daily eye;;;:;3 eoitio;s daily eve;::;; in:;; i to Aivi,i!nsi:i:s. I'oreciwt for I sstrn Cn'ir.m fry ihe I nltod Mate v,i,..r iHwmt at Portland. The Kt Oregonlnn tun the largest pall rlri iiflti,ti of any ht In Ort'ituii, vattl of I'ortlMiil, aid ovur twice (h rlmilatluu la i'eudu-iuu 01 any other uewpBpr. 4 1 V A I"-, 4.V 4 .-'hnmprs t'in'Kht an.l T!iiii,iiv COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 27 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 191!. NO. 8559 CHICAGO BURIES SADLY )EA0 OF THE EASTLAND Coal, ice and Hay Wagons Improvis ed as Hearses at Burial of Six Hundred Victims. RECALLS IROQUOIS TRAGEDY All ttf'W-e nml HiimIiionn Houm Clos ed During Series of Funerals To lay llicstii and .Milliners llultl Service Over Groii of the Dead. CHICAGO, July 28 Chicago gave H.si'lf over to mourning and the burin I nt the dead. The city and county of fice tire, closed. Buslne is suanend- and tells solemnly tolled as nearly all hundred men, women and chll dron. vlrtlms o(,the Eastland dlBaa ter, were born to their graven. Not since the Iroquois fire has Chicago being no torn with grief und suffering The supply of hearses In the city was quickly exhausted. Many processions were led by coal, Ice or express vans swathed with crepe, bearing a casket In which rested the body of a victim taken from the muddy waters of the liver. Even a hayrack wax pressed Into ervlce and upon this rough vehicle twelve coffins were borne to the Pol ish cemetery. Kvery truck of tho Western Electric company became a funeral car for the day. Funerals were held everywhere So great waa the demand fo priests and ministers, they conducted service over group of the dead. Private service In core of case were Impossible. Thou sands followed the heaniea and tm provided funeral car. j First Battleships Pass Through the Panama Canal " ' 1111111 n m - i ... J- J mn I I.I. i.i mn hi ui ii w Lull mi i 1 i..j" """" '"'.ii 1 ! I - - - -- -1 'i '"" . v. . rirfi, 1 '4miii-i ...i 5 U-i. " 'uJ I i -""r-" Trrirfni'ii ii in n nnsniiiiiiiiii .i.-.i..,. ..iiimmiuh. n..inr '1 TEUTOflFmSS ON Rr(3LESS OF HARD FIGH T Berlin Admits Temporary Reverses Around Warsaw; Claim Making Satisfactory Progress. CITY TWO THIRDS CIRCLED USS MSOUKI V IA4AI COCK This photograph was taken (luring shows the I'. R S. Missouri the pawage of I through the. I'tinama canal, und the Pedro Miguel locks. - The Mis being sisslppi, .u. ., ,...,' , .u ,..,.. .., uiln h t ine llini iiu iiit'nintw uitiru li ine L'ltrL 11 11; iiiuir iiihiumi i I I Panama-Pacific Ohio und Wisconsin, carry- S. Naval ("adets to Kusslaiis Xow Have Only Two Hall way Unr TlM-y May I sc Wltcn ('ontMiilatMl Iue Is Mado Maikena-n South of IihlJn Slak ing lleadnay I Hepon. HKItUN', July 28 Although meet ing with stubborn resistance at all ! fronts, the Germans have closed in upon Warsaw in unrelenting determi- nation during the last two day. The city is now two-thirds surrounded. Hut two railway that can be used li uie ,-Mins wnen me exnecfari r- PRESIDE III OF HAYII IS KILLED MOB CONTROLS Guillame Dragged From French Leg ation Where He Had Taken Refuge Shot to Death on Street. GERMANS HOLD PORTLAND Mil; SERIOUS GAS E Harry Wilson, Clerk to American Consul at Berlin" Issued Fraudul ent Passport to Briton. SEVENTY POLITICALS SHOT, CAUGHT TRYING TO ESCAPE AJi)crkn Consul IUxjih WArnlifp Clerk anl u fiotiAUIar Job Six through the runul on July i. thej treat begin remain In the hands of ' -' v "uiuiio. iHB I ifi ML Wing UL HA BLACK SEA FLEET SIS 150 TURK y PETKOURAD, July 28. In a raid Upon the harbor of Samaun and Riza, destroyers of the Russian Illack sea fleet ank one hundred and fifty Turkish Bulling vessels Sunday, It to announced. The bombardment were extremely successful. Renewed fight ing Is reported along tho Turkish front where the Moslems are rein forced in the vicinity of Mush and ure offering a stubborn resistance to the Russian. AUSTRIAN STILL HOLE GQRITZ, MAY EVACUATE ROME, July 28. In a nerle of spectacular night attacks the Italians captured the positions about Qorltz. The Austrian defenders offered a des perate resistance but were steadily thrown back. Rumor are again cir culated that Austrlans are preparing to evacuate Qorltz but they are un confirmed. FIVE RIBS BROKEN FROM KICK BY MULE Tax Collection to June 30 Was $440,149.74 Cash GERiilAIJ CAPTORS DuriiiK the first ix months of the year 1915, ending June 30, I'matllla county spent H2.U24.S2 out of the general fund and (66.696.61 out of the road fund, according to the semi annual report Just complied by Coun ty Clerk Frank Snllng. The detailed report shows the amount of the ex penditures in the various office