page MGIIT DAILY FAST 0RF.G0X1AN. lT.NPI.F.TON. OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 2. 1915. E1GII1 PAGES Newsy Notes ot Pendleton r l I. It ' : ii i . t LAUREL PATTERN in 1835 R. WALLACE Surer Plate Out resists wear Sonetimet tingle troke oi the bruih ez onmet mora than u hour's labor. The plaio, timple Laurel mmi to let off thu servics gin the pattern u unusual treshoea creates a itudy in simple art. We would like to have you see it. ijj J The HALLMARK Store FoyalSLSawtelk JEWELER Eiiabluhed 1887 S3 J uiliiKtit Is Entered. Judge Phelps has Riven the West ern Electric Co. Judgment for $.".S5.T1 ami attorney fees against Adam O. Noble and Wade Prlvett, who were formerly In the electrical business here. Boy Travels Alone to Coast. Richard Rice, young son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rice, is at Seaside as a guest of young Dave Nelson, hav ing made the trip Sunday night and Monday by himself. His younger brother, Jimmy Rice, left today for the John Crow ranch on the reserva tion to spend a month. Ethel McDonald Dies. Mies Ethel McDonald, a niece of Mrs. Fred Searcy, dropped dead in Walla Walla Wednesday and the fu neral is being held in the Garden Clt today. Mr. and Mrs. Searcy are at tending the service and will then go to Seaside. Miss McDonald lived with the Searcys two years ago. Two Gampx Building. Permits to build garages were ta ken out yesterday by George E. Per tnfrer. well known farmer who lives on Long street, and Ernest Allen, well known colored porter who lives on west Court. He has Just purchase ed a car and thus becomes the first colored man in Pendleton to own an auto. Makes Overland Motorcycle Trip. Edward Willie of Mt. Ayr. Iowa, arived In Pendleton yesterday on his Indian motorcycle for a visit with his friend, H. W. Calfee of The Hub Store, having ridden overland from his home. He came by way of the Lincoln Highway and found the roads in fair Bhape. He will go on to San Francisco to attend the exposition. iO KIIVMEXT EXAMINATIONS . . OH XRLESTOWN NAVY YARD CHARLESTOWN, West Va.. July 5. Examinations for the appoint ment of laborers, molders, machinists, smiths' helpers and other employes at Charlestown navy yard will be held today by the United States civil ser vice board. No educational tests are scheduled but experience will count for sixty points. This Is a quarterly examination, made necessary by the great number of eligible applicants. Cross Depot I .awn; Arrested. His patience with men who delib erately walk across the new parking at the depot becoming exhausted, Agent T. F. O'Brien this morning ar rested V. C. Blackwell and A. J. Walker, who had offended in like manner before. They pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct this morning in police court and were fined one dol lar each. erected him with a "Hello, Judge." "Wink, hlankety Wank blank," quoth the d. b.. "a chief and a Judge both. I urn up against It." At the station when being searched, he was detect ed trying to slip a full bottle of grain alcohol down a pants leg. MoKee's Father U III. O. J. McKee, O.-W. R. & N. yard master, leaves today for Wellington, Kansas. In response to news that his father is very ill. Is Named Guardian. W. J. Furnish has been appointed by the court guardian of James Roy and Mildred Blanche Furnish, mi nor heirs of the late James Furnish. Boy to Ro S'iit Home. ' Constable J. W. Dyke brought down from Milton this morning Les. He McGoldrich, a boy charged with de. liiuiuency. He was taken before Judge Marsh who directed that the boy be sent to his parents in Seattle CAN'T BK 11IAI. HOMES SAYS MISS UI'BY GOOHNOW Funeral Is Held. The funeral of Jack Marinette. who died at the state hospital a few days ago, was held at the Folsom chapel this morning at 10 o'clock, Rev. Charles Qulnney of the Episco pal church conducting the services. Interment was made In Olney ceme tery. The home of the deceased was in Canyon City. Henderson Estate Probated. The late Addison C Henderson left an estate In his own name worth 11677.66 and a partnership Interest with his sons worth ?6S50, according to the petition filed with the county clerk. He left no will and his only heirs are his widow and two sons. Car C. and Lloyd V. Henderson. They have been appointed Joint adminis trators and Geo. Hartmnn, Jr., Wil liam Hlakely and H. G. Casteel have been named appraisers of the estate. "Vas" lulled a "Bonehead." Sometimes these dead-beats on the street pick the wrong man for an easy mark. "Youse guys