EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28. 1915. PAGE SEVEN Con Dang Low CHOPSUEY NOODLES HOT TOMES CHILLI 001 GUBliE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Evtrythlnc clean and up-to-U; FIRST CLASS 8ERVIC1 TEA 5c Packaxe Under State Hotel Cor. Wbb and Cottonwood SU. Phons II T Pondlston, Or Prevent roughness during the summer fJYAL'S FACE CREAll A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best LEADERS IN BRIDGEPORT ARMS STRIKE 7 lyiOFJEY Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us NATLQCX-LAATZ INVESTMENT CO. 11! East Court SL $ I AxJ V7 a I -V I A ' 1 .. ' -j I J ' . r I 1 I : ' L If noodi.es, chop suey, china dishes GOEY'S KWONG HONG LOW 116 Wt Alt St.. Upitain. Phone 133 Facts Wanted Regarding Crop Yields; Farm Reports Desired So much doubt exists this year regarding the wheat yield that the East Oregonian will endeavor to secure much exact data from first hand sources. With this, aim in view farmers are asked to fill out the blank below as soon as their harvesting has proceeded sufficiently to give them an accurate line on what the yield will be. By fpecial arrangement the information gathered in this manner will be tabulated and given to the government crop reporting officials, thus helping them adjust their estimates as to the actual yield. It is desirable to get the exact truth as to the situation and the co-operation of farmers will be appreciated. Please fill out the following blank and mail the same to the East Oregonian. If you prefer to 'phone, do so. The East Orcgonian's number is ONE. Name Address No. of acres in wheat barley Yield of wheat per acre Average wheat yield per acre during past few yrs.. Barley yield per acre Average barley yield per acre during past few yrs... What variety of wheat gives heaviest yield What variety of wheat suffered most from burning.. What variety of wheat suffered least from burning.. .1. J. K'IT. Vice I'l'MtVnC of the .Machinists. John A. ,ohiiMii. Viiv Itvuldi'iu KIiIihkI J'utlroum, ITc-ldcnt of of llie structural Iron Worker. the 'HeiUi'if Union. The."!" three men, John A. John ston, vice president of the structUr.il iron workers, J. I'. Kepuler, vke I itldcnt of the machinist., unci Kiel;, aid Patterson, president of the rar lenters union, are lending In the e'' U it to Ret thousands of union men to quit their work on the new bul!d U :fn of the Remington Anna Com Int. in Bridgeport, Conn. Samuel ( topers, president of the American Federation of Labor, has made the flfct fixyt?d statement that German in fluences, if not German money, nud btcn used in an attempt to have men making munitions of war for the al lies leave their work. The Reming ton company in Bridgeport is putting up the largest plant of its kind in the world, one which will cover 102 acres. If work on their buildings is hindered the cause of the allies will be hampered. Our Great v. "Family Bargain THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.50 (Published every Tuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE .. .50 (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 ALL FOR ONLY $1.65 BEEF MARKET IS SLOW THESE DAYS UYTHflU tickets to the East, the West, the South, from W. Adams, Agent, Pendleton. Via NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. The "Great Big Baked Potato" Line. TWO THROUGH OBSERVATION CAR TRAINS DAILY TO CHICAGO via Minneapolis and St. Paul. ONE DAILY TO ST. LOUIS Via St. Joseph and Kansas City. Daily Excursion Fares To all points in the East, with long return limit. To Clat sop (Oregon) Beach. To Washington Beaches. To Cali fornia Expositions, by rail, or via Portland and S. S. "Northern Pacific" and S. S. "Great Northern," the two magnificent new steamships of G. N. P. S. S. Co. (0) Visit YELLOWSTONJEPARK Season to Sept. 30. L M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. (From The Journal.) POItTLAXn, Ore.. July 2S. While $7 was paid yesterday in a few in stances for some extra good stuff in the North Portland yards, it develops that quality considered the market is really lower. Stuff sold late yesterday afternoon In the cattle pens at 18. "5 that was considered 25c better qual ity than stock that brought H a week aco. The few isolated sales of cattle at the extreme price befogged the gen eral market to an extent that value; were mil-leading. There was a bunch of Willamette valley stuff on the market here today, but buyers were generally absent from the pens. Eastern markets for cattle ruled weak to strong and higher during the morning trade. General cattle market range: Select steers 1 6. 7 5 ri 7.00 ! Best hay fed steers 6 25 fi 6.50 j Good to choice 6.25 6.40 I Ordinary to fair 6.0(Mi 6.35 Best cows 5.35W5.50 Good to prime 5.00 fr 5.25 Select bulls 4.50 5.60 Fancy bulls 4.25 Ordinary buMs j 3.75 fi 4.00 1-Vw Hogs t'omr Forward, Few hogs came forward to the North Portland market over night With the market yesterday showing Rreatest sales at J7. 301 7.35 there is no Indication of any change here. It develops that the situation in the swine trade is so much better in the east than in the Taclfic northwest that some of the leading eastei n packers are no longer sending their provisions to the coast, but are filling their or ders with coast purchases. At eastern points this morning there was a generally steady tone for swine. General hog market range: Best light .'