PACK SIX DAILY EAST OREC.ONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 1. 191,-). EIGHT PAGES 1GD VI OF CiGADA FWHE010 FRIENDS OIEE HI '3 I.. or Your Baby, The Signature of i v ft h i is the only guarantee that you have tha Q eouine 7 prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU'LL give YOUR baby the BEST Your Physician Knows Fletcher's Castoria. Sold only in one size bottle, never in bulk or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, C&yffifaZSkt RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER I INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by T. T. Lea weH to Henry Dom January 23, 1915. is paid and satisfied. A mortgage executed by May Mur ray to X. F. Williams on lot 10, block I, Houser's addition to Pendleton, la released. C liarU'l Mortgage, Mrs. K. Bergoron to G. H. Bishop, $500, on furniture and household Roods in Milton. l J. Ward to Frank Sloan, J97S75, J5 head o lamb. : Mortgage. !. D. Lynde to J. F. Temple, $400. Ixit 4, block 22, in Arnold s & Raley's addition to Pendleton. T. F. Wheelock to J. F. Temple. $500, on house and lot in Pendleton. Quit Claim Deed. May Murrey to Winnie F. Williams J 10. Lot 10. block 3, Houser's addi tion to Pendleton. Deed. Minnie and G. U. Snapp to W. I Smith, J2500. A tract of land In Grand View Orchard Tract. Rcodver for Pueblo Bank. WASHINGTON, June 30. Comp troller of the Currency Williams an nounced the appointment of former Congressman H. H. Seldomrldga of Colorado as receiver for the Mercan tile National bank of Pueblo, Colo. When you buy a watch, you don't merely say, I want a Watch. You want to be safeguarded by 'a name that stands for reliability standard quality. The same method will protect you against inferior quality in Tents. 8 ETTE TENTS represent the best materials, most skilled workmanship and highest all-around quality. For 31 years we have upheld the standard of tent-making. Go to your dealer and tell him yon want a genuine "Willamette" Tent, u. th "Willamette" traie mark u on it. It meant ths tame guarantee of Tent gtMUTY, at ls-tarat meam on a goio waicu. The leading dealer in town tell "Willamette" TenU. Hirsch-Weis Manufacturing; Company, MAKERS Formerly Willamette Tent Awning Co. PORTLAND, OBEGON mMMA r?-v I,. "" Li " iANANAS A Carload Direct from New Orleans SELLING CHEAP to Everybody Get a nice bunch before they are gone At Car Near O-W. R. 6 N. Depot AFTER A WELCOME ABSENCE OF 11 YEARS THE PESTS ARE XOW HACK. Northern and Central States Heroine StanuUivt; Ground of the Lovust He's Bexn Away Sinoo 1898 ami Will liart This Time Xot to Re turn TIU 1932. WASHINGTON. June 30. After a welcome absence of 17 years, Prood VI of the cicada is visiting old friend? in northern and central states, be tween the Hudson and Mississippi rivers and the Interior counties of Atlantic coast slates, as far south asi the upper part of Georgia. Brood VI is the well known 17-year locust. He's been away since 1SS1S and when he departs this time along about the beginning of July, he'll not be expect ed back before 1932. And he wont be missed, for as any farmer can tell you, he's a tarnel nuisance. The peculiar habit that gives this Insect his name causes it to arouse great Interest each time it reappears. Also it arouses fear for the safety of trees; but as a matter of fact the actual damage done la slight, accom plished by the female of the species, which is deadlier than the male. The female cuts the mark of the tree to make a deposit for her eggs. A careful canvass of the whole ci cada area was made by the bureau of Entomology with the assistance ot the state entomollglsts In IS 98. These reports caused Michigan and Wiscon sin to be Included In the territory that has reason to expect the visitor each time he comes from wherever he's been for 17 years. Ordinary repellant substances, such as kerosene emullon or cabollc acid solutions seem to have very little ef fect In preventing the depositing of eggs, but recent experiences with Bordeaux mixture or lime wash show them to be fairly effective. The ci cada avoid trees sprayed with these preparations, especially If there are other trees in the neighborhood. The most reliable means of protect ing nurseries or young orchards Is by collecting the Insects In bags or umbrellts from the trees In early morning or late evening, when they are somewhat torpid. Such collections should be undertaken at the first ap pearance of the cicada and repeated each day. If pruning Is made necessary by the female Insect's ravages, the worst affected branches should be removed. The less injured limbs may be coated on the wounded parts with grafting wax or moderately hard soap. These protective coverings should be renew ed at least once a year, preferably In the spring, until the wounds are heal ed over entirely. It may be expedi ent In the case of a badly wounded recently budded or grafted tree, to cut It back nearly to the bud or graft, so that an entirely new top may be made. In the case of older trees the main object or treatment Is to secure the rapid healing of the wounds and prevent their being used as points for secondary Infection by other Insects. The worst injured branches In such trees should also be cut out, so that all the vigor of the plant may be di rected to the remaining wood. The healing process may be accelerated by thorough cultivation and the use of fertilizers on the land about the trees attar ked. Prairie doss, jack rabbits, ground squirrels, and crawfish are now grouped together under the head of "undesirable citizens" and extensive campaigns fur their speedy extermi nation in many parts of the country have been made by the bureau of bi ological survey of the department of agriculture. War was declared on the prairie dogs after they had made themselves obnoxious by Interfering with tho projects of the reclamation service In the west. The burrowing rodents have caused extensive washouts in dikes and fills, resulting in heavy damages in the Strawberry Vallei project of the reclamation service near Provo, Utah. The campaign against them has already resulted in their complete extermination over large forest areas In Colorado, Ari zona and Utah. Most of them were killed by poison, and predatory birds and animals extermlned those remain ing. In Oregon and Washington, Inves tigations are being made with a view of dealing with moles which have been Interfering seriously with the cultivation of crops. As a result of campaigns against the ground squirrels In portions of California, national forests, ranchmen and land owners have been encourag ed to cooperate with the bureau and also to carry on Independent cam paigns. As a consequence, on thou sands ef aores which once supported squirrels la abundance, It is now dif ficult to find more than an occasion al animal. Similarly, successful poi son baits were prepared for the Rich ardson ground squirrel, which has be come extremely destructive In North Dakota. Other experiments have dealt with the extermination of rodents which hinder reforestation by digging up and devouring seeds or gnawing the bark of saplings. Special experiments were conducted in the national forest near Ocala, Florida, and at the Con Terse naraery In Southern California. In response to requests for aid from farmers In southern Idaoh and east ern Oregon and Washington, the de partment has assisted In destroying jack rabbits which have been doing I heavy damage. In one small region, by the use of extermination baits, over SO, 000 rabbits were destroyed. Experiments also have been con ducted In destroying crawfish, which do great damage In Mississippi and 'Alabama. Ingle Arrives Here for Bout With Anderson Accompanied by his trainers, Wil liam Erb and J. Sullivan, George In gle, Seattle lightweight, arrived In Pendleton last night to finish his training for his bout with Buddy An derson at the Oregon theater on Mon day evening, July 5. Ingle declares he is physicully fit now to enter the ring for 20 rounds, having been train ing hard for three weeks. However, he is not loafing on the Job but was up at 5 o'clock this morning and took a seven mile jutint out the Wild Horse road. Ingle is down to the required weight now so will not have to weak en himself to cut off pounds. He will work out every afternoon through Sunday In the Commercial gymna sium from 2 until 3 o'clock and An derson will follow Immediately after wards. Fans are invited to watch them. Ingle expects to win from Anderson Monday. He has been cleaning up all of the lightweights around Seattle In short bouts and figures he can out last the Vancouver boy. Anderson however, has been training hard and expects to make this bout the begin ning of his comeUack. Boston At St. Louis St. Louis . . . Piltshur . . . Second game: , Pittsburg . . . St. Louis . . . 3 2 4 0 6 4 12 2 8 At Cincinnati ! Cincinnati 1 2 2 Chicago 0 3 2 At Brooklyn I Brooklyn " 10 1 New York . 0 3 1 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. At Portland Portland 3 8 1 Oakland 1 7 0 At San Francisco San Francisco 4 10 2 Venice 2 6 J 1KDKI5AL LEAGUE. At Newark Chicago 7 18 Newark 6 13 At Buffalo Buffalo 9 14 St. Louis 1 3 At Brooklyn Kansas City 11 15 Brooklyn 2 1 At Baltimore Pittsburg v 6 7 Baltimore 1 8 Penlaxd Leads Twilighters Hitting Column in AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Detroit Detroit 7 9 Cleveland 2 10 At Boston Boston 10 14 Philadelphia 5 12 Second game: Boston '. 10 14 Philadelphia 7 11 At Chicago Chicago 8 11 St. Louis 6 11 At New York New York 4 7 Washington , 1 7 NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Philadelphia Philadelphia 8 9 3 Will Penland of the Baptist team, was the leading hitter of the Twi light league, getting four hits In eight times at bat for an average of .500. Geraunt of the Methodists was second, his record being eight hits In 19 times up for an average of .421. Hal Corby of the Presbyterians, was third with .419 and the following oth er players hit for high averages: Chryst, 389; Hlnderman, Frledley and Freeman .375 each, Thompson .343, Snyder, B. Ulrlch, Boyden. Evans. Clarence Penland, Bowers, Milne and Wells .333 each, Buchanan and H. Morris .308, Hayes and Mason .300, Siebert hit for 1.000 but was only up once. The Christians had a team batting average of .285. the Metho dists .276. the Presbyterians .262 and the Baptists .250. Richardson and Huey were the only two players having a perfect fielding average. The Christians led In field ing as in batting as a team, their av erage being .857. The champion Methodists were second with .843, the Presbyterians third with .778 and the Baptists were last with .753. -The averages are not complete for $1,635,000 Hidden In This Year's Goodyear Tires Here are amazing f act: Goodyear Fortified Tires contain five costly features found in no other tire. They have other features not com mon. If we omitted those features, this year's probable output would cost us $1,635,000 less. We could add that muck to Cur profits. And you would never know it until troubles came. This year's improvements alone will cost us $500,000 yearly. Most of tin's goes into extra rubber all into ex- trawear. And weshallspcnd on research $100,000this year to find other better ments stilL- N-Ri.a-CulT;r-."0 Alr"Cuil With A.'l-Vw)trTrataor Smooth Users Save $5,000,000 Yet our 1013 price reduc tion madd February 1st will save Goodyear users about $5,000,000 this year. And that was our third re duction in two years, totaling 45 per cent These extra features used by us alone will save users millions more. That's why Goodyears dominate. They have long outsold any other. They are gaining new users faster thnn we can supply them, We hope, for your own sake, that they'll soon win you. Any dealer will supply you. (I4H) oodByear tjS AKBOttOHIO Fortified Tires GITAN0 HEIGHT IN SAN MARINO AND RULERS ir , Mr .'-ft 1 ' if1 V' if? urn. 1 1 1 1 y kl . .0 M""r" ) if A J " U" ft? , t i ,& i T " '"" 4 San Marino, the smallest republic In the world and the oldest state In Europe, with an area of only thirty eight square miles and a population of about 11,000, recently flashed Into the limelight by declaring war against Germany and Austro-Hungary. Curi ously enough the oldest document which defines the status of this tiny republic Is a declaration of war which San Marino made against what was then the Germans. In the eighth cen tury she declared war on Charle magne. It is said that Charlemagne died before the news of San Marino's defiance reached him. San Marino lies about twenty-five miles south ot Ravenna and slxteeen miles from the . Adriatic. It Is dls tlngulshed by four rocky peaks, all fortif'ed. According to tradition It was founded by Saint Marlnus and a band of Christians fleeing from the perescu. tlons of Emperor Dloletlan about the" year 360. San Marino Is governed by a general assembly of sixty members from which two regents are elected to exercise executive power. The re- nnhlp hna nn nrmv nf Ihlrtv.nlnA ot fleers and 950 men. I Goodyear Service Stations Tires in Stock . LONG & WELKER rendleton oregon motor garage PENDLETON AUTO CO. the season as no scores were kept during the first few games. SPORTING EVENTS. TENNIS AT THE NASSAU COUNTRY CLUB, GLEN COVE GLEN COVE, L. I., July 1. Mem bers of the Appalachian Mountain "IB" FOR SORE, TIRED FEET AH! "TIZ" IS GRAND FOR ACHING, SWOLLEN, SWEATY, CAL LOUSED FEET OR CORNS. PulL Johnny, Pull!" Ah! what relief. No mora tired feet; no more burning feet; no more swollen, bad smelling, iwsatjr feet No more soreness In corns, callouses, bun lans. No matter what alia your feet m what under the tun you've tried without getting relief, Just use "TIZ." TIZ" Is tha only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up the feet "TIZ" cures your foot trouble so you'll nsver limp r draw up your face in pain. Yoar shoes won't aeem tight and your feet will nsver, never hurt or get sore and swollen. Think of It, no mors foot misery, no mora agony from coma, callouses or bunion. Get a Si cent box at any drug store r department store and get instant relief. Wear smaller shoes. Just onot try "TIZ." Oet a whole year's foot comfort far only 2S cents. Think ef It. Club planned to leave today for the Hawaiian Islands, under the lead Prof. George H, Barton, where they will explore the mountains In the is lands. The party expects to return here about the first of September. Bathing Caps 50c to $1.00 Plain and fancy styles; tight fitting models and flaring ef fects. Practical caps that pro tect hair and cars. Suitable for bathing In ocean, lake, river, tank or tub. Faultless qunllty . meaning the best. SEE OI R WINDOW DISPLAY BEFORE BUYING. Tillman & Go. Leading Druitfbts ALL WORK GUARANTEED AT KELLEY'S INDEPENDENT AUTO RE PAIR SHOP. Electric Starters, Etc, a Specialty. Second Hand Cars Bomrht and Sold. Cottonwood St., Opposite City Hall. Phone 181. Chafing and Percolating by electricity offers the greatest convenience and economy imaginable. You really don't know what a saving in time and trouble it will effect in your daily rou tine if you have this equip ment. They are always ready to perform emergency service. We cany them in great variety and at low prices. J. L. VAUGHAN,