and the amount spent In the different road districts. The total amount of taxes collected from January l'to June 30 Is $40,- 149.74. to the general fund, J72.426.5S into the road fund, 1127.471.04 to the school districts. J40.885.89 In the After the Leelanaw was searched J school fund, J72.426.H8 to the various they were ordered off the ship Hnd cities and towns and the balance toj taken aboard the submarine. Their I the several smaller funds. . j small boats were taken in tow and Kicked by a mule yesterday while working on the Oeorge Mortimer place on North Cold Springs yester day, George Hayes, son of Kit Hayes, of this city, received painful and se vere Injuries, lie Is now at St. An thony's hospltul for treatment.. Young Hayes was working about the stock when one of the mules kick ed with both hind feet, striking him on the right ble of the chest. Five ..uB ruReu oy me lorce or me rt,0,.t ., flnd lt , (he Fri(Ja. lasua blow and the Jagged ends of the of the semlweekly Kast Oregonlan LEELANAW CREW WELL TREATED By ABERDEEN. Scotland, July 28 captain Delk and member of the crew of the American steamer Lee- lanaw, gunk by a Herman submarine, have left for Dundee where state- ! ments will be taken by fhe American Of this J136.lol.0- went in-1 consul and forwarded to Washington. Delk reiterated that he and hi men c, nc ieu neuieo oy me Hermans Anyone Interested in the detailed! the Leelanaw sent to the bottom. Delk broken bones penetrated his side. His watch, which he was wearing in a pocket on his right side, was broken to pieces by the kick. He was brought into the hospital und physicians summoned. He was suffering a great deal of pain and the full extent of his Injurle has not yet been determined, but the doctors believe that he will recover. Thi is the second serious accident that has befallen the young man In the past few years, both leu hnvinv been broken about three years ago this week Eighty-Five Cents Offered for Club oh t.allwitz's force has reached the P.ug river, twenty miles north of Warsaw. The Russians delivered violent counter-attacks along both banks of the Narew and succeeded In check ing the German advances for twenty four hours. Eventually they retired through Serock and the German line again swung foward. The von Gall witz center Is now advancing toward the Rug. South of Warsaw the Ger mans reached the Vistula east of Cora Kalwarja. ' They are assailing the Russian line along a thirty mile fiont from Blonle through Nadarzyn and Pieazeczno to the Vistula. Von Mackenzen is said to be nlaklng sat isfactory progress southwest of Lub lin. lio Sent CruLicr Wasliincton Ar- rives on Scene Iteign of Terror j Wag Prevailing in Pun Au Prlne. ! PORT AL' PRINCE, July 28. As a climax to a two days' revolution, President Gulllaume was dragged from the French legation and shot to death. The president had taken refuge in the legation with hi family after being forced to flee from the palace when besieged by rebel. Guil tlon where he was shot down, for tion where he wag shot down for hours while mobs marched the streets lean Ago at RnqitcNt of Senator ChsjnberUIn; Daughter la Piano Student; Mar Have to fk to tiiir. man l"rt-n f"r Offense. WASHINGTON. July 28. Harry Wilson of Portland .Oregon, a clerk to the American consul-general at Berlin, has been arrested by the Ger man authorities on the Danish fron tier. The technical charge is attempt. Ing to leave the country without a passport, advice to the state depart ment announced. Wilson's real of fense, it Is understood. I havlnr is- SWKIHSH HARK SINK BY IS GKRMAX DIVER LUrt.NHAGEN, July 28. The Swedish bark Madonna was attacked by a German submarine and destroy ed, rime was given the crew to take to boats. LOCAL WIIKAT MARKKT IT: I'ORTUWIt PRICKS DEAD; LIVERPOOL STRONG. complained the lives of the men were endangered when the boats were cast' off by the submarine as a high seal was running. The members of the crew declared the sinking of the Lee- lanaw could not have been an answer to the American note to Berlin as the. newspapers aboard the submarine; were days old. BECKER PICKS -1.I1 i:i MAN SI H IDES WORRYING OVI-R THE W Alt MEDFcRD. July Ozenbrugge. aged 7'i, 2S. Ferdinand treasurer of the AND Sillj HAYTI DOS Today Oddest Story. GENEVA, Ohio. July 28 City official have ruled that a parade 1 a vehicle and must tarry light before and behind The drum major of a procession recently sported a tiny electric headlight on his cap and a red light winked warningly from the cuattalls of the snare drummer. WASHINGTON, July 28 War be tween Santo Domingo and Haiti looms as a possible outgrowth of the revolu tionary outbreak at Port Au Prince, which