EIGHT PAGES TATT.V PHOT l1TE,r"TT XT nnnr.i tw, . ... ' . wuouu.Mrt.i, iT,mj,iu,N, UUlAiU, 1 IIUIMJAY, JULY 22, 191a. FAGK M'.YKN I CROWD CHEERING THAW'S VICTORY Facts Wanted Regarding Crcn Yields Farm Reports Desired So much doubt exists this year regarding the wheat yield that the East Oregonian will endeavor to secure much exact data from first hand sources. With this aim in view farmers are asked to fill out the blank below as soon a3 their harvesting has proceeded sufficiently 'to give them an accurate line on what the yield will be. By tpecial arrangement the information gathered in this manner will be tabulated and given to the government crop reporting officials, thus helping them adjust their estimates as to the actual yield. It is desirable to get the exact truth as to the situation and the co-operation of farmers will be appreciated. Please fill out the following blank and mail the same to the hast Oregonian. If you prefer to 'phone, do so. The East Oregonian's number is ONE. Name Address ' No. of acres in wheat barley Yield of wheat per acre Average wheat yield per acre during past few yrs... Barley yield per acre ; Average barley yield per acre during past few yrs.., What variety of wheat gives heaviest yield What variety of wheat suffered most from burning.. What variety of wheat suffered least from burning.. r. -. .- . il f ",. w -'..4. ? i " f 4 f J. Si' hi ft- 4 4 V iv Uk I.J' "f J' J YAHVMtH-nt, MrrlB)Ciit, DtrorifA. OAKLAND. Cal.. July 21. Twice married and twice divorced and a party In two elopements, la the record of Alice I.llllan Weetphal of Oakland. The wcond divorce haa Juat been granted. Bathing' Caps 50c to $1.00 rialn and fancy styles; tight fitting modela and flaring ef fects. Practical capa that pro tect hair and ears. Suitable for bathing In ocean, lake, river, tank or tub. Kaultlese quality meaning the beat. SEE Olli WINDOW DISPLAY BF.FOKE HI VING. i Tallman h Go. SMhk MoxU-an With Haair. IX )S ANOELKS. July 'zi. Finding K. Iteln wandering in the plaxa here currying a blood xtalned razor, led the police to search (he- park for hla victim. In a secluded section August Acosta. a one legged Mexican, was found, slashed from the top of his head to his chin. He was all but dead from loss of blood. A cost o Iden tified Iteis as his assailant. 9h w t f t S6f ' i . ... t i X j I J All Want In Movic-i. SPRINGFIELD, 111., July i The only difficulty a feature film company had In securing society tulent for a Springfield romance film the other day, without cost for salaries, was that everybody In town wanted to take part. j is J v. 3c Deafnpss Cannot Be Cured bv local appllratlout, at they cannot teacb the diseased portion of the ear. There It onlf one to care rirafnest, tnd that n by rcoitltutiontl remedies. Desmms to earned by an Infltmed condition ef tbe no eons lining of the Eustachian Tube- Wbt hit tube It Inflaaed yon bare a mmbllni tonnd or Imperfrct bearing, and wbea It I entirely rioted Desfnesa la tbe retnlt, and inlnt the Inflammation can bt taken oat nd tblt tnbt restored to Ift normtl eoa hlltlon. hearing will be destroyed forever; nine rases out of ten are caused by Catar rh, wbkb It nothing but an Inflamed coo tltlon of the murom turfares. Wt will give One Hundred Dollar fot any rase of Deafness Ictoted by catarrh) Ibtt rsnnot be rnred by Hall a Catarrh nra, Send for circulars, free. P. J. CHKNKt CO., Toledo, Ohio. gold by Dnunrltts, THe. Take llall't family I'lllt for eonttlnatlo Chafing and Percolating by electricity offers the greatest convenience and economy imagin able. You reully don't know what a saving In time and trouble It will effect In your dally routine if you have this equipment. They are always ready to perform em ergency service. We carry them In great variety and at low prices. J. L. VAUGHAN glimpse of the crowd i time and again. He became so ex that awaited Hurry j cited at times that he stood up in the New York county! his anto and waved his hat. What- he was freed The automobiles me in which Thaw This is JuM of thousands Thaw outside court house when Justice Hendrick. In the center show started on his trip to Philadelphia, and others for newspapermen who ac companied him on his remarkable Journey. He drove down llrmiway In the heart of the business section, while crowds lined the street. He was rec ognised at once and was cheered oy ever may mere was no be the merits of the cae doubt that there were many thousands In New York who were pleased with the decision of the court. Thaw, though freed, had to give bail in the sum of $35,000 for his ap pearance in case the state should pro ceed further. The .attorney general gave notice of an appeal, and com pelled him to give a bond. iiiiiiiimiiuiuuiwuuiuumuuuiuiua l Cook With Gas ALL LIVESTOCK HAS GOOD CALL (From The Journal ) PORTLAND, Ore., July 22. Gen eral livestock situation st North Port land Is quite satisfactory. There was only a small offering today for the open market In addition to the very limited supply of yesterday. Conditions in the cattle trade arc rnther favorable. This is as had been expected, in view of the diminished of ferings of late. Heouirements of kil lers are not heavy, but they must have a certain volume of offerings and as these have not been forthcom ing of late, the surplus was eaten up. Top steers are firm today at 17 In the yards, while best selected cows would easily go aroimd 15.50, Eastern markets for cattle today were erratic; some points showing a steady to strong tone while others Were weak and down. and be Cool Clean E3 ? 