FACE TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 9. 1915. EIGHT PAGES ST Opp See Large Advertisement Our Silk Sale 67c This is one of the very best assortments we have ever had. All colors for street and evening wear. Comes in plaids, checks, stripes and floral designs; worth up to $1.50 yard. Special 67 White Pique An assortment of all size stripes, comes in white only, used so much now for dresses, suits, extra skirts and children's wear; very best quality. The yard 25 to 75f The Peoples Warehouse Where it Pays to Trade RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER I INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by T. Furge son to Wm. H. Rish, Nov. 19, 1900, is paid and released. Chattel Mortgage. Gua Elcher to First Bank of Pilot Rock, 50. 3 cows and increase, 1 heifer. ' D. W. Chapman to Monarch Hdw. Don't Invite Serious Sickness "A stitch in time saves nine," Is an eld and trite saying, but It is never theless true. Common colds and a constipated condition are the founda tion of much serious illness and dread disease that could be avoided If prompt attention were given to the first so-called slight ailment. Every family can provide prompt treatment for these first attacks of ill health and every family should be prepared for an emergency by having on hand that standard old family rough syrup, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for the relief of coughs, croup, whooping cough, Irritated and Inflamed throat, tight and sore chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. Foley Cathartic Tablets are Just the thing for constipation and sluggish, bowel movement a wholesome laxa tive and cleansing cathartic. They do not gripe or cause nausea or in convenience and are particularly wel come to stout people, Sold Everwtaere. MVE AGENTS WANTED. Hie Money .Making ITopuKltion. THE ICEI.ESS Ql'EEN RE FRIGERATOR. Rtfrrtritn w thont It or chemicals, lew prices, tells of l-rM. Everybody needs ens. lust the th'ng for the farmet , sum mer hoteis, courtry stern, etc , etc. Write fer Booklet end Artef i Preposition. A tew territories itill op-n. Coaxi Culvert & Hume? Co. Portland Kentoe Station) Oregon. Con Dung Low CHOP-SUEY IUrr.TM rC -Chinese 11 VViVLfivJ Style HOT TABLES CHILLI CON CARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything data and np-to-U; ITHST CLASS SERVIC1 TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood 8U. Phone 117 Pendleton. Or 1 n OFWIjUK is knocking at YOUR door on page 4 in this paper I& Furniture Co. J310, 1 header, all me nay and grain grown on the NE 1 1-4 of sec. 6, T 2 S.. R. 31 E., W. M., j during the season of 1915. H. L Duvall to Frank Saling. II.- 250 All the alfalfa hay grown during the Season Of 1915 on the Frank ' Saling ranch, one half interest In 130 head hogs on same ranch. Mortgage. W. A. Leathers to American Na tional Bank. 3509.72 on S 1-2 of SE 1-4 of sec. t, T. 4 N , R. 29 E., W. M. F. L. Kelly to E. P. Dodd. 3300, 9 acres of land, title descriptive Frank Hardy, to Northwestern & Pacific Hypotheek Bank. 310,000, all of fractional sec. 30, T. 1 N., R. 32 E., W. M. Quit Claim Deed. Andrew Swanson et ux. to F. M. Lockwood. 1. NE 1-4 of sec. 3, T. 4 N.. R. 31 E.. W. M. W. E. Gorden et ux to F. M. Lockwood, II, NW 1-4 and the W 1-2 of NE 1-4 of sec. 2, T. W. X., R 31 E. W. M. Deed James H. Stipp to Joseph Cunha. 1200, NW 1-4 of SW 1-4 of sec. 2, T. I S., R. 34 E, W. M. J. A. Rust to Thos B. Swearingen, II Lots ( and 7 of Block 24, reser vation addition to Pendleton and a portion of lot , Block 24 of Arnold Raley's addition to Pendleton. Frank J. Ansean to Leslie W. Ad ems, 11500. The N 1-2 of SE 1-4 of SE 1-4 of sec. It, T. 4 N'., R. 28 E.. W. M. Patent. Geo. K. Beecher, 160 acres In sec it, T. ( N., R. 32 E , W. M. Italians Raid Austrian. ROME, July 9. Great activity by Italian forces was reported to the war office by General Cadorna. An Aus trian aviation camp was bombarded, bombs dropped on the Goritza garrl ron and ammunition trains attacked. In a raid on an Austrian camp at Ais ovizza. several fires were started and a number of aircraft are believed to have been destroyed. HOW TO CLEAR AWAY PIMPLES Bathe your face for several minutes with resinol soap and hot water, then apply a little rosinol ointment very gently. Let this star on ton minutes, and wash crT with resinol soap and more hot water, linishiiig with a dash of cold water to close the pore. Do this once or twice a day, and you will be axtoniahed to find bow quickly the healing r'-xinul medication soothes and cleanses tiie pores, removes pimples and Marklieads, snd leaves the complexion chr and velvety. Kesinol ointment and resinol soap (top itching- iiiBtantlv and speedily heal skis humors, (ores, burns, wounds and chafing, bold by all druggists. SOAP FOR BABY'S TENDER SKIN The regular use of resinol soap is Usually enough to prevent those dis tressing rashes and channps to which most babies are subject. This is so, first, beeau resinol soap is absolutely pure and free from harsh alkali, ud Second, becauwj it contains the resinol medication, on which so many physi cians rely for skin troubles. o n t WAR ODDITIES. LONDON. When a wounded sol dier was operated on In a London hospital, surgeons extracted several coins from his thigh, shrapnel having carried pieces of the pocket "and all the coins it contained into the flesh. NORTHERN FRANCE While not bombarding the Germans. British ar- tillery sections behind the lines held a horse show, the blue ribbon going to a noble dapple-gray steed who for merly pulled a plough in Yorkshire. AYLESBURY, Eng. Mrs. E. Bate man, 80, has eighteen grandsons and two sons serving with the British army. Loss of Vitality is loss of the prin ciple of life, and is early indicated by falling appetite and diminishing endurance. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the greatest vitalizer It acts on all the organs and functions, and builds up the whole system. Adv. ELIMINATION OF SEGREGATION HELIS WOMEN TO REFORM CLEVELAND. July 9. In the mind of Blanche Moulton, queen of the ten derloin until Cleveland wiped out its segregated district a few weeks ago, there Is a picture of a family hearth, and In her ears ring the voices of two children who will call her mother, after long years when they knew her only as "aunt." Blanche Moulton will return to nor mal life and marriage, for the man who would marry her has forgiven her past, she says. In her expensively furnished sitting room of the house that once was the pride of the tenderloin, she stood the other day with a dust cloth In her hand and a big white apron protecting a plain gingham dress from the dust. And she told a story of the gay, false glamor of the underworld that sur-j neutrality, due to the fact that a stray prised those who had known Blanche j shell "accidentally" fell within Swe in the old days Just a week or somen's waters, owing to a fog during ago. the pursuit of German vessels, says a The easiest way? Faugh! It ls!Fte"t''1' dispatch 'rm Petrograd. the hardest way. There is nothing In! it ii, t rani iinmiiiin.tilliin uSiun tUI no real compensation when the books hell!" are balanced. It's just plain' That's the way Blanche pictured the life she had abandoned, after twenty-nine years In the tenderloin. "It's having always nith you the thought that you're an outcast! It's seeing the sneer on the faces of the men who come to the district it's never knowing a good man. Every m;in who refund to corne down here : had the respect of the women, even ! though they didn't know who he wa. The php girl earning her stingy vaues is better off than the woman f the tenderloin with silks and ten pairs of shoes. People think I'm rich. It's a dream there Is not even money In the easlent way.'" STU.E FUOHITES ASSEMBLE FOR ACTOKH CONVENTION SA.V FKANCISCO, July 9. Stage stars from every state In the union as semble here today to attend the an nuul convention of the Actors' Eiiulty Association which convenes today and tomorrow at the Civic Auditorium. Many novel entertainment features I are promised including a special day I at the Panama-Pacific exposition, Some of the best known theatrical' People of America, including Miss Ol ive Oliver of San Francisco, are In attendance. L Cl'.FT OF KM El riDRED BY AMERICA OITL1XE OK KAISER S POSITION NOT SATISFACTORY TO VNITED STATKS. 