EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST ORKGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, JUNK 28, 1915. PAGE iT.VK DRESS WARO AND KEEP FEET DRY WEAK T01IE 11! WHEAT PRICES HUG FAIR PRICES LOWED II! LIVESTOCK CHICAGO WHEAT TBUA BIIECMATISM Bl'fTRKEHS TO TAMS KAIIT A. GKT HID OK UUO ACID. Rheumatism la no respecter of age, kx, eolor or rank. If not the most dangerous of human affliction! It 1b one of the moat painful. Those sub Jeet to rheumatUun should eat lees meat, dress as warmly ax pusnlble avoid any undue exposure and, above all, drink lota of pure water. Rheumatism la caused by uric acid which la generated In the bowels und absorbed Into the blood. It la the function of the kidney to filter this acid from the blood and cast It out In the urine; the porea of the f kin are also a, means of freeing the Mood of thla Impurity. In dump and chilly, cold weather the akin porea are closed, thus forcing the kidneys to do double work,, they become weak and sluggish and fail to elimi nate this uric acid which keeps ac cumulating and circulating through the system, eventually aettltng In the Joints' and muscles causing stiffness, soreness snd pain called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from sny pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Suits; put a tablespoon tut In a glass of water and drink be fore breakfast each morning for a week. Thla Is said to eliminate urlo acid by stimulating the kidneys t normal action, thus ridding the blood of these Impurities. Jad Hulls is Inexpensive, harmless and la made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Wh it and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a p!eaant, effervescent llthla-watet drink which overcomes uric acid and Ik beneficial to your kidneys as well (Saturday's Market.) i miAUO. Wheat ouened S-Ulu l-4e higher and cloned 8-8 "&Mc be low yesterduy. Wheat murket started higher, Influ enced by the stronger cables and more bullish situation abroad. Drouth in Europe, good continental demand and abw.rption by the I'nlted Kingdom were fuctora. There was a good call here for old No. 2 hard winter which gave the appearance of be'ng from exporters. There was a lack of gener al ouuide demand throughout the ses sion, Hears were not very encourag ed. aa showery conditions are forecast ed for Kansas over Sunday. Opening in corn waa steady but wan under presHure from the start. The market lacked Bnap. Weather over the belt was fine, with very little pre cipitation, Commission houses gener ally sold. Oats have ruled easier along with othT gra'ns. Country has Bold very little. There waa a good commission house demand for September at the decline which looked like Investment buying. WHEAT. July- Open. 104 S-4; high, 104 3-4; low, 103 1-4; close, 103 3-8A. Sept. Open, 103; high. 103 1-8; low, 101 5-8; close. 101 7-8A. Pec Open, 106 1-8; high, 106 1-8; low, 104 3-4; close. 105. l'caiity More Hum Kkln Depp. A beautiful woman always, has good digestion. If your digestion Is faulty, Chamberlain's Tablets will do you good. Obtainable everywhere. -Adv. tSunday's Market.) PORTLAND, Ore. Just why all thla alarm among certain grain buy ing Interests that prices are going to the bow wows Is hard to underHtand except the natural bearish feelings generally entertained by the person who wants to buy a product. Might here It might he stated that it Is not real good business for buy ers to go about the country talking high prices or for producers to assert that they believe values are going "own. ,,,., , j, v.,.i .., Buyers with high priced ships on!8tol.k ,, producers la easily seen, their hands with Which they have, with killers holding a liberal supply speculating in, are naturally not de sirous of paying extreme values for (Courtesy .Sunday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. A general cam paign Is being made throughout the country to stop the present practice of direct buying of livestock at country points by killers. Some time ago the National Livestock Exchange, which Is composed of all the local exchang es of the ccuntry, passed a resolution to stop the practice. The claim was made that the direct buying of live stock waa not only detrimental to producers but to the general indus try. of stuff on direct purchase, they have been able at various times to hold the grain to fill these ahlpa. They:thig tocj, m, a club against shippers are In a position where huge losses t0 tne open market, thereby foiclnS stare them In the face unless they can ow prices than the stock was act- purchase the wheat for low prices or else foreign markets make corres ponding advances. The latter is scar cely likely at this time. Crop conditions of course will make or unmake the price of wheat. The ually worth. This condition has been shown both here and at other points No place where direct buying Is shown la exempt from this trouble. It coals money to buy livestock di rect. In fact the coat of direct pur- THIS IS THE MOTOR for your work. It makes no difference what power you require, we have the right one anything from one-tenth to hundreds of horse power. Tell U3 what your plans are and we'll assist you. No charge for this sen-ice. J. L. V&ugh&n 831 Main St. Phone 13 American crop is heavier than a year chases Is so great that the country ago. Indian has a small increase in Interest who sella Is generally the output, but; taking the world as a loser. This applies not only to those whole, the production does not prom-' that sell to the direct buyer but to Ise to reach the totals of a year ago. the ones who ship to the open ma.'- Thla means, therefore, that there is ei. 'ine man woo sens u..ci . reallv no occasion for alarm that mP'y lorcing nis ne.gnoor io wheat pr'cea will go to an extreme low lower prices for his livestock than It record. If peace should be declared ' actually worth. the prospects for good wheat prices .ooa lie Arc neani.. are even better than If war continues. While there waa quite a fair run of Such an Idea Is not entertained by the cattle in tne orih I'oruanu jau.5, f.OODliS, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES p ApV'Q KWONG HONG LOW JfVsW A W 1 16 Wert Alts St., Upitain, Phone 433 general grain trade but its outcome Is almost assured. Ths ending of the war would mean the release of many ships now either held in port because of the fear of the enemy or are be ing used by the fighting nat'ons for the transportation of supplies and troops. The fact that England recently se cured a number of ships to carry wheat from Indian at rates said to be materially less than at present In ef fect in the open trade. Indicates that the ship shortage w til be less acute , than formerly believed. If the proves) true It means that lower charter rates n il be the means of keeping the price of cereals up, . Indicating the severe shortage of wheat In Europe is the announcement that the Italian government has sus pended all duties on wheat until Jan uary, 1916. This scarcely looks as if Europe Is assured of such a big crop of the cereal as some interests would have us believe. Locally there was a fair volume of trading in wheat during the week Considering the limited supply avail able conditions were good. Prices were erratic and reflected sentiment with the qu'ck changes in the Chica go situation. Including 10 loads of Mexican stock during the week, little really top stuff was available. In fact tops were conspicuous by their absence general ly in the cattle trade. The fact that California feeders or Mexican cattle have been shipping in this direction Indicates that even though the situation here has net been of the best recently, the market returns are probably better to out siders than competitive centers. General cattle market range: ! Select steers 8 " ft0 7 MONEY Plenty' to Loan Come in and See Us nATLOCX-LA&TZ INVESTMENT CO. Ill East Court St $ How's This I We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHR.NET CO., Toledo. O. We, the anitenlfsed, have known, P. 1 Cheney for the list IS years, and bellevt him perfectly hoonrable In all bnalnen transactions snd financially able to carrj out any obligation! made by bis fir ox. NATIONAL BANK OK COMMERCE, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Can Is taken Internally. acting directly npon tbe blood SDd mu coas anrfacea of tbe system. Testimonial! ent free. Price 75 cents per bottle- Be 13 by all Druggists. fuse Htl Ptmllx Pill! for constipation Reminders of Some of the Domestic Uses of Electricity ! CAN BE USED FORi LIGHTING COOKING 1 WASHING IRONING HAIR CURLING REFRIGERATING WARMING BABY'S MILK FANS FOR COCLING WATER HEATING AIR PURIFYING HEATING APPLIANCES NECESSARY SAD IRONS TOASTERS PERCOLATORS ' GRILLS CHAFING DISHES WATER HEATERS AIR HEATERS ! HEATING PADS RADIATORS SOLDERING IRONS RANGES ELECTRIC FANS ELECTRIC WASHERS MAZDA LAMPS Are You enjoying their convenience andjpleasure? Pacific Power ib Light Co. ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE TELEPHONE 40 Iiest hay feed steers CSS fi 6.00 Good to choice 6,a06.75 ! Ordinary to lair 6.006.3o I Best cows 6.00 6 6 1" Good to prime 5.75 5.90 Select calves 7.00 6 7.50 Fancy bulla 4-5 Ordinary bulls 4.00 4.25 Hog Trade Is Erratic. An erratic tone was shown In the hog division of the North Portland market during the week. Receipts were liveral and this affected the, price situation somewhat, although at the opening prices advanced a dime to $7.85. Later when outside inter-i ests were r.ot here to compete for of fering, local bargain hunters had things their own way and beat the market back to J". 75, later being forced to make a concession of an-' other nickel with tops at 7.80. j Hog supplies have come forward to all Pacific northwest packing n-j ters In too much abundance recently-! Killers have a surplus on hand and; therefore are quick to discriminate in the price If the quality Is not Al. General hog range: Best light J7 7507.SO Medium light 7.65 7.70 Good to heavy 7.5007.60 Rough to heavy 6.50 7.25 Mutton Market Lower. Market for mutton showed Its ex pected decline during the week's, trade at North Portland. It was not so much the volume of stuff offer ing as the fact that killers were In a position to dictate prices by reason of their direct purchases, that put the price list down. Seemingly mutton market interests here are making the same mistake as they made during recnt sasons. Cal ifornia and other points are very lib eral buyers in the Pacific northwest and are taking stuff from under the very Bhadow of the local yards. General shorn mutton market: Choice spring lambs . ... $7.00 7.15 Common spring lambs ... 6.00 6.50 Choice yearling wethers.. 5.25 Sf 5.50 Old wethers 4.6004.80 Choice light ewes r 4.50 4.75 Good ewes -25 Common heavy ewes , . . . Our Great "Family Bargain" PI. n THE S. W. EAST OREGONIAN $1.50 (Published everyTuesday and Friday, for one year) McCALL'S MAGAZINE 50 (Monthly for one year) ANY ONE McCALL PATTERN 15 Regular Price, $2.15 ALL FOR ONLY $1.65 Suburtptitni may be either uew tr renewal. Write r tall at tfiice tf th 'n paper. We are enabled to give our readers, old and new, the benefit of this money-saving club offer, only because of a very spe cial arrangement with the publishers of McCALL'S MAGAZINE. WOMEN Love This Magazine Com in or writ t to see a temple copy McCALL'S is the Fashion Authority and Housekeeping Helper of more women than any other magazine in the world. All the latest styles every month; also delightful stories that entertain, and special depart ments in cooking, home dressmaking, fancy work, etc., that lighten housework and save money. McCALL'S has been a family favorite for forty-five years. It is the magazine that satisfies. Mrs. J. T. D., jubicribcr of Temple, Ga., writ: ''You may put mv name on the list with those who think McCALL'S MAGAZINE is worth twice as much as 50 cents a year for every one in the family. So many pretty fashions and 50 much good reading I can hardly wait to ee it. Don't Miss This Offer Write or toff of At office of fits paper AfCALCSMACAZJNE r- 7V ..... 1 ... FREE McCALL PATTERN Each fuhscriber for this Great "Famify Bargain" may choree from her fint copy of MCCALL'S re ceived, we ol ihe celebrated McCall Dre Patterns REE, lvalue lx byiendniH a pos'al card request dtrect to the McCall l.om- panr, New Yorlt, riving Number and Sua dew red. The East Oregonian continues to be the leading paper published in Oregon east of the Cascades and if you are not already a subscriber you should take advantage of tins big offer. Also good for renewals. If you desire McCall's Magazine in connection with the Daily East Oregonian, either by carrier or mail, write or phone us for special clubbing rates. CUT OUT AND MAIL US TODAY East Oregonian Pub. Co., Pendleton, Oregon. Enclosed find $1.C5 for which please send me the S.-W. East Oregonian and McCall's Magazine for one year as per your special offer. Name. Address Please state if new or renewal. 1 i I T "" " - The University of Texas geology bu reau has been making an Investigation of deposits in Potter and Randall counties, and now things they are of sufficent size and In such condition that potash can be extricated profitably. Borings on these counties have show n that there is more potash pres ent there than anywhere else in the country. The deposits are much the same as Germany's. They are found in brines and In solids allied to common salu Some idea of the value of having a domestic potash supply may be gain ed from the fact that the V. S. has been importing about J 10,000,000 worth of potash annually from Germany. Benefited by dwrnborlatn's Liniment. "Last winter I used Chamberlain's Liniment for rheumatic pains, stiff ness and soreness of the knees, and can conscientiously say that I never tied anything that did me so much good." Edward Craft, Elba, N. T. Obtainable everywhere. Tourist Coin Stays Home. WASHINGTON. June 28. Money heretofore expended by American tourists to Europe, estimated by Sec retary Lane at $100,000,000 or more annually, is this year being spent in the United States, according to a statement issued by him. Secretary Lane's statement was based on reports received at the inter ior department showing such an un precedentes Interest in the national parks of the west, as indicated by the big Increase In the number of visitors this year over previous years. Pimples, skin Uleinisli&s, EcienA Cored. No odds how serious, how long standing your case, there's help for you In ever' particle of rr. Hobson'e Eczema Ointment. It wipes out all trace of your ailment, and leaves your skin clean and soft as a child's. Hun dreds of users have sent voluntnry letters of thanks. Just try one bux. It will mean freedom from suffering and embarrassment. Adv. RICH POTASH BEDS ARE DISCOVERED IN TEXAS AUSTIN, Texas, June 2S. Discov ery of potnsh beds In Texas, believed to be workable, may aid materially In solving the shortage of this valuable fertilizer material, caused by stoppage CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JHNrBAERTFTOERAlT'? rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 76. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 83. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Pays taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Wrltea fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton, JAMBS JOHNS, Pre. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTOiEY LKFF1NGYVELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agents. 115 Main street. Phone 404. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eto Very latest styles. Call at East Or gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assun ATTORNEYS. RALE Y RALET, ATTORNEYS-AT law. Office In American National Bank Building. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Despain building. VETERINARY SURGEONS. C W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTS Veterinarian. Residence U.'epion. 27; office telephone, 10. CARTER A SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Offlc over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON & BISHOU, ATTOR neys at law; rooms S and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all state and federal courts. Rooms 1, t, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardwar C. GEORGE W. COUTTS, ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections mad. Room 17, Schmidt block. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER INNEW and second-hand goods. Cash paltl for all secondhand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to bay household goods. Come and get out prices. 21 E. Court street Phon 71W. ' FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law, Offlc In Despain building. PHTSICIAN8. DRS. WHITAKER st WOOD, DEN ttsts. Offlc hours a, m. to i p. m Mllarkey Building, Pendleton, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS OF .EVERT ,DE scription for county conrt circuit court Justice court real asUta AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONS HH makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man thai gets you the money ' Leav order at East Oregonian offlc. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED GOOD LIVE CANVASS er to represent us In Eastern Ore gon. Commission proposition. Cash weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 122 1-J Grand Ave, Portland, Ore. MISCELLANEOUSL WANTED PARTY WILL PAT Cas or give trad for Umatilla county farm, 120 to C0 per acre. Address Bos 11, Athena, Or. "li. .'! REAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY rrtttuwB or-.dci j t,t.. MITt'' "I .ti Ai.... V' Urn W ; .'.' i n.- .-. . of German imports. roa of baring successful sal. nor sal at xast Oregonian offlo.