East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 16, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    v ':;: two
I'.illiL 1 l All 1.3
Here's What You Have Been
Looking for!
Talking Machino Records
all the latest popular music, and they are
playable on any Victor or Columbia
A Great
15c Each
Come in
and see
At this price you can afford to have every late
piece in your home.
WARREN'S nusiciniousE
oi.n rnMPio uoi.iw
MKTUOIioI.it AX tiOl.r" TIT1.K
Pioneers Have Seen Transition
Satisfaction of Mortgage.
A mortgage executed by Wm. Mc
Ilrry to K. K. Henry August 1, 1914,
or 3D0 is released.
A mortgage executed by Wm. Mc
Ilrvy to Hebeeca Morelock Nov. 30,
1112, is partly paid in the sum of $1,-
A mortgage executed by J. M. Lee
Fercuson to V. A. Ferguson March
SI, 1SS. is paid and released.
A mortrage executed by J. M. Lee
wr to O. A. Potn and J. W. Angus
ami T. A. Reynolds Oct. IS, 1914, Is;
3aid and released.
Jessie K. Graham to J. & S. Ring
hoffer. J1.500. A tract of land, title
J. M. Leeier to C. A. Dotson and
T. A. Reynolds. $450; 40 acres In Sec.
IT, T. 1 S.; R. 35 E., W. M.
Quit Claim Deed.
L. S. Mastrude et al to T. W. Mas
trude et al, SI; six tracts of land, title
S. D. Peterson admin., to Violet R.
Hughes, 11,500; lots in Milton, title
I W. Jordan to John H. Adams.
10; S. 1-2 of SV. 1-4 and XW. 1-4
of SV. 1-4 of Sec. ' T. 3 X., R, 27 E..
W. M.
Wm. Mcllray to Maud I. Graham,
tit): a tract of land, title descriptive.
(Address by Col. J. M. Rentley, Presi- aside and In a few short years we
dent of I'matllla ,1'ounty .Pioneer shall live only in the memories of our
given at W eston June ft lends, and even the things we have
helped to do. the buttles vie have
fought, the laurels we have won, will
he forbotten and blotted out of re
membrance !y the things our succes
sors will be doing. But friends, while
county we may be forgotten as Individuals
1 and the work we have personally
Mr. Mayor: In replying to your
I happy and hearty words of welcome,
I will only Bay a few words on behalf
of the pioneers of I'matllla
and myself.
We meet here from vear to rear don be 'allow'' P the history
and find a great deal of pleasure In of the K11 northwest, yet we have
greeting the friends and companions ,hls knowledge with us. we have laid
of those day, long since gone by, and ,he foundation, and no matter how
yet there Is a certain degree of sad-;;iVRt ,ne "rueture the future may
ness mlneled with the h..lne. we bu'l it must rest upon the founda-
look around for the facts that greeted! tlon Placed the P'"ieera. of which
yh. g$
n US3SS2J n
us on former occasions and the
knowledge comes to us that they, too,
have gone to join other friends on
the "other shore."
Year by year the roll call becomes
shorter on this side of the dark river
and more lengthy on the other as one
by one our friends cross to that coun
you and I, friends, are part and par
With these things In mind and fully
realizing that the glories of our past
achievements are rapidly being push,
ed aside to give room for still greater
advancement in the affairs of our
great Inland Empire, I wish again to
try from which none return to tell us thank you, Mr. Mayor, and the good
of their experience on that trail. loio of Weston, for the welcome
We, who still remain on this side of' ou hve so generously extended to
tne iMin annual garnering oi in
I'matllla County sPloneers' Asocla-
the "Great Divide," gather here from
time to time and can relate our sev
eral experiences and talk about those
early days when, with the bloom of
youth still upon our cheeks, we bade
the old home east of the great Rocky
mountains adieu and began the long
trail across the great plains with all
our hopes centered In the "Land of
the Golden West." We can recall the
many scenes by the old campflres,
some sad, some serious, some pleas
ant, some interesting, and some ex
ceedingly funny, but all Incidents that
go to make up the great book of life
which tells of the conquest of the
great western empire along the hores
of the Pacific ocean.
Xot many years ago I made a trip
back to the old home and revisited
the scenes of former days. As I rode
along on the springy, plush covered
seats of the Union Pacific coach, and
passed many of the places hallowed
in my memory by that first Journey.
when as a young man I had passed
by, covering the same ground with
the slow plodding, but faithful ox-
team, my mind could not help think
ln7 nf sftTnA rtt tha rhati(r.Q which
Prems oi tne game, Miss Lillian time and men and wroURnt not on!y
Miss Lillian B. Hyde.
Outplaying her opponent In all de-
Montclair Cats Doomed.
KtNTCLAin, N. J, June 16.
He-auM? a cat carried contagion In
this tin. the common council at Its
next nteeting plans to rass an ordi
Mnre hkh will require all cats to be
SiwnwiJ or he put to death.
mm pah
10 8E
B. Hyde, of the South Shore Field
Club easily retained her grip on the
title by defeating Mrs. Joseph E. Da
vis, of Piping Rock. 4 up and 3 to
Play in the decisive round of the
Women's Metropolitan Golf Asoc!a-
In the "Golden West." but all along
the old trail as well. Where once
the Indian warrior, decked out in
barbaric splendor, the fast disappear
ing buffalo and the prairie wolf held
nil bwov nnnr anlpmldl fftrml are
tion championship tournament at the contr!butng the,r part of the world's
Sleepy Hollow Country Club, Long Is
V . i . 1
ThJ. i -' 'i
IF a man wants to "stand out in a
crowd" he don't have to act
peculiar. He can be out of the
ordinary, the way VELVET does it
by bein' always kind an' cheerful
an' honest.
At San Francisco
Oakland 7 1
Portland 1
At Salt Lake
Salt Lake 8 1
Venice, 4
At Los Angeles
San Francisco 1
Los Angeles 0
At Xew York-
New York U 0
St Louis .-. ....4 I 4
All other American league games
postponed; rain or wet grounds.
v vvrvY?. i
7 : ,
support and furnishing homes for the:
generations soon to take our places on;
This makes the fourth time that the scene of action. Where the pio-
Miss Hyde has won the Metropolitan, neers made ttv?lr evening campflres
and unless someone with a game a of the earlier days and guards were
great deal better than anything shown placed on duty to watch the stock
comes along, it will probably be quite and sound the alarm on the approach
a while before the Long Island girl's of the enemy, today the fires are only
supremacy In her district will be bullded by "weary Willies," who lie
placed in jeopardy. j down on the green grass for a night's
( j Miss Hyde's best shots were made rest after a big feed of "mulligan,"
i in the early stages of the match and the "makings" of which have been
A new dancing pavilion is among nothing better was seen than her pilfered from the neighboring gar
the improvements which will tend to beautiful three at the first. A long dens and nearby hen roosts. They
make Bingham Springs a more pop- drive and a full iron left her a puttjean sleep secure with none to stand
ular resort than ever this year. The f scarcely two feet, which she madej guard for the pioneers have cleared
new management, F. E. Vandusen and -or a 3 This hole is 338 yards long the trail of night marauders, except
W. W. Hoch, will start at once upon and was none too easy because of the' their own kind.
4n open-air pavilion on the river bank adverse wind For the first four holes; Friends and neighbors, after spend,
between the main hotel building and Miss Hyde never gave her opponent a'ne 54 years on the Pacific coast, 44
the bridire leadine to the nonl. Tha chance. The champion won the sec-, nf which have been spent In this
ond in 4 and the next in five, Mrs. county, I think I am justified in call
Davis over-approaching. At 4 up the ine myself a pioneer, though I real
hill to the fourth was entirely too' )ze that many are still living whose
much for the Piping Rock woman. personal record is greater In years,
Th:s tn'A(p Mrs. rnvi 1 down. She n-ltv, vnn niv friends and neigh-
hxlvo.1 IhA olinrl fifth nml wnn the'v.' r IM lno- ennlllrh In this I Not a Word did they say.
invites you to
old pavilion is considered unsafe and,
rather than attempt to rebuild It, the
proprietors will build in the new lo
cuti'.n. Messrs. Vandusen and Hoch have
the rort in better shape than it has
I been in years. The grounds have
. been cleaned thoroughly and made
j very attractive and every room in the
j h'.ti-l and annex has been renovated.
! Cabins have been repaired and the
' camming grounds ma'le extremely in
' vitins.
I Considerable work has been dona
on the road between Thorn Hollow
I and the springs and all of the bridges
have been repaired and strengthened
i to make traffic more easy and safe.
in furtherance of the cause of
suffrage a group of attractive look
in college women went to the feder
al building in New York and gave the
honorable United States district
court a "silence" protest as the court
made cltiaens. The young women
represented the College Equal Fran
chise league, which decided upon the
novel expedient of a speechless cam
paign against the discrimination
which would give citizenship to for
eign born men and withhold It from
American women.
The delegation, headed by Mrs.
Charles L Tiffany, president of the
College Equal Suffrage league, at
tended the naturalization proceedings
At Spokane
Spokane .- I 4
Tacoma 1 7
At Seattle
Aberdeen 8 11
Seattle 2 1
At Vancouver
Vancouver 11 18
Victoria S
At Chicago
Chicago 4 10
Boston 0 (
At St. Louis
St. Louis 4 10
Brooklyn 2 6
At Cincinnati
New York 8 10
Cincinnati 0 4
0 2
At Kansas City
Kansas City 12
Baltimore 4 I
Athletes' Ranks TlUnned.
PARIS, June 16. War has consid
erably reduced the number of French
athletes. .Their champion association
football team, winner of tha cup of
the Association Sportive Frtncalse.
has had all but one of Its men In the
firing line. Four players were killed
two severely wounded, and of the re
maining four, one has received the Le
gion of Honor and the other the mili
tary medal. Bon Remy, captain of
the team, has been trephanned twice,
and exempted from further military
The Association Sporting Perplgoan.
naise the rugby champions of France,
has had six out of ID men killed.
Among the athletes fallen In battle
are Jean Bouln, holder of tha world's
hour record for running; Gaston
Lane, captain of the French Interna
tional rugby teams, and Francois Fa-
ber, the best professional road cyclist
In France.
At Brooklyn
Pittsburg 6 t t
Brooklyn 2 6 2
At Newark
St. Louis 1 4 0
RADNOR, riain White
EXTON, White Madra
t for 13 rents
next when Miss Hyde topped her drive
into trouble.
After Miss Hyde won the seventh,
she halved the next two, so that the
champion turned for home 4 up, go
ins; out in 43 to her opponent's 47.
Miss Hyde's driving was faulty cora
in? back, but, so, she easily held the
other, who made frequent mistakes,
besides failing to get anything like
county to see our rair country i
from the bunch grass stage to the
state of the early homesteader, and
then to the rich and highly productive
farms we see on every hand. We have
witnessed the passing away of the
ox-team freighters and stage coach.
;.nd the steel rail and the locomotive
come to haul away our products and
to hasten us along In luxury on Us
Plush cushions and today we aro
They silt in silent protest. Their
attitude said: "Compare these foreign-born
specimens with us; honest
to goodness, how can you do It?"
Mrs. diaries L. Tiffany.
Reservations for cabins and
are filre;idy being made and
season is anticipated.
Crew Drift-) live Days.
XEW HAVEN, Conn., June -16
The loss of the bark Matanzas, bound
from Norfolk to a Spanish port with
coal, Is announced In a letter receiv
ed from Captain A. H. Gray of the
schooner Bayard Barnes, which ar
rived at Para, Brazil, from Norfolk
The Bayard Barnes picked up a
boat containing Captain Harry Nuss
of the Matanzas, the steward and
one man, who were left of a crew of
10 men. They were absolutely help
less, having been long adrift and five
days without water. The other sallorg
had perished from privation. Captain
Gray says the bark was lost in a gale.
rrcf fcr Thirst"
5$ at your favorite fountain Q
Al by Uie l'e at Pioneer Bottlini;
Just received a shipment
fresh from the factory.
Whenever you want good
candy call at
Tallman & Co.
Lmdinf 'DrutuU
normal distance through the faraway.
Miss H-.ile won the tenth easilv 1ft to1 u-aii-Mnr another transition, and we
7; halved the next, but lost the'8Pe the locomotive slowly giving way
twelfth, which she attempted to plat to the powerful automobile and the
safely Miss Hyde also messed up hard-surfaced roads, and no doubt
the short thirteenth, which her op- mnnv nf our children will still be
j ponent won in 4 to 5. Miss Hyde was here when the 8-cyllnder gas wagon
College Aim of Students. 1 then only 3 up. She topped her drives ,vil be superceded by the swift flying
OREGON CITY June 16. More from the next two tees, got a half in aeroplane.
than 50 pr cent of the graduates of 5 at number 14. and won the fifteenth As In the progress of transporta-
the 1915 class of the Oregon City when Mrs. Davis approched weakly, tkm, so In everything else, and even
high school, the largest in the history and wound up by taking 3 putts. That we, we who take the name of 'plo-
, of the Institution, will go to college, ended matters, Miss Hyde's margin neers," and tell of the great things we
recording to the estimates of F. J. S. being 4 to 3. I once did, are rapidly being pushed
Tooze, citv superintendent of schools. ... i
opera house, City Superintendent
Tooze actf-d as chairman of the com
mencement exercises, and Dr. A. L.
lieatie. chairman of the board of
s- hool directors, presented the diplo
mas. !
Mr. Tooze finds that the two state
schools, the University of Oregon and
the Oregon Agricultural College, are
by far the most popular with the
graduates. Several will take up
teaching with the opening of schools
In the fall, while three or four will
complete, their education In eastern
colleges. I
Constant Backache
and Rheumatism
FoUj Kidney Pill fixed tig Tu tnkemui
o k'a good M vtf. !
Almost nown and out with kidney
trouble. P.tieumattHm o bad he could
Barc:ely Rft up when he sat down.
Imck. ached all the time. j
No wonder Mr. F. A. Wooley, brake
rr.an n the ro:,il from Dallas to Jack
Bun, 'JVxas. "was tired of living."
T saw Foley Kidney Pills adver
tised." he said, "I look some and after
a abort Hioe I w:n thoroughly cured
nil am having no more trouble.
Tour kidney Ills will disappear
nd w ith th'-m tb backache and rheu
inatiBin, by tlie une of Foley's Kidney
1 Ills. iOn-o your kidneys become
strong Mid acilvif, a' hi s and pains
will disappear like maitic.
Tin-re's nothing to equal the (Tann
ine. W ill beip 1,1,1 e4 of i, i'U.r-j ,r bbidder
t-nohW U'"V l-yi,i,'l Din rent!) of ne'lieuiM,
C-juu.u Uuruilul Ull.ii. Irj tLeu.
Sold Lier) where.
vex jv; 1 If' na ill', I ;Jp J
bVp;' . , y y ; wyn
Tiiis photograph bpara out the new nhowa part of the crowd of 60,000 1 were being voted on. So fierce wa
outside the lower house of the Italian cmhei wndowg nf thj
parliament when the war measures, building to watch tho proceedings.
dispatches of the few days preceding
the declaration of war by Italy. It
Wvi 9
VSorry Old Man,
I Bought by Telephone"
The sales manager of a large
Western concern sold an order
of goods by telephone to a small
town merchant just ten minutes
before the arrival of a traveling
salesman of a competitor. Many
business men have adopted this
"Long Distance" telephone sell
ing campaign over our lines
reaching 1 800 cities and towns
in California, Oregon, Washing
ing, Idaho and Nevada.
We Have For Sale
Pride of Washington
Separators and Extras
Wb do repair and foundry work of every descrip
tion and carry a complete line of harvest supplies, in
cluding oils, belting, water tanks, etc.
The Gilbert Hunt Co.
John L Sharpstein, Receiver.