. 7.30i3!7.40 I Medium light 7.15 7. 25 'Good to heavy 7.00W7.1O Rough to heavy 6.00 ft 6.50 Mutton Again Absent. There were no arrivals of mutton in the North Portland yards over night. The small showing of yesterday was likewise a disappointment to the small! killers, although there Is no famine among the big packers because of the' recent heavy direct purchases at coun-: try points. A number of loads of mut- j ton are expected tomorrow morning. : General mutton and lamb market j trade Is considered steady with no ap parent change In quotations. Eastern mutton market was consid ered steady to higher generally this morning. General shorn mutton market: Choice spring lambs S 6.50 Common spring lambs .... 5.75&6.2J Choice yearling wethers.. 5.15W5.25 Good yearlings 5.00fr 5.10 Old wethers 4.75 tv 5.00 Choice light ewes 4.35i&4.50 Good ewes 4.25 Hough heavy ewes 3.50 a 4.00 Livestock Khlpnors. I i attle G. s. Hrown, Corvallis. 1 loads; George Kohlhagen, Roseburg. 2 loads; Louis Kohlhagen. 1 load: F. M. Kelly, 1 load; W. H. Kopplin, Shedd. 2 loads. Cattle and calves F. W. Williams. Junction City, 1 load: F. B. Walte. Drain. 1 load; L. Miller. Shedd, 1 load. Subiiriptitmi acy It tiihir ni-.j cr nativel. W'rUt tr all at cjjice if ihil faptr. We are tn-J.'.t-A tn give r readers, olj and new, tie benefit of ti.is money-saving club offer, only because of a very spe cial arrangement wiih the publishers of McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in or write to let a tample copy McCALL'S is tlie Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest stj Its every month; al'o delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc., that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mri. J. T. D., a lubscriber of Temple, Ci., ri: "You may put my name on tnp !it wl:h thoe who ihink .McCALL'S MAGAZINE is north twice as much as 50 cents a year for every one in the familv. So many pretty fashions and to much good reading 1 can hardly watt to see it." ' Don't Miss This Offer Write r call al lit t&ct of till paper IAfCALtS MACAZl NE S j l 'i: tOO big PC mntnij FREE McCALL PATTERN Each subscriber for thk Great "Family Bargain" maychoose from her first copy of McCALL'S re-' ceive-d, tmt of the celebrated McCaU Drrvs Patterns FREE,(vilue 15 J by sending a postal card request direct to 1 he McCall Com pany, New York, giving nassUsvr and 3iz desired. The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of this big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, either by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.65 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year as per your special offer. Name. Address Please state if new or renewal. W orms cause Many Children's His. Worms, by thousands, rob the child of nourishment, stunt ita growth cause constipation, Indigestion, ner vousness, irregular appetite, fever and sometimes spasms. KlckaDoo Worm Killer gives relief from all these. One' fourth to one of these pleasant can-1 , , . . . , . dy lozenges, taken as directed, kill,rrlme mlm'st" of Bularia- of the and remove the worms, regulate' yourj terms on which his country is pre child's bowels and restore Its health ,,ared to thrnw 1,8 lot witn the alli"a and vitality. Get an original 25c Tn1 disaffection of Bulgaria through box from your druggist. Don't en- ol,t nRS heen th wellk link In the danger your child's health and future Ba'kan chain. Former Premier Ve- when so sure and can be had. Adv. simple a remedy nizelos. with that large grasp of wse.sses, has been prepared to make large sacrifices to accomplish great ends, and we may rest assured that his influence will be at work to build up the breach in the Balkans, which has been fatal to the interests of all states and so advantageous to the en- 'The. .concession of Macedonia which Bulgaria demands, is a larg draft to make on Serbia, but Serbt. would have abundant recompense in. the reunion of the terbiun rai which the ultimate absorption or Bosnia and Dalamatia would involve. I'lKliCKIt WAIt AliKAIs SF.KX BY HARRISON LONDON.' July 28. "The German Peril, a book issued today by Fred eric Harrison, the publicist, contains the following passage: "Let us not think that any kind of words, nor any kind of an agreement , I , m,""atlnn n avail J0HN- s. BAKER. FUNERAL us in this, the fiercest trial of our rector and licensed embalmer -11KI1.1N iiuma; nor let us valnlv problems of statesmanship which h6 envy 1 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY H VI'IUI rmnrfTliltS I ATTDRXFTS. I ' piivciiiivs n..r...,., n s u a j I'L'ttltll'H VUllliUL DC V UICU ! iiy loini ni'ni m ii'iiB, b lur muui'i reals ! the diHensed portion of the ear. There la j inly on way to cure deafness, and that it hy rrnsTltnttonal remeillfa. Peafiies ll ransfd hy an inflamed condition of the too "oui lining of the Kuatachlan Tube. Whet thia tube is Inflamed yoo hae a rnmbllug sound or imtierfect hearing, and when It la entirely rinsed luafnt'ss Is the result, and inlcsa the InflnmmHtinn ran be taken ont ind thla tube reatnred to Ita normal eon lltlon. hearing will be destroyed foreyer; nine caaea out of ten are ranaed by Tatar rh. all lib la nothing hut an Inflamed con llllnn of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any oae of Peafnena (caused by catarrh! that cannot he cured by Hall's Cstsrrb Cur. Send for circulars, free. F 1. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Hold hy lirttgglata. Tile. Take Hall'a Kamlly l'llh) tor ronatlpttlos C0PA84 rf I t.(ipjiija,4.i j 03 mm - le-.;-" in Pn'ce, agine mat tne enemy will relax In his delirious trust in frightfulness. or spare us one pang which he can in flist on us all. "It Is my ftrm belief that, when wn have driven him back to his own land and we shall drive) him hack we must, unless we are to be forever ruined scenes of horror, almost of mutual extermination, will take place, exceeding anything that we have yet known in ferocity, dent ruction and blood." '"'-J posite postoffice. DI-Op- Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day; or night. Phone "5. 1 J. T. FROWN'S Ft'RNITTER STORE j Funeral director and licensed em-i 1 aimer. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re-' spunded to day or night Corner; Main and Water streets. Telephone 63; j IXSVKANCK AND I.AXD IH'SIXEPS; HALEY & RALEY. ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National! Bank Building. j FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despain building. CARTER & PMYTHE. ATTORNETs! C. W. LASSEN, M. D. V. at law Office in rear of American I veterinarian. Residence National Bank building. ! 27; office telephone, 20. DRS. WH1TAKER & WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours i a. m. to S P. m. MUarkey building, Pendleto Oregon. YFTEK1X AKY SI IK.KONS. COUNTY telephone, JAMES R. PERRY, ATORNEY Al i law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. 1 PETERSON & BISHOP. ATTOR- IIARTM AN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES; neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith nUiable abstracts of title to air Crawford building. It 1 1 IT XIX IIOPEITI, lands In t'matilla county. Buys and - OI-' All iv HAI.K WS scl,s a" kinds of real estate. Does, DOUGLAS W la general brokerage busines. Pays; at law. tuxes and makes investments for non residents. Writes fire, life nnd accl- of dent Insurance. References, any bank of in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. C. H. MARSH, Sec. -London, points i July lit A LONDON, July 28 2S. The Dally New. sifftilflcant note In the address Premier Asuuith in the house commons today In requesting an add ed vote of credit of JT r.0.rtOft,oon. The prime minister's words suggest a confidence as to the development of BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL. REAL! block, the future which cannot be mistak-l estate, fire, life and accident Insur- BAILEY. ATTORNEY. Will practice in all state' and federal courts. Rooms 7, 8 and; 9. Despain building. ' GEORGE G. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17, Schmidt MlsCKl.I.AXKurs. j ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS. wedding announcements, embossed j private and business stationery, e'o. Very latest styles. Call at East Ore I Sonian office and see sample. AUCTION PALES THE EAST ORE Konian makes a specialty o? nuc tion sale bills, cards and advert :t)lnic. We ran furnish auctioneer, clerk aril advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful sale. en, the Daily News says, ues: "It would not be wise to Inquire too closely us to the nature of these developments but certain facts are before us which seem to have a col lective bearing on the future course of events. The return, of former Premier Venlzelos In Greece, though It has not yet become effective In a parliamentary sense, has changed the direction or the wind In the Balkans, and the strong action of Houmania in stopping the flow of ammunitions from Germany to Turkey is most de cisive evidence there has been so far of the movement of opinion. "Not less Important Is the frank declaration of Vaseil Radoslavotf and contln- ance agents. I 404. 815 Main street. Phone SKttlXH HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand geods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendnleton to bur household goods. Come and get our prices. 219 E. Court street Phone 271W. 1 FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. TRESSPASS NOTICES!. STALLION season cards and sale bills of every description printed at rc.isi nable prices at the East Oregonian We have a fine lot of atock cuta that our patrons are allowed the free use of S. A, LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law Office in Despain building. ArtTIOXEEItS. COL. W. V. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of fatmers- stock and machinery sale. "The man that gets you the money " Leave orders at East Oregonian office. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED ;oon LIVE VAS. er to represent us in Eastern Ore gon. Commission proposition. Catih weekly. Pacific Nurserv Co , 122 l-l Grand Ave.. Portland. Ore. REAVER EN GRAVING COMPANY --:-- WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cash or give trade for Umatilla county farm, 120 to J(0 per acre. Address Box 12, Athena, Ore. t '.";'' i