East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 28, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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VAGin PAGr.:
f -
j D Ail
fa liL:
Here's ?Ticre1tcmr IrouiJc Ends!
OUR experience: in vision testing enables
us to correct your eye with scientific
accuracy. We specialize in the most modern
forms of spectacles and eyeglasses, including
the popular Tone and Kryptok Invisible Bifocal
Lenses. It ill be a pleasure to demonstrate
foe you the superior merits of these lenses in
cur patented
1 1 '
You will admit that Fits-U"s are the most com
fortable and best-looking glisses you ever saw.
Royal M. Sawtelle
Established 1S37
r- 1
CURE; if you see distant objects more (or
ioeo ripnrlv. nr need to hold Minted mat
ter nearer to or further irom we eyes man ionneny ; or
need more light If you have observed any of these
things, your sight needs the aid of correctly adopted
glasses to assist as well as preserve it
Accurately fitted glases are only possible when the
sight has been scientifically tested.
We have every facility for doing this and exercise the
greatest care so that you may receive the utmost benefit
from wearing glasses.
A thorough examination and explanation of your con
dition will cost you nothing.
With Win. Ilanscom, Jeweler.
ill) 1 1 U H AND FRIDAY
the dooad
aluays pays
15c Adults Children 5c
Newsv Notes of Pendleton
.r;i. I'iro "I'll i Morning.
A Kr;i-xs f'te on the hill In Ihe iw
west en,t of tlie lit culled the fire
department out this moiniiiu. No
ilusnagc was ilone.
ltiiunw from soasfclo.
Hi-iiry Schwartz has returned from
Seaside where he Installed his fam
ily for the summer. The Illness of
his mother caused him to cut his own
vacation short.
Taking Yaoaiiou at springs.
Marshall Spell and Kaluli Hassell
of the Peoples Warehouse and Hal
Corby of the Alexander Department
Store are taking their vacations at
Lehman Springs.
funeral fiw IViy Hold.
At 10 o'clock this morning the fu
neral of the 11 year old son of Frank
C.ulliford of Freewater was held at
the Kolsom chapel and interment was
made in Olney cemetery.
Comes to Loral Hospital.
Mrs. Tooley. a resident of The
Dalles, and her husband have arrived
in Pendleton and Mrs. Too ley ha en
tered St. Anthony's hospital to under
go an operation tomorrow.
Welder Iioohtns for Location.
C. D. Oppen of Newberg, Oregon.
Is in Pcndk'ton today looking for a
location in which to open an oxy
aeetylene welding plant. He has his
equipment and likes the city and, If
he can find a suitable building, will
open his plant at once.
Austrian lHM'lared Insane.
Sheriff Taylor went up to Gibbon
yeserday and took into custody
Charles Calcalla, an Austrian who had
been wandering in that vicinity for
some time. He was examined today
and pronounced insane. Judge Marsh
committed him to the Eastern Oregon
Stale Hospital.
Funeral of Will. Feebler.
The funeral of William Feebler,
who died Monday afternoon, was held
this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Pres
byterian church. Rev. J. M. Corneli-
son of Tutuilla, in the absence of Rev.
J. E. Snyder, conducted the services.
Many of the friends of the deceased
were present and followed the body to
the cemetery.
Motanic Gets More Publicity.
In the last issue of the Hudson Tri
angle, a paper published at Detroit
by the manufacturers of the Hudson
auto, appears two pictures of Parsons
Motanic, well known Indian athlete,
in his Hudson six hlch he recently
purchased. A story in connection tells
something of the Interesting history
of Motanic. The pictures are from
the Moorhouse collection.
Kcho Road Is the Worst.
Many complaints of the condition
of the road between Pendleton and
Echo are heard every summer and re
ports are that this road is In very bad
shape now. City Attorney Charles H.
Cart r. who has just returned from
California by auto, declares the Pen
dleti n-Echo road is the worst piece
he encountered on the entire trip and
California has some that are execra
ble, he states.
Former Kcwlilciits Here.