has resulted so far in the kill ing of President Gulllaume and Gen eral Oscar, governor of a province, by rebels. This may be the result. it is reared, of the revolutionists storming the Dominican legation ves terday and dragging out Oscar and killing hlin in the doorway. France 1b certain to demand satisfaction for the Invasion of It legation by rebels wno dragged out Gulllaume and shot mm. It is reported here today that a prominent local reservation farmer Bedford commercial club, and well has been offered a price of 85 cents ! known, suicided early today by shoot for his club crop. The market Is ap-!'nS himself in the head. Worry over patently quiet The buyers insist' the European war and financial there is no export demand but that ' troubles are believed responsible for for milling purposes wheat here is the act. His wife died a year ago and LA FLAGRANTLY VIOLATED E IN UNION COUNTY; NO 'GAfdE WARDEN LA GRANDE, Or., July 18. Whlla the fish and game commission of Oregon lit. dilatorily putting off the appointment of a game warden for this and Wallowa counties, grouse ara being shot, report ay, In various places In this county, and the fishing laws are flagrantly violated In many instance particularly in the infrac tion of the minimum size limit. The appointment last winter of John Wal den as game warden to scrva until the new fish and (fame commission was organized, has long since elapsed and for a considerable time the coun ty has been without a warden. The Wing, Fin and Fleetfoot club officials! have written to the commission, and worth 82 or 83 cents. Portland. PORTLAND. Ore.. Julv 28. Soec lal.) Portland bid prices today have' been, club 88; blueatem, 93. ClUcago. CHICAGO, July 28. (Special.) At the close of the market today the price were July U.14; Sept. $1 07 1-8; Dec. $1.10 1-8. Iiverpool. Wheat Spot, easy; No. 1 northern Duluth 11 7d; No. 3 hard winter, lis 7d; No. 2 Manitoba, lls 'jd; No. 3 Manitoba lis 7d. In American terms the Liverpool Is approximately $1.70 per bushel. he had been living at home alone. No one cares for political recogni tion that is not in the form of a lasy It STILL HAS CHANCE FOR LIFE NEW YORK. July 28. But , for the request of Supreme Jus tice Ford that he be given more ! fidal dispatches placed the number at 160. Davis requested that a war ship be sent to the scene. time to consider the appeal for a new trial Becker would have been executed today. The for mer Police Lieutenant Is smil ing and cheerful in his cell at the death house at Sing Sing, where he Is buoyed up by his wife and attorneys. Becker's execution is now set for Friday, but rumors are In circulation ford will grant a new trial. threatening all government ' Rvmnii.J sueH n. nasnort tn m rnffiiahman tm thlzers and spreading panic and ter- an American, enabling him to evade the authorities. Wilson Is not im mune -under the German law and tha Washington a r. i. ' oeie l grave. The state depart- officially reported that resident Gull- me,nt Investigating. . laume of Haiti, who fled to the According to early unofficial re French legation for safety at Port au' porta' VV'"aon WM "eve to Prince, was dragged from the build-' re,atlve of tn president Thi cannot Ing by an infuriated mob and shot to' be c0"ti'- however. Any leniency death. The state department has no ! eh. Germa,ny Wilson confirmation. Charge d'Affaires Da- "1" be mereIy a matt" of courtesy, vis at Port Au Prince has confirmed T JPartment Is making a the reports that General Oscar has! searchinf 'n"ry for the facts of tha executed a number of politician He! caM and, wlU attemPt btaIn estimated seventy were shot Unof- ,en',enl lrealment posiDie ror me American cierit. a, similar o li fe ase committed by a German would be considered treason and tha fact Wilson 1 an American citizen com plicates the case. It is believed Wil son will be imprisoned should tha charge against him be proved, unless the German authorities expel him from the country. At best only a sweeping vindication can save his Job. Great regret for th incident is ex pressed at the state departmnt, and it is said suspicion will Invitable b cast at other American consuls. It is understood Wilson waa endeavor ing to escape by way of Denmark, be. Ing aware the German authorities weTe seeking him. Appointed from Portland. PORTLAND. Ore.. July 28. Harry Wilson formerly lived in Portland. He was appointed a clerk to the Am erican consul-general at Berlin six years ago on recommendation of Sen ator Chamberlain. Wilson sought the appointment sJ his daughter, who gave great prom ise as a pianist, could have the ad vantages of study in the German cap ital. Wilon Is