EIGHT PAGES mm 6EKERAL l!l LIVESTOCK Hi (From The Journal.) PORTLAND, ore.. July 29. Weak ness wemrd to be ahown on Mil sides in me local livestock situation. For PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION SAYS INDIGESTION HESUITS HU)M AN KXCKSS OK IITD HO Hl.OKIC ACID. Undigested food delayed ln the stomach decays, or rather, ferments the same an food left In the open ulr. nay a noted authority. He also tells us that Indigestion Is caused by hy-per-acldlty, meaning, there 1 an ex cess of hydrochloric acid ln the stom ach which prevenU complete diges tion, and starts food fermentation. Thus everything eaten sours In the stomach much like garbage aonr In a can, forming acid fluids and gases which Inflate the stomach like, a toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy misery In the cheat, we belch up gas, we eructate sour food or have heart burn, flatulence, water hranh or nau. sea. He tells uh to lay aside all digestive aids and Instead, get from any phar macy four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of wa ter before breakfast and drink while It la effervescing and furthermore, to continue this for n week. While re lief follows the flr.il done. It Is Im portant to neutralise the acidity, re move the gas-making mass, start the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive Juice. Jad Salts I Inexpensive and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla'and so dium phosphate. This harmless salts la used by thousands of people for stomach trouble with excellent suits MAT I'ltOTE 'ATAL. When Will Pendleton reople Jrn tb Importance of It? Backache Is only a simple thing at first; Bui If you find 'tis from the kid' nays; Tkat serious kidney troubles may follow; That dropsy or Bright' disease may be the fata) end, Tou will be glad to know the fol lowing experience. Tls the statement of a Pendleton citizen. Mrs. Geoige W. Badgett, Box 629, Tendleton, says: "One of my family had spells of backache and at times was laid up for a month. Straighten ing up quickly after bending caused severe twinges In the small of the back. The kidneys were out of order. Doan's Kidney Pills were recommend ed by a physician and they have nev er failed to relieve these ailments. I have also used Doan's Kidney Pills myself and recommend them as a good kidney medicine." Price 10c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Fills the same that Mrs. Badgett recommends. Foater Mllburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. 3SESTF.R S 1 I 'I It I tl M l:i!ATi t ntlrl A.k )igrli-U('!M ( r A ( L I t M-4ntrrB I. , jtnmiU A rnuin U4 a-t-i told m uiii I SvJ 1 ate tfwr. li-if of jn ip fx I'-r. . a - ii .(i '. i -i r.ii i if in :t :t 1 u Ik A I yMtskmiwnat I't, '.ritA, AU-i l.flilH SfllDEUffif-GISISaiKYViXiaE "Pride of the Pacific" Is the, place to forget summer s heat and dust, also Tho Cans and Worries of Tho Day to enjoy llfo at its best, down by the sea where ocean breezes blow. Reached only via ths OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION CO, Tickets on sale dally at low fares for the round trip Ask T. V. O'lUUEV, Fendleton. Agent, ijjglthX cattle the feeling la intensely weakand while It In true that cattle may be good enough to bring $6.75, and even u high as 17.00 In the steer division, still the average run of what is culled mh'H atuff haa not been quoted above 6.50 recently, while cows of average quality were no higher than K.flO. There was a small run of cattle re potted In the North Portland yrds overnight, but killers showed little dls position to take hold. In fact, prac- ttciilly all business that passed, was torced by receivers. A feature of the trade today was tb,e receipt of a carload of dairy cows from the Multnomah county poor farm at Troutdale. The anlmuLs were discarded owing to being poor milkers. Cattle market situation in the east this morning was steady to weak with lower prices in some quarters. General cattle market range: Select steers $8.50is 60 Hest hay fed steers .2GW.3f. flood to choice 6.oni'6.25 Ordinary to fair 5.00 5.75 Hest cows 6.25 5.30 '.nod to prime 5.005.25 Select bulls 4. 50 fj 5.60 Fancy bulls 4.25 Ordinary bulls 3.75 Tf 4.0fl Hog So to I0o Ixmrr, Market for hogs today was 5ft 10c lower than yesterday at North Port land. Top sales In the North Portland market this morning were around $7.3n, with killers not Inclined to hur ry purchases, even at the lower price. Butchers have a surplus still on hand and this Is growing Instead of show ing a decrease. At eastern points the market for swine wax steady to weak and lower this morning. General hog market range: Hest light t 7.30 Medium light 7. 1 7. fi' 7.25 Good to heavy 7.0(1 fi 7 1 0 Rough to heavy 0.00 fc 6.50 Million a Quarter (Iff, Generally speaking, the market for mutton is showing a loss of a quarter at North Portland. While receipts at the yards recently have been com paratively small so far as open mar ket offerings were concerned, some of the leading killers have been bringing In large bands direct from the coun try and now have a surplus on hand. Top lambs are today not being quo ted above $7.50 and It takes exception al quality at the moment to bring above $7.25. other offerings In the sheep division are correspondingly re duced. Mutton market was strong and higher to weak and lower at various Points In the east this morning. General shorn mutton market: "holce spring lambs $8.25 i 6.50 Common spring lambs .75i6.O0 Choice yearling wethers.. 5.0015.23 Good yearlings 4.75115.00 Old wethers 4.75?i5.nJ Choice light ewes 4.35 ii 4.50 Good ewes 4.25 Hough, heavy ewes 3.50 ifi 4.00 LIvccKxk MilpiKM-. Hogs J. E. Proffitt. Dayton, I load; M. Allshouse, Greshum, 6 loads; A. Gentman, Hillsdale, 1 load; K. M. Dim bat, 2 loads. Cattle C. K. Protit. Corvallis. 1 load, Multnomah poor farm. Trout-! dale, 1 load. Sheep Adams Bros.. 1 load; James Mace. Hedmond, 2 loads; Jesse Rog ers. West Scio. 1 load. Mixed stuff M.'u. Wheeler. I-cban. on. 1 load hogs and sheep. FOREIGN GRAIN CROPS NOT UP TO STANDARD (From The Journal.) roHTXA.VD, Ore., July 29. llroom- hull crip cables today: I'nltfd Kingdom Drouth affec ted all crops. Wheat will hardly prove I an aveiaKo crop. Hurley and oats' much below average. I iri'ece Crop prospects rains attend harvest. Itus.-ia Weather favors low ered ; harvest Sma il amounts "leavinu . , ... . France. A iisti la I 'fficial reports place the yield of wheat for Hungary at 112.- (iflil.nnn bushels compared with 14 - (lOO.niift bushels last year. Believe this Is exaKerjited and la.st crop was very small one. Fur WiMcrii Clianipiou-,lilp--. SAX FHAXCISCO, July 29 The Far Western championship contests, track, field and marathon .probably the most Important athletic events of the fair thus fair, begin tomorrow with a strong list of entrants. The meet will conclude Saturday. l,i..i.,Miif ,-,---"-' --ri ) lait'Liir-' Tirnnir ii-i riini -- '' -' - I' V TH JACS VtASWyU - WARSAW This picture shows the Place Kraslnskl In Warsaw, around which the Germans are closing on three sides. Its fall is momentarily expected. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, SPOR TS f'aHfIc 'oa-t League Slimline W. u Pet San Francisco 63 Los Angeles 64 Portland 54 Oakland 57 Vernon 54 Salt Lake 51 Yiwtcnbty'H IUhuU. At 1a Angeles Vernon, 50 .55 55 .531. 55 .495 60 .487 61 .470 62 .4 51 Port- land 0. At Wall Lake bos Angeles 8, Salt Lake 7. At Kan Francisco San Francisco 9 Oakland 2. NEW YOHK, July 29 A 10-round bout that should go a long way to waidx 'determining the next opponent of Lightweight Champion Freddie Welsh will be staged tonight at Madi son Square Garden between Jack Bilttun of Chicago, and Johnny Dun the top of the contenders' heap and dee llolh men admittedly are at the top of the contender' heap and buth, in the opinion of ring men, could beat Welsh '.n a long fight. Het. ting today wan even. MAW ISKii:TI U.S ItlX KlVKD. Inquiries Indicate Heavier I jirollim nt Next Fall Than Ever Hi--fori- at O. A. C. OKEGOX AG ItlCl'LTl'ltAL COL LEGE, Corvallis, July 23. The reg istrar's office Is receiving more cnlleKe entrance credentials than it received at the cot responding period last year, said II. M. Tnmant in replv to the Inquiry an to the outlook for attend ance the coming year at the Oregon, Agricultural College. "Reported hard times combined with the raising of re quirements for entrances Into the de gree courses seem to have made no impression on the prospective student body. A disposition to seek special! nation In chosen lines of work is evi dently the moving force behind the vast number of Inquiries reaching the office, since about double the usual number from students in colleges else where has already been received." "A feature of the Inquiries from prospective vocational students Is the Increased age of those seeking ent rance. It Is not at all unusual to re ceive several inquiries a day from per- . sons of twenty to forty years of age. A practical, middle-aged farmer nf the Willamette valley announces his Intention to come and take specia' work in dairying, going especially in to the manufacturing phase of the subject. Another past forty expects to take work in general agriculture and farm practices. One thirty-eight years of age wants to come and study methods of bee-keeping on the farm. And so It goes along the line, with many seeking to make themselves more proficient in home-making and in office and shops. Three trained nurses of Portland have also announc ed their wish to enter and specialize In dietetics and food preparation for invalids." RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction (f Mortgage. A mortgnce executed by X. Gurred to state land board April 27, 1S71. lor $66.66 Is released. A mortgage executed bv David C. White to state land board July 13. 1 8T 1. for 1133.33. is released. A mortgage executed by F. M and W. A. Woods to Fred ,S. Ashley, March 1. 191. ' Pld and released, ClHillcl Mortar'. C V Adams to Minneapolis Ihreshins Mch. Co., J2650. 1 trac tion engine, farm machinery. Id hoi sea Hiul mares. J. A. Johnson to H. W. CopeWind, 1 set harness, 1 wagon. 1 mare. Mortt'iMrc. Hoy llyut to W. T.. Oinn .t'.OO. The .me 1-4 of SW 1-4 and S 1-2 and XK 1-4 of .SE 1-4 of sec. 32, T. 4 X., H. 36 K., V. M. Stephen A. Lowell et al, to Treas urer City of Pendleton, $1,100 Lot 4 In fractional block Ii, city of Pendle ton. Chus. S Hiierly to Rank of Stnn fielil. J5IHI. The SK 1-4 of SW 1-4 of NW 1-4 of sec. II, T. 4 X , K. 29 K.. W M. Flora and John Clark to Williams & Winger Lumber Co., $212.50. A tract of land, title descriptive! POLISH CAPITAL SOON TO OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 2!), 1915. i . Y '- r' . . u , , ' , ..J. ..OuullUvKCOCl. k Tk. . hy, to know that everlasting smoke-joy is yours is just like get ting some money from home in the early mail every a. m. Makes you feel mighty cheery and puts you on the firing line for whatever crosses your path. That's the idea ! V : V A. E. Hurd et ux to George Miller Co., $75. A part of the XE 1-4 of SE 1-4 of sec. 16. T, 3 X., R. 29 E., W. M., containing 3 acres IM-Ccl. Kobert Bruce et ux to Orville fwalley. $?ru). The W 1-2 of lots 7 and S. block 5, In Cole's addition to Pendleton. John K. Johnson et ux to Fred S. Ashley. $1. In. 54 acres, title descrip tive. S. J. Moore to elms. S. Hriedly. $2. 70ft. The SE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of XW 1-4 of sec. 11, T. 4 N., R. 29 E., V. M Orville Swalley to Winnie H. Ilruce; $2u The E 1-2 of lot 7 and 8, Mock 5 in Cole's addition to Pendle ton. WOMAN" S.VKI C.EI i IMHi 11SOM WtMHM HKK WATERHURY. Conn.. July 2S. Mrs. Henry F. Reynolds, 94. of Ply mouth saw her 15-year -old dog fight Ing a woodchuck of unusual size The dag was gradually getting afraid and Mrs. Reynolds quickly dispatched the woodchuck with her handy cane. Ernest Henley, S8. angered because Miakes were frightening chickens. FALL : f ' il,. it X J1-' I the national Prince Albert differs from all brands of tobacco because it is made by an exclusive, patented process that cuts out the bite and the parch and leaves for you just that delightful P. A. Ilavor and fragrance. And it tastes just as good as that sounds I Now, you gotoit ! Buy Prince Albert every where, Toppyredbagt,Sc; tidy red tin; 10c; aho handsome pound and half pound humidor. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C started for what he thought were grass snakes and met and killed a three foot rattler with ten attles and a button. Anna Floyd, not yet 6, picked up what she thought was a pretty toy and landed a young six-inch rattler. How she evaptd death no one knows. (URL IS DROWXK.n AT WAIMXfi 1'AItTV j MARYVILLE, July 28. In sight of two young companions Emily G. Cole, j the 12-year-old members of a wading j Tarty, was drowned today in the Feather river. She was the only child of P. n. Cole of this city. i A, CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY 1TXEUAI, PIHF.CTOnS. JOHN' S. BAKER. FUNERAL- DI-HALET & RAI.EY, ATTORNEYS AT DRS. WHITAKER & WOOD. DEN rector and licensed embaimer Op-! lnw- Office in American National; tlsts. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. posite postoffice. Funeral parlor, two ' Bank Building. m. Mllarkey building, Pendleton funeral cars. Calls responded to day! Oregon. or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITUER STORE Funeral director and licensed em I aimer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63 INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS; HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES! reliable abstracts of title to all ! lands ln Umatilla county. Buys and' sells all kinds of real estate. Does! a genifral brokerage busuies. Pays. t:ie. nml m:kes investments for non-' residents. Writes fire, life and accl- dent Insurance. References, any bank In Tendlcton. JAMES JOHNS. Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. HEXTLEY & LEFFIXGWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 815 Main street. Phone 404. SKtXND HAND DE-VI.ERS. V.' STROULE, DEALER IX XEW and second-hand gsods. Cash paid 1 for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place in Perjtlnleton to buT household goods. Come and get oUr prices. 219 E. Court street. Phone 271W. " . AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of aimers' stock , and machinery sale. "The man that sets you the money ' Leave orders at East Oregonian offlcs. You'll score first time up! ( Every man who takes a sporting chance on a dime against a tidy red tin of Princj Albert tobacco whether it's rolled into s. makin's cigarette or jammed into a jimmy pipe makes a hit with himself. Just can'i help it, because P. A. sure enough is biiK: to deliver 'em across the plate, one, two, three! It's a 100 to 1 shot that P. with joy. Men, today you can smoke your fill, all day, all night, and Prince Albert won't even make your tongue tingle! That's just about why men call joy smoke other ' mm. ATTORNEYS. FEE & FEE." ATTORXEYS AT LAW. Office in De-spain building. CARTER & SMYTHE, ATTORXEYS, at law. Office in rear of American! .National Bank building. j JAMES B. PERRY. ATORNEY AT I law. Office over Taylor Hardware' COmpany' PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building, - . DOUGLAS W BAILEY. ATTORXEY ... ...... ..,i, ('luiiiia in find federal courts. Rooms 9, Despain building. GEORGE O. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTOR ney at law. Office ln Smith-Crawford building. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in Despain building. MALE HELP WANTED. W NTEI GOOD LIVE CANVASS. er to represent us In Eastern Ore gon. Commission proposition. Cash weekly, pacific Nursery Co., 122 1-1 Orarwl Av Pnrtlnn.l n,. ' WANTED rARTY WILL PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla countj ! farm. $20 to $40 per acre. Address i Box 12, Athena, Or. I .... r -J - - ti '-s?-r- Vd.-4 PAGE SEVEN A. will jolt your system ' r ; - '4. ;l is' S V' Chafing and Percolating by electricity offers the greatest convenience and economy Imagin able. Tou really don't know what a saving in time and trouble It will effect in your daily routine if you have this equipment. They j are always ready to perform em- ; ereency service. W carry them I in great variety and at low prices. J. L. VAUGHAN PHYSICIANS. VETERINARY SURGEON'S. C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUXTY veterinarian Residence telephone, 27; office telephone, 20. MlSt EI.I.AN EOl S. j ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS, wedding announcements, embossed : private and business stationery, etc. Very latest styles. Call at Eu't Or ; gonlan offlcs and see sample. At rTti.v mi ........ -THE EA l'oi'.rc- "',.' r l -: IfJK-S all State gonian makes a specialty of suc 7, S and iion sa)p hills, card and advert .-"ing. . We can furnish aui-tinneer. -!.! k nod advertising compie'e th.it will a-". iro you of having a succes'ul sale. TRESSPASS .NOTICES. STLLI'"N season curds and sale lul's of every description printed at reasonabls prices at the East Orecnnlan W have a fine lot of stock cuts tint ouf patrons are allowed the free ue of t -xz. .- BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY AT t . v ' U