OinLY E"iEitixj El i i 1 1 Forecast for -aern Omtim by th United .Swim Weather tlrrr at Portland, DAILY EiEuL"3 ECiTIO'I TO ADVERTISERS. Th East Oregonlsn bss the Urgent pild clrcuUtloa of ny paper In Oregon, east ot Portland, acd oyer twlcs the clrculailua In Pendleton 01' any other newapaper. Fair tonight anil Saturday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 16 'y NO. 8349 . VOL. 27 -V-wv s - r.: 'pZ-S' a ' , - -. 11 fgi) POLAND'S CAPITAL IS THREATENED BY RIVE Of TEUTONS New Offensive is Begun in North and Germans are Following up Victory Gained at Przasnysz. GAMS OF FRENCH ADMITTED On uio Western rront Berlin Sujs Kra-tlnn of Trenches South or Sou. the Have Ileen Lol Pcu-ograd! Claims to bo Holding the Advance if Germans In Chock. 44444 4 GERMANS DOOMED TO FAILURE SAYS BROTH l.K OF CZAR OP RUSSIA PETROGRAD, July 16 Ger many's armies are doomed to ultimate catastrophe, despite some temporary successes. Grand Iuke Michael Aiexandcr rovlteh, brother of the czar, told correspondents today. BERLIN. July 16. Tha Germans are continuing tncir drive upon War raw from the north through Przasnysz the war office announced. On the western front It was admitted the French have carried a section of trenches south of Souchez, "In the north of Poland near the Baltic, our forces have crossed the Wlndau river, despite desperate resis tance.'' an official statement said to day. "We are now moving eastward from Kokeljayn. "West of Verdun the French are making desperate efforts to regain the ground taken , by the advance army of the Herman crown prince." PETROGRAD, July 18. Reinforc ed, the Germans are resuming the of fensive In northern Poland, an offi cial statement announced. Assaults have been made in the northern Rlga-ShavU region, but the Russians are detaining the Teutons. There was brisk fighting when the Germans at tempted to cross the Wlndau and the Vlnta- rivers. PARIS, July 16. Heavy forces are delivering fierce attacks against the French In the Vosges. From Cham panoux to Vezouse, over a front of two miles, the Germans have directed con certed charges, a communique an nounced. All were repulsed with heavy losses, -It was stated. It was reported the enemy plans a general offensive' In this region. In the region of Verdun the French recaptured hill 2S5 yesterday and christened It "The Daughter of Peath" because of the many bjondy combats which have taken place on Its slopes. The forces of the German crown prince by storm captured the hill from the French Tuesday. CALAIS, July 16. Ten members of the crew of the French trawler Nleu port perished when the vessel struck a mine yesterday. LONDON, July 18 Anglo-French forces have occupied Ngaundere, a town of 35,000 north of Central Came roon, an official announcement stat ed. ROME, July 16. Again taking the offensive In the Val Ampezzo region, Hit Italian Alpine troops have scaled and raptured several Austrian helghtB Including Falzarego pass at an alti tude of 7000 feet. General Cadorna reported to the war office. The gains xlve an advance to the forces of the Italians moving toward the Bozen Trent railway and now control miles of mountain road. Another Attempt to Reach Calais Made by Germans H0.000 MEN AND NUMEROUS GUNS WILL THY TO REACH THE COAST POUT. LONDON, July 16. The Germans apparently are preparing for another attempt to reach Calais, according to a Rotterdam dispatch to the Dailj Mail. "Iflghty thousand Qermani and numerous guns have left Aux La Cha pclle bound for Tser, apparently for a new drive on Calais," the dispatch :sald. Tacoma Export Grow. TACOMA, July 18. Foreign exports from Tacoma In June were 15.819, 458, approximately 12,800,000 more than the average and the greatest val ue of foreign exports for any one month during the last five years. British "Huts" on Flanders I'- '1 Ill . - , . . . IS III .' - -t-v"'. 11 n .-' " v ' . - j - vi I .. . - . . 