East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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r &
You jiriilo yourx-lf on
a our Mayonnaise dress
ing. Surely it is worthy
a sjKvinl Iww and ladle
of Stcv!i!i Silver.
Here from various
designs, you may select
one that will best match
your oilier silver and suit
your purse.
For a friend, one
could hardly choose a
more plening gift.
Because of reasonable
pricvsaiid highest quality
we would cnll specifil
attention to Gorham
ware in exclusive and
artistic patterns.
I V I ....
M III artistic mttems. M
f. Established 18ST fjf( 3
Tlie Pendleton Valley Dairy makes
two deliveries a flay to homes. Fresh
mlik and cream, wholesale or retail.
Good service. Phone 13F4. Adv.
For Sale. Very Reasonable
Modern 7-room house and 1 lots
about 1 block off paved streets. Suit
able for chicken raising and garden
ing. Inquire "Mrs. C. A." this office.
V CURE; if you see distant objects more (or
v less) clearly, or need to hold printed mat
ter nearer to or further from the eyes than formerly; or
need more light. If you have observed any of these
things, your sight needs the aid of correctly adopted
glasses to assist as well as preserve it.
Accurately fitted glases are only possible when the
sight has been sciertifically tested.
We have every facility for doing this and exercise the
greatest care so that you may receive the utmost benefit
from wearing glasses.
A thorough examination and explanation of your con
dition will cost you nothing.
With Win. Hansen m, Jeweler.
Newsy Notes ol Pendleton
Wind ami Dust Storm.
The mint disagreeable wind an 1
d:t storm of the spring blew over
Pendleton last evening and well Into
the night.
lVnmrrer In Uust Case.
Indicating that she will probably
fight the efforts of her husband. Men
Rust, to secure a divorce from her,
Cordelia Itust today filed a demurrer
to the complaint. Her attorney la W.
M. Peterson.
Condition n critical.
The condition of James Furnish is
reported this afternoon to be very
Permit ftr Bungalow.
J. S. Baker today took out a per
mlt to build a 12500 bungalow
Jackson street.
::ey; held fo3ccj.te!,:pt
Anotlwr Bootlegger Caught.
I-afe Wright Is the latest man to
fall into the police net on a charge of
selling liquor to Indians. He Pleaded
J. W. lYriiun-r Quite, 111. guilty this morning and drew a sen-
Oeorge Peringer has deceived wordjtence of 50 fine or 25 days In Ja'l.
that h'a father, J. W". Peringer of "
I.os Angeles, formerly of this county, Would Meet Bobby or Bud.
has been quite 111. He Is past 81 j Sammy Good of Tncoma, who
years old. At last report his condl
tion was somewhat Improved.
JlIHiK PHFJ.PS Fixns hied
Believing that he had been spend
ing money for booze and tobacco
that Should haA ffnnA for trutA f.ir
on rui cniidren, judge Phelps yesterday
fiund Fred Car den of Athena guilty
of contempt of court In falling to
comply with the terms of the divorce
decree given his wife two years ago
by paying 20 a month toward the
support of their three children.
Carden was cited to appear several
weeks ago and some testimony was
tuken. Not until yesterday, however,
was the case completed. Carden did
not deny that he had not made the
Suit to Collect.
Suit was f led yesterday afternoon
by K. W. Ayres against L. A. and
Winnie Williams to collect on a note
for 150 alleged to have been executed
to the First National Bank and later
transferred to the plaintiff. Osmar
E. Smith is plaintiff's attorney.
after a match
Evans or Bud
with either Bobby
Anderson in Pendle-
Auto Men Are Here.
A party consisting of G. H. Mc
Cuteheon, manager of the Howard
Automobile Co. of Portland. Harry
Hays, travelling representative, and
Louis Buntzell, head service man for
the company, arrived here today by
auto from The Dalles. They made
the trip in a new 1916 Buick Little
Sharkey Jr. is Born.
Sharkey, the Round-up's famous
bucking Belgrade bull, has a son and
heir that Its owner believes will out
strip its noted father In size and hon
ors. B. S. Waffle, well known resident,
is the owner of the calf that was born
at his place on Lewis street this mor
ning. Mr. Waffle declares It Is the
largest calf at birth he has ever seen,
is the same color of its illustrious
father and is already bucking.
Trial Jury Is Summoned.
Judge Phelps today ordered the
sheriff to summon trial jurors for
the special term of court which will
convene tomorrow morning. At the
session a number of criminal cases
will be disposed of, there being a
number pending as a result of the re
cent session of the grand Jury. It 1
very Improbable, however, that the
Lee Dale murder trial will be held at
this term. He has not yet secured his
attorney nor entered a plea, and the
case will doubtless be held until tho
regular September term.
Finishes Shipping Sheep.
C. E. Rude, well known stockbuy
er, has returned from Montana where
he Just delivered the last of the 30,
000 sheep which he recently bought
j around Shaniko and Heppner. Some
of the sheep were taken to laano
and others to Montana. He was un
fortunate in losing some In Montana,
a cold rain chilling them on the first
day they were uloaded. He Is look
ing now for 10,000 more but antici
pates some difficulty In finding that
number as most of the sheep are be
ing taken to the mountains.
A Great Triple-Star Alliance
William Fox Presents
William J. Kelly Edward Jose
"A Woman's Resurrection"
From Tolstoi's Resurrection
A iensatiort of Ihe silent stage; a screen play of tremendous intensity, power and interest
Few screen dramas have ever attracted the immense amount of attention from lit-
ciatms to be the undisputed light-j payments In full but pleaded that he
weight champion of the northwest. Is. had not been physically able to work
, part of the time. Some of the evl
i i'ence. however, tended to show that
ton on July 6. according to a tele-ne had spent considerable money
gram received at this office. The over the bar since the divorce was
granted his wife.
Judge Phelps has not yet sentenced
though he intimated yesterday
Evans-Anderson bout has not yet
been definitely scheduled and It may
be possible for Good to get his fight.
The Tacoma boy Is said to be fight
ing now at a weight heavier than the
lightweight limit.
Oiler Slakes Prixe Catch.
When Chief Kearney arrested W.
W. Wieden a few days ago for abus
ive conduct toward an O-W. brakeman
after he had been ejected from the
train he made a prise catch. The man
turns out to be an escaped convict
from the Kansas state reformatory at
Hutchinson. Kansas, and there is a
$50 reward for his capture. Convinc
ed by his general appearance and de
meanor that he had done time. Chief
Kearney began sending out pictures
and inquiries with the result that this
morn'ng he received notice from Hut
chinson that officers were enroute to
take him back. ,
that he would send him to Jail for
his disobedience of the court's mandate.
Good Cool and Wood.
Our Rock Springs coal burns clean
giving you more heat and less dirt
for your money. Good dry weod
that doesn't boll, but burns. Also
labs and kindling. Protect yourself
from cold and cost order from B
L. Burroughs, phone I. Adv.
CHICAGO. June 17. There !,
grave danger that a famine will de-,
scend upon the United States some-
time In the near future, according to.
Professor John M. Coulter, head or,
the Department of Botany of Chi- j
cago University. Population here, I
said the Professor, is Increasing 20
times faster than the food supply.
"We ought to have enough food-;
stuffs In this country to feed the.
world," said Prof Coulter. "Instead, j
we soon shall not have enough to feed
ourselves. This growing discrepancy!
Iietween food production and popula-j
tion is the basis of the high cost of
"Four remedies present themselves
to prevent famine In the United i
States. First we should develop scl-j
entlflc methods of soil cultivation.
W'e must manipulate the soil proper
ly, and farm Intensively, as the Euro
peans do. By scientific treatment of
the soli crops can be increased 300
per cent In the United States.
"Second, we must plant on every
area the crop which will give the
mnrimntn vlM In that Section. StOP
planting wheat in corn land and don't ,
try to raise potatoes In swamps. 100
many farmers plant their crops with
out knowledge of what their land Is
suited for.
"We must, In the third place, de
velop drought resisting crops. This
is the work of the professional bot
anist, and Is to be accomplished
through experiment.
"Then, at last, we must produce
disease resisting crops, for plants,
like animals, are subject to Ills ot
the flesh. This, too, is tne worn oi
the botanist.
If these suggestions are carried out
with reasonable thoroughness the
high cost of living will vanish, as con
cerns foodstuffs.''
SMALL ' 4 v
Uncorrected errors ft refraction
are the cause of most eye trouble.
Proper fitting glasses In time con
serve your eyesight. There are
tens of thousands who waited too
long that would gladly pay any
price for good eyesight. The best
time to have your eyes fitted with
glasses Is when they first begin to
fail. If you have any reason to
believe that your eyes need atten
tion It will pay you to come at
once and have them thoroughly ex
amined. I have nothing to do but
fit and grind glasses and can refer
you to pleased patrons by the hun
dred. My prices for glasses are
not high.
Exclusive Optician
American Nat. Bank BIdg,
Pendleton. Phone 609
intiminiimniimiiiUiiiuimtmii iiuimmmiiiimimmuiiiiiii:n:ii!!mi!iii!i:mi'.
1 F.fcet Your Friends at The Golden Utils
I Store Chautauqua Week, That's Where I
You'll Find 'em I
It's our every day values that can't be duplicated' t&at
5 attract the crowds and make this Pendleton's Big Busy 1
Store. E
Men's dress shirts 49, 08
Mens sox, black'or tan 5f
Large handkerchiefs, white
or' colored 5f
Men's porosknit style uni
ons 49
Men's night shirts 49f
Men's silk hats 49
Men's straw hats 49 69
Felt hats 9S, $1.49, and
Khaki pants, cuff bottoms
9SS $1.23, $1.49, and
Men's worsted pants 9S,
S1.49, $1.98, $2.49,
$2.98, $3.98.
Boys' union suits. 25
Children's hose supporters
at 10
Men's all leather gloves,
long or short wrist 49,
69. 98.
Men's shirts and drawers
25, 39. 45.
Work shirts 25. 39. 45
Bib overalls 49. 69. 83
Ladies' union suits, lace or
cuff knee 25. 49, 69
Ladies' sleeveless vesta all
sizes 5, 8'3, 10. and S
12 Vi.
Ladies' black hose 5,. 10,
Ladies lisle hose 19, 25, j
49. H
Children's fast black hose 2
10. 12V'2.
Splendid ticking, full width
at 10 5
Mercerized sateen 10, 5
42 and 45 inch pillow tub-
ing ... 16 5
Ladies' muslin gowns 39,
49. z
Fine cambric, nainsook or j
crepe gowns 69, 79, 3
Combination suits, of mus- 3
lin, cambric or nainsook, 3
nicely trimmed 49, 69 3
98. $1.49.
Corset covers 19, 25, 3
39. 49. B
Muslin skirts 49, 69, 3
Black sateen bloomers 25 j
49. 3
rov CAN DO
One person in every ten wearing glasses never have
them changed, because they were fortunate and found
some one who actually knew how to fit glasses.
In Pendleton and vicinity we have five hundred patrons
who are absolutely guaranteed that they will never have
lo have their glasses changed except for the reading
We are here to make good.
Is it economy or good policy to buy glasses and eye
testing that will answer the purpose for a few months or
possibly three or four years?
D. N. REBER, M. D.
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Suecialist. Schmidt Building,
Pendleton, Ore.
cniry men and writers, as well as the public at large, as has the William Fox production
of "A V. Oman's Resurrection," Count Leo Tolstoi's greatest work, in the visualization
of which Betty Nansen, the world-famous European tragedienne, is seen at the full
neigni ci ner n
lasrnuicent dramatic cowers. Discussion has waowl rifplfr ahnnt the
character of sinning Katusha Maslova, the most complex and interesting study of wom
anhood the great Count Leo Tolstoi ever penned. Since the picture ha3 been shown Mis3
Tsansen has been deluged with letters from all over the country asking her to give her
conception of the character. Miss Nansen has answered all the letters in three words.
