TWELVE PAGES Twnr: f.tgiit DAILY EAST OREGON! AX. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 2;l. 191." r Made to Make Good1 WrORRY kills mo' men than bullets do. An VELVET kills mo' worry than anything else I know of t?rf n n SMI if w U wliU U v t V nn n n s n VELVET, The Smwtkst Smoking Tobacco, puts real tobacco comfort in your pipe. VELVET has ill the mild, rich Uste -.d fnt;rnc ol ICeiKJclj't In Irt dt Luxe, with n red ia - the - wood irc!!otnc? that it VELVET'S very own. 10c Tirvi f ; !ctal-!i.-!ril Biy? E J tar x'r w J i. M 'fc TIIE SMOOTHEST iMOlaXG TQEACCO ?D 3L RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER I INSTRUMENTS satisfaction of Mortrag. A limrissw executed by W. C Ounby to Williams & Ollinger, May 30, 1913, is raid and released. Chattel Mortgage. H. A. Williams to J. I. Case Tin (-.slims Machine Co., $1000. 1 No. Spokane Feeder Head. 1 No. 6 Mortgage. Claude F. Atkinson to Peoples Warehouse, $2500. A tract of land title descriptive. Quit Claim Deed. E. W. McComas to Inland Irrigation Co., $1. A strip of land, title deserip- i. ; !. -r with oreson spout, l separator! t!Ve- brke. Jas. H. Ralev to Inland Irrigation l'ArlFlC COAST LEAGIE. At San Francisco 6 13 3 San Francisco 5 13 3 Portland 4 11 4 At Salt Lake Salt Lake 6 11 0 Oakland 2 8 2 At Los Angeles Venice 8 13 1 Los Angeles 2 5 1 AMERICAN" I.F.AGVK. At Detroit St. Louis 13 21 2 Detroit 9 13 2 At Washington Washington 7 9 3 Boston 4 11 3 At Cleveland Chicago 9 9 5 Cleveland 6 S 3 X ATIOX YL I. SAG IE. At Boston Boston , 3 6 0 Brooklyn 2 8 1 At New York Philadelphia 1 7 0 New York 1 2 Storm ends game In ninth Inning. At Cincinnati Pittsburg 3 7 Cincinnati 1 4 xoutiiwf.stk.ux le.uue. At Spokane Seattle 6 13 3 Spokane 5 15 2 At Victoria Aberdeen 7 10 2 Victoria 5 11 2 At Taeoma Tacoma 11 9.0 Vancouver 0 4 4 FEDERAL I.EAGl E. At Brooklyn St. Louis 4 8 t Brooklyn 3 S 3 At Newark Newark 4 11 Pittsburg 2 8 At Baltimore Chicago 11 19 Baltimore 4 6 Co.. $1. NE 1-4 of sec. 4, T. 3 N, R. 29 E . , W. M. Deed Ora Holdman to Chas. F. Cunning ham, $375. 12 3-4 acres of land, title descriptive. S. n. Hale and F. E. Turner to J. II. Wagner and G. K. Caldwell, $S00. Lot 2, block E, in the town of L'kiah. U. S. MAY SET ASIDE PREVIOUS LAND SALES PORTLAND, Ore., June 23. Ad- "GO BINGHAM" YvHEHE YOU CAN ENJOY YOURSELF AND KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER. ,. 1 ,J , l,r .:- ..'..3"..-. r - t .. 1 w - - s... ..T,f.T ; .. ji .w ..v .. , riow Open! RATES i $2.00 to $2.50 j per day. $12.50 to $15.00 per week. Mineral Baths, Swimming Pool Automobile 'stage from Gibbon. Good accommodations at hotel, and reason able rates to campers. Untler New Management and Thoroughly Renovated. FURTHER INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO BINGHAM SPRINGS, Hoch 6 Van Dusen, Props. 'gS!rf.-rwELHc?SSNPeE:iD6LET0N- BIHGHAM SPRINGS, GIBBON POSTOFFICE, OREGON vice received by United States Attor ney Reames from Washington shows that the decision of the United States supreme court in the O. & C. land grant case reserves to the govern ment all Its rights respecting the large tracts of land sold by the rail-' road company. "The government can step In and set aside all the sales heretofore made I by the railroad company in largo tracts to the big timber companies." said Mr. Reatnes, "and require the lends' to be disposed of in the way congress shall direct. "While the forfeiture prayed for by the government was denied, neverthe less the reading of the decision as a whole is regarded as a very substan tial victory for the government. "The opinion reserves to the gov ernment all of its rights respecting lands thnt have already been sold. While the railroad company, by the decision, is not compelled at this time to sell the lands at $2.50 an acre, the right is gien to congress to provide the manner and terms upon which the remaining 2,300, OHO acres shall bo :-oH, the only restriction upon con znss being that the railroad company: must receive $2.50 an acre for the lands." I GERMANS BEGIN REPRISAL' FKKXrit ALLOW P.IUT W, TREAT MEXT IX AFRICA, CHARGES BERLIN. BERLIN, June 23. The Overseas News Agency gave out the following statement. "In spite of repeated representa tions through American and Spanish diplomats, the French government re fuses to mitigate the brutal treatment being accorded German ' civil and military prisoners In tropical Africa. This is particularly true In Dahomey, where well-educated white men are under negro control without proper clothing, nourishment or protection against disease. They are compelled to perform the hardest manual labor and are subjected to the worst of In dignities by the negroes. "Therefore, the German govern- u u ii illicit: Their mileage is written on roads not paper K ELLY-SPRINGF1ELD hand-made real-rubber tires and tubes give you that mileage in actual service not in grudging allowances and re funds on disputed allowances. Kelly-Springfield Tires Now Sold on New Adjustment Basis Hereafter when adjustments are necessary they will be made on the following basis of mileage: Plain tread, 5,000 miles. In Ford Sizes, plain tread, 6,000 miles. Kant Slip tread, 6,000 miles. Kant Slip tread, 7,500 miles. The word "adjustment," however, rarely figures in Kelly-Springfield speech or cor respondence. On 1914 the total adjustments on KELLY-SPRINGFIELD Tires for the whole United States were less than one per cent of sales. Y'ou get your tire service in uninterrupted mileage not in adjustments. That's because Kelly-Springfield tires are made slowly and carefully by hand from the kind of real rubber that gives real mileage. They are built up to a standard, not down to a price. WE SELL THEM We watch your tires from the clay they are put nn until the day they are dis carded always aiding you in their care, conscientiously and without charge, for we are more interested in your tires than you are. Pendleton Rubber (Eh Supply Co. Telephone 135 305 East Court Street. ment has concluded to retaliate by compelling French prisoners of war to cultivate swamps In different parts of the country. The government will not, however, neglect anything neces sary for the well being and health of these prisoners." Xotloe to Farmers. If you have wheat or alfalfa hay for sale, call on Penland Bros. Trans fer, 647 Main street. Adv. Open Day and Night Meals 25c and up. Special Evening Lunches. THE OugIIo RESTAURANT Gus LaFontain, Proprietor. Fine, Clean Furnished Rooms in connection Steam Heat I' ' " . " ' '. S! Grand Opera Lecturers Orators f 5 more days of unexcelled entertainment nri a fy n ft ji n n 1 1 1 14 11 :il U LP (MA LnJ "Chautauqua WeeEi is Buying Vtfeeli" 1S JUNE 2B BUY YOUR SEASON TICKET NOW! on sale at leading business houses. Twenty seven attractions for the cost of one. Get busy! Be a live-wire booster.