faci: TWO DAILY FAST OREGOXIAX. PF.XDLF.TON. OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1915. EIGHT PAGES Will 111 a it . ii ft OF Meat's VISIT THE CHAUTAUQUA NEXT WEEK JUNE 22nd TO 28th. It's good and it will do you good. I SUIT BUY YOUR "CHAUTAUQUA" SUIT HERE AND SAVE FROM ONE THIRD TO ONE HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICE. EVERY MAN'S SUIT IN OUR ENTIRE STOCK IS REDUCED. NEW SPRING HART, SCHAFFNER & MARX STYLES, BLUES, BLACKS AND . FANCIES. t1 0 ... . . , . $1.25 Quality reduced to 93 NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY DONT OVER- i cn n r. a 7. 7772 - $1.50 Quality reduced to $1.18 LOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE FROM TTTTTTTTTZ 7. 7717 $2.00 Quality reduced to $1.69 $5.00 TO $15.00 ON YOUR SUIT. . J Sale Black Messaline One of the most popular and best wearing silks made. Especially these numbers, 36 inches wide. Ex tra twill weave. $1.00 Quality reduced to 79 BARGAIN BASEMENT BARGAINS You can't get away from the fact that our Bargain Basement is the cheapest place in Pendleton to buy. Good Apron Gingham, yard only 5f 11 Yards Standard Grade Calico only 50 $15.00 Dress Skirts only $3.49 $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Women's White Shoes $1.98 $1.00 Men's Brown Stripe Overalls, only 59? $14.50 Young Men's Suits only $4.90 AH Remnants Will Go at Vs Marked Price. $1.75 Kimonas only 98? GOLFETTE CORDUROY Comes in white only in the wide and narrow wale. Not too heavy; launders like linen; makes up into elegant suits, coats and extra skirts, also caps! Yd. 65? to $1.50 BATHING SUIT SATINS Guaranteed fast colors, 36 inches wide, makee your own "bathing suit" of better material and of a style all your own. Comes in emerald, brown, navy and black. Guaranteed fast colors. The yard $1.50 NEW CURTAIN NETS We have just received a shipment of advanced patterns in curtain nets. The popular "Quaker-craft" kind; a very wide range of patterns. Filete, bobbinets, bungalow nets and fish nets; ecru, cream and white. Priced from, per yard 30? to $1.00 New Satin Pincushion Forms in all sizes, shapes and colors. CHILDREN'S BATHING SUITS $1.98 Black and navy, Swimeasy suits with bloomers attach ed. Red and white trimmings; ages 6 to 16 years. Our price only $1.98 SEA GULL GREY LACE BOOT Diamond point tip, piped in black, curved Louis heel, welt. A beauty sure , $7.00 Many others, so come in and see the foretaste of the gorgeous designs for fall. WOMEN'S WHITE COATS We have just received some new models in the much wanted white coats, for summer wear. High military or shawl collars, sizes 16 to 36. Prices $17.50 to $22.50. COTTON CREPE DRESSES RE DUCED Rose braided in new blue, fin ished with new blue silk girdle. Belgian blue braided in black, made with high waist line jacket effect. Pink with underwaist of white net, short sleeves. $13.50 Values reduced to $9.98 $20.00 Vals. reduced to $14.29 $25.00 Vals. reduced to $19.95 ARMY BLUE TOP BOOTS. Pretty brass button, gilt tossel, curved heel, patent colt vamp, welt sole $6.50 SILK GLOVES There are certain points about a glove that the care fully gowned woman never overlooks. Well proportioned shape, niceties of detail and general artistic effect. That is why we carry only the best makes, such as "Kayser" and "Niagara Maid." 16 Button silk, plain black, white and pongee colors, the pair $1.00 and $1.50 16 Button embroidered, black or white, pair $1.50 16 Button tucked wrist, pair $2.00 2 Button "Queen Elizabeth" black, white or pongee, the pair $1.00 2 Button plain, black, white, grey, pongee, brown and navy, pair 50? Cm -.jr. THE PEOPLES WAREHOUSE WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE QUICKER! CHEAPER! BETTER! IHfcDT WATHJR. All over the house every faucet supplied. Plenty for laundrying, cleaning and bathing without any trouble. Just install a Ruud Tank Water Heater AT ONCE. Costs less than 4c for heating the water for a bath. SPECIAL PRICE FOR A FEW DAYS A A U II km PACIFIC POWER LIGHT COMPANY PHONE 40 v V a V?""'' It was a very dainty and pretty party yesterday afternoon that mark- ed the first birthday of little Miss Mary Louise Dickson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson. More than a score of little toU were pres-' ent with their mothers to celebrate the memorable occasion with the lit-! 3 tie hostess, s The rooms of the Dickson home on South Main street were tastefully decorated In pale green and white, s A huge bouquet of white rosea form- ed the center piece of the table. On S the table, too, were two great pot pled from out of which trailed tiny green ribbons. At the end of each ribbon S was a card bearing the name of one of the little guests. Tiny hands tug- J E ged at the ribbons until the crustt r of the plea broke and toy favors em-; erged to delight the little folks. Each little girl secured an oriental doll and each boy drew forth some unique s toy of Japanese design. j Refreshments were served to moth-. 5; era and babies during the afternoon, 1 2 the hostess being assisted by Mrs, S Osmer E. Smith, Mrs. James Johns, ;S Jr., Miss Edna Zimmerman and Miss Angela Bowler. The baby guest list 3 was as follows: Amy Elliabeth Ald-H rich, Horace Baer, Stephen Bonney. 5 Bobby Burroughs, Elisabeth Jane 3 Bishop, Betty Bond, John ChloupekJE Billy, Bobby and Rose Cresswell, js Margaret Cronin, Peggy ' Chessman, ' E Jean Frailer, Burke Hayes, Helen 't 3 Henderson, Sylvia Knight, Mary Sun- 3 shine Keefe, Marie Knaus, Janet La Fontaine, Doris Mable, Patricia Mor ton, Marian Moorhouse, Billy Mlckel son, Billy McKinney, James Raley, Mary Schaefer, Elizabeth Steiwer. Cyrus Creasy Sturgis, Jr., Margaret Snyder and Shirley Allen Thompson- 'JHII)iIII!lll!l!!llill!iIlliIllllilIllllllll!IIIS!lSi::!!Iltlll!!ini!tllillllllI!!llU:ill!!I!!SH!II': 1 We solicit your patronage BECAUSE j we are the home of I 00 On UJi c)i a Always pure, nutritious and wholsome. 1 Try our Hams, Bacon, Lard, Fish and Fresh Meats you will like our service and our prices OREGON MARKET TWO PHONES 600 AND 601 815 Main Street. J. S. Rogers, Prop. ' IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllIIIIli? NON-SMOKERS LEAGUE STANDS AGAINST WEED Mrs. Henry Dixon Jones is enter taining the - North Side Bridge club tnria v sa.n June ii. inai Mr. I Milan r,.... . ... .'every man, woman ana cnua nas ine Pilot Rock, spent yesterday In Pen. , r'8ht o breathe fresh pure osone and dleton before leaving for Portland, hoa "ot b,e c?1I5f.e,ld0 lnha'.e ,h after a short visit with her parents. I 00 hand, stlffllng fume, of the She 1. superintendent of the Waverley p clgft(r cigarette fiend, was Sanitarium in Portland ,he knote of tne convention of the , Non-Smokers' Protective league now MLss Helen Johns arrived home this hol,iln 1,8 invention at the Civic morning from Eugene where she had, Auditorium. ........ been attending the Vniverslty of Ore-I , , The delegates declare the fiends gon. Miss Mary Johns will return In Vlolttte ,he uaran, n to al1 a few days I ,ne fluration of Independence and , I that the contamination of the air by Mrs. Oliver P. Morton and little' fUmeS " enUiy "leg"1' Tholr daughter, Patricia, are spending a few ' r" "'I'-tment of law. (lavs in Hnrml-inn . ... i whereby no one will be required to " U .M.O. ,.., ... . , . ., , ... Elmer P. Dodd ..ii.hiw umuuxo .unies in ..oir. ...mmh, street cars, telephone oootns or any other private or public places. VOX liKItNSTOHr'Ps WIT- -NK.SS IIKI.I) mil I'KIUntY J 7: j A !': s I i i - ;si ; $ . .t, t. v ' j. y 'm j Se - . .... . I " - - f ' t- v ; It .1 - fiiiHtav Stal.l. "When Ambassador von Bernstorff, rt presentative of Clermany In the t'nited States, called on President Wilson the other day, much was made of the visit. It turned out later that he hadn't much more to do than to Tramp Cuts Air Il.xte. HOSLYN. Wash., June It. A tramp, who evidently had been thrown off a train at Cle Eluin, took a stranKe revenge on the Northern Pacific Railroad company there by Solng down the yard with a raior and cutting all the air hose on 25 box- COMFORTING WORDS. Han; Pnxllvton Household WIIT Find Them So. To have the pains and aches of a bad back removed to be entirely free from annoying, dangeroua uri nary disorders, la enough to make any kidney sufferer grateful. The fol lowing advice of one who has suf fered will prove comforting words to hundreds ot Pendleton readers. C. S. Hward, grocer, lilt W.' Webb street, Pendleton, says: "Kor fifteen years I had a great deal ot suffering from a dull pain through, the small of my back and left side.. For over a year I was. annoyed by numbness In my shoulder blades, t couldn't He comfortably on my back.. The kidney secretions wers too fre quent in passage I tried several' wellknown medicines, but nothing did me any good until I used Doan'a Kidney Pills. They relieved tha cji rs. When the switching crews went to ches and pains and regulated" th draw the cars from the tracks they could not move them, and. on exami nation, discovered the cause of the trouble. HritVli on Offcnthe. PAIlls, June 16. The Iirltlh are onaln on the offensive along the Hcth une and the Labasse canal. Cooperat ing with the French In the general assault In the region of Arras. English troops are delivering strong attacks it was officially announced. The Ger mans have been driven out of one Due of trenches. action of my kidneys.'' Price 60c, at all dealers- Don't' simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills The same that Mr. Howard had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props, Buffalo, N. Y. GET RID OF HUMORS AND AVOID SICKNESS Tlnmors in the blood oanse inter nal derangements that affect the whole system, as well as pimples, boils anil other eruptions, and are responsible for the readiness with which many people contract disease. For forty years Hood's Sarsnpa rilla has been more successful than any other medicine in expelling humors and removing their inward and outward effects. Oct flood's. No other medicine acts like it. PUT STOMACH IN FINE CONDITION SAYS IXDIGEStlOX RESULTS FKOM A5 EXCESS OF UY DKOCIILOIUC ACID. Undigested food delayed In the stomach decays or rather ferments the same as food left In the open air, nresent snmA affldavUm un.)says a noted authority. U. nUn tolls the Lusltnnla, which was sunk by a'Ua tnat 'ndlgestlon Is caused by Hy German submarine, carried guns. I per-acldlty, meaning, there la an ex At once an Investigation of the'ce'', of hydrochloric acid In the affidavit makers was ordered Secret stomach which prevents complete dl-l service men had a hard time to find ! Btlon and starts food fermentation. Oustav Stahl, who had sworn that he Thus everything eaten aoura In the had visited the Lusitanla and seen stomach much like garbage sours In guns on her. can, forming acrid fluids and gases When the chase became too hot,'whlch Inflate the stomach like a toy the head of the secret service of the balloon. Then we feel a heavy, Hamburg-American line disclosed his'lumPy misery In the chest, we belch hiding plane In Albany. He was ta- UP "as we eructate sour food or have ken before the United States grand heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or iurv In New York. Ther h or am nausea. asked about his affidavit, and he' He tells us to lay aside all digestive loudly announced he had seen guns 'ds and Instead, get from any phar on the Lusitanla. Just as he was rnacy four ounces of Jad Salts and leaving the grand Jury room he waa take Ublespoonful in a glass of wa arrested on a complaint sworn to by before breakfast and drink while an assistant United States attorney. I It l effervescing and furthermore, to He was locked up In the historic j continue this for a week. While re Tombs, lief follows the first dose, It Is Im- wnue tnni was waiting In the portant to neutralize the acidity, re WHITMAN'S THE NATIONAL SWEETS Just received a shipment of Whitman's CANDIES fresh from the factory. Whenever you want good candy call at Tallman & Go. Leading Drufglitt marshals chamber In the federal building In New York after his arrest, for the arrival of Edward Sanford, a lawyer, who had been assigned, to act as his counsel, he was asked through an Interpreter: "Would you be willing to spend 20 years In jail for your fatherland?" "Make It a hundred!" he replied, In Herman and then broke Into a i iiiuio ena-iiianiiin man .(... ...a liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote a free flow of pure digestive Juices. Jad Salts la Inexpensive and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11th and sodium phosphate. This harm less salts 1s used by thousands ot people for stomach trouble with ex- The Associated Advertising Clubs oftheWorld will meet at Chicago June 20 to 24. Every business man is invited because every business man can learn something; because no business is unaffected by advertising; because a d v e r t i sing means a great deal more" than what you think it does. Join the nearest local ad club, or, if there isn't any, come anyway. CONVENTION COMMITTER Advertising Asortaon of Chicago. Advertising lililjf., Chicago, III. hearty laugh. I cellent results.