Papain? through in their auto en
route to Twin Fails, Idaho. Mr. and
Mrs. S. W. Hazen and son, Don. who
make this citv their home off and
on and who still own a residence on
Garfield street, are here today. They
spent the past winter in Forest Grove
and only recently returned from an
auto tour of California. They visit
ed both fairs and many other points
of interest. They take their camping
outfit with them wherever tney go
and are never worried about hotel
toMnuuin dealt in detail with th.
making of the last mil and of the slate
of mind of the late A. J. smrtevunt.
The defendants will probably conclude
their case this afternoon hut the con
testants -will have several rebuttal
witnesses to put upon the stand.
Final Account Filed.
Attorney Charles H. Carter today
filed the final account in the estate of
the late W. F. Matlock and August 28
at 11 o'clock was fixed as the time for
the hearing of any complaints.
Marriage Mivitsp Issued.
A marriage llcens was issued yes
terday to Granville Osco Pavts, 67.
a merchant of Kamiah, Idaho, and
Maude E. Perrtgo. 44, a teacher of
Attended (iulliford Funeral.
A large delegation of east end peo
ple, chiefly from the Freewater neigh
v,r,rhr.ri were here today attending
the funeral of the little son of Frank
Gulliford. Among those coming down
were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van felyke,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bartholomew. Mr.
and Mrs. R. E. Bean, S. B. Sanderson.
Mrs. D. C. Sanderson, Ambrose Winn,
Mrs! John E. Irons. Miss Churchill.
Miss Cameron. Mrs. L. B. Mitchell of
Walla Walla, Rev. Clarke of Freewa
ter who conducted the service, Mr.
and Mrs. G. H. Bishop. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Tousely and Frank Gulliford
and family.
AttirneTB on Stand Today.
t,. A I-en and G. W. CouttS. at-
nmov f..r Mark A. Sturtevant, and
Sturtevant himself were the witnesses
tAn ir, i v,o wilt contest being heard
I hefnre County Judge Marsh. Their
Will IVrform una lie Feat.
Friends of Lawrence Mav local ci
gar maker, are considerably interest
ed In a feat he intends to pull off at
the natatorlum Sunday May hits but
one leg but is a proficient swimmer
and will try to float on the surface of
the water without moving hands or
foot while he smokes an entire cigar.
.luck's SIKH'S Walked Away.
Jack Robinson, genial proprietor of
the Domestic laundry, went into the
Humphrey barber shop this after
noon, sank Into a waiting chair,
kicked off his shoes and settled him
self to rest his feet and his face
While the barber was scraping off
his chin. Jack's eyes closed in slum
ber. When he awoke his shoes had
disappeared and he had to hire a
messenger to go to the laundry (or
nnother pair. When the boy arrived
at the laundry he found that some
one had delivered the proprietor's
other shoes a few minutes before
with instructions to put them In the!
wash. The "Faro King of Happy
Canyon"' Is full of Ire and is looking!
for the perpetrator of the Joke. Sus-I
piclon points In the direction , of T. F,
"The Buckaroo"
is Now in Jail
Charged with the larceny of a horse
Rill Slim" Ridings, prominent
Round-up cowboy and model for A.
Phimister Proctor's "Buckaroo," is In
the county Jail today, having been
brought back this morning from Boisa
by Deputy Sheriff J. H. Estes.
James Roach, well known stock
man, is the complaining witness. He
alleges that Ridings sold him a horse
that proved to be stolen property and
which belonged to Louis Bergevin of
Athena. Ridings claims he sold It for
another person and the officers have
to Investigate further to learn Just
where the responsibility for the crime
Cloudburst Hits
Rock Springs
ROCK SPRINGS. Wyo.. July 28.
Several are missing following a
cloudburst last night. A wall of wa
ter swept over the town, resulting in
property damage estimated at a hun
dred thousand dollars. The Union
Pacific tracks were washed out and
several buildings undermined. It is
feared William Baker was drowned.
Ranee of Activities From Truckmen
to Actors at Clilcago University.
CHICAGO. Julv 28. Students at
the University of Chicago earned
114S 518 last year, says a report of the
University Employment bureau, Issued
today. This does not Include money
earned bv students who obtained po
sitions through their own efforts. Po
sitions were supplied by 11 iO by the
bureau. In their activities tne stu
dents ranged from truckmen to actors.
The earnings of those doing House
work and cooking amounted to $14,
970, the largest amount made in any
one occupation.
