EIGHT PACES DAILY EAST OREGONfAN. PENDLETON", OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 1915. PAGE FIVE f"i a- HOT V EATS COOK A NICE "PEMECO" POT ROAST OR BOIL IN THE COOL MORNING FOR LUNCH. 'Pemeco" Boiled Hams 'Pemeco" Ham Sausage 'Pemeco" Minced Ham Limberger, Swiss, Cream RIPE FRUITS Peaches Plums Apples Oranges Bananas Lemons Berries KNIGHT'S PICKLES, SERVICE QUALITY The Central Market PHONE LOCALS O, Advertising in Brief RATKH. Per line first Insertion 10e Per Hne. aildltiooal lunerlloa tic Per line, per avmita 1100 So loriU taken for lena than 2.'c. t'oant ordinary warns to line. Locals will not be taken OTer the phun and remittance must aecum pan order. For fuel font flv. Tan mules, 6 head of horse for aale at Alta Darns. For sale One-half acra Improved Addresa "G" thla offloa. Furnished room In Nye Apta. for rent. Apply 602 Water atreet. Want to rent or buy used electrit vibrator. Address Box 705, City. Frcah milch cow fur aale. Inquire Mra. B. P. Doherty, or phone S6IW. For aale New, model, livery barn, best of equipment. Telephone Stables. Vlavl A home treatment. 304 Ho te Pendleton A. It. Qllchrlst. Phone 470. Lost I'mbrelia, M. E. Wlndel en graved on handle. Please return ti this office. Will put up nice lunches for picnic or auto parties on short notice Phone 2SOW. For sale Five acre trace with good house In Riverside. Address Box 15 H. F. D. 1, ("Mr John Rosenberg, Court atreet watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guaranteed. Very many peopU desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Old papers for aale; tlej In biindlei Oood for atartlng fires, ate. 10a a bundla. This office. Lody bookkeeper sted State i-ge and wages expected. Addreaa In own hand writing. It X tla office For aale 960 acre of god . farm liini In r: II limn e.iuntv. A srup If ta ken at once. Address Lock Box 32,1 F.cho, Ore. Wanted Good hustler with auto mobile, who can trael through Wash. Ington and Idaho. I have a proposi tion of merit X care East Oregonlan "Mutt" takea the big loada and "Jeff ahowa the apaed. Penland Pro, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 647 Mnln street. Phone SJ9. For ale Six room bungalow, good location, also furniture. Part cash, balance easy payments or will sell on Installment plan Call Telephone Stable. Test Your Own Eyes The. above lines should look exactly alike to you with each eye seperately when held at arm's length, and you should be able to read the fine print below with comfort when held at 14 inches. Caution About Use and Selections of Spectacles -tarn. h.rtitf W" "HI k. ! i "i J""' ill l .bU l r.i II wild cli v npinl'lj ""'' f,MT ,,n r iMH-iivi-Mrt h"ul ! immwii! llnun WhM Ik. r, biw lll fr.ni "ll"t " "' 'h " WurtW ar n,n wtoMT. It ir tivlirtlwm llnl Iimm tr hM Th.lm.llll'''''"l'lr,,' M hw nripr(tly lomii nfr (onllnu Ht mint Inn wtu muh in ptln "Ju'T lrinlhtMIil IP niMrta tl KcanmotelM la ikfKU ill Ui ftaM. If your vision does not meet the above requirements See ' Dale Rothwell, Exclusive Optician American Nat. Bank Bldg. J Phone 609. VEATHEO. "Pemeco" Liver Sausage "Pemeco" Blood Sausage "Pemeco" Bologna. Brick, American Cheese. VEGETABLES String Beans Cabbage Parsnips Onions Radishes Squash Roasting Ears OLIVES, RELISHES. SANITATION 45S Furnished rooms to rent, 901 Main Phone 24. Lost Crescent shaped pearl pin reward If returned to this office. Umt -Cameo pin with arrow point attached. Will pay liberal reward for return to this office. For sale One 36'' Ohio Alfalfa cutter, and 28 II. P. gas englna. Write or Inquire of P. H. Buchholx Co., Stanfleld, Oregon. Hair dressing and dyeing, mani curing, shampooing, scientific elec tric facial massage and acalp treat ment, ladle or gentlemen. Combings made to any design. Hair and orna ments at reasonable prices. Miss Hart, at Hansen Millinery. KeJlyg Auto ltepalr Simp. All work guaranteed. Electric starters a specialty. Second hand cans bought and sold, Cottonwood meet, opposite city hall. Phone 633. Good Coul and Wood. Our Rock Bprlng coal burn clean giving you mora heat and leaa dirt for your money. Good dry wood that aVoean't boll, but burn. Also alaba and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and coat order from B L. Burroughs, phon .Adv. Jfotli. My cleaning plant not damaged. Am conducting my basinesa from my place at 126 W Court. All work promptly attended to. Both phones. 