DAILY EVEII-G EOITIOIJ TO ADVERTISERS. The East Orejfnnian hai the Urgent paid circulation of any puiwr In Orrgim, eat of 1'orf Intjil, ard over twlea the circulation In t'viullciua 01 any otbtr DrwipaMr. DULY EVEI.I..G EDlTIOiJ Forat fnc f astern orroin tj the 1'uitnl titmrn Weather OlwYTpr lit Portland, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Jf XkJ COUNTY OFFICIAL PATER " ' ' " ' ' . ...I .,..,, . , - - ' - - ..... - i.. . . - - , . VOL27 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915. NO. "C EITIISEB 18 SPIRIT IE Butki,,.- , ' AMERICA STANDS HUNDREDS KILLED IIFN NUT 1I10PEI6I 10 tm IS - n, - FINK El I E im Sn All BIAII JU 0 SEA , j"" Though the Statement Calls for No f 'Wt 'C Note to Germany Made Public is v.muiii.v nsuiv rrurn bermanv one s f s ! Mactarfn n r. Dr.n)in. - Strong and Emphatic for Rights. fff Principles Contended for. - J- A I 1 ". VBL Establishment of Institution Hailed as Manifestation of Pendleton Spirit of Progress. FINE PROGRAM OF SPORTS Willi Appropriate. (VramonH Pviitllc. ton's swimming Pool" Is Officially IMVUmUxl Stelwer, Dyer, llaruiutn ami Others Wore speakers. WILSON HAS DEFENSE PLAN With halt the citizenship of Pen dleton crowded thickly about tho big pool the culmlniitlon ot the swimming pool plana, first undertaken Just one publication In Detail of American Ro. ply to German stand Regarding iisitanla Cniuca Speculation As to Outumic -It Is "I'p to Gorman-." WASHINGTON, July 24. President Wilson will map out a year ago, came lust night when the fair, reasonable and praetl- beautiful new natatorlum, built at a cable" program of national rle- cost of 110,600, was formally pre-j fenac upon his return from Cor- wntcd to the city and dedicated to: nlsli, the White House announc the public. d. Coming after the forward- The hundreds of people who turned ng of a strong note to Berlin, out for the exercises, and the enthu-j the announcement is regarded as alaam which governed all was ample significant. Wilson will de- testimony of the popularity of the 4 vote a great deal of time con- t lty's latest asset and her latest pride. slderlng the question of nation- The interest evinced In the contests: 1 defense while at Cornish and and exhibitions which closed the pro-! the program will be decided on gram proved that the pool will pro-! 4 after 'Conferences with Garrison vide a great deal of summer pleasure even to those who will not don bath-, Ing suite. before 1 o'clock the crowd began to arrive and by 8 o'clock every seat' on the benches around the pool and In the bleachers erected on the north, side were filled and hundreds were ntnnding while many boys climbed on top of the pergola and buildings. It looked like a Hound-up crowd. j As they entered the natatorlum the cltlwne were directed through the droning rooms so that they might In spect them, and not until every one had had an opportunity to look over the entire place did the formal pro- end Daniels. WASHINGTON. July 24. That In spirit the American note to Germany is an ultimatum was the concensus of opinion following ita publication. Of course It Is not an ultimatum In form. No time limit is named In which Germany must give an answer to the demand that the rights of Americans on the seas be respected. In fHCt the note demands no answer ut all. The communication contains no threat of anything the United states will do if Its wishes are dls- On behalf of the Commercial club' "de. but T,? committee, which has had charge of the natatorlum from the first cam paign for funds to the completed commanders of German vessels o: acts In contravention of American 1 rights would "constitute an unpardon- structure. District Attorney Frederick ''"''77' 7. " Htclwermadea short presentation' """"'"atcly unfriendly." siddrefls. The natatorlum, he said, Is Opinion differed as to the thing unniher token of the Drouresslve splr- Germany will deem to be In ita own it which has placed Pendleton in a Interest. Some believed she win j class by lUelf among the smaller clt- consider the friendship of the United ies of the west. Just as Pendleton wat States too valuable to lose. Others the first city outside of Portland to thought Germany will feel she has i-ave her trects. Just as she launched nothing at stake by the adoption of the llound-up and made It the biggest another enemy. AU agreed It t "up iimnielnai celebration of Ita kind In to Germany." There can be no i h. ,.m n ha