TSitO for Russia to Reach West Coast
Tlirougli Canal.
Miss l.nl.i M.illo! k left this morn
ing for Kuene to vi.it with relatives
there, loiter she will visit at New
port and Portland.
Mrs. Lester SwagKart returned yes
terday from an outing at Hitt.tway
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson E. Block are
enjoying an outing at Lehman and
Mrs. Sam Pulne and little dutighter,
Eleanor, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Greene have retimed font a camping
trip to Gibbon.
Mrs. C. P. A. Lonergan and chil
dren are among the guests at the
Hidaway Springs hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clarke of We
natcliee. arrived here by auto today
and will visit for two weeks as guests
ot Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Coutts, The
two men are brothers-in-law.
About twenty-five of the little
friends of Emma Gordon met at her
home on Jackson street last evening
and were pleasantly entertained at a
birthday party. The little hostess re
ceived many pretty presents from her
G. H. Bishop, prominent young at
torney of Freewater. and his bride.
have been visiting here today, having
come down In their car. They will
leave soon for San Francisco to visit
the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clarke of We
natchee. Washington, arrived In Pen
dleton last evening in thalr cur and
will visit for two weeks at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Couts. Mrs.
Clarke and Mr. Coutts are sister and
brother and had not seen each other
for twelve years.
Miss Cecilia Cunningham Is enjoy
ing an outing at Hidaway Springs.
Mrs. George Perlnger and Miss Mu
riel Perlnger are among the guests at
Hidaway Springs.
Mrs. George Slangier is taking an
outing during the hot weather nt Hidaway.
Railway Detective Says Robber Sus-pei-t
Is Expected to Confess,
ROSEBURG. Ore., July 28. Thai
John Austin Hooper, arrested recently
at The Dalles on a charge ot robbing
the Southern Pacific Railroad offices
at Grants Pass, will confess and tell
the details of a dozen or more hold
ups and robberies In whic the police
believe he participated was the state
ment made here today by Special
Agent Kelly, of the Southern Pacific
company, who arrived from the south.
"Hooper is very talkative," said Mr.
Ivelly, "and we do not anticipate any
trouble in connecting him with a num
ber of crimes committed In various
sections of Oregon during the past
few months.''
OLYMPIA. Wash., July 28 The
prohibition law, adopted by the peo
pie In the election of last November
is valid and constitutional.
What Ab out That U ew Tub Dress?
This is the kind of weather you need a dainty, cool,
afternoon dress, and yet you want it reasonably priced.
Our selection is splendid; a full range of sizes and splen
did patterns, all priced at ABOUT HALF THEIR REAL
f,i..x- . .
Tub dresses for afternoon wear;
there are only about 10 in this
lot, every one a good $5.00
value, Golden Rule price ?3.9S
You can't afford to bother mak
ing a dress this hot weather
when you can buy one ready
to put on at ?3.S, f 4.9S
Better see this line of dresses.
You will not get better values
at $10 elsewhere. Golden
Rule every day price ... $5.90
Just a few silk poplins, messa
lines and crepe de chine dress
es left, splendid values at
double the price $5.90, $8.90
Children's white dresses, you can
pay more but you can't get as C I r. hiU
good values as we are showintr Vi C '.'L
at 9SS $1.19, ?1.9S, $2.98 ndrf&
Children s gingham and percale
dresses, Golden Rule price
49S G9 9S, $1.49, ?1.9S
Mm I
This was the decision rendered to- the deck was given the option of sav.
day by Superior Court Judge Wright ing the Leelanaw by Jettisoning tha
of Thursday county, before whom the contraband cargo vt flni. If given an
preliminary test case cama up. opportunity the case does not even
iuuuSu mm uetjoiun win oe uppeaiea amount to a diplomatic incident.
"i mo supreme court uy tne wets,
the dry leaders are Jubilant today and
are confident the supreme court will
affirm it.
PORTLAND, Ore., July 28. Tho
mystery of the girl's clothing found
on Columbia slough has been fath
omed. Mrs. J. P. Donovan, who lives near
the slough Identified the property as
belonging to her little girl and also
reported to the police the loss of her
own clothes at the same time.
With a party of friends on a picnic j
a week ago Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Donovan and their little daughter all
went for a plunge. When they came
out of the water the clothes of both
Mrs. Donovan and her daughter were
missing Mr. Donovan hurried home
for more apparel and after some de
lay the party dressed and returned
Mrs. Donovan suspects some wom
en who were seen nearby.
A&k for German
View of Affair
WASHINGTON", July 28. Ambas
sador Gerard was asked by the state
department to obtain Germany's ver
sion of the sinking of the Leelanaw
by a submarine. The point yet to be
determined l whether the captain of
The above lines should look
exactly alike to you with each
eye seperately when held at
arm's length, and you should
be able to read the fine print
below with comfort when held
at 14 inches.
Caution About Use and Selections ot Spectacles
'-FtM ttrtf Mrwal tM tjitl kj Utwl thai fnmt (
tfitui.-f 1 nh trap la r "4 MNftUrt; a m
Will b l rvwl II ilh eti Mpru4 II wai i
U mym hsjcaaw Uml rni rMA r m it (a hMIm toM
aturrwt i ran Wcth, II ur utdwalMM UtM ctaaaa an
axd4. Tt ! antd in U Hsp pu f ninal dtoaitT
Mi ka tfp(wrim 'It ir4 Mrfasvt (' !' m af tfca
usrvr Iw will rasuH im a-iti mmrj from iht msomi atraaa
pa UM um'w at ntoialMa U MsppijI ( IW flam'
If your vision does not meet:
the above requirements
Exclusire Optician
American Nat. Bank Bldgi
Phone 609.
"The Confession of Madame Bavastof f "
Broadway star Feature presenting
Gladden James and all star cast.
Selig Jungle Zoo Feature
"The Tigers Cub"
Others Started but Sophie Finished"
SEATTLE, Wash., July 28 A Se
attle shipping fim has been engaged
by the Russian government to deliver
at Vladivostok 7500 freight cars now
being constructed In the United States.
Six thousand cars will be loaded on
steamers at New York, and the vessel
will proceed to Asia by way of the
Panama Canal. The other 1500 cars
will be loaded at Seattle. Seven
steamers will be employed.
Two large steamers are loading rails
here for Vladivostok, and the Kage
aViima Maru. which arrived at Victoria
last night. Is under charter to load
rails at Tacoma for Vladivostok
FATTY ARBUCKLE wants you to see him at the Cosy tonight. Keystone comedy in
. two reels
"Fatty's Plucky Pup"
See it; thirty minute of fun.
"SCALES OF JUSTICE," 2 reels. I don't remember ever having seen a story
which touched me as deeply. (One of Pendleton'3 best citizens).
"THE GOLDEN RAINBOW," 1 reel American, with Vivian Rich.
Everybody Like Jane Keatler' Singing:.
II Metro Pictures TODAY Metro Pictures.
1 Lat chance to see the famous comedy drama ;
Predicts More I-ady Cuim.
iu Avr.Ei.rcs. C.u.1.. July 28.
Policewomen will shortly be walking
beats in all the principal streets of the
world, according to Alice Stebblns
Wells, the original policewoman, pres.
ident of the International Association
of Women Police Officers. Patrol
woman Wells Is a member of the I
Angeles force. She has received a let
ter from Lady Darwin. Newtham
Orange, Cambridge, England, telling
of the appointment of two police
women at Grantham. The police
woman Idea la also taking; hold In
Sweden and Alaska, Officer WelU de.
Clares. She bellevea the lack of men,
due to the war will be a great Impetus
to the campaign for more "copettei.
Lat chance to see the famous comedy drama
With Lola Meredith and Max Fig-man, two popular artiste in leading roles. A
delightful and thrilling comedy, one that is sure to please. See how one man
alone destroys a whole army. A picture mat we can recommcna.
Tom mrou Only
a return
Tho Virginian"
i.r.-ii- il. a mnriVan atnr riiatin Farnum. in a matrnificent picturiza-
tion of the popular novel and famous play. A beautiful and vivid description of
the golden west.
IEe Alta Theatre
1L.I1 l ,1 . iTfl
t - :
m mil IIIITWMaWMlnaTnTTTrmiTrr r i 1