East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, July 22, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 1 1 1 Cull hi
II u 0
omen s summer Uresses
on Balcony:
5 svz-ig? za- - HIM Hill
on Balcony
Dainty, cool dresses made of voiles, lawns and nets. The season's newest and most approved models Trim
ming are of lace, silk and ribbons.
$G.OO Dresses, Reduced to $3.00 315.00 Dresses, Reduced to $750
37.50 Dresses, Reduced to . ?3.75 $20.00 Dresses, Reduced to " $1000
$10.00 Dresses, Reduced to $5.00 $27.50 Dresses, Reduced to $1375
ARCHITECTS DREW fIVE FfcAXS IWuge. the plans were revised and
lm HENRY X)RIT8 NEW UOME onr eaUing tor an expenditure of about
j I2E5.000 was fixed on. This met with
Ita They Were Flit, Their Lawyer! objection and again was revised, to
Itaxiam is Heart; of Suit
AgahuA Mannbsnurer.
DETROIT, Mich., Jury . Nmer-
priTde for an -extra expenditure of
about 1300, 00. In all, there were fit's
Pirns, counsel said, and 853 different
plans and skattjhes. the work filling a
us difterenoea that haue arise wer sUsamer trunk and a box about the
tbe construction of Hemry Ford's new sasne stse.
1304,000 home at Dearborn were! Consel for Ford alleges fraud and
aired today when testimony wa iak-1 collusion and Incompetency. Alfred
en before Master Wilbam Sayer In Lucking, representing Ford, said bills
the Federal court. In the suit of Ton, 'or JT2.609 were presented for send-
Holnt Fyfe. arch tt ecu. w ho are u- lnK diamond toothed saws through
Ing Ford for 44.003.T5, following "tone. He declared Von Hoist &
their discharge from the work. Fyfe, being the architects and super
Ford first decided oa a 1501 MO ln,Mrfente- ""Id have known
plan. Attorney J. O. Murfin said, "but
when the newspapers talked about a
II,.tO palace on The banks of tbe
CiUrra is as ma h a blood ctis
M&e a scrofula or rheuaaatia. It
Kay be reliever, but it eaanot be
removed by simply local treatment
It breaks down the general health,
weakens the lung t'u&ues, a4 leads
to exinsttmption.
Hood's fcarsaparilla is so sne
ressfaJ in the treatment of catarrh
that it is known an tbe feet remedy
for this disease. It porifieg the
blood. Ak your drepit for it
whether the bills were excessive. He
said the total cost was to have been
1283.000. and with $72,000 as the
charge for sawing stone and the cost
of the rongh material, the prepara
tion alone would nave cost 1100.000.
Cod Plenty, Salt Scarce.
ST. JOHNS, Kj juIy 21. A
scarcity of salt threatens to offset to
a large extent the benefits to be de
rived by Newfoundland fishermen
from the unusually large catch of
eod along the northern and eastern
coasts and on the Grand Banks this
summer. The war has caused delays
to steamers bringing the salt.
Although at least 15,600 tons of
salt is expected to reach here next
month, it will arrive too late to save
a large amount of cod rapidly piling
up at fishing venters.
Two Hundred .Men Attend Gathering
at Coyote Personal Jiewg of Her.
mlntnn and Project Folk Social
Affairs Enliven the Summer season
(Special Correspondence )
SAN FRANCISCO, July 22. Alco
hoi and the part It plays In the vlqp
and crime question In big cities was
the principal topic at today's addres
es at the Ninth International Purity
Congress, now In sesion here
Miss Edith McWills, an ediotr of
the Scientific Temperance Journal.
Boston. Mass., spoke on "Alcohol and
the Child's Birthright." while Dr.
Guy w. Wadsworth, of Los Angeles,
talked on the state wide campaign
now being waged to make California
dry. Eleven other speakers made ad.
dresses along similar lines. The con
vention ends Saturday.
For the pleasure of Miss M.irgaret
McKenna of Portland, a sister ,f Mr
James Johns. Jr., Misses Hei.n and
Mary Johns are entertaining a few
ung ladies this afternoon at their i
home on Jackson street. j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fairbanks an1!
little daughter, who have been upend-
Ing several months In Ithara, New'
York with Mr. Fairbanks' relative I
arrived back In Pendleton Tuesday'
and expect to remain here, I
- -
Miss Edna Thompson hum relume,!.
from a visit of several weeks In Port
land. Mrs. Laura Nash entertained Infor
mally but delightfully Tuesday even
Ing on the lawn of her home for Mis
Margaret Wendall, Miss Grace Stock-!
ing and MUw Miriam Delano, who'
make their home with her.
Miss Nadine Blukely has ss her'
gue-st Miss Maud Pearson of Enter-!
prise. j
At the Methodist parsonage yester
day afternoon, Rev. C. A Hodshlr!
officiating. Miss Myrtle M. Hyatt or i
Weston and Ailolphus Thompson ot j
Gibbon were united. In marriapc, Dr.
j. a. iiesi ana Miss Jiorie tfest or mis
city were the only witnesses present
Mrs. I. V. Temple return .-d last
evening to Bingham Springs after
spending two days In the city She
will remain there through the hot
Miss Margaret McKenna of Port
land has arrived to ce the guest o'
her sister, Mrs. James Johns. Jr., fo.-
two weeks.
Mrs. Carolyn Round left last even
ing for Bingham Springs to enjot
an outing. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Matthews are
Pgaln at the home of their daughter.
Mrs. Clarence Penland, after a visit
In Baker cou,nty.
A pleasant afternoon was pus'ed
the Odd Fellows hall Tuesday by the
Ladies of the Maccabees.. An Instru
mental solo by Miss Herbert, a read
Ing by Reta Ferguson. Instrumental
solo by Miss Lynde, a duet by Misses
Herbert and Lynde completed the
program. After a social hour refresh
ments were served.
Mrs. Benjamin 8. Burroughs left
today for Hldaway Springs for an
I Mrs. Alex Manning and Am. Max
will leave Saturday for Kldaway
Springs to remain during the hot
Mrs Lester Swaggart and little
daughter intend leavlr.g tonurow
for Hldaway Springs where they will
enjoy their vacation from the heat o)
the city. ,
Jan Francisco
Diarrhoea Qukkly Cured.
"A bfUlt twn VODra ssA f U.J -
It r, .,-,,, - . 1 " J " uftU 1 lltXiA L Jit
h.,rt, h ;.hP ' "-,er "V" attack of diarrhoea which lasted
hundred men at the government camp for over a week," writes W C Jonea
near Coyote attended the social hy- B..ford. N. D. "I became 'so weaJ
giene lecture last evening by Rev. J.that I could not stand. A druggist
I! k Pendleton' eutive; recommended Chamberlain's Colic,
member of the Oregon Social Hygiens Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy The
I'' e , , aa I tlrst d0e relieved me and within twj
Rev. f.nder is addressing fie la- day, I was as well as every" Ob.
dies of Hermiston this afternoon, In talnable everywhere. Adv
me auuiiunum hi ine scnoot nouse
where a large crowd has gathered.
This evening there will be a meet
ing fur the men when addresses will
be made by V. D. McNary, M. D., su
perintendent of the Eastern Oregon
State Hospital at Pendleton. Rev
Snyder of Pendleton and J. T. Hin-
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Brlggs entertain
ed a number of friends with an in
formal dancing party Monday evening
at their country home. Four Slaters.
Miss Bessie McPherson was hos
tess Monday evening In honor of Mrs.
J. l. Watson's guest. Miss Ina Wat
tenburger of Echo. The evening wa
devoted to cards and music.
. IHclflc f.oait Lcamie.
W. L. Pet.
San Francisco 60 41 .588
Los Angeles 69 r,3 .62','
Oakland 64 66 .491
Salt Lake 60 55 .476
PORTLAND. Ore. July 22.--Tria!
of the I'nlted States Cashier company
case In federal district court s fur
ther postponed this morning, dJe to
the continued Illness of Frank Mene.
fee. one of the defer. 'ants No defi
nite date has been set for the he
sumptlon of the trial rut it will prob.
ably not be taken up again until
Monday. Dr. F. W. Lefevre, Mr.
Menefee's personal physician and Dr.
Calvin H. White, secretary of the
state Doard of health, reported the
Miss Beulah Reed of West Cht-j Cashier company official's condition
cago arrived this morning to spend! tnls morning as beln? Improved but
the remainder of the summer with
her uncle, Thomas Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strohm 'eft this
morning for Portland
lll make their home
months .
that he was still an 111 man.
2.2." Suit Costa $1.10.
where theyj VANCOUVER, Wash., July 22.
for everilj Acting as his own attorney, being a
graduate of the Michigan Law school
Mrs. C. D. Hays returned Tuesday! at Ann Arbor, Ed Fulton has brought
evening after a ears visit with her. suit In the Justice of the peace court
daughter In Fargo, N. Dakota. airalnft Herman Heberle to collect
Harry Kidwell of Walla Walla wai 12.25. part payment on four sacks of
a business visitor here Tuesday. need potiitoes. The fee of the con
Mrs C. Rhea Moore and son, Rhea! stable and for flllnir is 14 10
The Exposition gave highest
honors to these Standard prod
ucts made from California
crudes, in competition with other
gasolines and automobile oils.
