wild west show in that town and asking the local association to put them in touch with some one who can st;ige it for them. IN re Is Keappointod, Local Knights or Columbus have been notified that J. II. Peare of La Grande, has again been appointed dis trict deputy of 'the Knights of Co lumbus for eastern Oregon. This makes the fourth successive appoint ment Mr. Peare has received. The district comprises all of the state east of The Dalles. Dogs Develop ltabics; Killed. Some time ago three dogs on the farm of Herbert Thompson on the reservation fought with a coyote which evidently was afflicted with the rabies. All three of the dogs devel oped symptoms of hydrophobia, hav ing been bitten by the coyote, and have been killed, the last two within the past few days. Left $13,000 F-state. Carl Hoe ft, well known farmer who died in this city July 2, left an estate valued at $ 1 5,0o0 approximately, ac cording to the petition filed today by his widow. The estate consists of 720 acres of farm land valued at $7200 and something over J7000 in money and bank certificates. He died without leaving a will. His heirs are his wid ow and nine children. Deserted; Wanu Divorce. Alleging that her husband. William R. Said, deserted her on April 28, 1913, at Hermiston. Lelia L. Said to day filed suit for divorce in the cir cuit court through her attorney, W. J. Warner of Hermiston. She also asks for the custody of their two ml nor daughters, ages 14 and 9. The couple were married in Platte City, Mo., on June 26, 1899. Morrison Funeral Ildd. The funeral of the late Charles Morrison was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Folsom chapel, Rev. Charles Quinney of the Church of the Redeemer conducting the services. Many of the friends which he had made during a 15 year residence In Pendleton were present. Interment was made In Olney cemetery. Deceas ed was born in Ohio on April 24, 1969. Besides his wife he is survived by a mother, two brothers, a half-brother and a half-sister, all living In Illinois. FRENCH MAKE GALNS OX WESTEHX FRONT PARIS, July 29. Fresh advances by the French In Alsace and the cap ture oi irencnes aoout St. Hubert and Malencourt by mining operations are reported by the war office. Two hundred dead Germans were found in the trenches after the mines were ex ploded. Lingekopf. In Alsace was vi rested from the Germans. Hot Weather Requires Light Weight Underwear Remember we buy underwear for 83 busy stores and it takes lots of it. That's why we sell it at about what our competitors have to pay for the same grade of goods. BETTER GET WHAT YOU WANT AND SAVE AT LEAST A THIRD. Ladies' sleeveless vesta, every one perfect at 5, Gauze vests, you can't get a better value at a third more, 12y, 19, 25, Ladies' knit drawers in cuff or lace knee.... 251, 49 Ladies' union suits, 50c and 75c values 25 49 Why pay $1.00 and $1-50 for fine mercerized uni on suits, the Golden Rule every day price is only G9S 9S. Children's union suits for this hot weather at 25, 49. Children's sleeveless vests at 10 Fine cotton hose 10 ancj 12 Vit- Silk lisle and boot silk hose, black or white 25. 49 Ladies' pure thread silk hose, $1.50 value 98 Ladies' combinations of muslin, cambric, nicely trimmed at 49. 69f Beautiful sheer nainsook or dotted silk mull com binations 98, $1.49, $1.69. Dainty Amifrench wear, looks like hand embroid ered, in envelopes 98, $1.23, $1.49. White petticoats, deep flounce of dainty em broidery priced at 98, $1.49, $1.98. vTight gowns in the slip over kind, you would ex pect to pay a third more elsewhere 69, 79. 98. $1.49. Dainty corset covers, emb. or lace trimmed 19, 25. 49. Brassieres, splendid 50c and 75c values at 25, 49. YOU CAN DO BETTER. At 83 WE LEAD OTHERS FOLIO W Vfc' j. J L j It! , 10c TODAY o) c Sc ED COXAN Is the sort of a man that preys on the virtu e and faith of good woman. Winded Greenwood Is a woman who was to have been a wife, but who is put off from day to day on the question of marriage until she forgets her honor. Both these great stars are shown today in an American production n r7v J JJ m U ia)0 W 1 There is the woman who is the wife and the woman who was to have been the wife. JANE KESTLER from the Pantages Cir cuit will sing again tonight Also a Keystone Comedy The Best Program in Pendleton Today and no Advance in Price III Start on Paving Contraet. Supt. C. P. A. Lonergan of the War ren Construction Co., has started work upon the contract for the pav ing of West Alta, Chestnut, Garden, Willow. Webb and Water streets. The gutters and curbs are now being put in and, just as mnn as the water com mission puts In its new mains on the streets, the paving plant now In Walla Walla will be moved over ad the lay ing of the gravel bitulithlc commenc ed. The Alta street pavement will be laid first In order that It may be fin ished before the Round-up. He Who laughs Laat, Etc. Jack Robinson, who lost his shoes yesterday afternoon while reclining In a barber chair, f'gures he has the last laugh on his side. After learning that the perpetrator of the Joke was T. F. O'Brien, he sent a messenger boy to Mr. O Brlen'i house to secure a pair of the O.-W. agent's shoes. The messenger was successful and Robin son pawned the "kicks" for a dol lar and sent tho pawn check to the owner of the shoes. O'Brien now swears he will replevin the shoes by court process and the pawnbroker will have to look to the laundryman for his dollar. The shoes, he says, are not worth a dollar anyway as his wife, suspicious of a Joke had given the messenger boy a wornout pair, iiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii'i uDiraiyranii Quality IEe Alta Theatre TODAY ONLY The Favorite ni ICTIM C A DMI IRH in his great. W w I MM I -tlllUWItfl est Success i Quality I 4 American Actor In? AN ARTISTIC AND VIVID PICTURIZATION OF AMERICA'S POTENT RE MINDER OF THE GOLDEN WEST THAT'S GONE. From the popular book by Owen Wester, and the famous play. THE GREATEST WESTERN STORY EVER PRODUCED. The story itself abounds in good humor at one moment and stalking tragedy the next. Particularly amusing was the' exchange of babies during the barbe cue, the excited parents coming back after driving miles away from the ranch before the trick was discovered. ( DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT: IT IS SURE TO PLEASE. Tomorrow The beautiful Broadway star, IVA CLAIRE, in "The Wild Goose Chase ' Quality FROM THE FAMOUS ROMANTIC CO MEDY. Quality mm j IlllllllllllIllIHIEIIIIIIIllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIll lilllillllHIMIIHIIlIlllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllJilIHil