fact: ?:x DAILY EAST OIIEGOXIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 12. 1915. EIGHT PAGE3 E illS IS OF Men -x r jrj X i I You will be delighted when you find the missing buttons sewed on your clothes, and the tears neatly mended. We give this satisfaction without extra cost Fiat Work Family Bundles i O One Dozen Pieces RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Chattel Mortgage. James Allen to T. F. Johnson, $75 2 mares. 1 hack, 1 get harness. Ernest Finney to First Bank of fiiot Rock. $181.50, 10 horses. Oult Claim Peed. Arm hits Sullivan to Inland Irriga- 'Ti7! rnn iniiuin il run AbltlM, E, TIRED FEE! "TiZ" For Tender, Puffed-up, Barn Jog, Calloused Fen and Corns. "Sard I ue HZ" ,&,fi h 7 every tim for any Tou can be happy-footed Just like me.. Use "TIZ" and never suffer with tender, raw, burning, blistered, wollen, tired, smelly feet. "TIZ" rnd only "TIZ" takes the pain and soreness out of corns, callouses and ibunlons. , As soon as you put your feet In a "TIZ1' bath, you Just feel the happi ness soaking In. How good your Door old feet feel. They want to -dance for Joy. "TIZ" Is grand. "TIZ'' Instantly draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause sore, Inflamed aching, sweaty, smelly feet Get a 25 cent box of TIZ" at any drug store or department store. Get 'instant foot relief, laugh at foot aufferera who complain. Because "your feet are never, never going to brother or make you limp any more tion Co.. $1. s 1-2 of NW 1-4 and N 1-2 of -SW 1-4 or sec. 32, T. i N., R. 30 E., W. M. IKed. J. E. Marshall to Joseph Cunha, $100 Lot 1 and 2, sec. 3, T. 1 S., R. 34 E W. M., contiiining 96.4$ acres. Wife Locates Fugitive. PHILADELPHIA, July 7. After being a fugitive from this city for four years, and $1296 in arrears on a court order for the support of his wife and children. Albert F. Chase was ar rested by Chief Deputy Sheriff Ward and Deputy Sheriff Conners. within the shadow of the court that mad the order. Chase has been missing since April, 1911, when quarter sessions court di rected that he pay his wife $6 a week for the support of herself and his two children. Since that time a constant search has been maintained for Chase, "but each time when he was found he disappeared before he could be ar rested. The last time Chase dodged the de tectives he was found In New Castle, Del., but when the officers went to get him he had again disappeared. The other day his wife, Clara V. Chase, was passing an office building in South Penn square, when she saw her husband enter the building fit working clothes. She hurried across to the city hall and notified the sher iffs office and the arrest followed. Chase had been employed in the build ing an as electrician. PACIFIC COAST I.F.AGVE. At Portland Los Angeles $ 7 Portland 1 S Second game; Los Angeles 10 Portland 2 6 At Los Angeles Vernon C S Salt Lake 4 9 Second game: Vernon 5 7 Salt Lake 4 6 At San Francisco Oakland 6 12 San Francisco 3 7 Second game: Oakland 6 11 San Francisco 5 9 XOKTHWESTKRX LEAGUE. At Aberdeen Aberdeen 7 9 Tacoma 5 1 Second game: Tacoma 5 8 Aberdeen 0 2 At Seattle Seattle 3 5 Victoria 0 5 At Spokane Spokane $ 15 Vancouver 4 6 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Detroit Detroit 5 8 Boston 4 6 At Chicago Washington 8 12 Chicago 3 10 Second game: Chicago 12 16 Washington 5 7 At Cleveland New York 5 14 Cleveland 2 12 At St. Louis St. Louis 6 5 Philadelphia 4 7 FFJERAL LEAGUE. At St. Louis St. LouU 4 7 Pittsburg 1 7 At Chicago Chicago 7 12 Kansas City 2 7 Second game: Kansas City 4 9 Chicago 3 4 At Newark Newark 2 8 Baltimore 1 6 DEADIXJCK BHOKEX. (Continued from page 1.) "Dry Forces Cooperate, ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., July 12.- Closer co-operation between the Ant!-1 Saloon League forces and those of the Catholic Prohibition league In a resolution adopted by the latter or ganization and which was presented to the convention of the Anti-Saloon League of America. A special advisory committee was appointed by the Catholic league, whose task will be the enlistment of all Catholic Influences throughout the country In support of the prin clples and programs of the Antl-Sa lo.i league. should have been and would have been a shutout had not a most unex pected and a most untimely circum stance injected itself Into the sixth inning. The first two men up had been retired and Brooks had been fanned for the third out when Al brecht let the third strike pass through him, something he doesn't do very often. Brooks reached first on the play and without any hesitation dashed for second on the next ball. Then Lieuallen drew the only pass Harlan Issued during the game and promptly stole second. With two down and two on, Williams smote the pill for a clean hit, scoring both men and tying up the game. Tuerck's prettiest piece of pitching came In the eighth when Pilot Rock got men on second and third by er rors with only one down. Pickett and Harlan, both good hitters, were up and the college filnger dashed their hopes by administering the strikeout dose. After Gilbert and Albrecht had struck out In the last of the ninth, the crowd settled down to watch an extra Inning battle. They figured, however, without considering Clock and Royer. The former had been in to Albrecht and Tuerok struck out. No runs, one hit. Pilot Rock Gilbert singled to left Aiurecnt struck out and Gilbert thrown out at second, Tuerlck tc Brooks. Clock fanned. No runs, one hit. Fifth liming. Athena Karmlen doubled to left field. King out when Harlan grab nea his line drive, stone struck out and Karmlen out at third trying to steal, Albrecht to Gilbert. No runs. one hit. Pilot Rock Royer funned. Hayes out, Tuerck to Karmlen and Smith fouled out to King. No runs, no hits Sixth Inning. Athena Grlndell out, Harlan to Clock, Coshow out at first. Clock to Pickett, Clock fielding the ball anJ Pickett covering the bag. Brooks fanned but Albrecht let third strike through hl:n und Itrooks reached first. He stole second and took third when Albrecht made bad peg to sec ond. Lieuallen drew a walk and stole second. E. Williams drove out a sin gle, scoring Brooks and Lieuallen and tying score. Williams took second on throwln. Tuerck fanned. Two runs, one hit. Pilot Rock Westgate filed out to Tuerck. Pickett, safe on Brooks' er ror. Pickett drew throw to first from Tuerck, got between ball and flrstbaseman and was struck In back. He took second on play but Umpire Cox called him out for interfering with the flrstbaseman. Harlan struck out. No runs, no hits. Seventh Inning. Athena Karmlen singled through second. King flew out to Westgate. Stone hit by pitched ball. Grlndell popped out to Gilbert and Coshow struck out. No runs, one hit. Pilot Rock Gilbert fanned. Al brecht out, E. Williams to Karmlen. Clock drew a pass and stole second. Royer fanned. No runs, no hits. Eighth limine. Athena Brooks popped out to Harlan. Lieuallen singled to right. Williams hit into fast double play, Royer to Pickett to Clock. No runs, one hit Pilot Rock Hayes safe on E. Wil liams' error, his throw to first draw inf Karmlen off bag. Smith sacrific ed him to second, Tuerck making the putout. Westgate bunted and was safe when Tueck's throw pulled Kar mlen off bag. Westgate stole sec ond. 1 Pickett and Harlan struck out. No. runs, no hits. Ninth Inning, Athena Tuerck flew out to Royer. Karmlen ditto. King popped out to Grlndell. No