PATLY EAST OKEGPXIAN'. ri'XPI.ETOX. OREGON. WKDXHSPAY, JUXE 2:?. 1915. TWELVE PAGES Evelyn Bar gelt, Cartoonist, Finds Much Fun in Florida O " o II ln the l'iio in r .MilUltlHtnjUlllllllillllUt.illUlllmdttlilliliilllKilhll!(lllllliillilill liinMfMlHiliWlliltHlitHnHMlHliiiUUMHiiiiHjaHliiiHtiiiiHkiililiMjlMUiliHiiii.l t lisle," .S.1VS BITTIK BUBBLES o V r ft 1- ''..;, vaca: tkn 'i V. U ii 1T I 1 o the fountain favorite o o LI 0 13 o 5 Therefore, drink refreshing, delicious "First for Thirst" 5 at your favorite fountain l VI "II W OKKS. V" 1 U.SO 14Y THE CASE AT riOXFl.Il One of the entertainers who appear here is Evelvn Harselt. a will; thought I was out) she sent an old ear-1 '! nnin up to my room to 'wash toonist. humorist ami lecturer. SheillP because my hostess haj given me is now filling dates in Florida ami! the clean towel." will go to Cuba before comin to the! Miss r,arnelt's easel and other draw Pacific coast. She wr:tes to a friend ins; paraphernalia require a trunk of of her experiences and with her keen odd dimensions, m.d . rturkev h. saseman asked a couple of his fellows to help him. "Heah am a coffin an' de corps shoo am heavy." he ex- sense of humor she finds fun in all of them. An old colored woman who "Chaw ed baocie' was her landladv in one Plained town. This old woman fanned the Wherever Miss Harselt appears flies off the food, spit into nn open there is a rush after the entertain fireplace and conversed with herj ment for her drawings, which she d's euests all at the same time. "I had .tributes as far as thev will go Her to spend the niKht there." she says, cartoons have the art 'and refinement "and in the morning (perhaps shejof oil paintings. mm Mm Press Praises Yodlers yodel. The manager, a jolly, fat fel low, who speaks a broken English, de lighter the audience with h s fun and ui' I'vuMiuus uice. i ie oiner male , member of the company Is a cham pion yodler. lie yodeled delightfully " - j in tenor. The five women were all noe and were compelled to re- P'endid singers. Miss Isabel Gratis .1 to numerous encores. From the'1"11' n,r '"other rendered a song and sity which has been expressed by ecn1 tn the evening's performance lays as to who;lnal was oeautiful. One could be it is J"-"1 leei as though you were up in the at:.! spoi cur: many in the last fi i ! or uhst the Yo.l'ers niiuhr : j evident a great munv people did not-A,P actually hearing the wonderful (By Elve Critics.) I know just what to expect from the Al-: mountain echo. Miss Oraus also play The Tyrolean Yodlers were at! pine siugers. but they discovered last ed tn violin with exceptional skill. Ch.iulauqt.' l.--t night and yodeled so, night that mere syllables set to music.! wei; they completely captivated tnei0r mere tones that change. qmcKiy and for an hour gave a1 from low to high and ran the gamut ft'ig audien novel ar.d interesting performance. ! between, may be wonderfully melo There are sefen ill the company whOjdious when properly executed. mng the songs of the land of William i Curiosity was partially allayed last! Ted. and their picturesque Swiss cos-J night when the first number, "The To- j fumes lent not a little to the charm filers' March Song" had been rendered. if !heir performance. i but the satisfaction of the audience j They yodeled in soprano, alto, ten-' was not complete until in the closing ir and bass: they yodeled separtely . number the singers abandoned them- ' and they yodeled together; they won pelves to the spirit of their native, Xorms of applause from the de'.lshted i mountains, and yodeled and shouted' Germany at the Highest Point of Efficiency GRAIU'AL DISSOI.ITIOX OF K.US Elt'S EOKCES PUEHKTEI) BY YMEHK AX. Gordon Moore, an American financier, who was the guest of Sir John French at the commander-in-chief's head-' quarters In northern France. Moore' was afforded an exceptional oppor-i tunity to observe the work of the British and French troops and to note how the great demand for munitions at the front is be ng met. He pre- j dieted that w ithin a few weeks Ens-1 land will not only be able to meet the demands of own forces but will be In a position to assist Russia. -Miiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!; Now Openf NEW YORK, June 23. "The high est point of German efficiency has without restraint. The manager of the company is a jovial well-fed Swiss who furnishes as j much entertainment as the others ' combined, and he constantly kept the crowd in good humor. The only oth ! er masculine member of the troupe la j a younj man w ith a marvelous ability t'on of the kaiser's line Is certain.1 She- Must be Quite a Girl. rtEHLO, Colo.. June 23. A per fect lady in this city disputes with the Trenton Holstein the title of world's pi milk givers. She is Lady Perfection ! EH Korndyke, Holstein cow, owned byi the Woodrfut farm here, recognized I pj as champion by the Holstein Frlesian! pf Association of America. pj Uuly Perfection's production is! 2 more than two quarts of milk fur every i hour. In a thirty day test, she pro- 3 duced 3.153 pounds of milk, contain- ins 143.7 butter content. The New Jersey claimant In the same neri.,,1 S been passed. The German morale on I Produced 2.599 pounds of milk with i Vie western front has broken and lo0.32 pounds of butterfat. from this time on a gradual dissolu- ESTABLISHED 1874 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR A SACK OF BYERS Dluo Ribbon Patent Flour None But the Choice BLUE STEM Used for ThisIf Not as Good as Any Ever Used r Your Money Back. You Are the Judge. Red Chaff and Club for Export ROUND-UP FLOUR . MADE FROM SELECTED RED CHAFF WE are always in the market for choice Umatilla Wheat lilonsKcngCafell' 1XD NOODLE PAKLOr Noodles f AND Chop Sueyf 5 Outside Tray Orders a Specialty. - Boxes fur ladies and gentlemen. 5 : OrEN DAT AND ALL NIGHTS MKALS 25o AND IP. Special Chicken Sundays. Dinner ! to yodel in tenor tones, and whose j S 1 singine the audience never wearied of. The five young women are all gift ed performers, and two of ytera show. S ed themselves to be vocal soloists of S I no mean order. One of them render S 1 ed a violin solo with fine feeling and S : execution.- and was compelled to re s' i spor.d to an encore. The bass solo, S ; "Rocked in the Cradle of. the Deep" ti,.s i.l t)i ,.r,!,l. m-e it eviik. - ' The entire program was out of the; ordinary run of entertainments, and. It Is safe to say the audience did not suffer a single dull moment. The simplicity and naturalness of the per formers was charming as their music. S and they completely won the hearts ' In one month Lady Perfection pro- i duces milk more than double her own This was the statement of George weight or 1410 pounds THIS BRIDE WAS MARRIED BY ALDERMAN & M Jill f the audience as soon as they came ui'on the stage. I 548 Main Street!' H Next to E. 0. Bldg. The Tyrolean Alpine Singers broke attendance records Monday night , UP' n their first appearance, hat .-ouuiijijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? . a rnone us 7 ' Prevents roughness during the summer NYAL'S FACE CREAM A superior vanishing skin tone soon absorbed. LEAVES NO SHINE Price 50 cents Koeppen's The Drug Store That Serves You Best V te -; M Con Dung Lov CHOP SUE Y OODLES csr HOT TAMALES CHILLI CON CARHE -SPANISH STYLE LURCHES nl tip-ti- ; constant singing together will do for I any choir has been done by them through their long association. St ! Louisiana have probably never heard jsuch a blending of natural beautiful voices as from this company. The so j Joists could not be duplicated in even I a first -class musical company. Not only two or three times did the so prano str ke the high "e" but often during the evening, and she holds It with a force and clarity that calls for repeated cries of admiration on the Win uf the audience. The Yodlers, who appeared for the first time at the Chautauqua Jnflay afternoon will be one of the lest entertainments of the course. Th'-y proved an instantaneous hit, as the r muskal ability was wonderful ;i n-1 the yodeling, was new to many. Hesides the singing and yodeling a rare violinist is in the company, the p.ani.-t is a fine accompanist, and the plavin? f,f the z thr is very interesting. The company Is known as Graus' T) ri.-lean Troupe. It is a thoroughly unique and al- tosrether detlehtful entertainment i f"' :' "i'f ni'H is prettentea vy ine iyroiean ( Alpine Hine'-m. Dressed in the plc- t ireoue ratine contume and with a fine representation tf Tyrolean Al-i pine scenery as a back-ground, thejr jcor.M.itute an atmOHphere that la like. a real breath from the air of the 1 r; r.ia.ns There must be something In that air hich is conducive to vocal 1 , development of a high order, too, for I tlieFe Alpine singers are ail endowed I th maitnifieent voices. Throughout . a. n.,v., 1 ,.r,m tthl.h warn en- ,u ,.,jiSrv rh.nnel of vr C-'ousin Sue: Yesterday 'entertainment and In which there waa the day of days! George has been I not a moment of monotony or dull- suddenly ordered to Buenos Aires; we rs-m a large audience was kept thor-' a tomorrow. As soon as he got the 'ughly amu.wil ana enteriaineo. aoo- ity snd native air of the moun. v.'..V0 . if . i y - . ? I sm.pli. tain folk in maintained without any perceptive artificiality, and they sing y.v. warble and echo their national v r wih an evident enjoyment and 7- -i I,..:h il is a pleasure to see and ek our columns contained a city news we hurried down to the clerk's office for the license. "We won't have time for a big wed ding," he said, "so lets be married right here."' ' "What, now?" I excla'med. In a moment he had found an al derman and In another moment I was going through the ceremony in a daze, and now I am a bride without "T" rt of the frrt day so this review (he grjr(?poU!, w,;,,,,inlf x panned. But .. t.,rt with Friday. The. afternoon ... ,(h , tn. W(,,,iin!! gown! Here It Is, the gown that bride el- opn 1 with the second of Z l t, s Sr.,bm ft t'pituiti. Phone, 433 i r..f. Downey'H helpful inspiring er- waH(d at home whl)o th, i. M b-.tur-. ' I.nvironment.' At (. p( Hecau.-e there'll be no grand "I" !h" Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers Wp,,(Jn(f 0W( j nd you th(, pctre v.e th-ir fift concert. This com- ff jt whcb , had tak(,n t0(lay, P ,nv of native ;-ls music'ans cer-- u r a wn aftPr my ow hart t-,.r,!y marte a hit. J ney appeareu ... Wa tf a,rv. v.t hs. Rurh the ,,, native costume, and lifted ... riintv! The under dress 1b P ar r.stural voices In tong and ,..,.., ,.,;. ,n f-harmeuse, to be sure, the stuff that cling" so lovingly to the bride of to day, Instead of standing In set folds, a la grandmother. A train? Indeed It's gently weighted with crystal bead embroidery, A train's part of wedding finery, though many frocks don't i was me because I'm slender. You will recognize the tunic as the flounce or real lace mother and gradnmother wore as brides. Madame has set it off for me with two four-Inch folds of charmeuse to match the low folded girdle. A touch of the old laces fin Ifhes neck and sleeves. My bodice has a softness a photograph can hard ly show. Cut on the same simple lines as the underdress. It Is of white chiffon cloth all rayed and sprayed w th w hite crystal beads. Wedding veils won't seem fuspy to sou any more. Sue, when you see how different mine is. It was designed es pecially to become me. My hair Is low and simple to suit George and is clasped with an orange bud wreath that holds the veil of white tulle that puffs pertly above and floats to the end of the charmeuse train. Your bride has veered from the old time bri.Ilness in Ihe collarless neck. The brldlest brides follow this mode now and I like It best. Revere little slip pers of charmeuf-e to match the gown white silk hose the bride is complete as you were to have seen her at the grand wedding. Good bye, dear Sue. While I am honeymooning beyond the tropics con sole yourself with this picture and the have 'em this year. The overdress la j fuel that the wedding you missed a dream. The low waist line and the i would rave been adorned with Ma- full sleeves are very new and become. I dame' newest bridal creation. Chautauqua is Fast Winning Way in West I OKA i:riDI.Y GAINING GROUND GROWTH STKADY IN NORTH WKST SIXTIOX. Few people realize what proporti ons the Chautauqua as an Institution, has attained. Although the idea has1 reached Its lurgest development In the cast, because such gatherings have been running there for a longer time, the west Is fast catching up. The EI hson-white System reports a more rapid development of the Chautauqua spirit through the northwest and on the Pacific coast than they believed could be possible, This bureau supplies practically all the attractions for this whole terri tory and has 110 Chautauqua on their list this season where last year they handled but sixty, and there were but sixty-nine on the coast Including the independents. This shows a great gain in the number of communities taking up this welfare movement. To inform, interest and attract the largest number of people to these week-long gatherings in 110 differ ent communities means a startling output for advertising In one way and another. The advertising expense is far ahead of any other source of out lay except the talent. The money this bureau will spend for talent will al most reach the JJUU.000 mark the present season. J. II. Ellison, general manager of the Ellison-White Chautauqua System says they have tried about every meth od of advertising open to them but that nothing compares with newspa per space for getting results, and he believes that this applies with equal force to every other Interest which depends on reaching the people. He says that the man who Is too modest to advertise, whether he U selling Swiss cheese or Italian grand opera, Is too modest to stay In business. Negro Was in Woman s Room Before Murder JOLIET, 111.. June 23, Joseph Campbell, a negro trusty, suspected of murdering Mrs. Odetta Allen wife of the warden of the state penitenti ary, admitted before a coroner' Jury he had visited Mrs. Alien' rooms only 40 minutes before the charred body was found Sunday morning. He declared he know the warden was In Chicago and that Mrs. Allen was alone. He declared he stayed In the war den' rooms only two or three min ute. A guard, however, testified ho remained 20 minutes. CHAUTAUQUA SPECIAL m IFF whitman & Mcdonald the kind you all like. Take a box to the Chautauqua ' with you Tallman & Co. Leading Druggists Low Excursion Fares Ticket on tale daily by NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. TO THE EXPOSITIONS SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO In connection with THE PALATIAL STEAMSHIP "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Ask About EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES In effect May 15 and daily thereafter, to all Eastern Point. Stopover permitted and return limit Oct. 31 Through Train Daily to Minneapolis St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis. JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15 THE 1915 PARK SEASON Visit JTELLOWSTONEPARK Reached via original entrance at Gardiner Gateway. Low fares daily during season. L. M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. m