EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON', OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 01 PAGE 5 EVEN' gfnnniiiiiiEtiiiiumiiiHHiuiiiiiiiiMiiHr. i l m o j w 2 w n i knglCoogGsfa AM) NOODLE PA It IX) IIS Noodles ! AND Chop Sueyf S RntnlJe Tray Order Specialty. E E Boxe for ladle and gentlemen, 5 jjj OPEN DAT AND ALL NIGHT S S MEALS 25c AND UK 8 Special Chicken Dinner 8 8undays. 8 543 Main Street! E Next to B. 0. Bide Phone 0i E fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiin? Protect Your ROSES get a bottle of NICTONE for sale by Koeppen's The'.Drug Store That Serves You Best Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES CS HOT TAUALES CHILLI CON GARNE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS 8ERVIC1 TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood Bts Phone (IT Pendleton, Or whenever you are troubled with minor ailments of the digestive organs, that these may soon develop into more serious sickness. Your future safety, &s well as your present comfort, may depend on the quickness with which you seek a corrective remedy. By common consent of the legion who havo tried them, Beecham's Tills are the most reliable of all family medi cines. This standard family remedy tones the stomach, stimulates the sluggish liver, regulates inactive bowels. Improved digestion, sounder sleep, better looks, brighter spirits and greater vitality come after the system has been cleared and the blood purified by 111 Uift Sk of A 117 Bold ETorrwuaro, la HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, CHINA DISHES GOEY'S $ 7 MONEY Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us MATLQCK-LAATZ 112 East IK--' c,vv It': v.. I. J, , ,,eliwllel-1' Kalian light Infantry, are the fastest footed soldiers In the world. The usual march-step i..v 1. .m?" ! OUrS and 0,h,r armU' as tht' ""ul,'1 """l'" H"d the anount of ground they can cover In a i,.! .1 ,8""1' ooniI"lon at e J"Vs end 1 said to be almost ncredlble when considered with the distances other iirmlea can cover, Thls speed effect, however, is not sufficient for the advance scouts, who have specially constructed bl i Hies and equipment such as show.i In the picture. CATTLE TRADE SHOWSVVEAKNESS (Courtesy Tuesday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Following the big movement to the North Portland market yesterday there was a fair supply reported in the yards over n ght. Situation in the cattle trade Is Inclined to show further weakness. Additional supplies of California stuff came In overnight and a further lib eral movement from there is expect ed within the immediate future. The general run of tops In the steer division has not been moved above ST. 25 in the yards during the last 24 hours, although yesterday one load of extra good light weight Idaho stuff sold m a dime above this. Cuttle market condition at stock yard points east of the Rockies today were steady to weak. Cieneral cattle market range: Select steers I7.3tlfu 7.35 Rest hay fed steers 7 .20517 .25 CJood to choice 7.00 'd 7.15 Ordinary to fair 6.001r.T5 Mdici In th World) koxoo, 10c 25c. tX AIR rum KWONG HONG LOW lloWeit AltaSt.. Upitalri, Phone 433 $ INVESTMENT CO. Court St 11 i V " : M V' "j'-t-lf Rest cows 6.50 'ood to pr'nie 6.25 i 8.40 Select calves 7.U0i7.7o Fancy bulls '. . . . 5.251 5.51 Ordinary bulls 4.00 'i 5.00 Swine .Market Is Weaker. There was a slight showing of weakness in the swine trade, at North Portland overnight. This was in line with conditions at most American centers for the day. Prices here were down from 5 to 10c from yesterday, but th s is generally the case after a big Monday showing or after the out side buyers have secured their re quirements. Hargaln hunters infest the market on other days. Swine market was fractionally weaker and down 5ri 10c generally in the east today. General hog market range: Rest light $ 7.90 .Medium light 7.80 Hood to heavy 7.60 fi 7.6 5 Rough and heavy 6.501i7.5O .Mutton Market Steady. Only a very small supply of mutton came forward overnight to North Portland; in fact, only one load put in appearance n addition to some In a mixed load on contract to a local slaughterer. General mutton market conditions are steady around yester day's range. .Market for mutton and lambs was steady to weak at eastern points for the day. General wool mutton market: (,'holce spring lambs , ...17.50 f 7.70 Common spring lambs .... 6.00 6.50 Choice yearling wethers.. 6.00 6.25 Choice yearling lambs ... 6.00'(i6.25 Good yearlings 5.5015.75 Old wethers 5.75ff6.0O Choice light ewes 5. COB 6.25 Good ewes 4.50 ft 5.00 Common heavy ewes .... 4 004.25 livestock Shipper, Hogs w. W. Sm th. Cnrvallls. 1 load; John Farlow. Shearer, 1 load: John Dacock, Swan Island, by boat 69 head; Dink & Smead, 30 head; Barclay & Cummlngs, Corvallls, 1 load. Cattle J. C. Mitchell. Willow. Cal. 5 loads; Murphy & Co., Deef Island. 1 load; F. E. Spoor, Maupin, 1 load. Sheep J. M. Cobb, Eugene. 1 load. Mixed stuff C. E. Lucke. Estacade, 7 load calves, hoss and sheep on con tract. TK At 1 1 Kits' F.XAM IX ATIOXS. Notice Is hereby given that the county superintendent nr fmotnin County. Oregon, will hold the regu lar examination of applicants for State Certificates at Pendleton, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, June 30. 1915, at 9 o'clock a. m and continu ing until Saturday, July 3, 1915, at 4 o'clock p. m. Wednesday Forenoon. Writing, I'nited States History, Physiology. Wednesday Afternoon. Heading, Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods in Arithmetic. Tlmrsdny Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education, Piychology, Methods In Geography. Thursday Aitcrnoon. Orammar, Geography, American Literature, rhyslcs. Methods In Lan guage, Thesis for Primary Certificate Friday Forenoon, Theory and Practice, Orthogrnphy, English Literature, Chemistry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra, Civ II Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Saturday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping. I E. YOUNG. (Adv.) County School Superintendent. 11 ', . . i f I CEREAL PRICES SHARPLY SHADED (Tuesday's Market.) PORTLAND, Ore. Cereal prices were generally sharply shaded today by local ro lling interests. Farina is (limn 25c rve flour 25c. cracked 'wheat 25c. whole wheat 25c and gra ham flour 20c per barrel. No change j was announced in patent flour and j none Is at present contemplated by I the trade here, although the situation is extremely weak. Weakness was general in the wheat j trade at outside points for the day. Chicago was depressed in the early j trade. There was a dull tone at un changed prices in Paris while Liver j pool spots were off 2 to 5d from yes terday. j Occasional sales between dealers j are reported :n the wheat trade, but , no country transactions are confirm- ed. In fact leaders of the trade as jsert that there is practically no wheat offering In the country. Owing to the fact that stocks of Manchurlan corn are practically clean ed up along the Pacific coast and that no further shipments are likely this season, stronger values are generally shown here. Future supplies must come from the east during the re mainder of the season. Flour Selling price: Patent. $6 20. Willamette valley, 16.20; local straight 15.80; bakers, local, 16.20; Montana spring wheat. 17.20; export, 14.5(i; Whole wheat. 15.60; graham, 15 60 per barrel. Uilv--Iuying price1 Wiliamette val ley timothy, ftincy, 113; eastern Oregon-Idaho fancy timothy. 116: alfalfa, 113i i S.50- vetch and oats. Ill; clo ver, SS fir 9 per ton. Grain Sacks 1915, nominal; No. 1 Calcutta. 8 1-2 9c. Millstuffs Selling price: Bran, 127 ii 27.50; shorts. 128ST 29. Rolled Parley Selling price: 1250 26.50. Corn White, t."5 35.50; cracker, 36W37. Buyers of wheat on the Portland Merchants' Exchange were sellers to day. Spot wheat bids closed un changed to lc below yesterday. Sales Included 10 000 bushels July hlue- j stem, 92 l-2c. Spot oats bids on the exchange were 25c a ton hiEher. Sales included 100 tons July at 124.25 and 100 tons at 124.50. Spot barley was unchanged with no sales. "Coi)'" Gets Pis: $1 Reward. ST. PAl'L. June 16 On Seventh street late one night in April dodged a lonel hog. He was a big fellow, weighing nearly 200 pounds, but be made fast time. Right behind him was one of St. Paul's "finest," Patrol man P. J. Horn. For a time it was a sensatlonnl race, spectators have said. Just as Mr Hog decided to turn off on Lo cust street Patrolman Horn took a chance on a flying tackle. It was good, and porker and officer rolled over and over In the street. He re tained his grip, and reinforcements, In the persons of Patrolman Murphy and Conductor Herman Mlske, of the Central Station patrol, soon arrived. Next day an express company claimed the pig, asserting he had es caped from a crate. Recently In the mall box at Central Btatlon appeared a letter for Tatrolman Horn. It was from the express company, and across the outside was written, "11 for catching pig." JL iCHICAGO WHEAT IS FORCED DOVII (Tue.-'lay Market.) ('Ji;c;o. Wheat closed 2 s-hfi 3 l-4e Imvcr. l.earlh ralileH infl 1 enccd the grain market at the oiien mg today and prices were generally lower. Wheat started I to lower, while corn wan down 1-2 to 5-Sc. f'ommlKHion hoiiKea were heavy fel lers. Numerous stop orders were un covered on the decline. Short cover ns wan In evidence, but failed to stop a further decline. The trade In corn wan moderate. The demand for cash however, wan slack. The drop in the price of wheat was responsible for the decline In corn, according to the best authorities. flats were weak. The cash demand showed siome Improvement. Provis ions were dull. WHEAT. July Open, 104 1-2; hlfth, 1 ri 4 5-8; low, m 7-s; close, lft2 o-SA. Sept. Open 102; hi(,-h, 102; low. ion; close 10D 3-8. Tlre Mothers. It's hard work to take care of children and to cook, sneep, wash, sew ami mend besides. Tired mothers should take Hood's! Sarsapaillla It refreshes the blood. I improves the appetite, assures restful sleep, and helps In many ways. Adv. The forest service Is cooperating with 54 railroads, minitiR companies I and cities In making tests of wooden ties, timbers, poles, piling and paving I blocks which have been given pre seivative treatments. Ilenr tln-ws Hoy's Arm. PHILADELPHIA, June 16. The suit of lS-year-old Wlllard Kyle and his father against the Zoological So- t ciety of Philadelphia for damages wan not-suited recently because of the plaintiff's technical error of hav ing sued the society and Its members as an unincorporated body. The so ciety was Incorporated In 1859 and the law povides that such organiza tions must be sued as Incorporated bodies. The action was to recover damages for injuries sustained by the boy 10 years ago, when his arm was chewed by a Polar bear. While visiting the zoo with his classmates, In charge of How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrt Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. We. the undersigned, hare known, P. i Obener for the lut 15 jeare, and bellen blin perfectly bunnrable in ail builoeei transaction and financially able to carrj tut any obligation! made by hie firm. NATIONAL BANS OF COMMBI1CE. Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Core li taken Internally acting directly npon tbe blood and mu coue surfaces of the lyatem. Testimonial! eent free. Price 75 cent! per bottle. Bo If ty all Drnggla's. t'ake Hall r'amlur PI! la for ronitloatloi Vo mcmut I N 2 Pria- , CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN "s. BAKER, FUNERAL Di rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Call re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSVRAXCE AND LAND BCSIXESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Doe a general brokerage business. Pay taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre. C. H. MARSH, Sec. EEXTLET & LEFFIXGWEIX, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agent. til Main street Phone 404. MISCEIiLAXEOVS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising W can furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of having a successful Ml. Low Excursion i1 ares' Ticket on JOOTIiEnn PACIFIC PiY. TO THE EXPOSITIONS SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO In connection with THE PALATIAL STEAMSHIP "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Ask About EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES In effect May 15 and daily thereafter, to all Eastern Points. Stopover permitted and return limit Oct. 31 Through Trains Daily to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, St Louis. 0 L. M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. a teacher, the boy sat on the gra. to eat his lunch and thrust his feet through te bars of the bear pit. One of the animals fastened his claws on 3 On WHICH SIDE OF THE DESK AHE YOU The man before the desk works with his hands and is paid for his latyr. The man behind the desk works with his head and ia paid for his knowledge. It is merely a question of "knowing how." For IS years we have been enabling people to advance their posi tions and increase their earnings by teaching them to "know how." In this way, we can advance V0U to a better position. It costs yon nothing to find out how we can help you. Simply write us telling the occupation you wish to rise in. No textbooks to buy; no require ments beyond the ability to read and write; you need not leave your present work; pay what you can afford. If you want a better position, write today. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Ba S8S, SCRANTON, PA. ATTORXETS. RALEY & RALEY.ATTORNEYS-ATa W- LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTT law. Office In American National' veterinarian. Residence telephony Bank Building FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office In Despaln building. CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON A BISHOC, ATTOR neys at law; rooms i and 4, Smlth- crawiora nuiiaing. j at law. Will practice In all tate and federal courts. Room 1, 2, I and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lection mad. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Deepaln building. PHTSICLlXg. DRS. WHITAKER A WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours a. m. to I p. m Mllarkey Building, Pendleton. Oregon. LEGAL RLANKS OF .EVERT . DE acriptlon for county court, circuit court. Justice court, real estate, ett, tor al at Iat Oregonlan offlc ale daily by JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15 THE 1915 PARK SEASON Visit YELLOWSTONE PARK ' HKMII ViI'la'eWiarT'l'ai Reached via original entrance at Gardiner Gateway. Low fares daily during season. the boy's leg and tried to draw Mrr in. As the child dune; to the bars) the bear chewed his left arm. !! was finally rescued by keepers. VETERINARY SURGEONS. I17: orrico telephone, 20. SECOXD-HAXD DEALERS. V. STROBLE, DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paJl for all secondhand goods bought. Cheapest place In Pendletoa to ban household goods. Come and get oui prices. 211 E. Court street PhoM I7IW. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W, F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEBB makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sale. "Tbe man thai gets you the money.' Leave order) at East Oregonlan office. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED GOOD LIVE CANVASS er to represent us In Eastern Ore, gon. Commission propos'tlon. Cash) weekly. Pacific Nursery Co.. 12! 1-J Grand Ave, Portland, Ore. MIStT3XAXEOt:i! WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cass) or give trad for Umatilla county farm, 120 to C0 per acre. Address) Box 12, Athena, Or. BEAVER ENGRAVING COMPANY-