runs, no hit. Pilot Rock. Qilbert and Albrecht struck out. Clock made long hit to left field that might have been ho mer but for runner's lameness. Good! for two bags. Rover scored him with single, winning game. Athena. AB R H PO A E Brooks, 2b 4 1 0 2 3 2 Lieuallen. If: 3 1 2 0 0 0 Williams, ss 4 0 1 0 1 1 Tuerck, p 4 0 0 2 5 1 Karmlen. lb 4 0 2 7 0 0 King, c 4 0 0 13 0 6 Stone, cf 2 0 0 1 0 Grindell, 3b 3 0 0 1 0 0 Coshow. rf 3 0 0 0 0 Get in the Game "Roll Your Own" When the umpire shouts, "Play Ball," light up a fresh-rolled 'BuU" Durham cigarette and settle down to root for the home team the one best way ta enjoy a ball game, as millions of "fans" will testify. GENUfRF. Durham it SMOKING TOBACCO has been Identified with the great national pastime for so many years that it has practically become a part or the game itself the spectators' part. No other game can ever supplant baseball no other tobacco can ever supplant "Bull" Durham in the enthusiastic favor of sport loving, enjoyment-loving America. The unique fragrance of this pure, mild, mellow tobacco the smoothness and freshness of "Bull" Durham hand-made cigarettes afford distinctive, wholesome enjoyment and thorough, lasting satisfaction. AmM for FREE pack age of "papr" with eoc Se socA. FREE An Illustrated Booklet, showing cor rect way to "Roll Your Own" Ciga rettes, and a package of cigarette papers, will both be mailed, free, to any address in U. S. on request Address "Bull' Durham, Durham, N. C THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY Totals 31 2 626 4 2 out when winning run scored. Pilot Itoek. AB R H PO A E Westgate, If 3 0 0 1 0 0 Gas Stim$ Conwnitntl with Ktmrnt Kitchen Economy With wood or coal waste heat. Too much or too little for best cooking. In hot weather too much heat coming out into the room. With a good oil-stove no waste heat or fuel. One bunu-r or four low flame or high a slow fire or a hot one. All the convenience of gas for every home, all the year round. New Perfection Oil Cook-Stove For B$t Rttultt Ui Ptarl Oil Better cooking, flame adjustable to just the degree need ed for roasts, for bread, for pastry. No odor, Does not taint the food. A cool cook and a clean kitchen. Ask your dealer. See demonstration, Palace of Manufactures, Panama-Pacific Exposition. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Pendleton dulKing in a kidding duel with the 'Athena pitcher during the game and had already picked a two-aacker and a walk off him. This time he chose a fat one and sent It into the canyon beyond left field. Witji his crippled foot, however, he could only turn second before Lieuallen had pegged the ball back Into play. Royer's stick finished the undoing of Athena. The game waa a clean one through, out, both teams fielding fast and go ing through the Innings without questioning the decisions of Cox and Sharp who alternated on the bases and behind the bat. A big crowd saw the game, many autos from Athena and Pendleton swelling the attend ance. Tlie Game By Innings. First Inning. Athena Brooks fanned, Lieuallen ditto. E. Williams out. Gilbert to Clock. No runs, no hits. Rock westgate safe on error. Pickett flew out to Weatgate out, Tuerck to Harlan out, Brooks to Kar No runs no hits. Second Inning. Athena Tuerck struck out. Kar' mien out Royer to Clock. King fan ned No runs no hits. " Pilot Rock Gilbert singled and stole second. Albrecht struck out. Clock doubled to left scoring Gilbert. Royer singled scoring Clock and took second on the throwln. Hayes out Tuerck to Karmlen, Royer taking third on the play. Smith grounded out Brooks to Karmlen. Two runs three hits. Third Inning1. Athena Stone struck out Grlndell grounded out to first, Coshow