"She is human."
Professor Alexander Delaney, of Columbia University has however gone deeply
into the matter and has written for the Fox Film Corporation a masterly delineation of
"A Woman's Resurrection."
"It would be superfluous," writes Professor Delaney, "to point out in detail the
aims that Tolstoi had in view when he wrote "A Woman's Resurrection," in which Miss
Hansen is so magnificent and to which William Fox has given such a lavish setting. The
great writer of the Russian land has in this wor:, above all others, labored for the ben
efit of his fellow man showing them in the erring Katusha Maslova, with her bestial ab
andon and final reclamation for better things a glorious lesson of the eternal truths of
humanity. 1
"Tolstoi's wonderful power of microscopic investigation into women's souls was
not, even in Anna Karenina in which, under the William Fox management, Miss Nansen
scored another great success, shown with more startling fidelity than in the screen pro
duction of "A Woman's Resurrection." He has shown Katusha's mental and physical
attractiveness, which lead to her downfall in most seductive manner. She moves and
lives upon the screen before our eyes, a creature of beauty."
"From his lofty heights Tolstoi's great heart embraced all men. It know all hu
man passions and in Katusha Maslova, loving, weak, sinning and repentent he poured
out to the full his marvelous genius. As a reward, while he himself sleeps peacefully
under his oak at Yasnaya-Polyana, he still lives and will continue always to live in the
hearts of men and women."
ATHENS, O., June 16. Ohio his
tory from the Hound builders to the
; civil war, including a realistic battle
between Indians and early pioneers,
and the historic march of Lord Du
1 more up the Hocking valley, was vlv
j idly enacted at the Ohio university
1 Centennial Pageant here,
Hundreds of students and local
people participated. The event, which
was one oi me icaiures vt vmv
university commencement! exercises
here, was one of the most potentlous
affairs of the sort ever attempted in
the state.
The staking out of the university
campus before 100 was another
striking feature portrayed.
C ALADS and men are very much alike in
one respect; to be successful they must be
well dressed.
Good appearance, neatness and a well kept exterior are the step
ping stones to success. And the best part of it all, very little money
is needed to enjoy this advantage especially if you wear
Bond Clothes
$15.00 to $30.00
Twice the price could not command better style or a higher de
gree of careful craftsmanship.
6 Hi Clawmates' Shoes.
MINNEAPOLIS, June IS. Six boys
representing four nationalities, com
prise the Cobblers' Club at Pierce
school. They have a shop In the base
ment and repair shoes for all the pu
nlls at a small cost. They do their
work extremely well. All the equip
ment of lasts, hammers, awls, nails
and other materials they bought them
The Idea originated with Miss Mary
L. Martin, the principal. 8h noticed
i that many of the children came to
; school In shoes that needed half-sole-
ing, and she asked how many children
i could repair their own shoes. Six pu
H ! plls astonished her by saying that they
had been taught by their fathers.
None of the boys was over 11 years.
Admission, Adults 10c, Children 5c
(Continued from page one.)
with red crosses to Indicate their
neutrality and, filing through the
train, painted everybody In like man
ner, even marking the face of Gov
ernor Withycombe and the. train crew
from peanut butcher to engineer.
In La Grande they made their pres
ence known with voclferoua "Let'ef
Bucks" and enlivened ttie parade with
their antics. Their force was aug
mented by fresh arrivals on the ev
ening train. Some returned last
nlKht but most of them are remaln-
Americas Foremost' Film Actress, in
Tess of the Storm Country
A famous tale of a woman's unconquerable faith. Very few of the people of Pendle
ton need an introduction to "Little Mary," as she is the most popular and well liked
film actress of the day. As many of our patrons failed to see this picture when it
was here before and others have expressed the wish to see it again we have finally
secured it for one day only.
Tomorrow Ma"ll"-eiIan "L1AY BLOSSOM"
A realistic photo adaption of David Belasco's great American drama.
The Alf& Theatre
grBL ing over for the races today.