Oil Company
Moore, Jr . of Portland, are fio gues's
of Mrs. Moore's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. I. Agnew on the west side.
Mis Ina Wattenburger, who has
len the houxe guest of Mrs J. Lv
Waison, returned to her home In
Echo Tuesday.
H. M. Word, traveling salesman for
the Portland Flouring Mills, was a
business visitor here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J
the weekend guests of Mr. and Mr.
F. I'. Fulton In Stanfleld.
John A Roberts left the firat of
the week for Spokane wher he will
vlit his parents, Mr. anl Mm K, J.
Mr. Heberle alleges that he bar
gained to buy two sacks of seed po
t:it"f and that four were delivered.
Mr. Fulton has practiced law In
Klickitat and Kitxap counties, but now
Is farming near his neighbor, Mr. He
berle on Salmon Creek.
TaH Germans Called Out.
ZfRICH, July 22. It Is becoming
clearer day by day that Germany has
(ailed up her last reserves and that
every available man la being sent to
the fighting line. Germans 4S years
old. rmldlng In Switzerland, have now
been called to the colors. The doc
tors r-fue hardly any one. Germany
has every available man In uniform
and can no longer make good the
Traveling; Man's Experience.
"In the summer of 188 I had a
H. Strohm wer ; very severe attack of cholera morbus.
Two physicians worked over me from
four a. m. to I p. m. without giving
me any relief and then told me they
did not expect me to live; that I had
best telegraph for my family. In
stead of. doing so, I gave the hotel
porter fifty cents and told him to buy
be a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
take no substitute. I took floublo
dose according to the directions and
went to sleep after the second dose.
At five o'clock the next morning I
was called by my order and took a
train for my next stopping point, a
well man but feeling rather shaky
from the severity of the attack,"
writes H W. Ireland, Louisville, Ky
Obtainable everywhere. Adr.
Portland 4 8
Vernon . ,T 50
Yesterday's Results
A' Fait Lake Porthnl
Lr.ke 7 (11 Innings.)
Al Los Angeles Jjlan :
r.t u i.
Al fan Francisco Hii Francisco
6. Angeles 3.
National I,tf i i
Philadelphia 44
Brooklyn 43
New York 3S
St Louis 42
Pittsburg 39
Cim'nnat 13
American I.n.igiie.
Ronton 5
Detroit 32 .619
CMc-igo o3 31 .616
New York 42
Wuohlpgton 41
St. L-uls 33
Ph , fYiphla 3J
f.'lo e . n1
Federal Le.iue
Knr. ' My i
Chicago 4 9
St. Louis 48
Pittsburg 43
Newark 42
Brooklyn 39
Buffalo .' 38
BaUimcr" 3 1
American A.- rsMon
St. Peul r.i
in, I anapolls 4:t
K C.ty 47
h-W.n it
M I, inl.ei II
."IiAi-'i.rnl 10
C luml 'is t. . . 31
YV extern I eague.
Des Moines 54
Denver 46
Lincoln 43
Topeka 43
Omaha 43
Sioux City 45
Ht Joseph 33
Wichita 82
Northwestern Ijeagne.
Spokane 5( 27 .60S
Tacoma 64 42 .563
Vancouver 45 48 .484
Seattle 45 50 .474
Victoria 42 BO .457
Aberdeen 41 S7 418
Yesterday's Results.
American Association Mini eapol
Is 6, Cleveland 4 (12 Inning..); St.
Paul 3-4, Columbus 0-2; Indianapolis
11-6. Knnsas City 12-10 (first game
11 Innings); Ixulsvllle 6, Ml'.vaukee
Western TAffllft - Denver S Trtrtnlfa
1; Des Moines- 12, St Jseph C, FloUX
T;3 .475
58 .463
, Salt
4, Ver-
L. Pet.
34 .54
39 .521
.19 .494
13 494
4 .470
41 .429
:8 "
41 .504
42 .494
50 .398
r.3 .S6i
.'3 354
34 ,58u
. 37 .570
37 ,5Ci
38 .631
40 .512
48 .448
52 .422
.",2 ..173
37 .5i0
4') ,r.r.i
42 .52J
4i .477
45 .171
65 ..".Si
?9 .651
35 .668
40 .311
19 .52
40 .613
'5 .500
10 .398
SI .386
They are Pure, Wholesome and Nutritious.