fanned. No runs, no hits. - Pilot Rock Westgate popped out to Grlndell, Pickett out at first on sensational stop of his ground ball by Brooks. Harlan fanned. No runs, no hits. Fourth Inning;. Athena Brooks popped out to Clock, Lieuallen singled to left and stole second, E. Williams fouled out SENATOR I!i:VKHIlGK AM) I)K. Kl'DKKl'M PHOTO- GIlAPHK.l) AT TKTLOW 4 Pilot Brooka' Stone. Brooks.. mien. iwasmwinwiBiwww , I, ,1 - n NEW YORK, July 12. Former .Senator Albert J. Beveridge, who was on both the German and French bat tlefronts in Europe, In a speech here asserted the war Is not a conflict brought on by rulers and against the will of the people. "It Is a war of peoples,'1 he said. "I tried every where to find a socialist who was averse to carrying on this war but they were all for It, emphatically. They are making wonderful strides In dem ocracy In the war ridden "countries of Europe, and as a result It seems as though they must outstrip the United States." The photo shows the senator and Dr. Sudckum of Tetlow, Germany. Pickett. 2b ... 0 0 110 Harlan, p 4 0 0 1 1 0 Gilbert, 3b 4 11110 Albrecht, e 11 1 1 Clock, lb 1 11110 Royer, ss 4 0 2 1 2 0 Hayes, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Smith, cf 2 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 3 8 27 1 I Score by innings: Athena . ..R00000200 02 Athena . ..H 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 06 Pilot Rock. R02000000 13 Pilot Rock. H03010000 26 Summary: Sacrifice hits, West gate, Smith: two base hits, Clock 2, Karmlen: stolen bases. Brooks, Lieu alien 2, Westgate, Gilbert, Clock; first on balls, off Harlan 1, off Tuerck 1; struck out, by Harlan 10, by Tuerck 12; passed balls, by Albrecht 1; left on bases, Athena 4, Pilot Rock 5; double plays, Royer to Pickett to Clock; hit by pitcher. Stone; time of game 1 60; umpires Cox and Sharp. Neuralgia pains Stopped. Tou don't need to suffer those ag onizing nerve pains In the face, head, arms, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; He quietly for a few minutes. Tou will get such re lief and comfort! Life and the world will look brighter. Get m bot tle today. 2 ounces for II cents, at all druggists. Penetrates without rubbing. AdT. Zapatistas Defeated, Belief. WASHINGTON. July . The forc es of General Gonzales are within 10 miles of Mexico City, state department advices declared. It waa Inferred from this the Zapatistas either have been defeated or withdrawn without further fighting. Buy Soda in Bottles Y, BECATJSK4T 18 MORE SAN ITARY THAN THE SODA AT FOUNTAINS. We bottle, sell and deliver ts any part of the city, the purest sodas made from pure flavors and filtered water. Try an order from the follow ing list of delicious beverages: Cclro-Kola Cola Quean Hires Root Iteer Grape Smack Ginger Ale Tru-Frolt Pineapple Sodas of all Flavors. ONLY 11.00 A CASK. Consisting of two doxen bottles, and delivered. PEKDLET09I AMD OLD COLOXUL BEER BY THE DOZEN OR BAR M CLL PIGuEER BOTTUfiO WORKS Telephone ITT. Paul Ilemmelgani, Prop. 222 E. Court St. SssiMsaSsVssMVS'MrJ frcHrSws eSMMSWNl G TO BINGIHIAM" ,0 WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY YOURSELF AND KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER. Now Open! RATES $2.00 to $2.50 per day. $12.60 to $15.00 per week. - - i I I i I If " " - ' ' r t -I-' - J Mineral Baths, Swimming Pool Automobile stage from Gibbon. Good accommodations at hotel, and reason able rates to campers. Under New Management and Thoroughly Renovated. FURTHER INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO BINGHAM SPRINGS, HoclvG Van Dusen, Props. 8!;TweL?sgNV4N,,.LEToN mmm sptuxas, mm pcstqffice, mim --r"- " se.eatt ss.esii ts, ntn , ) ,( rVvrru1ri1lU,