1 This Government Will Not Engage Informally In Discussion or Negoti ation With Germany Over Charac ter of Forthcoming Reply Full Text of Note to be Awaited. WASHINGTON'. July 9. The I'ni- ; ted States government will not en- sage informally in a discussion or ne gotiation with Germany regarding the character of the forthcoming reply to the last American note on subma i rine warfare. Ambasador Gerard, at Berlin, has l been Informed that such Is the presl- dent's decision and that the ambassa Jdox is to make no comment on the'ten . tative draft given him by the German j foreign office. I( asked for an ex pression, he is to say that the United States will await a formal reply be fore discussing the question further. Outline Hoes jjot Sltlsfv. The outline, of the German note as j Bishop is the city attorney of Free cabled by Ambassador Gerard is j water and the law partner of Will M. known to be far from satisfactory to, Peterson of this city. Last fall he j officials. With respect to the sink-j j ing of the Lusitania, on which more j than 100 Americans perished, no ad-1 i mission of liability is made. Whether ! in extenuation or not, the view is I pressed in me draft that when tor-, pedoed it was not believed the Lusl- j j tania w ould sink as rapidly as she did I As for lhe future, citizens of the) jVnlted States would be permitted to i travel with safety on the high seas if I passensers on American ships or bel - ' ligerent ships not carrying munitions of war. Germany Would Require Notification. , ! The I'nited States would be re-1 quired to Inform the German govern ment of the date of departure and character of vessels carrying Amerl-1 cans, and guarantee that such ships had no munitions of war aboard. j In this connection high officials! here said that It would be an unneu- tral act for the United States to notify ! any belligerent government of the mother and brother of Mrs. J. E. Sny date of departure from an American der, have arrived to be guests at the port of the character of the cargo of Snyder home during the summer. a merchantman of another belliger ent. Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, was in communication by wireless with his government and is understood to have advised the Berlin foreign office that the form In which the proposals had been made did not appear to be acceptable to the United States. He learned that the position of the Washington government is that there must first be a recognition by Ger many of the principle that an un armed and unresisting merchantman must be visited and searched and pas sengers and crew removed to a place of safety before the ship Is destroyed. Until there is an agreement on this principle the American government cannot discuss any modus Vivendi or temporary arrangements, It is de clared. The proposals made by Germany, that belligerent passenger vessels which do not carry munitions of war shall be immune from attack, pro vided they heed warnings of subma rines and submit to visit and search, is regarded as of Itself objectionable, providing Great Britain and Ger many were to enter into such on agreement. Worms Cause Many Children's Ills. Worms, by thousands, rob the child of nourishment, stunt It growth cause constipation, Indigestion, ner vousness. Irregular appetite, fever and sometimes spasms. KIckapoo Worm Killer gives relief from all these. One fourth to one of these pleasant can dy lozenges, taken as directed, kill and remove the worms, regulate your child's bowels and restore Its health and vitality. Get an original 25c box from your druggist. Don't en danger your child's health and future when so sure and simple a remedy can be had. Adv. Apology Made Sweden. LONDON, July 7. The Russian government has apologized to Sweden for the violation of the latter nation's The German minelayer Albatross was badly punished by Russian war- ships In the naval battle In the Hal- tic sea July 2 and fled Into Swedish. territorial waters, where she was run around near Henviker. Russian ships! pursued her. it was reported, within the three-mile limit. -lrononw rn light Fire. SAN JOSE, Cal., July 8. Members of the astronomers' colony on Mount Hamilton quit the observatory to