tha dtv faken the more talking back and forth. There lead in providing a scientifically and la a possibility of mediation between hyglcnlcally correct swimming pool, Great Britain and Germany as to a unquestionably the best In the north- modification of warfare at sea, but west. He paid a tribute to the com- In the main dispute discussion is mittce for the energy and thorough-1 ended Germany need not answei new with which the campaign had the note so far as Its provisions go been prosecuted and complimented but If an answer Is made the lm the citizenship for making the pool Prll government must comply with poAaible. tne president's demands. Acting Mayor John Dyer, on behalf; of the council, made a brief response,! no r accepting the natatorlum for the city BrOWIICll SellS Dlfl and expressing a gratification at the - . , fulfillment of one of Pendleton's j rpIT Ol MIS LdlldS needs, George A. Hartman, one of the! j members of the committee, made a financial statement, showing that con tributions , ranging from CO cents to I'.l X i 1 I ill . It . 11 V ft I - .C :r . . .N ji b W i. P-s 1 i 11 11 r" lit , , ! ..- -v: i ..' ? II ' "Ml ill. T.-S :.' I , . . II I'hoio Cupjrltbt bj Baajanla A ' i I l. " I and his statue of "The 11 1 TONE FRIENDLY BUT FIRM Girrora. Hlrlts of Neutral Nations Not to Be Sacrificed liuauso other NaUi.H Are at War WiU Discuss EnglUh Transgressions with England, Not Germany. WASHINGTON, July 24. The full text of the note to Germany, giver out today. Is as follows: "The Secretary of State, to Ambas sador Gerard, Department of State, Washington, July 21, 1915. You are instructed to deliver textually the following note to the minister of for eign affairs: "The note of the Imperial German government dated July 8, 1915, has received the careful consideration of the government of the United States, and It regrets to be obliged to say! that It 'has found it very unsatisfac-1 tory, because it fails to meet the real differences between the two govern-! - - m..u ..fc-.vv3 vwnj 111 nu..l Steamer Eastland Tips Over and Sinks in the Chicago River This Morning-Carried Electric Employes-Scores Caught Under Wreckage and Die-One Thousand May Have Perished Worst Catastrophe Since Iroquois Fire. ,. THE CHICAGO DISASTER. Excursion steamer Eastland overturned river. 2500 men, women and children aboard. Excursion by Western Electric Co. 500 known dead at noon. 1800 thought to have perished. Many held beneath steamer. Accident occurred near shore. Mob attacks captain and mate. in Chicago The above Illustration, used tliroug!: the courtesy of the Portland Journal (Continued on page eight) ABDUCTOR CAUGHT HAS NARROW LYNCHING ESCAPE Word comes from Umatilla today that D. C, holder of that town, yesterday signed the papers by which he disposes of 600 acres of his holdings under the Brow- nell Ditch and secures two apartment houses In Portland. The trade, Involv. Ing a $100,000 consideration, was made with Griffith & Son, Portland con tractors, who will move on to the land acquired at once and develop it. The 600 acres, nil under water, Includes u l' K KLIN, July 24. From Rotan t I'ultusk the artillery of Von Hlnden buig is bombarding the Russian de 1800 MAY BE DEAD CHICAGO, July 24 -( Bulletin K" C ... . .7 7 . "' . ol . r . t 'j.- ' x. ' " ., me uccepiea principles or law ana manager UA Ine maiaria transportation company has been humanity may be applied in the grave subpoenaed to appear before the erand iurv this afternoon matter in controversy, but proposes. Two entririPP-. nf tho leWiVLjT I Jt t ij T Ilernon on the contrary, arrangemenU for a p"f ".e EasUand are held US Witnesses. Cap partial suspension of those principles lfin eaerson and first Mate Fisher were arrested soon after which vituaiiy set them aside. the disaster and are also held as witnesses. Dr. Thomas Car Freedom of som Kecognixed. ! ter of the board of health declared at least eighteen hundred stZrnorXsltisfLt . r'Ti' KGreTb-um estimat the EastlaM haluenty five imperial German government recog- nunarea aboard. nizes without reservation the valid-! POLICE RAISE ESTIMATE. uv of the principles insisted on in Estimates of the number of dead in the Eastland disaster are Z 7:ZaLeTZ TatZt the aise b the Police to fifteen hundred, and possibly eighteen nunarea. Alter a tour of the mnnniM Dpnntv Pnii rv.. , .... --- o "-v , ,.r,t . w "' J vasv VJilV i. show A. ThimLster Proctor, noted regard ft its