1 - v. ; The photograph shows war office heads lnsjiecting a new collapsible hut of the Allies In Flanders and France. Lishtness and ease in transporting it, Facts Wanted Regarding Crop Yields; Farm Reports Desired So much doubt exists this year regarding the wheat yield that the East Oregonian will endeavor to secure much exact data from first hand sources. With this aim in view farmers are asked to fill out the blank below as soon as their harvesting has proceeded sufficiently to give them an accurate line on what the yield will be. By special arrangement the information gathered in this manner will be tabulated and given to the government crop reporting officials, thus helping them adjust their estimates as to the actual yield. It is desirable to get the exact truth as to the situation and the co-operation of farmers will be appreciated. Please fill out the following blank and mail the same to the East Oregonian. If you prefer to 'phone, do so. The East Oregonian's number is ONE. Name Address , No. of acres in wheat barlev Yield of wheat per acre Average wheat yield per acre during past few yrs Barley yield per acre Average barley yield per acre during past few yrs What variety of wheat gives heaviest yield What variety of wheat suffered most from burning What variety of wheat suffered least from burning.. HOLLAND WILL BUILD NEW ADDITIONS TO ITS NAVY TWO CHUISERS AND FOUR SUB M AltlNES TO BE CONSTRUCT ; ED AT ONCE. THE HAGUE, July 16. The ap propriation of eleven million, two hundred thousand dollars was voted by the second chamber of parliament tor the immediate construction of two 7000-ton cruisers and four 800-ton WINDSOR, Vermont. July 16. , The president does not Intend to rec-l ognlne Carransa merely because he, has captured Mexico City. He desires, to await a more decisive military stroke or possible political develop ment, It was learned. While the pos sibility of recognizing Carranza's pro- (Ml OF MEXICO CITY NOT 10 RESULT IN U1I OF mm.m - a ...v,.. Vb u,..ft fciailfcfli'J.H'' submarines. The government also was authorized to keep the Dutch army under the colors. Fifty Mile Trolly Ride. LOS ANGELES, July 16. Those visiting Elks and their families who remained here today after the Elks grand lodge reunion left early for a 50 mile trolly ride along the ocean front to Newport. There they planned to participate in a fish dinner, to be followed by a trip down Balboa Bay and an automobile tour through Or ange county. ON OF WILSON visional government generally was discussed in Washington the presi dent's next step as regards Mexico will not be announced until the Ger man controversy Is settled. The president played golf today. He Is bronzed by the sun and ruddy and vigorous. Battle Front I I which has been invented for the uce are the chief assets of thifc hut. Swimmers Will be Given Chance to Use Poal 2 Days POOL WILL OPEN TOMORROW NOOX AXI KE.M A1X OPF.X TILL SI X DAY NIGHT. The public swimming pool at Hound-up Park will be filled and op ened again tomorrow noon and will remain open until Sunday night. Next week it will be closed again for a day or two to permit the putting on of the last coat ot waterproof paint, aft er which it will be opened perma nently. The pool is now completed save only for the last finish coat of paint. The pergola and office building as well as the dressing rooms have prac tically been completed and painted and Pendleton's new natatorium will soon be formally dedicated, When all ! of the work is concluded, the commit tee will announce some definite pol icy regarding the hours and charges. The committee is now engaged in raising the balance of $1500 due on the contract. Some of this money has already been subscribed and these subscriptions are being collected. 