1 F-a r a II If M 3 II and Comfortable flro You Using It? ttflWW fTTTf! IflMMItWHITT HtMlM E 3 II E -3 il E-3 ""imiMUHiiilu RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN PIMPI.KS A HE IMPl ItlTIKS M;KK N(J AN OI TIET TllltOKill SKIN IH)KFX Pimples, sores and boils usually result from toxins, poisons and im purities which are generated In the bowels and then absorbed into the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body, It Is the function of the kidneys to filter Impurities, from the blood and cast them out In th form of urine, hut In many Instances the boweU create more toxins and Impurities than the kidneys can eliminate, then the blood uses the skin pores as the next nest means or getting rid ot these Impurities which often break out all over the skin In the form of pimples. The surest way to clear the skin of these eruptions, says a noted author ity, la to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful in a glass of hot water euch morning before break fast for one week. This will prevent the formation of toxins In the bowels, it also stimulates the kidneys to nor mal activity, thus coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurities and clearing the akin of pimples. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless ami la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Hth- In. Here you have a pleasant, effer vescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and la excellent for' the kidneys as well. Oeneral cattle market range: Select steers 16.00 ti 7.00 Hest hay fed steers 6.25 6.50 Hood to choice 6.25 ft 6.40 Ordinary to fair 6.0041 6.35 Best cows 5.50 Oood to prime 5 0 0 (f r 5.25 Select bulls 4.50W5.00 Fancy bulls 4.25 Ordinary bulls 3. 75 (ii 4.00 AH Mutton Quoted Strong. F.ntlre market for mutton stands in a very good position in the North Portland yards, Receipts are still be low expectations and good quality Is especially scarce. All offerings are readily absorbed ut the general mar ket range. Market for mutton was stead te strong at eastern points for the early day's trading. General shorn mutton markets: i ommon spring Iambs ... 5. . ti 6.2; Choice yearling wethers .. 5.25 Good yearlings SOOtfiSlO Old wethers 4.75 0 5.00 Choice light ewes 4.35 j 4.50 Oood ewees 4.25 Common heavy ewes .. .. 4.00 Hog Market Holding. Practically no change was shown early today for swine In the local trade. Receipts were small and those that did not come direct to killers from their regular country buyers were quickly disposed of. Market conditions for swine were Generally showing a weaker tone e:ust of the Rockies with prices lower at most points. 'ieneral hog market range. Best light . 40 'a 7 50 Medium light 7.25W7 3,", Oood to heavy T.rtn iff 7.1 5 Rough to heavy 6.nnf6.50 Today'a IJvextot'k Shipper. Hogs F. D. Ferguson. Amity, 1 load; F. R. Decker. Silverton. 1 l.md. Cattle I A. Jewett. Seattle. I load. I Cattle and calves M Johnson, Mnupin, 1 load. I Sheep R. W. Darrow Ooldendale Wash.. 1 load; Victor Kinger. Stiver. 1 load. r Our Great V X 99 family bargain THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.50 (Published every Tuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE 50 (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 ALL FOR ONLY $1.65 Suturiptwu mil It t::htr t:er.v or m.rvcal. Write tr tall al tfict if this fitier. We are cnaUt-'l lo give our readers, eld and new', the benefit of this money-savin;; club offer, only Realise of a very spe cial arrangement with t'.ie publishers of .McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Come in ot write to tee a tamp! copy McCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping .Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month ; also delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc., that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mr. J. T. D., a subscriber of Terr.plc, Ca., writes: 'You may put my nanif en the li't with thcKC ho think McCALL'S MAGAZINE i worth twice as much a 50 cents 1 year for errry one in the family. So many pretty fashions and fo much gocd reading I can nardiy wa:t to see it." VDon't Miss This Offer Writt or aiBtt At otEct Ait paper 1 i 00 9I pcrgts MWUAJJ FREE McCALL PATTERN Each subscriber for this Great "Family Bargain" may choose Iroin her first copy of McCALL'S re ceived, r ot the celebrated McCail Dres Patterns FREE, tralue IM bysendine a postal card request direct to 1 he Mclall Com pany, New York, eirmi Nmbr and Sb desired. The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of this big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, either by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.65 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year a9 per your special offer. Name. Address Please state if new or renewal. As a result of testimony the chief was suspended and a movement to re call the mayor is probable. CHICHESTER S PIUS LedleSl Aft 7"r ir. r ( hlM,ertl)wsiMl Ur4 Ills Is lied and Uold Bllr.rf tv.rs, wiled with Flue Ritos, Tut uer. Unr J"' -Demi".!- AsktCiri.'iniS.TEai DIAMOND I.U.VMI riLl.M t veart kaown ss Ceil. isle. A t ws js RellsMs SOLD CY DRIMISTS LlfUtMQX THE QUELLE RESTAURANT Open Day and Night j jVfac Of- and Special Evenin Lunches j ilACCliO abtJC up Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms w sr . in ConnectionSteam Heated VUS USt ODtailie, FfOp. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY I'l'N'KUAI, DIKEtTOllS. JOHN S. BAKER, FUKERAL, Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postoffloe. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night. Phone 75. J. T. BROWN S FURNITUER STORE Funeral director and licensed em La liner. Most modern funeral par lor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or niKht. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone (3 1XSI KAXCK AXD LAXD BVSIXEPS ATTORNEYS. RALEY & RAI.EY, ATTORNEYS AT law. Office In American National Bunk building. FEE & FEE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despaln building. CARTER & PMYTHE. ATTORNEYS at law Office In rear of American National Bank building. JAMES B. PERRY. ATORNEY Al law. Office over Taylor Hardware company. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. T. YOHXKA. AUCTIONEER makes a specialty of fanners' etoek and machinery sale. "The man that gets you the money " Leave order at East Oregonian office. MALE HELP WANTED. VNTEI ;OOI I.IVK CANVASS. er to represent us In E.-istern Ore gon. Commission proposition. ChH weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 123 1-1 Grand Ave., Portland. Ore Oly Hall Alleged liar. WICHITA, Kan., July 22 Henry J. j Allen, editor of the Wichita Beacon, turned the tables on the city admin-i Istration recently and u a result O j K. Mewart, chief of police, was sus pended. The administration hud a.ked the county attorney to brinit the edi tor on the carpet because the Reason had been declaring that the adminis tration was protecting crime. There was a crowd at thp court house when Mr. Allen appeared, ac companied by David Leahy, who car ried a large covered basket. The editor testified that he had been carrying on an Investigation and was prepared to prove, that the chief of police had been selling whisky, taken in raids, in the city hall. Mr. Allen presented as his evidence about a doien bottles of whisky, w hich he said, had been bought from the ihitf of police throUKh a negro. HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO. MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Buys and sells nil kinds of real estate. Doesj a general brokerage buslnes. Pay taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pres. a H. MARSH, See. PETERSON & BISHOP, ATTOR-! neys at law: rooms i and 4, Smith-1 Crawford building. BENTLEY & LEFFINGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 115 Main street. Phone 404. SECOND HAND DEALERS. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal courts. Rooms 7, g and 9. Despain building. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT Cash or give trade for Umatlll.i cotinrr farm. 20 to JtO per aire. Addrewi Box 12, Athena. Ore. PHYSICIANS. GEORGE O. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made Room 17. Schmidt block. FREDERICK STE1WER. ATTOR ney at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. DRS. WH1TAKER ft WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours 9 a. m to I p. m. Mllarkey building, Pendleton Oregon. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand geods. Cash paid for all second-hand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendnleton to bur household goods. Come and get our prices. 21 E. Court street. Phone 27IW. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in Despain ' building. VETERINARY SUtCEONS. C. W. LASSEN. M. D. V. COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephone, IT; office telephone, 10. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY--r.-' FCSITUWO ' CliruCl i a 4? ft.. i a..r i?:s- ' ci- f. ' - f J