described by friends as being intensely American. MARINES STILL FIGHTING IN THE HAYTIAN CAPITAL WASHINGTON, July IS. The cru ter Washington, under command of Admiral Capertoo. reached Port Au Prince before noon today with one hundred marines and 700 biuejack ets, it is announced, A landing will be made if necessary to prevent further fighting in the Haltien city. The cruiser Eagle is still at Cape Haitlen ASM SAYS VERY SATISFACTORY ES FUTILE The political boss recognizes no ability that cannot deliver the vote-j. NEWS SUMMARY have also written to Marlon Jack, tho eastern Oregon commissi, ,nr hi llothlllir hay hnM , . lV7. T 1,1 Uoiker execution itostponcd If a secret appointment han heen'.u ' IIIH.l., Ihc .n..u, ., T . ""' -" "'F"'ii"--j m tmaiy aereuct in nis nuties. but the thonrv General, Germnits presa toward Warsaw de. spite reverses. Portland num. clerk In Berlin, In serious trouble. President of Haiti killed by mob. Evidence shows why Eastland overturned. until ROtTlA entertain that a secret nnnnlntm. has been handea down Is scouted, for " orougnt no result, and In both counties Infraction of the law is known to be deplorably frequent. W'hy tne commission should not act is more than local sportsmen can fathom. Some think that the spirit of economy has hit the commission so hard that the members of It are pen- (Continued on page tour.) Local. Charles Morrison succumtm to in jury sustained. In fall tea days ago. Sculptors model for "Ituckaroo" charged with larceny of gelding. George, Hays kicked by mule and severely injured. Former local man now publicity director for movie circuit County dork makes seml-annnal statement. I Striken Rurninn Oil Tanl fare l! l iim) vn uill vuij 1 1 h t. j- ar ' -.' I r -3 1 IL... - - i nr jSfcjj LONDON, July 28 Moving an ad journment of parliament until Sep temher. Premier Asquiih told the commons the war situation is quite satisfactory to the allies. The pre mier expressed confidence in the suc cess of the Dardanelles operation. He declared more recruits are now- being enlisted In England than ever before and gave assurance the Ger man submarine attacks are Inflicting no substantial Injury to the British trade. Asqulth eulogized the "inde scribably gallant effort of Russia and Italy" in the war. American Embassy is Given Guard LONDON, July 28. Fearing hostile demonstration the German authori ties have especially guarded the Am erican embassy in Berlin since the de livery of the American note, accord ing to an Amsterdam dispatch. The wearing of the United States flags by Americans is being discouraged for the same reason. Flashy garments frequently betok en an under-done intellect. Charles Morrison Died Last Night From Blow on Head As a result of the basal fracture of the skull which he sustained ten days ago at Athena, Charles Morrison, well known Pendleton saloonman, died last evening at 6 o'clock at St. Anthony's hospital where he had been taken during the day to submit to an oper ation. The funeral will be held to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Folsont chapel. Mr. Morrison fell down a cellarway back of an Athena store a week ai yester- to save his Juries were not considered very seri ous but as days passed and he did not rally, it was seen that his condition aa critical. The operation "ay was a last resource life. Deceased was 44 years old ad h oi been a resident of Pendleton for mrniv years. During the great. r part of tho time he had made thi city his homn he had been Identified with the s.ihmii ousln W is Biiv.i I . 1.1 . Saturday night and had been lying In i and had no huSut'u,. i . At first his in-j of the country. a stupor ever since. & L Of JSVKNSJN AWNNS .JTmKEJ)-. This picture shows a burning oil car at the plant of the Tide Watar Oil company at Bayonns, N. J. Nt afire by rioting strikers. Incendiary bembs of burning waste were hurled by the strikers among the oil cars on the sidings. WHY THE EASTLAND WAS OVERTURNED CHICAGO. July 2?. Startling tea-, knew that if he pulled one lever tin umony regarding Inefficiency by the! wa(er was let in. and If he pulled an assistant engineer who had charge of oth"' " Wi " out- lnow "''"Hted th the water ballast on the steamer Kast " given oetore the coroner. Assistant Engineer F. S. Snow said he had been employed on the Eastland but two days before and was given charge of water ballast He received no instructions. He said he merely I water naiiasi tank wrm empty so the steamer could dock. When the steamer listed toward the, dock, he said the port tanks wern filled, but when the boat bcnn crowded and listed to port h was unable to empty the port tank ft enough to avert the dUastar.