announcement of a war Otnueuier saiQ : mere IS no UOUbt the mimhpr nf Hpni will New vork sculptor, who has made his lone and the use of submarines reach fifteen hundred and possibly eip:hteen hundred " Schupt. home in Pendleton for the past jar.l miit merchantmen on the high tler expressed the belief that at lPnt cpvpn hA.A k; " .. Buckaroo.". was me principle mat tne nigh seas . i. ,.,. ..... . ' . wvuico mc ount of the fine imposed upon him.! " tret, that the character and car- " l"e "ul- l casuana or in tile river, rider as caught by the artist at the B of a merchantman must first be Round-up. The horse ls modelled ascertained before she can lawfully CHICAGO, July 24 (1 P. M.) At least five hundred Der after "Angei,- the wonderful bucker f or destroyed and that the ished and indications are that more than a thousand men worn" on wh eh L W Minor won the world llvps of non-combatants may in no . iliT " c a l"OUna men, WOII1- champion.Vinms. TOe S be put in jeopardy unless the e" children lost their live when the steamer Eastland over used Bill Ridings, otherwise known' veS!i resists or seeks to escape after turned, according to the estimates of the police and coroner at as "Slim," for his buckaroo model. ing summoned to submit to exam- noon. In addition to hundreds thrown into the water others Mnatlon; for a belligerent act of re- WPT- trilnn,H in their- tat i--.. u. i j tallation U per se an act beyond the " i ' C 7T 1"""a."1 " ' " , 1UWer aecKS. At law and the defense of an act as re- "00n seeral plates had been cut m the side of the vessel, taiiatory is an admission that it is ii- Scores of people trapped inside were found dead. A score of l0Ral- . . , i men were kePt busy carrying out bodies as fast as they could An.eri.-a is nisappointed enter and leave the steamer, which rested on its side in thp The government of the Lnited ;jji f . . ... jv.:u uu ins siue in ine states is, however, keenly disappoint. of the river in about twenty feet of water. Captain ed to find that the imperial German recierson ana lirst made tisher of the Eastland were arrested. Hi S FALL fenses cn the left tank of the Nirew Utzan. It fall sunn. Is believed Warsaw will ILLINOIS DAY IS ONE OF SORROW IN 'FRISCO v SAN FRANCISCO, July 24. This is Illinois day at the fair but on ac- Brownell, prominent land- count f the Eastland disaster many ieature8 were cancelled. It was a day of tragic sorrow. Mayor Thomp son of Chicago, cancelled all engage ments and prepared to return' to Chi cago this afternoon. Governor Dunne Is overwhelmed. JX)N DEAN WAS SI I KKTII F.ltDKH part of the Rrownell home place. WHO HELD FKNEST EMTE IXK HANSOM. IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, July J4. After narrowly escaping lynching at the hands of cowboys, Lon Dean, sheepherder, who abducted Ernest Kmpey, a prominent rancher and held him a week for ransom was plao ed in Jail. Dean eonfessed to the abduction. Empey said he was well treated while held captive but ths food consisted only of provisions for- nged by Dean. Empey Is none the worse for his experience. The desperado, It Is said, cam down from Sheep mountain at night fall and was surrounded and taken on what Is known as Crane's F!ut Empey two days ago escaped from tils abductor and was found by Unit ed Slates forest rangers. Wheat Up Today In Chicago Pit PORTLAND BIDS STILL LIFELESS; LIVERPOOL QUOTATIONS, ARE STRONG. CHICAGO. 111., July 84. (Special) At the close today the following quotations prevailed: July 11.14 1-8; Sept. $1.08 J-4; Dec. $1.10 J-4 bid. Portland. PORTLAND, Ore., July 25. (Speci al) Portland bid prices today have been lifeless; club 88: bluestem 92. Liverpool. Market Is practically unchanged. KILLED BY HIS OWN PISTOL. Revolver I'mler Pillow Discliareitt; Bullet Strikes Owner in ltack. early today. Mrs. shot shortly after she trigger. $5000 Loss From Fire Last Night; Blaze Caused by Fact Electric Iron Not Detatched Starting from an electric Iron In the Fell cleaning parlors on East Al ia street, fire that was discovered at 12:45 this morning did damage esti mated between four and five thou sand dollars before It was finally sub dued. The equipment and clothing In the Fell establishment were almost entirely destroyed, the Thacker and Johnson grocery, the residence of Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Wheeler In the back end of their photo gallery, and the Howlsby second hand store all suf fered considerable damage from fire and water. Infantry attacks are directed against' f vernment regards "self as in large Tens of thousands jammed the Streets for blocks about the . rlarrra. svamnt tV rr n a miff fi linn TO . I 1 "IT' u v-........ uucks. wnen me onicers were recoirnized the crowd pnrlpav observe these principles, even where j -f.-i, i, , X , trow a enaedV- nemrni vessel are concerned, by red to attack them. Two men struck Pederson and FLsher in what it believes the policy and prac- the face. The police had difficulty in lodging them in the tiee of the government ot Great station. Never before have such terrible scenes been enacted Britain to b0 m the present war with witnin the view of hundreds unable to render aid The citv is regard to neutral commerce. The Im- fr:0e ofrirlrpn ""u" lile City 13 perial German government will read-! "-K"- ' llv understand that the government LOS ANGELES, July 24. A revol- 0f the United States cannot discus WAS EXCURSION STEAMER. ver Roy U Squire, a restaurant own- the policy of the government of Great CHICAGO Julv24 Ho A f nu J i j er, had under his pillow discharged a Britain with regard to neutral trade ZT JzZZZa -vmjI 1 , M- 9ne hundred and fifty bullet into his back and killed him except with that government itself. " "l"c" -iiuuren are Known tO be drown and it Ls esti- squircs hear the and that it must regard the conduct " "unureu may nave pensned when the laree steam- " o: mner oeniKerem guteiiuuruia ri uaououu uva luiutu in tnicagO TlVer early todav With two t her husband: irrelevant to any discussion with the thousand excursionists aboard Thp rHj v j ;.f..i. naa auemptea to draw the revolver imperial German government of what n:pp fn . tri f. Ar,V1,Jr,o rtf , I Jusl ,e,t lIle from under the pillow and caught the1 this government regards as grave and Pi A. 5 P l Micnigan Llty. It Was chartered by employes unjustifiable violations of the rights "' " i a tm. company. i ne steamer suddenly l sted . T "Z. 11 8,8 11 K lwenty leet of water. The upper side sticks out several feet. It is believed the accident was due to overcrowding the outer rail. Scores are believed crushed in the muddy bottom of the river by the weight of the boat. Men. women and children were thrown into the water. Hundreds struggled for life while police and firemen and harbor boat aided in the rescue. Hours after the Eastland had overturned scores were still imprisoned in staterooms on the lower decks of the steamer. Screams were heard above the noice of auto rnatic drills used in cutting into the side plates of the ship. Of ficials ordered the bottoms and sides of the Eastland ripped open so that victims trapped inside might be rescued. The dead were taken to the steamer Theodore Roosevelt which wan turned into an improvised morgue. i . ACCIDENT AT 7:45 A. M. iu tfndtumed over at 7:45, a few minutes after leav ing the dock. Thousands on their way to work heard the cries of terror from the passengers. There was a wild rush toward the dock Struggling and fighting for life in the muddy wa ters could be seen hundreds of men, women and children Thp water was filled with human beings. One by one they were of American citizens by German naval commanders. Inhuman Art Not Justifiable. "Illegal and Inhuman acts, how (Continued on page Dtj.) The origin of the fire is beyond dis pute, an examination this morning proving beyond doubt that an electric Iron used in the pressing parlors had not been detached at closing hours The place was closed at 6 o'clock and evidently the heated Iron and wires soon began charring the walls. For over six hours the fire slowly ate through the walls before It was dis covered nt 12:43 this mornlnn by Firemen Hert Lovell who was siting FAIR BOARD DECIDES AGAINST STANFIELO FAIR At a meeting of the new fair board this afternoon In the office of Major Lee Moorhouse, the action of the old board In deciding upon a county fair at Stanfleld this fall, was rescinded, and to the county court, which thug, under the law, becomes custodian of the fair fund, the board will recom mend that $".00 of this fund be ap propriated for premiums at the Vin cent fair, $500 to the Hermlston dairy out In front of the fire station not '"d hug show, $,"iiit f,r premiums for a half block distant. tho school Industrial exhibits and the balance to such other purposes as tlie court sees fit. (Continued on page four.) (Continued on page eight.)