aid in fighting a forest fire whihe threat ened to leave Sanla Usabel canyon and sweep over the observatory res ervation. Hard work has confined the fire to the vicinity of t'amp Pood? north of the peak. It was feared for a time the wind would carry the flames up the densely wooded canyon to the observatory. French I laid Turkish CnaHt. LONDON, July 8. The Athens cor respondent of the Dally Telegraph sends the following: "A French destroyer ma"de a tour of the Asia Minor coast from Chios to Klobama. visiting all the hays and harbors. The warship destroyed 12 vessels acting as enemy supply ships and set fire to Hlrmen forest. Another French destroyer bombarded mtxln f'henmes and Agalllon, destrovlng a lighthouse and a customs station and sinking several ships." For the benefit of the park fund, the ladies of the Civic Club are this arternoon giving four card parties at various homes over the city. At the home of Mrs. Frank E. Hoyden on Lewis street. Mrs. Hoyden, Mrs. Charles Hamilton. Mrs, George E. Perlnger and Mrs. Ida Fowler are hos tesses, at the home of Mrs. G. M. Rice on North Main street Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Charles Greulich and Mrs. Laura Nash are hostesses, at the home of Mrs. Robert N. Stanfield on Jackson street Mrs. Stanfield, Mrs. James Johns and Mrs. Will Moore are hostesses and at the home of Mrs. John F. Robinson on Jackson street, Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones and Mrs. E. T. Wade are hostesses. Mrs. William C. McKinney and lit tle son returned last evening from Walla Walla where they had been guests for a few days of Mrs. Harry E. Pinkerton. Mrs. William M. Flakley has been confined to her bed for the past few days with Illness. Of Interest locally is the marriage in Wulia Walla last Saturday of George H. Bishop of Freewater and Miss Ruth Kreba, of Athena. Mr. was a candidate on the democratic , ticket for Joint representative from 1'matilla and Morrow counties. His bride is a well known and popular ex-'young lady of Athena. They will make their home on Evans street in Freewater on their return from a brief honeymoon trip. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Glen Long was honored with a shower party by a number of her lady friends at her home on Franklin street. The after- noon was very pleasantly spent with needles. Light refreshments were served. The guests Included Mrs. William Rigby, Mrs. Arthur Rlgby. Mrs. Manuel Frledley, Mrs. Hartman Long. Mrs. Kyle bong. Mrs. John Wil kers, Mrs. Albert Mack, Mrs. J. Pear son and Mrs. Olney Simpson. Sirs. Law Mar' E- Law and Prof. W. A. of Vancouver, Washington, They will accompany Rev. Snyder and family to the mountains in August. Miss Ruth Gibson of Portland, for merly of this city, is a guest at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Thomas H. Swearingen. Miss Neva Hayes of Heppner Is a guest at the home of her uncle, Frank B. Hayes. LODGE INSTALLS IIS AH SOCIAL EVENING IS ENJOYED AT TIIE COMPLETION OF THE WORK. Mayor Smith Leaves for Sampler, Ore., for Two Weeks Outing Pen dleton Folk are OuestM of Echo Relatives Ijullr Aid Holds Ice Cream SoHal Tuesday. (Special Correspondence ) ECHO. Ore., July 9 The officers of Henrietta Rebekuh Lodge No. 36. I. O. O. F. were Installed here Wed nesday evening. They are as follows N. G. Mrs. Nancy Carden; V. G., Mra Hiarreua vv nuer; miss Kutn Conurn, secretary: Mrs. Grace Smith, treas urer; Mrs. Adelaide Hewitt, warden: Miss Ilene Webb. Inside guardian; Mrs. Flora Malcolm, outside. After the business was concluded the mem bers spent a social evening. Mayor Smith left this morning for Sumpter, Ore., on a two weeks' out ing and vacation. While away Mr. Smith will look after his mining claims in that vicinity. Mrs. N. Chishnlm and daughter Mary and Miss Nell Savely of Pen dleton are here visiting with Mra C hlsholm s nephew, Lee Savely of Butter Creek. The Ladles' Aid gave an ice cream social Tuesday night at the M. K. church. Mrs. U. C. Smothers In visiting in California with her mother. Mrs. Knapp. Misses ma and ume wattenburger are visiting In Walla Walla with their siHtpr MrH- "' Staplsh. M'or Hugh D. Smith and Louis Scholl, Jr., were business visitors in Hermlston Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hoskins and daughter Vashtl left Wednesday for Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Ugly Stmt. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling; ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othlne double strength la guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othlne double strength from any druggist and apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It la sel dom that more than an ounce Is t.eedcd to completely clear the akin and gain a beautiful deal complex ion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othlne as this Is sold under guarantee of money back If It fails to remove freckles. i FI.EGE.llg r? Some Nice Orders for Sunday's Dinner Country Veal Country Hens i. . Spring Lamb Fancy Pot Roast Crown Roast Mutton Pure Pork Sausage Diamond Brand Boiled Ham Eastern Cured Hams and Bacon. Buy it here and know it's pure. TWO PHONES 600 and 601 815 Main St. J. S. Rogers, Prop. Tillamook, Ore., where thej will visit for a month with Mrs. Hoskins' sister. , Mr. and Mrs. C. It. Cute of Clarks- ton, Wash., arrived Monday on a visit to their daughter Mrs. Twig Teel of this place. Lawrence Malcolm and It. It. Lew Is left yesterday by auto for Foley Springs In Lane county. They may visit the exposition at San Francisco before their return. Mrs. C. S. Mudge returned home Wednesday from a three weeks visit in Portland with her daughter Mrs. Cox. Shock Kills Handier. WHITTIER, Cal.. July 7. Hurled 30 feet to the ground when he receiv ed an electric shock while working In the top of a tree. Aurella Znngus, a rancher, was killed at the Oonzales ranch, three miles west of here. ONLY SIXTEEN, GIRL VERY SICK Tells How She Wa Made WeUbyLydiaLPinkham't Vegetable Compound. New Orleans, La- "I take pleasure in writing these lines to express my grati tude to you, I am only 16 years old snd work in a tobacco fsctory. I hsve been a very sick girl but I have improved wonderfully since taking Lydit E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound snd am now looking fine end feeling a thousand times better." -Miss Aheua jAQunxARD, 8961 Te boupitoulas St, New Orleans, La. St Clair, Pa. -"My mother was alarmed because I was troubled with suppression and had pains in my back and side, snd severe headaches. I had pimples on my face, my complexion was fallow, my sleeptwa disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls snd have recommended your medi cine to many of them." Miss Estella Maguire, 110 Thwing St, St Clair, Ps. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compodnd should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. If yon wsnt special sdrlce write to l.ydis E. Plnkhsin Medicine Co. (confl dentisl) Lynn, Mas. Your Idler will lie opened, rend snd snswered by a womuu and held In strict confidence Bathing Caps 50c to $1.00 Plain and fancy, styles; tight fitting models and flaring ef fects. Practical caps that pro tect hair and ears. Suitable for bathing In ocean, lake, river, tank or tub. Faultless quality meaning the best. SF.E OCR WINDOW DISPLAY iteronE mmm Talloian & Go. Leading; Drufglsti Prime Rib Roatt New England Boil Loin Pork Roast Fancy Pressed Ham 30E3TH "Pride of the Pacific" Is the plare lo forget summer heat and dust, alwi The Cares and Worries of Tin- Day to enjoy life at Its bestt, down by the sea where ocean breexes blow. Reached only via the OREGON-WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION GO. Tickets on sale dally at low fares for the round trip Ask T. I O'iHUEN, Agent. Pendleton. Prevent roughness during the summer HYAL'S FAGS GREAF.1 A superior vanishing; skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best piiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit: Wow Open HongfCongGafol 5 4XD NOODLE PARLORS 5 I Noodles i AND Chop Sueyg E Outside Tray orders a Specialty. S Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. S OPEN DAT AND ALL NIOHT 5 MEALS 2 So AND VP. 7 E 2 Special Chicken Dinner Sundays. 1 548 Main Street! S Next to E. 0. Bldg. Phone SOU aHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllllllllr