East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    r,nr: rum
'biltied iHilly tr.4 Kml WwWIj t 1B
7- jCiMi.lriutivo work they arc
ftVClXiW I anxious to do in time of peace.
Tv I Something of this sort will
nt Ncwsi-Ai KR. i occur. War is a grout leveller.
lit jars nations and individuals
out of their accustomed
prooves. If the other nations
of Europe observe that Ger
many's socialistic tactics have
provided her with resources
and an army of sturdy men who
are almost if not entirely un
conquerable they will profit by
the lesson, even should they
not be forced to do so by their
returning soldiery.
urn. hi remit? laper.
HrhUi 1 nitpd l'rx Awnoi'latloo,
Koti-m! at ihr xatrf Art at Oiidlfton.
Orag.tn. at arrottU fitM mail matter.
t elepboae
Imtw-r lal Hotel Newa siand, I'uiiltsd.
tkminaa Nfwn O . rortltnd, Orecoo.
S m.K AT
Chicago Bureau, (m Security Building
Wniliinrtim. l C, Burran Ml, Four
U street. N. W.
srnnrmiTiov rates
Itellj, an year, bj mall $5 00
lellj, en awnths, by null 2.M
lelly, thrr montbH, by mall 1.25
lallj, on annua, by nail so
latl, en yar, by carrier 7 ,o
lallj. all atoaiha, by carrier J 7S
l"ally, three mouths, by carrier 1M
"ally, on month, by carrier ,es
Kami-Weekly, one year by mall ISO
Keml Weekly, ill month, bt nail
! Weekly, four muotha, by mall... .50
Never a fault with the dark or
Or the winter-blighted tree;
1 reckon the world Is just as
As the Lord would have it be,
Troubles may com with a rain
o' tears.
Strength o' the storm an" tide,
But we've had our Joy o' the
long-gone years
An' we're livln on life's bright
Hni.e on earth an' hope on
An' when we have ceased to
We ll hear, as we pass the bright
stars by:
"More travelers, nearing
Atlanta Constitution.
ERILY the cries of the
shipping trust are be
coming tiresome. A
few years ago the cry was on
for a ship subsidy and the
country was informed in the
most solemn manner that unless
the government would consent
to take several millions from
the treasury each year and do
nate it to the shipowners there
could be no American merch:
ant marine.
Now the cry is that the La
Follette bill is ruining the busi
ness. From appearances the
law is a very proper and reas
onable measure. About all it
does is to provide decent living
conditions for seamen and
guarantee sailors the rights of
human beings while ashore at
American ports.
Yet listen to this wail from
a prominent ship owner:
1 1 he La ollette bill tied our
hands behind our backs," said
Captain Dollar in New York
last week, "and they ask if
American ship-owners couldn't
give the country a merchant
marine. They can't build up
a merchant marine under pres
ent laws. The La Fol ette hill
Js" HE subject Of the econo. Dut us clean out of business.
l mic changes the war will; After November 2 I do not ex-
bring about m Lurope is pectto operate any ships under
ating class of 258 this year.
Still a host of people in the east
think this is a land of ignor
ance, Indians and prairie dogs.
Just a few days ago one of
the big eastern papers referred
to Rochester, Minn., as being
in the "remote northwest."
These things show that some
ignorance at least is to be found
east of the Rockies.
a matteofTrinciple
mijmnunoifiMOMooo'M'H?, ,Minmtottnnm,ntMmi!mmmMMV!'mmtMm!HHMmMo.
question is ably discussed by
ex-Senator Beveridge in a cur
rent magazine article.
It is the view of the ex-senator
that the war is driving Eu
rope swiftly towards demo-
the American flag."
At the present time ships are
being chartered for November
loading to carry grain from
Portland to Liverpool for 90
shillings. It is 55 cents per
bushel, exclusive of the war in
cracy and socialism and he SUrance, when the regular rate
gives specific facts to bear out was from 18 to 2n cents.
his theory.
In the field of state social
ism Germany at the outset of
the war was much farther ad
vanced than England. The
German government has long
operated the railroads of the
country and has had much to
do with other industries.
Unquestionably this German
policy has had much to do with
German preparedness for war.
It accounts to an extent for
Germany's ability to finance a
war that is almost breaking
England's back.
It is the view of Beveridge
that when the war is over the
English soldiers will cross the
channel in a wholly different
frame of mind from that in
which they left England. Hav
ing fought for their country
they will demand better con
ditions at home. He says they
will reason that if the govern
ment was able to pay them,
feed and clothe them for the
destructive work they did in
If after imposing such charg
es as these for handling freight
our shipping interests are un
able to survive it is certainly
time for them to get off the
earth and let the United States
government take over the task
of building up a merchant ma
rine that will be an American
merchant marine in every sense
of the word.
FEW days ago the follow
ing little statement ap
peared in an eastern pa
"The graduation of the larg
est class in the history of the
University of Maine, number
ing 158, is an index of the
growth of the small colleges.
That is the size of a Harvard
or Yale class of a generation
So much for the country
rinix-n past Out. here in the
Uti?U ULUt t n UJ ft UltJ Ullt ... , - - - "
war it should be able to pay, Golden West the Oregon Agri
feed and clothe them for the 'cultural College had a gradu-
S near as this paper can
f understand the position
of its local contemporary
it originally saw two grevious
faults in Mr. Landers, one that
he was a democrat and the
other that he had talked for
prohibition. On second thought
it revised its view somewhat
with the result it now considers
Mr. Landers' only sin was his
advocacy of prohibition.
The East Oregonian does not
regard Mr. Landers' prohibiti
on leanings as any reflection
upon him, or any excuse for
demanding his resignation.
Therefore the statement made
yesterday by the school board
is creditable to the board and
to the city. It indicates that
whatever some people mav
think the board will not set up
a rule that would require a
man to sacrifice his constitu
tional rights in order to teach
school in Pendleton.
The East Oregonian went in
to this subject not particularly
to aid Mr. Landers even
though he be a very admirable
man but to defend the idea
that a schoolman has human
rights and that so long as he
exercises those rights with pro
priety and sense as Mr. Lan
ders did he should not be put
under the guillitone.
If it is wrong for a newspa
per in this day and age ta up
hold the constitution of the
United States and the principle
of political freedom the East
Oregonian is guilty.
How much of the strength of Bul-jTi
garia, whose steady progress during
the last forty years of troubled exist
ence has compelled the admiration of
onlooking nations, is owing to this na
tion's sturdy womanhood. Is explained
for the National Geographic Society
oy Hester Donaldson Jenkins, an Am
erican educator in the Balkans In a
monograph upon "Bulgaria and Its
Women." Contrasting the Bulgarian
girls with the other girls of the Bal
kans. Miss Jenkins says:
"Among the Oriental girls with
whom I lived in my nine years' resi
dence in the Near East none Interest
ed me more than the Bulgarians. They
are perhaps the least oriental of the
eight or more nationalities to be found
in the Constantinople college, of
which I was a professor. They are
fairer and brighter In coloring than
the Armenians, Greeks 'or Persians,
rather taller and larger on an average
and have far more energy and less
languor than the Turk."
Bulgarian girls are bright dressers
The village holiday brigs out a won
derful array of gaudy costumes,
straight and awkward In line, but
brilliant In color and decoration, the
writer tells. The pleasures of the
girls Miss Jenkins describes:
"A girl in a Bulgarian village Is
not without her amusements. As in
the bible times, all the water for a
. fc 17aQ
iTlhe .Wonder Car iw
fW MM,
A POWERFUL and easy riding car that gives you
the pleasures and service of the high-priced au
tomobile at a low cost unheard of before in the history
of car building.
Come in and Learn the Price
119-121 W. Court St. B. F. TROMBLEY, Prop. Teleohone 468
village must be drawn from one or.
two wells or springs, and these water-1
ine places or fountains are the scene'
of much sociability. Hither come all
the youths and maidens of the village
to loiter.