1 Charles Cowan, owner of Irvingtoa ! Heights, recently donated a lot In ! that beautiful addition to the natato rium committee and this lot will be sold at once to add to the building fund. ALL DANGER OF MACHINIST STRIKE HAS BEEN AVERTED REMINGTON CONCERN GRANTS 8-HOUR DAY 'ALONG WITH OTHER COMPANIES. riUIDGEPORT, Conn., July 16. The possibilities of a general strike affecting machinists everywhere, to lowing the threatened walkout of workers at the Remington Arms com pany here, were considerably lessened when three arms manufacturing com panies In addition to the Remington concern, conceded io the workers the demands for an eight hour day. It Is predicted that other companies will make similar concessions soon. Or ganized labor has the whip hand be cause of the immense orders for arms for use by the warring nations. NEWS SUMMARY General. Harry Tliaw Is at liberty. Appeal will be taken by the suite. Poland's capital Is being threaten ed by new drive of the Germans. Hint of mediation as a forerunner' of peuco Is received In Washington following conference between IjuiMng and the Gorman amlHtssador. Miners in Wale are determined to continue strike In defiance of the gov ernment's munition act. Local. Swimming pool to be opened per manently next week, Trading stamp is tiling of the past In Pendleton. Eight more iKmtleggers brought In to court. c-MlllllLU HILL LilllT ACTIVITIES E11DITB German Ambassador Suggests That Mediation be Resorted to to Get England to Lift Blockade. CONFERENCE AT WASHINGTON strmr.v of state Lansing and Ger man Amljuswulnr Yon Bemstorf! Mitt to Iliscuss Status of the Dis ii(rreeiiint Over Undersea Warfare On Merchant Ships. LONDON, July 10. Financlul exhaustion is brinsins the Ger mans to terms, awordlnt; to the Financial News ulikii Kae prominence to a reori that Ger many s making "tentative peace proHmalH" through the United States. The Information was de clared to bo from reliable sourc es. WASHINGTON. July 16 That Ambassador Von Bemstorff sufr setel to Secretary of State Lan. Mnj a plan which he believes may serve as an entering wedge toward peace was confirmed this afternoon on reliable authority. The impression this afternoon was what the ambassador told Lansing during the conference has done much to clarify the sit uation n the controversy between the United states and Germany. WASHINGTON, July 16. At a conference between Secretary of State Lansing and Von Bernstorff, the German ambassador. Is under stood to have sought mediation be tween Germany .and England as to the methods of warfare upon the sea. No announcement was made regarding the subject of the conference, but it was understood the Ambassador ad vanced the suggestion that if Eng- i land would end the "starvation blockade,'' of Germany, the Kaiser would cease submarine attacks on all vessels except warships. It was un derstood the proposition of the am- (Continued on page eight) Miners in South Wales are Determined to Continue the Strike; 125,000 are Now Out CARDIFF, July 16. With every representatives and refused to work colliery In South Wales paralyzed by Pending arbitration. With the excep- ..,,.. , , ., . tion of 500 men, every miner is idle, a walkout, the coal strike assumed se- ' . . , . ,, i More than lo.OOO are out, defyinS rious proportions today when the' tm? government t0 enforce the muni men stood behind the vote of theirltions act. General Gonzales in Mexico City General Gonzales, commander of Carranza's forces which have invested Mexico City, is reported to be putting the Mexican capital in sanitary con ROUND-UP The 1915 Round-up will Trading Stamps to be Things of Past After This Month THOSE NOW HELD. HOWEVEH, WILL BR JLEDEEMED UP UNTIL AUGUST 19. After AugUBt 1 the trading stamp will be a thing of the past in Pendles ton. In conformance with the law paj-sed by the last legislature, the Alexander Department Store and Sayres, the only two mercantile es tablishments now giving the S. & H. stamps as premiums, have announced that they will discontinue the prac tice the first ot next month but will redeem the stamps up until August 10. The last legislature passed a law prohibiting the giving of trading stamps as an Inducement for patron age. Though the Sperry & Hutchin son company is fighting tha law, the business men of the state have gener ally discontinued the giving of stamps. A number of stores in Pendleton have been giving the S. St H. stamps for several years and the Peoples Ware house has been giving stamps of its . . . a own. The announcement oi er's and Sayres' means that no stamps at ail uill be given In the city as the other establishments had previously suspended. The general feeling am ong the mercnanis is tnai we nail ing stamps is a thing of the past In Pendleton. 