look like good fellows," said one of the pro fessional type this morning, accosting three men talking on the street cor ner. "Can't you help a poor old tail or what can't find work." One of the three chanced to be Officer Alex Man nine whose star was not showing. "What'll I do with him, chief said the officer with a wink at one of the others and soon had the man on the way to the station. En route they passed a friend of the officer who juiilliililiilii m PASTIME TODAY! it BROADWAY STAR FEATURE The Esterboork Case VITAGRAPH MASTERPIECE 99 Presenting L. Roger Lytton, Julia Swayne Gordon, Cissy FitzGerald, Paul Kelly, Eetty Grey, George Stevens and others.Direct From Majestic Theatre, Portland. In addition we present "A HOT FINISH" An Eesanay comedy with plenty of fun "DREAMY DUD" AND "JOE BOKA A CLOSE SHAVE" Cartoon comedies by America's fore most cartoonist. 5000 ft 5 Reels 5000 ft Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c living Lehman Roads. George Darveau, proprietor of the Hotel St. George, is back from a trip to Lehman Springs and reports thut Manager Frank L. McNeil has a force of men at work Improving the roads to that resort. He Is also building a new mud bath house for the benefit of those patrons who like this treat ment. Mr. Darveau himself found great relief from his illness In the Leh man mud baths last year. Two Grass lire. Two grass fires yesterday called the fire department out. At 4.60 an alarm was turned in from East Court and the firemen found the hill above St. Anthony's hospital ablaze as a re sult of a rmall boy playing with matches. The chemicals were used to put the fire out At 10:15 last ev ening another alarm was turned in this time from West Court A grass fire had started this side of the skat ing rink and was extinguished by the firemen with water. NEW YORK, July 1. There can be no Ideal homes, there can be no homes of Individuality and distinc tion, says Miss Ruby Ross Good now. "A home and its decoration are dependent on so many contingencies that no two houses can be alike it they are to be Ideal In any way," she says. "One cannot devise a model, Ideal house for first and foremost one must consider the personality of the tenant. I do not think a person can have more than one real home. If I had a beautiful home In the country I should put my prized ef fects there, my city home would be merely a makeshift, a place to stay." Miss Goodnow believes that a din ing room is not an essential. Instead she advocates a large living room and dining in it. May Move Hiierta. SAN ANTONIO. Texas. July 2. Ef forts may be made to get General You Will Want a New Suit for the Fourth, And the boy may need one too and there's only one day in which to do that before the Fourth (hopping. A REAL SAVING ON EVERYTHING YOU BUY AT THE GOLD EN RULE STORE. Men's blue serge suits, you can pay more but you can t get more, at $9.90, $12.50, ?14.75, ?16.50 Men's fancy mixed plaids or staple grey suits, every suit a good value at a third more $6.90, $9.90, ?12.50, $14.75. Young men's suits, sizes 12 to 18 years in fancy mixtures, greys and blue serjres at S5.00. 80.90. S9.90, 812.50. Boys' knickerbocker suits in fancy plaids, grey or brown mixed or stripes 81.98, 82.98, 83.98, 84.98. Boys' knickerbocker suits in blue serge, Norfolk coat, $6 and $7.50 value 83.98, 84.98 Men's straw hats 49, 69, 98, Men's union suits 49, 69, 89, 98. ) J. TOC CAJf DO BETTER AT WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW Huerta and General Oroico away from the Mexican border. This was indi cated when federal authorities Inti mated new charges might be filed against them here that they may be removed from El Paso. Trieste Is Starving. ZURICH. July 1. Travelers her from Austria state there la a great scarcity of food at Trieste and that the population there Is on the verge of starvation. Coming Attractions During July Sundav, July 4th for two dayi WORLD FILM. "THE BUTTERFLY," in 5 acta with Howard Estabrook and Barbara Tennant. Tuesday, July 6th, for two day Cha. Chaplin in "WORK." Thursday, July 8th for two days Wil liam Fox presents "THE PLUNDER ER" with William Farnum. Sunday, July 11th for two diyj World m Film, "WHEN IT STRIKES HOME," 1 with Grace Washburn. Thursday, July 15, for two days, Willi- s am Fox presents "WORMWOOD," Marie Corelli's masterwork, with a s cast of exalted eminence. E Sunday, July 18th for two days World M Film, "THE BOSS," with Holbrook H Blinn and Alice Brady. g 5 Thursday, July 22nd, for two days I William Fox presents "THE DEVIL'S H DAUGHTER," with Theda Bara. g S Clip the above and keep for future H references. j Starting in August "The Big Four," Vitagraph, Lubin, Selig and Essanay, m i Inc. The biggest feature picture con- m 5 cern in existence showing the best houses - everywhere. m c-2 rftfsr Instead of cutting our picture for the summer months we are offering more and better pictures. pii3h (ol ijljl fjljfl 1 1 CHAS. CHAPLIN, IN "WORK," JULY 6th AND 7th. Claim o.