"Occasionally the sedanka ends In;
a dramatic fashion. Some brawny!
fellow, who has been courting his
Draka assiduously, will seize her In
his arms and carry her to his home.
The next day this 'marriage by cap
ture' Is given legal and religious sanc
tion by the blessing of the orthodox
priest. I once asked Zarafinka what
would happen If two men wanted the
same girl She replied simply: 'The
stronger would get her.' "
ION. In the July Woman's Home Com
panion two letters are published
which the editors say they cannot
answer. They ask readers to send
in suggestions as to how the questions
in these letters should be met. One
letter is from a woman who wants to
get married and does not know what
to do about It. The other is from a
man who wants to get married and
does not know what to do about H.
The difficulties that stand In the way
of marriage as outlined In these two
letters are very real and probably ex
ist In tens of thousands of cases.
Among the interesting articles In
the July Issue are: "Oratory In the
Home" by Mary Heaton Vorse; "Four
Interesting Questions Often Asked
About Better Films" by Helen Duey;
"Mrs. Larry's Adventures In Thrift"
by Anna Steese Richardson; "The
Country Woman's Opportunities" by
Frank A Waugh; "The Camping Car
avan" by William J. Albln, and
"Made-in-Amerlca' Vacations" by Al
bert Lee.
Lively fiction is contributed by
Grace S. Richmond, Mary Hastings
Bradley, Owen Oliver, Mary Brecht
Pulver and Margaretta Tuttle. For
the outdoor girl five little articles are
contributed one for the girl who
swims, another about a honeymoon
tramp, a third about a down-east
clambake, a fourth about the girl and
the garden, and the firth about the
girl who goes camping.
The regular fashion, cooking, house
keeping, better babies, handicraft,
oung people's and "About People"
departments compete an Interesting
ClmltH Mortgage.
Ernest Fahrenwald to Flint Bank
of Pilot Rock, 1900. All the hay and
grain raised on the SE 1-4 and NE
1-4 of the SV 1-4 and the 8W 1-4 of
NW 1-4 of sec. 13, T. 2 8., R. 30 1-2
E., W. M.. and all stock and farm
L. A. Sears to W. A. Klrby, $125, 20
acres In sec. 10, T. 4 N., R. 29 E., W.
James Nolund to May I. Straight,
f 2000. 9 1-2 acres land, title de
scriptive. Alnnso Knotts to Fred Noble, $600.
SE 1-2 of NW 1-4 and N 1-2 of SW
1-4 of sec. 11, T. 2 ,, R. 33 E., W.
Lewis F. Hammltt to Cyrus J. Ma
loney, $2000. The 8E 1-4 of SE 1-4
of sec. 14, T. 8 N., R. 35 E., W. M.;
also a tract, title descriptive.
Quit Claim IHfl.
rtobt Z. Williams to A. Miller, $1.
Lot 10, block 2. In the city of Free
water. John W. Wynn to Joseph Cunha,
$300. 80 acres In sec. 20, T. 1 N.
R. 34 E., W. M.
T D. Taylor, sheriff, to Wm. Lloyd.
$U.162. NE 1-4 of NE 1-4 and N-1-2
of SE 1-4 of NE 1-4 of sec. 27,
T. 6 N., R. 35 E., W. M.
Ruth E. and Geo. Lulje to Louis
D. irena, $20 Lot 4, block 4, Ire
land's addition to Milton. - .
T. D. Taylor, sheriff, to A. A. Cole,
$815.25, a tract of land In sec. 9, T.
4 S.. R. 31 E, W. M.
otloe to Farmer.
If you have wheat or alfalfa hay
for sale, call on Penland Bros. Trans
fer, (47 Main street Adv.
Band Grand Opera Lecturers
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Seven Days of Unexcelled Entertainment
Crowded into a Week!
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autauqua lnJeeE
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