1 DEAD I Ann i II VILLAGE LIMA, Ohio, July 16. Two are dead and many were Injured in the Ottawa river flood. The waters are now sweeping over a half-mile path for 20 miles along the river in the di. rectum of Ada. LIMA, Ohio. July 16. Twenty -two hundred homes are submerged as a result of the overflowing of the Otta wa river following torrential rains. Police and firemen are rescuing the marooned people. There were many deeds of heroism. No deaths have been reDorted. A woman and hef four children were injured when wa ter in a heater exploded. dition. His victory over Zapata, it is rumored, may be a factor in deciding whether the Washington administra tion will recognize General Carranza. DATES. be held on Sept. 23, 24, 25. FLOOD THAW IS SET FREE 01 OECIIII OF JUDGE HENDRiCKS Bonds are Furnished and Slayer of White is Released Pending Appeal of State in the Case. JURY FINDINGS CONFIRMED DeHslon 0f the Conrt Ba.ol on tli Judgment and Advice of Friend Testimony of Exlx-ns Counts for Nothing Thaw is sane, Declares Supreme Court Jn-tii-e. ALBANY. N. T., July 18. Attor ney General Woodbury Instructed counsel for the state to file an imme diate appeal with Justice Hendrick in the Thaw case. NEW YORK, July 18 Supremo Justice Hendricks today declared Harry Thaw sane and announced he would immediately vacate the order issued by Justice Duwling in 1901 committing Thaw to Matteawan. Thaw was released on $30,000 ball pending an appeal by the state in th insanity trial which concluded on Wednesday. In his decision Hendricks confirm ed the findings of the jury which de clared Thaw sane. In freeing Thaw. Hendricks said: "My decision la based on my judgment and the advice of friends. I won't speak of evidence. The impressive testimony of Thaw's sanity Is practically overwhelming. The testimony of paid experts of elth. er side is of no value, I now declare Harry K. Thaw sane." Thaw furnished bait through a surety company, clinching temporar ily at least his complete victory In his nine year fight for freedom, fonrffel for Thaw expressed the utmost con fidence that the state will fail In its efforts to show Thaw is insane if tha appeal is granted and he is actually brought to trial again. Thaw displayed no emotion when Hendricks announced his decision. As a result of warnings given by tha justice there was no demonstration In the court room. But when the court overruled the attempt of the state to prevent Thaw's release on ball, Thaw turned toward Deuty Attorney Gen eral Cook with a smile of triumph. The corridors of Hendricks" court were jammed while hundreds gath ered outside. All cheered when they heard the decision. The police wera forcd to clear a way for Thaw when he stepped out a free man at noon. PRESIDENT CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN DECLINES OFFER PROPOSITION- TO ACT AS AGENT FOR RUSSIA IN AMERICA TURNED DOWN. CHICAGO, July 17. Officials of the Chicago Great Western Railroad confirmed the report that Samuel Fel ton. president of the road, refused an offer from Russia of a salary of a quarter million dollars yearly to su perintend the buying and placing of contracts for eighty million dollars worth of locomotives, freight, pas senger cars and shrapnel for the next two years. Portland Club Bids Show Market Asleep CLUB BIDS TODAY 85 CENTS; BLUEsTEM 9,.: TACOMA ! CTS. HIGHER. PORTLAND, Ore., July IS. (Special) Bid prices on ci'il) in Portland today have been $ cents, a dcline of five cents from the bid price yesterday. The bid price on Muestem Is 95 cents. Oiicugo. CHICAGO. July 16 - (Speci al) At the close of the mar. ket today the following quota tions ruled: July SI 15 7-8; Sept. 1.0St 7-S fee. 11.11. Tacouui. Quotations on club In Taco ma yesterday were gien at 11.04, a difference of Vi centx being evident between that price and the Portland bid price today. Liver'Miol. Liverpool grain prices are as follows; Spot. No, 2 Manitoba, lis Sd; No. 3, I In 4 l-2i. No. 1 Northern Iniluth, lis 3 I1; No. 2 hard winter, lis 4d In American terms th Liver, pool price Is $1.70 per ljuhi . 4)4444444444)44