Try an Order of
Choice Pork Roast Fancy Rolled Rib Roast
Roast Leg: of Lamb Eastern Pressed Ham
Fancy Leg of Veal Boiled Ham
Summer Sausage, Bologna, Frankfurters, Etc
Phones 600 and 601.
City 6, Omaha 1; Wltlhca 11-8, Lin
coln 3-3.
Where the Teams Play Today.
Pacific Coast League Portland at
Salt Lake; Oakland vs. Vcrnor. at Loi
Angeles; Los Angeles at San rrani uc
SALEM, Ore., July 22. That the
uncertain financial feeling nas been
more or less removed In this state Is
indicated by the statement of State
Rank Superintendent Sargent, Jssued
tonight, of the banks In Oregon at
the close of business June 23.
The loans show a decrease of about
11.000.000 since the statement ot June
80, 1914, but they have increased ap
proximately $100,000 during the past
two months. Investments in bonds
and other securities also have in
creased about 1750.000 during the
same period. A large part of these
increases Is due to the demand on the
banks for harvesting crops, but Mr.
Sargent Is confident there Is a ten
dency on the part of the banks to ex
tend new lines of credit to legitimate
The oferdrafts at date of this call
show a decrease of 1173.727.12, or
nearly 50 per cent, compared with th
call for a year ago.
The real estate holding of the banks
have been Increused nearly $1,000 000
during the past year.
While there has been a decrease of
more than $2,500,000 In balances due
from other banks, the statement shows
an increase of about $900,000 over the
statement of June 30. 1914. There
has been practically no change In the
demand deposits and amounts due to
other banks during the past two
months, there being a decrease of
nearly $9,000,000 for the year, while
the time and savings deposits have In
creased approximately $2,000,000.
The report shows that the National
banks, as yet, have not taken advan
tage of their rediscount privileges
with the Federal Reserve Rank to any
grout extent, the total amount from
the tnte at date of call being only
$103,989.63. while the total red is.
counts and hills payable of all the
banks amount to $2,282,1 27.34, an In
crease of $1,536,914.79 over the state
ment of last year.
As usual, the statement nhows a
good percentage of cash reserves and
as a whole reveals a very satisfactory
condition throughout the state.
CI limn Cut Railroad.
U E LLFO NT A I N E, O.. July 12
Cltlxens of Lu Rue. frightened where
tbe Scioto river overflowed Its banks,
cut a hole through the big Four rail
way embankment to let the water es
cape. The Rig Four agent, W. J.
Schlngal, and Detective John Kernare
tried to prevent Interference with th
company's property.
The agent was pitched Into the wa
ter and the detective placed In Jail.
The track was so badly damaged by
the escaping flood that all trains are
being detoured
Holt's Death Dexrrthed.
MINEOLA. L. L. July 22. The ta
nnest into the death of Frank Holt,
assailant of J. P. Morgan,- who com
mitted suicide In the Jail here was
resumed. Three prisoner testified
that Holt climbed to the top of the
cell tier and threw himself to the-floor.
' .--. . -v; -Ti
Tires That Fell
Looked Like Goodyears at the Start
Don't trust looks in buying
tires. Great tires and skimped
tires, in plain treads, look about
alike. The vast differences are
The Goodyear extras on our
output this year will cost us
$1,635,000. That's for five
great features used by no one
else.and for other featurescom
monly employed. Yet you can
not see them.
In addition, it costs us
$1,000,000 to make our All
Weather tread double-thick.
That means deep, enduring
grips. Yet do ;ns of regular
treads, with shallow designs,
pass for anti-skids.
Don't buy
a tire on
snap judg
ment. He
may have
Fortified Tirea
hUHIm-Crt Ttrw-"0.AW Cwni
WbJi A0-W..U.M Tmdi m Sak
had rare luck. Better trust the
seasoned judgment of motor
ists in general. Goodyear tires
outsell anyother after 16 years.
And this year theirgoodrepute
is adding 50j& to our users.
Goodyear values are impos-
sible without the Goodyear out
put Despite our extras, our
price reductions in two years
have totaled 45X-. This year's
pricereduction saves our users
about $5,000,000.
Every Goodyear extra
means more mileage on the
average. It means less trouble,
less expense to you, else we
would omit it. But you cannot
get those features without buy
' ing Good
year tires.
Five of them
are found in
only. Any
dealer will
supply you.
Goodyear Service Stations
Tires in Stock