432 and 19. FELL'S PENDLETON CLEANING WORKS. . . (Adv ) l-IkH- Attention. Pendleton Udge No. 2SS, H. P. O. Elks will hold Its regular monthly meeting tonight. AM members urged to lie present. JACK A. OIBSON, E. R. Tims FITZ GERALD, Sec. (Adv.) ix povm The following described animal haa been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wit: One bay mare, about 12 years old. weight " pounds, spot in forehead, branded J. M. conencted on left hip If said animal Is not claimed by the owner or those entitled to the possession of It, costs and expenses against It paid and it taken away within 10 day from the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p .m. of the loth day of August, the aald animal will be sold to the highest bidder, at pub lic auction, for cash, at the city pound, located at the Depot Barn, Cottonwood street, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale tc lie applied to the payment of such cos and expenses of making sale. Dated this 2th day of July, 1915 JOHN KEARNEY. City Marshal. mi mini I X. Hinili n or I'kUh In at the Sit. Geoige hotel. W. II. Met 'arty or (taker Was In Pendleton over night, ('. (' Connor, Helix farmer, is a FYn !letnn visitor today. It. H. Hostlc of Walla Wall, wan a vlsito tn I'endleton yesterday. Harold Hrork In at Hlilaway Springs with HIk parenU enjoying an -outing. H II. Wessel has returned from a v i m 1 1 to tlie springs In the south end of the county. Misses Florence. I'arker and Maryi Fran of Portland are registered at!" the Pendleton. Lot Livermore, Pendleton's oldest resident, returned today from a visit to Lehman Springs Hoy Itunnell and F. l King came down from Hlngham Springs yester day and returned today. Willard Itond left Tuesday night for Portland to Join his wife and baby. He will take them m to Oearhart for an outing. Mrs, Oeorge Waiehan of Calumet, Mich, has arrived here and will vis It with her sister, Mrs. William Frail, until Fall. Harry Hyche, proprietor of the Specialty Grocery, rolurned last wight fom a vacatton'spent at Seaside, Port land and Spokane. I. ('. lirownell. who recently dl-i pnxed of Nome of his land at Vmatilla ami acquired Portland property In the deal, was in Pendleton over night. Famous Statue To Be Exhibited Today Pendleton people will have their, first opportunity this afternoon of seeing the plaster cast of A. Phlinis ter proctor's latest piece of sculpture, "The Huckaroo," an heroic bronz of which Is profmsed for placement in this city. "The Bui karoo" as well a the plaster cast of his cowboy head, for both of which Bill Ridings sat as the model, will be placed in the windows of the Frazier Book store this after noon snd will remain there this ev ening and probably tomorrow. To morrow they will be sent to New York where small bronzes will be made of them. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor returned yesterday from Portland where they were much feted while guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards and where a private exhibition bf 'The Buckaroo" was given. Later Mr. Proctor expects to place some of his bronzes on the market here. KI.CIU 1TINU l'.M)F.l) AYKHS TXCLK SAM SAN ANTONIO. Texas, July 30 With more than a score of men un der arrest, officers of the depart ment of Justice announced here that they had broken up an extensive sys tem of recruiting In the Vnlted States for armies engaged In Mexico's civil war. Eleven Mexican have been ar retted at Laredo, Eagle Pass and Del Itin charged with enlisting men for service In Mexico, and four oth ers have taken into custody charged with having enlisted. Among those arresled at Laredo was Manuel Del c'z.i. the Villa consul at that place, who was charged with violation of the neutrality laws. lililXTS-STlltLINti I.OSK HAHX, GRAIN WALLA WALLA. July 29. Three head of horses, a good barn with 15(1 tons of hay and other property there in, along with about SO acres of wheat were destroyed by fire about 8 o' clock yesterday morning on the Brents-Stirling ranch just east ofl Kulo The land was farmed by Clar ence Itndgers. The fire started near the barn and Is of unknown origin, although It Is believed that some farm hand drop red a cigar or match. The fire was put out before It could spread very far, but owing to the loss of the barn arid horses, the total loss will be si-verat thousand dollars. Fr Sale Clicnp. One Buffalo Pitts 25 H. P. traction engine In good condition. Inquire Van Petten Lumber Co. Adv. NEW YORK MILITIA s (Continued From Page Two) As a conif-'.lment to MU Margaret Jli Kerina, of 1'ortlnnd. who w a guest of h r sister. .Mrs. James John. Jr.,! Mrs. Osiuer L Smith 1h entertaining three tahleg if hrldge thin afternoon.! Inviiationii have been Issued for the1 organisation of a haul Jclphian club to he held lr the court room of the city hall thin, Thursday, evening at 8 o'clock. This will be Pendleton's fit t dub affiliated with the nation al Oclphtan society and Indications point