PACK LIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 22. 19l.. EIGHl PAGES Some people look well in glasses. Some do not. You think the difference is in the people, but it is probably in the glasses. Fits-U Eyeglasses are distinctly becoming as well as firm-holding and comfortable. They bear the monogram C which means reliability. We have them here. ROYAL M. SAWTELLE Jeweler Established 1887. R. E. Wimer, D. O. Newsy Notes ol Pendleton Sn-unrliiRVm Out on stmt. IVss 8wearin?en, wl'o reeeiitly un-f Oerwenf a very serious operation, ts so far recovered as to lie a I It" 10 walk down town. Hill Out or Hospital. Hen F. Hill, formerly of this city, recently underwent an operat'on for gall stones tn Walla Walla and yes terday was able to leave ttie ho?plte.l and return home. nrnls Ctow's TU; Itni SACRAMENTO. July 11. Just to prevent a cow from switching its tail, was fined 150. in his face, Joe Gonzales, milker at a dairy, broke the cow's tail in twe. He White otudio Room 4 Association Building MOST MODERXLY EQUIPPED AND UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO IN THE NORTHWEST. LATEST IDEAS. EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP. PORTRAITS THAT ARE BETTER. BUILDING NOW BEING REMODELED. Open for Business About Wednesday, July 28, 1915 Creditors Nante Trustee. The creditors of Walter R. Bltney, adjudicated a bankrupt me; yester day tn the office of Referee Fitj Ger ald and named E. J. Davis of Free water as trustee. His bonds Were fix ed at tiit. Ojh-im New photo Studio. The White Studio is to oe the name of a new photo studio to be conduct ed nere in room 4 01 i-'e assoc-uhiou Hock. Charles SchmHt. proprietor, ... I .. . 1 V. . .ia IS now i:i..uiiiJ.'ii:ir U) family and will have the studio open for patronage next Wedues.lay. To Put In CUrar Factory. J. H. Martin last evening applied to the city council for permission to par tition oft the old Doc Evana clsjar store on Main street in order that he might put In a sma'.! cigar factory. The application was granted. An ap plication to deepen t'.io doorway In the Oregon theater building to per mit of a bootblack stand was also granted. scrip, dated July 1. IS'.'S, called for $75 on the face but was registered for interest However, Mr. (.ambli'th stated that the elatri for interest would be waived. The scrip was made out to i B. W i.le, former cash, icr of the bank, but does not belong to him now, Mr. Lainbirlh snted. Recorder Fits Gerald stated that his remembrance was that the city call ed in that issue of scrip" in 1S99 and there was some question as to wheth er the obligation was legal. The matter was referred to the city attor ney and the finance committee. Some county scrip was found in the same box and. having been registered, van paid by the county court. Sui. Arno Is Here. R. K Arne, superintendent of the Boys & Girls' Aid Society of Fort land has been here today on a busi nes trip. He brought a child here to meet a man from Wallowa county where tan child will have a home, In the cltr this mornins Mr Arne visit ed the natatorium ar.d ws very much Interested in the institution. He warmly praises the P?ol and the splr it in which it has been establivhed. Thorn Hollow llrlilKC In. Good news for autoists ie contain ed In the message telephoned down from Bingham Springs this morning that the bridge over the rlv.r at Thorn Hollow has been completeJ This will permit autos and other ve- hiclf going to the springs to make the trip via the Thorn Hollow Trade. Heretofore, most of the parties have crossed the river at Cayuse though a few have run the risk of fording at Thorn Hollow. Son is Horn. ! A baby boy was born on Tuesday at St. Anthony's hospital to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Duff. Mule Cuts IiOg. A mule belonging l one of Pun land Bros . delivery teams, this morning kicked over the single trees and ripped its leg open for a consid erable distance, making a round that will disable it for some time. Wife-boater Cieta Thif-Y !. Justice of the Peaci Joe H. Parkes this morning sentenced Alfred L. Sherman to 30 days in the county Jail, following his plea or guilty to as saulting his wife. Combine TurueS tm. Report comes In Irom the Elmer McCormmach ranch north of town that the combined harvester turned over yesterday on a sidehlll when the lever refused to work. The machin ery was damaged t.j unite an extent. Jounutl Plans for Spoi-iuls. "We have' already taken the matter wp with the O.-W. R. & N compmy of the Journal's special trains." writes A. U Fish, businsi manager of the Journal In a letter received by the Round-up this niorniug. "The railroad company advises that they are going to try to ovitdo their effort In the past, and we hope to bring to Pendleton some up-to-the-minute specials." Only yesterday Secretary Harsh received an order for 300 grandstand tickets on each of the last two days of the 1915 Roundup ftom the Journal. it -rettr old sctId (Tonics In. City scrip seventeen years tld was presented to the city council last ev ening bv J. T. Lamblrth of the First National Bank with the explanation that It has been found in the strong box of a customer of the bank after uin there all these year3. The Suit to Collect, An attachment suit was filed today against the J. A. Schmidt Mercantile Co., by J. H. Fisher to whom Mason, Ehrman & Co., of Portland had as signed a claim of 67 George W. Caldwell is plaintiff atorney. Adams Baby Dies Hero. Erma Des Voigne, four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Des Voigne of Adams died at 11 o'clock last night at St. Anthony's hospital here it had been brought for treat ment Inflammatory rheumatism with complications proved fatal to the child. The body will be taken to Athena for burial. section of the state. Several families have already settled there and others are now preparing- to leave. The h n.l which Is principally ia-,;ln 1,-nd ami all dry, lies between I!ros;an and Malheur City. Some time ao Dr. Thos 0. Ohmart filed upon land there and during the spring moved his family on to It. t,. D. I.ynde and family moved to the smo .vicinity about a month ago inl at tljie same time Harry Wheeloek resigned bis position at the postoffleo to turn homesteader. T. F. Wheeloek, an other employe of the postofflce. Is now1 taking his vocation an 1 tomor row will take hts fa Imlyuteht row will take his family to the home stead In the same vicinity to establish them there. He will return to Pen dleton nt the expiration of his vaca tion Grover Pound of the Taylor Hardware Co. Is also moving his f un ity there and will build him a cabin during his vacation. A number of other local families have ti.ken land In the sanie locality. KM KKS WANT ;KAIX ' MAKKKT IIROADKM'D WALI1A WALLA, July 22. The farmers' union' today Indorsed the state-wide movement to ask the rail roads to reduce freight charges on wheat to eastern and middle western points In order to open up and broad en the wheat market. The local uni on appointed a committee to revise Its constitution. Harvest was resumed at many places In the valley today, most of the grain drying soon after the rain ceas ed. In some districts, however, crews will not start till Monday, What Girt Bathers Must Xot Wear. NEW .YORK, July 22, Modesty is now the watchword for the Coney Is land bathing beaches Captain Glld den. In charge of sleuths who have been patrolling the beach with meas uring sticks and blnocu'ar.i, has speci fied the sort of suits women will not wear hereafter. He has given scores of warnings and declared arrests would be made In the future. Heri Is what Blldden banishes from the beach: One-piece suits. Knitted Jerseys with open sleeves. Skirts that do not reach the knees. Garments without a bathing suit over them. The "bathing sock," which shows the bather's dimpled knees. YOU Mr. Laboring Man, That Knows the Value of Every Dollar You Earn. Those dollars come mighty hard and go mighty easy , Let us reason together and get acquainted with our mod ern business methods. Buying immense quantities of high grade merchandise to supply 83 big busy stores (and it takes lots of it to go around), paying cash on the spot, we secure lower prices, besides larger cash discounts, than any one store merch ant can possibly hope for. Selling for cash only, and keeping our operating ex pense down to the lowest possible mark, enables us to sell you goods at prices that have no competition.. BET TER LOOK INTO THIS. Men's suits f 0.00, $9.90, $12.50. Men's blue serge suits, all pure worsted at $9.90, $12.50, $14.75. Boys' suits, long pants at $5.90, $6.90, $7.90, $9.90. Boys' Knickerbocker suits, Norfolk coats $1.9S, $2.98, $3.98. Boys' knicker blue serge suits, Norfolk coat $2.98 $3.98. Men's dress shirts at 49f , 69, 98. Men's work shirts at 25, 39, 45. Bovs's shirts and blouses, dark and light 25S 49, 89. Men's light weight union. suits, just the thing for this hot weather at 49c 69f 89e 98. Men's shirts and drawers, ribbed or porosknit 25, 39. 45. Boys' union suits in ribbed or porosknit 25f, 39f , 45. Boys' shirts and drawers, 25 39. Men's harvest shoes $1.49, $1.98. Men's heavy work shoes that wear $2.49, $2.98, $3.50. Men's Regent and Crossette shoes $3.50, ?3.&3"and $4.98. YOU CAN DO g&ffi&nflll, BITTER AT S3 WE LEAD OTHE1M FOLLOW ROUND-UP DATES. The 1915 Round-up will be held on SepL 23, 24, 25. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMMtuiiiiiiHiiiiiiiimiiimMMiiiiiiiiiiiiimimm S I n r.i m ot vi 7 . ( v.t r i in m in v.y irx irx m rrr.i r.i r r.i n r.t 7,"A n V irrtrni 1'. g V TAT.T r ' wficfja i first Xatatorlum A4(lcnt. While in bathing at the public natatorium this morning Lester Hurst of the Tullls dairy, sustained a ;aln- ful wound when he caught his fooi on a bolt on the spring board. A gash was cut on top of the foot and several stitches were necessary to close It. The offending bolt was cut down at once to prevent any further accllents from the same source. Teddy Has New Gun, Teddy Hauswirth, veteran deer slayer of the city and tot of all wlus ed game, Is preparing himself for a big kill. This morning he received a made to order gun which hts friends declares outrivals the kaiser's Krupps. It is ornately mounted and engraved and is calculated to so dazzle the beasts of the field and the birds ot the air that they will be easy prey. COSY TH EAT RE TODAY and TOMORROW "Fairy Fern Seed" "Miss Fatty's Seaside Lovers Featuring Fatty Arbuckle as the dau ghter of a mothball magnate. "HOSTAGE OF THE NORTH" Wherein a mysterious fortune saves a woman and her child. A 2 reeler by Thomas II. Ince. Featuring Peggy Burke and the Fair , banks twins. Everybody should see the ' happy conclusion of one of the sweetest playlets Thanhouser has produced in many a day. 10c COSY THEATRE 5c Administrator Is Named. C. A. Johnson has been appointed administrator of the estate of the Vte John A. Peterson, Coombs Canyon farmer who died on the 19th. The es tate consists of 160 acres of land val ued at about 1550, according to the petition. Deceased left no known rel atives though before death he stated that 20 years ago he had a sister liv ing in Denver but had not heard from her since. Cist Glance Today ANNETTE KELLERKIAU "The Perfect Woman" and company of one thousand players in Neptune's Daughter ft II THAI Mrs. WIlllaniHon Is Dead. Mrs. W. P. Williamson, wife of W. P. Williamson who has the street sprinkling contract, died at 1 o'clock this afternoon at her home, 221 Mis sion street, of tuberculosis. She has been nolle ill for the Dast month and death was not unexpected. She is survived by her husband, four sons, Guy of Pasadena, Calif., George of Prosser. Wn.. Ed and Harold of this city and one daughter. Mrs. Orvllle Williams of this city. The funeral ar rangements have not yst been made. "All For Ireland" First of Irish Storie Produced by SIDNEY OLCOTT for the Lubin Company. Photographed in the picturesque Ireland of romance and history, this three-part nubject made by Sidney Olcott has a rare charm that in itself is enough to assure popu larity. As the action unfolds, we have engaging pictures of the Lakes of Klllarney, the rock shoreB of South Kerry, the Black Rock Castle on the River Lee and the famous Ballymallis Castle, built something over 600 years ago. Vita graph Pretentt "BILLY THE BEAR TAMER," A rollicking comedy with Billy Quirk and Constance Talmadge. ADMISSION: ADULTS 10c. Selig Presents "ON THE WESTERN BORDER" A Western picture of merit. CHILDREN 5c Cooler Weather Arrives. The weather prophet In Portland was correct yesterday when he pre dicted cooler weather for Pendleton today. The 104 altitude record of yes terday waa not nearly approached to day, the maximum this afternoon be ing 96. The drop has been quite per ceptible all day. Last night proved cooler than the night before, too, the minimum reached being- 66 whereas the night before It was 64. Reports from the west end of the county have it that out on the sagebrush land the thermometer went up to about 120 At Milton 100 was the high mark. Wool Exhibit Is Forwarded. Today the Umatilla county wool exhibit, which E. E Cleaver and Sec retary Cranston of the Commercial association have been collecting with the aid of sheepmen and the Fondle ton Woolen Mills, was boxed and made ready for shipment 'o San Fran Cisco where It will become a part of the eastern Oregon exhibit. There are seventeen fleeces In the grease, each one done up seperately, a package of scoured wool and a package of wool In the various stages of manufacture. This last was fur nlshed by the Pendleton Woolen Mills. A shipment of grains Is also being prepared and will be ready for forwarding soon. Messrs. Cleaver and Cranston made a big swing south of Pendleton yesterday and secured some good sample. Showing Annette as a Great Actress ) -. a Graceful Dancer an Expert Swordswoman and "QUEEN OF THE SEA" in which the it shown in one of the greatest diving ex hibitions ever witnessed. The film masterpiece of the world in seven parts with 700 wonderful scenes. Produced at the island of Bermuda, at a cost of $50,000 and was 3 months in preparation. AN OPPORTUNITY. DON'T MISS IT. A Gorgeous and Thrilling Spectacle ( A Pictorial Triumph V. Miss Vet& Lee, the Charming Soprano in Popular Songs Afternoons 2 o'clock Evenings 7 and 8:45 p. m, 25c Admission 15c Those who were unable to secure eati last night can be accomodated this evening Tomorrov;! "Oooilo's and "The Man on the Case' a combination of 2 great stories in Tone 6 reel feature THE ALTA THEATRE The Coolest Place in Pendleton Doby Many Go to Malheur. A Pendleton colony tl being estsb llshed In the northern part of Mal- homesteaders and file on land In that nuillllllllllllll I till Ml il I 111 1111 1 i I 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HTl 1 1 1 1 1 II IHIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111!,;