-W. Injured Sheep. T. F. Boylen and H. L. Stephens, doing business in this county under the name of Boylen-Stephens Sheep Commission, today filed suit against the O.-W. R. & N. Co. for damages amounting to $433 for alleged injur ies to a shipment of sheep and for 126.45 special damages for expenses to which they were put by the alleg ed negligence of the company's agents. On Sept. 11, 1914, they loaded 435 sheep at Haines for ship ment to Portland. The cars, they al lege, were filthy and not provided with bedding. The sheep were held four hours at La Grande, they allege, without bedding so that their wool became damp and dirty. Also they allege the sheep became frightened, trampling each other so that 12 died and all of the others were Injured. The sheep were worth $5 a head, it Is alleged, and those not dying were damaged to the extent of one dollar each. Their condition became so bad on the train, It is alleged, that they were unloaded at Echo and fed and rested. Fee & Fee represent the plaintiffs. Sonora Demand nuerta. WASHINGTON, July 2. Formal request for the extradition of General Huerta on various criminal charges has been presented to Governor Fer guson, of Texas, by the Villa goven ment of Chihuahua state. Hear to Get Bread Card. B Kit LIN, July 2. The authorities of Klberfeld are confronted with the most puzzling problem they have had to solve since the bread card became an Institution In Germany and all because of a show bear that is so fus sy about his food that he will eat nothing but bread. The owner of the animal recently was haled before the lower court and fined and sentenced because he had shared his weekly portion of bread with the animal. With two months' in carceration staring him in the face, he appealed, alleging that the bear was his only means of support A kind-hearted judge changed the sen tence to a fine of 100 marks and ad vised the ownflr to apply to the presi dent of the government In which Klberfeld lies to Issue Bruin a bread card, Just like any regular human being. PRESIDENT WIMi SPEND ANOTHER WEEK AWAY WINDSOR, Vermont, July 2. President Wilson plants to ex- tend his vacation at the Harla- kenden house over another week. He worked several hours on state matters today but it 4 was announced they were not connected with the sinking of the Armenian or tho proposed note to England regarding In- terference with American com- merce. a Mutual Master Pictures A MOVING PICTURE FAIRY TALE Imagine elves brownies goblins and such folk upon the screen. And that isn't all you will see in , ,' ElUmSTILT Grimm's famous story made into a motion picture play. There is a wonderful scene when the Prince and the Girl sail away on a magic carpet, miles above the earth. Yes you must see the Mu tual Masterpicture Rumpelstiltskin with the Court of King Cole the dwarf's enchanted cavern and all the rest. A four part drama full of real humor and human interest. Don't forget, last time TODAY. SATURDAY ONLY. Wm. Hart in "The Man from Nowhere" in 2 Wm. when he was here "On the Night Stage." Fay Tinker of the Stripped Dress Fame. Florence La Bodie Don't marry until you see this then go ahead. This has been said before, but this one is the truth. reels. You know COSY THEATRi MUTUAL MOVIES. IMiiiHiiiiiiiiiimMiiimiiiiiiiiMmiiimiiHiiiimiHiMiiiiiinimiiiimiiiM s3i TODAY! TOMORROW! Lois Uerediih and Onon Llooro Grinr? uu ,1L 1 starring in ASSISTED BY A FAMOUS CAST. This picture handles in a striking way the startling fact that many em ployers who would be on their best behavior in a girl's home, for some reason regard her as fair prey when she enters an office as an employe. It is a drama of the humiliations that lie in wait FOR ANYBODY'S SISTER, and shows that the little working girl who needs protection is not anlways the one who re ceives it A Come and see it; we have a cool house, wide aisles, comfortable seats, and the best pictures. What more could be desired. , SUNDAY HAZEL DAWN in "NIOLO," a Good Comedy. The Alt& Theatre ppwHmw-Hllti.HlimiH raiHitiniiiiiiMimMiiiiiiimm