to u strong ' membership here ""'"' of ,he efficient leaders of the city are enlisted among the members. At the meeting tonight of ficers are to lie elected and Installed Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Methodist parsonage (Jranvllle O. Davis of Iewis. Oregon, and Maude K. Perrlgo of Echo were united in marriage, I!ev. 0, A. Uodshire per forming the coremony The couple were attended Tiy Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil liam Ksnelstyn -of K' ho. The following I'in.itilla county peo ple are at Seaside: Mrs. W. P. Tem ple and three children, Mrs. lavi(l Nelson and two children. Mr. and I Mrs. Fred Searcy and three children.! Mrs. William Slusher and daughter.) Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz and three'! chM.lren Me mid Mrs. Will M Peter-! , ,.' ,h. hllllrcn K T w,i(ti Mr. and Mrs. Loul Hagen and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Frazier and daughter. Milton: Mrs. William .Anderson and Min. Milton; Mr, and Mrs. (ieorge Rannlster and daughter, Athena; Mr. and Mrn. H. McArthur and daughter. Athena: Mrs. litis Ui Fountain and two children. Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Vincent, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. Vincent's parents. Dr. and Mrs. F. W. Vincent, left at noon today for their home in Portland. Mrs. A. J. McAllister left today for Portland and expects to go on later to the coast. Miss Miriam Delano this morning underwent a serious operation at St. Anthony's hospital but is reported this afternoon to be rallying satisfactorily. Her siwither has arrived frotn Portland and will make her home here, they having taken the Johnson cottage on Logan street. Miss Orace Stocking will make her home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hemmelgarn and Mrs. Carl Hemmelgarn left yesterday for Hldaway Springs. CARRANZA FORCE HKItJKT TO JIXTA SAYS VILLA COMM AND HAS KVACl ATICI) TORKM)X. WASHINGTON. July 29. After six hours fighting, Carranzurtaa have cap tured Pachuca, the Carranza junta announced. Caranza forces also de feated a column sent by General Villa to aid Zapata The Carranza junta also reported the Villa forces have evacuated Torreon. RtMFVi:i.T LFAVF-S WEST FOR HOME IN FAST LOS A.MittLKS, July 29 "We are going directly back to Oyster hay.'' announced Colonel Theodore Roose velt this afternoon as he and Mrs. Roosevelt and his secretary bade fare well to San Diego and the Panaca- Pacific exposition and boarded their train. A crowd of several thousand persons waved the colonel goodbye. Colonel and Mrs. Roosevelt had been honored guests since Monday noon. Roosevelt's chief activity to day was his review of the Annapolis midshipmen on parade at the exposi tion after which Mr. and Mrs Roose velt were the luncheon guests President and Mrs. G. Aubrey David- son. The highest tributes yet paid' the exposition wns made by Roosevelt i again today when In. his farewell ti J San Diego he urged that the build ings and ground he kept permanently and the exposition be continued i throughout 1916. READY FOR CAMP i r iff M t r lA CLEARANCE to SALE but there still remains a good assortment from 3 to 14 years, but we would urge you to come in and make your selection tomorrow before the supply is exhausted. NEWS FROM THE FARM AMD RANGE Baker Hay In Illgti High prices for", hay will be truf rule this year in the; country surrounding Baker, due to a M-mewhat light yield In the firrt crop: and the fact that many ranchers will; hold practically all of tills product for' feeding purposes during the winter ' While the crop in some sections is be-! low normal, others more highly fa- vored by climatic conditions report an unusual yield, and It is thought that the second cutting, due to late rains, will in a large measure bring the to tal crop up to the average. Baker Herald. Some. Wonderful Wlu-al Charles Marshall, who farms on Head and ! Hawley mountain seven miles from Weston, has some wheat this year that is said to be the finest ever rais ed on the mountain. His step dau ghter, .Mrs. Floyd Cooper, who with her Bon is spending the summer in the mountains near Bingham Springs, writes that the wheat stands six feet and seven inches high, has heads nine inches long and some of them have as many as 135 kernels. Rain Hall Harvesting A steady rainfall that began during the night has brought .harvest operations to a halt all over the county. Reports in. dlcate that the rain is general. Will Moore, agent for the Pacific Coast Elevator Co.. was almost to Heppner this morning and declares as much water fell In that country as here. The absence of any wind with the rain will prevent any grain from falling during the storm but other ramage may de velop if the rain keeps up. Rains at this time of the year have a tendency to bleach and lighten the wheat and consequently to reduce the test. How ever, if the weatherman is right in his forecast, fair weather will be here atialn tomorrow and the damage will be very small. Most of the farmers are taking advantage of the storm to start hauling their wheat. Little Smut This Year Very little smut is reported in I'matilla county's grain this year, the amount being much less than last year. This fac tor will help toward bringing up the lest of the wheat. sri.TW ir.coit.vrr:s STANDARD OIL MEN CONSTANTINOPLE, July 29. For numerous humanitarian services the sultan has decorated W. E. Memis. vice president of the Standard Oil company, with the Order of Osman-: leh, second class and Oscar Kunkel, j manager nnd L I. Thomas assistant manager of the Chicago branch of the standard Oil company with the Order of Osmanleh. third class. Some Loganberry Tiiiiv. SAX FRANCISCO. Cal., July 29. Fifteen hundred gallons of logan ber ry juice were served at the Oregon of j building at the exposition in celebra- tion of loganberry day. DYXAMITF.lt FOI M GULTY IX CS-ADA'S WINDSOR. Ont., July 29 Wm. Lefler of this city, was found guilty today in a justice court at Sandwich, Only 2 Days More to Fill Your Green Stamp Books Only 2 Days More of Sayres Great Semi-Annual Clearance Sale. ECONOMY BASEMENT SPECIAL Children's Gingham Dresses that sold $1.50 regularly There was a rush for these garments today, I a suburb, on two out of three counts known. Mayor Tenor Mated that th In an indictment charging him with; city Is now facing a loss of !-", vt) In dynamiting the plant of the Peabody revenues next year as there will he no Manufacturing company at Walker- j saloons. I ville, mar here and placing dynamite! ! under the Windsor armory several j weeks aro. OM F. MOItK WALLA WALI.A WILL I 'LAY SI.'COND I'lDDLK WALLA WALLA, July 29. The Plan of constructing a natatorium In the city park for the use of the citizens "t Walla Walla has been taken up by the Woman's Park club and others and the matter was put up to Mayor Tenor yesterday As suggested to him, the mayor says, the plain is to raise $15,000 to $20,000 by subscriptions or otherwise and construct a big swimming pool amnle to accommodate as many as want to use It, heat the water to a desirable temperature and thug pro vide somewhere to go on the hot even ings. Whether the city will be able to find a way to help the project is not . 0 0 9o o You'rt on the right track! If you can find use for a little more fun you ought to Maybe "yours" Don't befaiima maybe it ivilL ROUND-UP The 1915 Round-up will :i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii': JUST ARRIVED "Money saved is money earned." Note a few of the E following prices, if you want to earn money trade at the "Hub" where you get the most for your hard earned dollar. t MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 1 Men's blue Sport Shirts, regular 75c value, ONLY ... 50 Mens fine white Sport Shirts, regular $1.50 values. ONLY S5 SAMPLE GLOVES 1 Sample gloves of every description at 45c. !Nc. 1- ?1.23 and $1.35. Sample gloves are bettor and they sell f.r a third lss. MEN'S WORK PANTS 1 Good heavy work pants at $1.00, $1. 1.1 and 5? I ... f Others ask you $1.50 to $2.50 for the same pants. MEN'S DRESS PANTS Made by the American Art Tailoring Co., $3.-15 and $3.85. These pants sell in the regular way from f 3J "Investigate this." BOYS' SUITS Boys' Knickerbocker suits, sizes .'3 to 9 at Roys' Knickerbocker suits, sizes fi to 17 at ... The A. B. C suits, sizes 0 to THE j 23 Sample Stores. 745 MAIN ST. f 'nuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu. tr f up Mf I'fiC 11 Pendleton's Quality Store am If the city could not help build it, It U probable a way could be found for' it to maintain the place, he stated. Pendleton recently completed a na tatorium and it has been proving very-popular. BLACKHAM) LETTER SF.NT TO WOMAN. MINNEAPOLIS, Julv 29. Mr. Florence Gates Judd. formerly Mrs. Chas. O. Gates, received a letter yes terday signed with a blackhand, which threatened her life If $20,000 was not deposited near a certain lumber pil by midnight. She had previously re ceived several similar letters and paid no attention to them, but this one wa shown to her hjisband who eniployi'I detectives to guard his home and aDwt to watch a package a maid placed at the designated spot last evening. An all night vigil waa kept but no on called for the money. TOMORROW DATES. I b held on Sept. 23, 24, 25. 15, $2.05, .0 to $;.oo. .... $i.;r .... 81.05 18 at $2. 15 to $3.M5 HUB