EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 11. 1015. FAGE SEV1 "GETS-IT" a Ssrs Shsf fsr All Coins I'ho Two Props mid They Vanish When r- his miikp ymi nlrnoitt iIIp with your tw; on. when ymi try to walk on tl. e-tltfp of your uhtrin to try to Rft away from yorr loiim, you're away behind time if you time not urn-d "GKTS IT." It's the "Mtwdarl Erbodr Trias ta Sua m M Cam I" Um "GETS-IT" d Yw'U Hae No Cam lo Ba Stapaaa1 Ob. corn eure of tha century, lh new way, the lure, mlila, alinie way. It makca fellow really feel fuollah after he'a uaed toeeatlng aalvea, corn biting ulntmerua, toe bundling ImuilaKea, blood bringing raata-e, knives, file, at-laaora, Jabbera and what nots, when he uaea Juat it drops of "Ul.TH I T" and axes lilt corn vanish. The differ ence la divine. Jnat try It You won't wince when yon nut on your ahoea In the morning; "UKT8-IT" la sure, "felt" any corn, callua, wart or bunion. "(iK'i'H IT" la aold by drufKlnta every where, i!5c t bottle, or lent direct by K. Lawrence Co., Chicago. Hold In Pendle ton and recommended aa the world'a beat corn cure by Pendleton Urug Co., and F. 1. Donaldson. Some Bargains in second-hand FORD CARS Kelley's Auto Repair Shop Cottonwood St., Oppotita City Hall. Phone 181. $ 7 MONEY Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us MATLOCX-LAATZ 112 East wn i ih i n r m i ihw ti m mm m i www i 1 uttmnnim 3 irst National Danh E3 c3 PEMETQK, ESTABLISHED 1882 Known For usiiuuiu, Low Excursion Fares Tickets on tale daily by NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. T6 the expositions SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO . In connection with THE PALATIAL STEAMSHIP "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Ask About EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES In effect May 15 and daily thereafter, to all Eastern Points. Stopovers permitted and return limit Oct. 31 Through Trains Daily to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, St Louis. L M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A.t Portland, Oregon. CHICAGO MARKET LOSES FURTHER (Thursday's Market ) CHICAGO, 111. Wheat closed 1 1-2 ft 1 3-4c lower. Prices In the wheat pit were irregu lur at the opening today. July was up 3-8c, while September was down a cent. ("allien were weak. Reports from Argentine that the exportable surplus again has been reduced caused a ral ly early In the trading. A good buying movement by the shorts aent wheat up nearly 2c bushel. Corn opened higher, July Btartert with an advance of 1 l-4c, while Sep tember was up 7-8c. There was good domestic demand for corn, The oats trade opened a trifle Wronger? Provisions were dull. WHEAT. July-Open, $1.07 1-2; high, $1.09 3-8; low, It. 0 7-8; dose, tl 05 7-8. Sept. Open. 11.04 1-2; $1.07 1-4; low, $1 02 7-S; close, $1.04A. Portland Men Wounded OTTAWA, Ont. June 10 The name of Sergeant Vernon De V. Stcvena, of Portland Ore, Is Include In a list of wounded Issued by the Canadian Mil itia Department. In the statement 10! names are 3d ded to the casualty list of the Cana dian contingent. Private Leonard Charles De Belde vue. of Portland. Ore., Is mentioned as wounded. IIow'b This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Haifa Catarrh Cure. r I CHEMT CO.. Toledo, 0. We. the undersigned, have known, V ) Cheney lr the last 18 years, and belief. Him perfect'' honorable In all bualoew tranaactlona and financially able to earn Hit any cbllpatlone made by Ma firm. NAl'IOXAL, HANK OK COMMENCE, Toledo, 0 n.ii'a fa,.t rn.a la fkn Inratraallt acting directly npon the blood and mu COUS anriacea OI wie lya-irui. ,wiiuiwuiii, aent free. Price 15 cents per bottle. Bold s all Drnugtata. Take Hall a ratnlli Pills for eonstlpatlct INVESTMENT CO. Court St OREGOM E3 It's Strength E3 i JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15 THE 1915 PARK SEASON Visit YELLOWSTONE PARK Reached via original entrance at Gardiner Gateway. Low fares daily during season. GENERAL HUERTA AND I 1 n fitan.llng fro,,, U tt to right Captain l.s Fuontes, Mrs. Ilunf-s, Mrs. Hncrta, General Huerta, Jore Ilnrrta. and Sirs. Jure lluerta. tiranddilldren slttlns. This Ifi Just part of the family of Oencral Huerta, former dictator of Mexico. The photographer who took I the p cture could not wait till the, GRAIN BAGS CO UP TO 8 CENTS FOR CALCUTTAS nirtliiT Advance of Half (cut Is Forml fur Xo. 1 Stock, In I'ort IhikI Tral! Shipments Are Kn llotitf from HoiiKkons Orenls Are Weak. (Thursday's Market.) rOUTLAXD, Ore. Further ad vance of fully l-2c Us being quoted for grain bugs for the coining season by local importers. The price is now placed up to 8c each for No. 1 Cal- ruttas. A number of shipments are reported on their way to this city Itom Hongkong according to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., Importers. According to announcement made this morning the firm would likely have sufficient bags to fill Its early requirements. Several charters for new crop wheat loading are reported in the trade at firm figures. The highness of char ter prices is keeping up the bearish movement In wheat and other cereal values. Prevailing prices here are scarcely above the expectations for the new crop. No improvement Is showing In the flour trade either for domestic or for eign account. Flour .Selling price': Patent, $6.20; Willamette valley, $6.20; local straight, $5. SO; bakers' local, $6.20; Montana spring wheat, $7 20; exports, $4. SO; whvle wheat, $6.05; graham, $5. SO per barrel.' I Hay Buying price: Willamette valley timothy, fancy, $13; eastern Oregon-Idaho, fancy timothy, $16; alfalfa. $13613.5(1; vetch and oats, ! No. l! Bran, j $11; clover, $S9 per ton. Grain sacks 1915, nominal; Calcutta, 8c. Mlllstuffs Selling price: $270 27.50; shorts, $2829. Rolled barley Selling price: $29 41 30. Corn White, $34 ff 35; cracked, $33 fu 26.50 per ton. There was considerable selling in wheat In the late trading on weak ness In the northwest. Cash markets were very weak. September wheat sold down to $1.02 7-8 near the close.. It finished higher. Prices' in the corn trade at the close were fairly steady, practically unchanged from the opening figures. Oats finished firm, while provisions were slightly off. Red Russian wheat bids on the Portland Xlerchants" Exchange were HAVE DARK HAIR AND LOOK YOUNG NOBODY CAN TELL WHEN YOB DARKEN till AY. FADED HAIR WITH SAGE TEA. Grandmother kept her hair beauti fully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded, or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effect By asking at any drug store ior "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bottle of this old-time recipe, ready to use, for about CO cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural col or and beauty to the hair and Is splendid for dandruff, dry, Itchy scalp and falling hair, A well-known downtown druggist saya everybody uses Wycth'a Sage and Sulphur, because It darkens so natur ally and evenly that nobody can tell It has been applied It's so easy to use, too. Tou simply dampen a comb or aoft brush and draw It through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears; after another application r two, It la restored to Its natural color and looks glossy, soft and abundant. PART OF FAMILY OF 19 H I f 1 'MsJ.'-J whole family, thirty strong, consist ing of sons and their wives and chil dren, daughters, and their husbands and children and grandchildren could 4c higher for spot today, but other1 varieties were 1 to 3c a bushel lower than yesterday. No sales. Spot oats and barley were unchang ed with no sales. LIVESTOCK IS HOLDING WEAK (Courtesy Thursday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Weakness is shown In the livestock trade In North Portland. -Perhaps the only exception Is cattle. In the hog division the mar ket for tops Is extreme at $7.S5 7.90. Reports of sales at $8 are for stuff that was contracted by killers; previous to shipment. No such price has been paid for open market offer-j lugs during the last 24 hours. One load of stock hogs came for-' ward from central Oregon today and! sold at $6.25. There is practically no' open demand for stock hogs and lo-j cal interests are advising against their' shipment in this direction just now. There was a better feeling generally for swine in the east trade with pri ces fractionally raised. General hog market range; Beet light 1 7.90 Medium light 7. SO; Good to heavy 7.60 117.65! Rough to heavy 6.50 (a 7.50; Cattle Come Direct. j Cattle came forward on contract to' local killers today. The general situ-; ation is considered steady with no no-! ticeable change either in price or de-! mand. I In regard to the direct buying oi' cattle and other livestock In the coun try, the recent meeting of the Nation al Livestock Exchange went on record against the measure. The meeting1 was held at Indianapolis. j The large packers of the country were accused of !eing greedy by John P. Bowles of Chicago, who In a re port which was adopted, condemned the system of buying direct of live stock packers. He decared that the packers by sending their agents out in the country to buy direct from the producers were "seeking to eliminate the competitive livestock market and to gain a firmer strangle hold on the livestock industry of the country." Cattle market conditions in the east were steady to strong today. General cattle market range: Select steers $ 7.60 Best hay fed steers 7.50 Good to choice 7.25 Ordinary to fair 6.00j6 75 Best cows 6.50 Good to prime 6.25 Ji 6.40 Select calves 7.00 7.75 Fancy bulls 5.255.50 Ordinary bulla 4. 00 5 00 Mutton Market Ixwer. Market for mutton and iambs Is weaker and loner. While sales of iambs me still reported as high as $S these are for stuff contracted by kill ers in the country prior to shipment. For open market offerings the trade is not today offering above $7.50. There were quite fair shipments to the mutton yards over night but the bulk of the stuff came direct and therefore did not enter the open mar ket. Mutton market conditions in east ern yards today were steady to strong generally. General wool mutton market: Choice spring lambs $ 7.50 Common spring lambs ... 6 00Q6.50 Choice yearling wethers.. 6.00(ff6.25 Choice yearling lambs ... 6.00 6.25 Good yearlings 5.50 li 5.75 Old wethers 5.75 Sf 6.00 Choice IllH ewes , S.005 25 Good ewts 4.505)5.00 Common heavy ewes .... 4.00 4.25 Livestock Slippers. . Hogs F. B. Decker, Gervals, one load direct to Union Meat company; A. Zsenden, Shanlko, one load stock ers. Calves Nellson & Melchoir, Tilla mook, three loads going through. Cattle A. L. Spraule, Tillamook, one load; W. W. Smith; C. W. Gibson Hnlsey, one load. Sheep A. 11 lirube, Wilbur, two loads; A. II. Boyer, Broadacre, one load; Smith Brother, one load; J. C. Flint, Junction City, two loads. ) 'i AT LONG ISLAND HOME be rounded up. The picture was taken after the big family was settled at rorcst inns, Long Island, w here Gen eral Huerta has rented a pretentious home. Mixed stuff J. c. Davis. Shedd one load hogs and sheep; J. M. Mlsh ler, Hubbard, one load cattle, calves and sheep. w-i,iait,i i .tunic Terms. ( AMSTERDAM, via London June,-9 The Cologne correspondent of the Tyd says a report Is current that' Austria and Germany shortly will an nounce their conditions of peace. Emphasis will be given to the dec laration that the Germanic allies are; not engaged In a war of conquest, but i seen only to insure the security of their territories, says the dispatch. Highway Contract is Let OLYMPIA, Wash June 10. Porter & Conley, of Kalama, have received the contract from the State Highway Commission for surfacing with crush- ed rock the Pacific Highway between Woodland and La Center. Clarke County, to cost about $6590. Grading work on this section was done by the state last year. Hendricks and Ward, Centrallia, with a bid of $6601, were the lowest of seven bidders upon construction work of a short section of the high way from Kalama north in Cowliti County and received that contract TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES RE LIEVED. Hard work, over-exertion, mean stiff, sore muscles. Sloan's Liniment lightly applied, a little quiet, and your soreness disappears like magic, "Nothing ever helped like your Sloan's Liniment. I can never thank you enough," writes one grateful user. Stops suffering, aches and pains. An excellent counter Irritant, better and cleaner than mustard. All drug gists, 25c. Get a bottle today, pene trates without rubbing. Adv. Death Message Heard EUGENE, Ore., June 10. "Every father should see that his boy learns to swim just as soon as he is big enough toind his way to the water if mine had known how he would not have been drowned Saturday." CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTORS JOHTXARrFUN-E'RALT rector and licensed embalmer. Op posite postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. J. T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modern funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night. Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 63. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS IIARTMAN ABSTRACT CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands in Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Paya taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent insurance. References, any bank in Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS, Pre. C. H. MARSH, Sec. BENTLEY ft LEFFIN'GWELL. REAL estate, fire, life and accident insur ance agent. $16 Main street Phone 404, MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eto Very latest styles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makea a specialty of auo tlon sale bills, cards and advertising We c.n furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assure you of hawing a successful sal. E!IIIlllllIllllllllllllllllIilUllll!IIIlllilliilllllUlli!llllIiiliilllllfill!illlltllllllHillllil I A Bank of Personal Service 1 " "ll" because you will not always be able to earn it. You will not always be able to save money, Save now while everything is favorable and build up a reserve fund to fall back on when ycur earning capacity ceases, as it surely will. We pay interest on savings ac- 1 counts and time deposits. f American National Ban E Strongest Rank ia Eftiteni O.efen Illlllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllh- This is the Suggestion of N. L. Nea- tie whose 7-yeard-old son was drown- ed in the Willamette River when he fell off a log. The father learned ef the death at Wendling. As he wa.i FT . "What other men have accomplished through I. C. S. help, I can accom plish. If the I. C. S have raised the salaries of these men, they can raise MY salary. If others have won out through I. C. S. help, I can win out. To me, I. C. S. means 'I Can Succeed.' " Get the " I-Can-Succeed " spirit; for the I. C. S. can raise your salary whether you are a dollar-a-day man or a doftar-an-hour man; a long hour man or a short-hour man; a young man or an old man; an inside man or an outside man; or whether you live in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, or Australia. On an average, 300 students every month voluntarily report bettered positions and increased salaries as the direct result of I. C. S. help. Through I. C. S. help Failures have become Succeses. Through I. C. S. help men already in good positions have advanced to rtill better posi tions. A responsible position is awaiting you. To learn all about it, mark and mail the attached coupon. If you can read and write, the I. C. S. will go to you and train you in your spare time for a well-paid position in the line of work you like best. I. C. S. students do not have to leave home nor lose even an hour from work. I. C. S. Courses are prepared especially to suit the require ments of those having to get their . tpchnical education in snite of dif- ! InternaUonal Correspondence School Acuities. The I. C. S. way makes everything clear and simple. No matter what time of day or night your spare time comes, the International Correspondence Schools are ready when you are. To mark and mail the attached coupon will cost you nothing but postage and place you under absolutely no obligation. Send the coupon NOW. ATTORNEYS. RALEY A RALEY, ATTORNEYS-AT ' law. Office In American National! Bank Building. I FEE & FEE ATTORNEYS AT LAW ! Office in Despaln building. , CARTER & SMYTH E, ATTORNEYS at law. Office In rear of American i National Bank Building-. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY ATI law. Office over Taylor Hardware' Company, PETERSON A BISHOC, ATTOR neys at law; rooms 3 and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY, ATTORNEY at law. Will practice in all atate and federal courts. Rooms 1, 1, 3 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in Despaln building. PHYSICIANS. DRS. WHITAKER A WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours I a. m. to ( p. m. Mllarkey Building, Pendleton, Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS OF .EVERY .DE- orlpUon for county court, circuit court, justice court, real estate, eta.. for sal at Xast Oregonlan offlc. about to buy a ticket to Eugene, th agent stopped to receive a message, It was the message telling of th drowning and came as the father stood before the ticket window. 'cosed Baa 888, Scraatoa, Pa. Please explain, withoat farther obUfatKn oa rfy part, bow 1 can qtiaUtT lot tne positi". Hade, at profetlioa before tabid 1 have Butted X. AutmM.t. aAfff .ct,iW ,i,M FWtr, Fatreirt, CtKV.c.1 Sntinaw BMUm, M. n.r.t G,i,m.i, Sianog,. M.cancei fjM Affvrta'nf Mm Tataeawi. tm,l StMw-Car. Wttina ataiA.ry try,... W ndw Trimfftin, T.itti. M.nl.,tw,n, Cpfl,.,.,.! Itiu.t,leg CiTU .h, ltfu.tr!l Dh BwWiAf CAbeta Arttvilecura! OililMV Ai.rntMt Cwiat f aanM CMnlt C-''c'' L.nfMSM Frnm fiwawj, ttUB FritM, SaMt'-f 1 Mm. fwMM C ,'i a.r. ea 't.t.ai, M'". t'j. iaa.t ,Va me Slrat and A'. VETERINARY SURGEOWS. C W- LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTY veterinarian. Residence telephona. 2'! office telephone. 20 SECOND-HAND DEALERS. V. STROBLE. DEALER IN NEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get ouf prices. 119 E. Court atreet Phona J71W. AUCTIONEERS. cou w." V'yo-kaTuctioneeh makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. "The man thai gets you the money " Leava orders at East Oregonlan office. MALE HELP WANTED. WANTED GOOD LIVE CANVASS er to represent us In Eastern Or gon. Commission proposition. Caih weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 121 1-1 Grand Ave, Portland, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cm or five trade for Umatilla county farm, ISO to C0 per acre. Addraas) Box 13, Athena, Ore. c. ip'.'ji1. 11 r BEAVER EGii N G - COMPANY - . J ' 1 fa. a.'.waatu' - -