EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OREGON! AN. PPNDT.ETON. ORKGON. FRIDAY. JUNE 11. 1915. VAC IX ! We Can Fill Your Orders for Anything You Need in 1AIMJ-UIJ 4 MANU.lll JOK T1XKKII TO VM'.Vl'K Ol'KU ATIOX 4 MAIL ORDERS FILLED THE SAME DAY. A bijr line of men's overalls, bib and waist for 45 60, ! S3. - : Jumpers for men : -5 69, S3 j I.oys' junipers for j Men's work shirts for 3S ; 2 for 75? Black sateen shirts for -5f Jumbo shirts, reinforced, double stitched shirts for OSf Men's union suits for 49S G5 S5S 95 Whipcord Pants, cuff bottom for 95 Khako Pants, cuff bottom for 9 Wool pants for men for ?1.00, $1.45. $1.65, $1.95, $2.25, ?2.45, 82.65, $2.95, $3.25, $3.45. Men's hats $1.00, $1.45, S1.S5, $1.95, $2.25. $2.45 Silk hats for Summer for v If there is Anything You Need in SHOES We Have it. The Largest Line of Shoe in the City. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Ladies' Oxfords and Pumps, all sizes, late heel and toes, in patent, gun metal and kid for $1.85, $1.95, $2.25, $2.45, $2.65, $2.85, $2.95. rhilrlren's Punms and Oxfords for 50S 60S 70d. Mary Janes for 95. $1-25, $1.45 Children's Sandals for 50, 75, 95? Misses' Sandals for $1.25 Ladies' vici kid. gun metal and patent shoes for $1.35, S2.45, $2.65. S2.95, S3.20, $3. lo, S.tfo. Men's Dress Shoes for S2.65. $2.95, $3.20, $3.25, S3.45, $3.65, S3.S5, $3.95. Men's Oxfords, black and tan, button and lace for $1.95, S2.S5, $2.95. Mun's Wort Shoes for SI. 19. 81.85. $1.95. $2.25, S2.45. S2.65. S2.95. $3.20, $3.25, $3.45, $3.65, S3.S5. $3.95. r.nuhnv Roots for S4.85. S5.45. $6.85, $7.50, $7.85 Men's low heel boots for an'n Men's Stitch-Down Sandals, Goodyear welts for $-.6a, Men's Hats for 81, $1.45, $1.85, $1.95, $2.45, $2.85 Men's Work Shirts for 3S; 2 for 40? V.larl- Sntppn Shirts for 4o Jumbo Triple Stitched, Ventilated, all sizes and colors for $t A k;r lino of Overalls and Jumpers. Tnfcn ps stpfenn Hats. No. 1 duality for $3.35 ti M (IroAo fnr $2.9i Mm' Sillr Snrtimpr Hats for 4ov Mpti's. women's and children's sun hats for 10, 15, ! 20?, 25?, 35?, 45?. 4 v V 1 'I v. si pbetty mm m STAHFIELD EVENT OF KES3M1I1 .MISS ltOSE WF.HIU.I AND CI.AH KXCE 11AZEN A HE JOINED IX WKDUK'K. IHIlier IUiIUt orfU-tuto at St. Fran lis Catholic Church Siste-r Is the Ilriihwiiiuhl ami im.tlier Attends the i;nim Wcddlrur isreukfust I Served Following Ceremony. .,nn. May 9.-A simple course v'" . 1 tn restore I . tinaltt la fXUCV" " ' ml..Lrr rvr III v uivupu M:.:;Vl health, according erais, w ir,,i him physicians who na( '-'7" rnuse 01 ic to ascenu... ,,v kent ns In his swe I him out of the game mucn 01 this season. , , , . It was decided mai u - 1 j .. ho necessary. eration woum mil crvov Keliools. niL-nvn Pal.. June 10. Dr. E. F Cuberley. a high authority on edu catlonal administration, has beer, se ed by the Oakland Doara m tion to make a survey ot me ,..-.."-school department, with the view o. determining ways in which even ffiUnou mar tie ..v.v..i.. hn la a irraduate ot I c,frrt l well known In California He has recently been in uoa aiibb.c where he snent some weeks making changes in the school system, and has been employed by the cities 01 n,nre Portland. Me., Butte ana Lake City to Inspect their educational systems and recommend changes look ing toward school efficiency. tn Oakland he will pay special attention . .loturmlnimz the number ot em- ...rv their salaries hiiu- duties. with the idea of eliminating anv unnecessary expenditures, and still increasing the efficiency of the department. 61 f? T7 A r799 i flm ! V I I iA IV! WHERE YOU CAN ENJOY YOURSELF AND KEEP COOL THIS SUMMER. llmi Opin! Timpl'-s, Skin Blemishes, Eczema Cured. No odds how serious, how long standing your case, there s neip w you in every particle of Dr. Hobson s Eczema Ointment. It wipes out trace of your ailment, and leaves your km clean and soft as a child's. Hun- have sent voluntary wtora nf thanks. Just try one b It will mean freedom from suffering and embarrassment. Adv. (Special Correspondence.) STAN FIELD, Ore, June 11. Miss Rose Wehrli and Clarence Hazen were unltetd In marriage Wednesday mora ine at 8:30 o'clock at St. Francis Catholic church, Father Butler of- f'elatlne. Miss Ilachel Haxen was bridesmaid and the groom was attend ed by his brother. Eira Hasen. Oil bert Howard was ring bearer and Frances Hills was flower girl. Fol lowing the ceremony the bridal party were guests at a wedding breakfast at the home of the groom's parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. W Hazen. Mr. and Mrs Hasen left on the afternoon train for their home at Elgin. Oregon, where Mr. Haen Is station agent. Mrs. E. S. Lundwall entertained Mr and Mrs. H. W. Wessel at dlnnei Monday evening, It being both couples fourth wedding anniversary. r w. Carmen of Summer, was In town Monday. Mr. Carmen was su nerintendnt of the drainage ditch that was Dut In here three years ago Teams are at work plowing anu leveling the tennis court. They ex pect to have the grounds ready In a short time. Sidney Lyle of Spokane, was look ing after the piano business here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Archer enter tained a few friends Sunday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Metyllne Fraket Stites. Mrs. Stltes sang a few selec tions in her pleasing manner.. Dainty refreshments were served. Wm. H. Daughtry of Portland, was here for a few days. His granddaugh ter. Mae Kline, returned home with him for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchinson ot Pendleton were the guests this week of their daughter, Mrs T. O. Yates. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Buchholz, ac ieil bv Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Holte, motored to Pendleton iuesoaj. Miss Rachel Hazen entertained n number of the young people at net home Wednesday evening. All re nm t a cood time. Frank Warder of Echo, was In town the first of the week. Wm. M. RATES $2.00 to $2.50 per day. $12.50 to $15.00 per week. Mineral Bath, Swimming Pool Automobile stage from Gibbon. Good accommodations at hotel, and reason able rates to campers. Under New Management and Thoroughly Renovated. FURTHER INFORMATION FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO BINGHAM SPRINGS, Hoch 6 Van Dusen, Props. mmm spkikgs, gibiqh postoffice, mmi OB SEE W.W. HOCH, PENDLETON, OREGON, TELEPHONE 416 The remedy for all this, says Judse Sabath, Is complete understanding of each other before marriage. Thev should not get married on such short acquaintance." he said, in , discussing the matter. "They should j know each other a long while, si . that they know each other's waa. j ' Then when they do get to know , each other, it is their duty to lea .0 the home of their parents and ttai t for themsedves, even If It Is in only one room. The moment there Is re sponsibility on both their shoulders. It seems to me they get alon better. The wife looks forward with pleasure to keeping her home attractive for him; and he looks forward with pleasure to coming to a neat iionie. "When they live with parents there is bound to be Jealousy, and otten In such trifling things. Maybe-'he fath er thinks the son is getting better food, or vice versa, and trouble Is sure to follow, small at first, but growing in size until it has w-t-cke 1 one home and possibly two. "I am not opposed to a man d ink ing a glass of beer." continued the judge,. '.'and I do think a workin,; man oticht to have it if he believes t will iid tai:f Fraker of Pendleton spent j give him strength, but he s!i it without over inauigenrr. The no- Mrs.' Metyllne Fruker Stites is the mint It guts the best of him there I? .. hor sister Mrs. W. H. now- irounie. ard Buy Soda in Bottles FENOLETOS tXD OLD COlOHIiL BEER HECACSE IT IS MORE SAN. ITAKV THAN T1IK SODA AT FOUNTAINS. We bottle, sell and deliver to any part of the city, the purest sodas made from pure flavors and filtered water. Try an order from the follow. Ing list of delicious beverages: Colro-Kola Tula Queen Hires Root Ileer Grape Snui. k Ginger Alo Tni-Frult Pineapple Swlas of all Mayors. OMiY $1.00 A CASK. Consisting of two doien bottles, and delivered. BY THE DOZEN OR BARRELL PSOHEER BOTTLING WORKS Paul Ileminolcarn, l'rop. Telephone) 177. 222 K. Court St. They are not bad at heart--lun . 1- ,;,.. t-.ivm, crnBsftebl of Pendleton, I advised. Most of them c.ime in ner. I. i-U 1 s visiting her brother, Kay crass- THE HUB Salvage Is "Ten Strike." COOrf BAY, Ore., June 10. Captain John Swing, of the gas schooner Tramp, with a 30-ton boat, put a force of men aboard the steamer Claremont wrecked here two weeks ago, sawed the vessel in two and towed the fore part. 75 feet long to his premises in the vicinity of Pony- Inlet. The salvaged section has five larg steam winches and considerable other valuable material for which he should 1 realize several thousand dollars. The i wreck was still on the rocks when 'captain Swing made his ten-strike. field. Mrs. H. B. Reese entertained a few friends Thursday afternoon at bridge. The Embroidery club met with Mrs U M. Hills Wednesday afternoon. Mavor Kyle returned Thursday from a week's stay in Portland. out of a little meaness or mi-'iou-stnnd ng between themselves i.r 111 advice from others, an outside lnflu- "If they were let alone thev would get aiong all right. Just a little en courageinent and a little god -idvice. thrt's all." SPOR TS PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Protect Your ROSES get a bottle of NICTONE for sale by v Koeppen s The' Drug Store That Serves You Best RECORD OF DEEDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Satisfaction of Mortgage. A mortgage executed by Mary S and M. W. Philippi to Emma Moore, j January 14, 1910, for $1500, Is paid ! and released. Chattel Mortgage. J. 1.. Hoffnagle to C. J. Gulliford, 1 312.00, 4 mules and horses. Mortgage. John Schmltz et al to W. P. Dorn, At Oakland Oakland San Francisco At Los Angeles Los Angeles . . . Venice It. H. E, 4 6 1 2 10 ! NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. At Spokane R. H. E. $1000. The W 1-2 of SE 1-4 and NE 1-4 of SW 1-4 of sec. 2, T. 2 N., R. 28 E , W. M. Mary C. and W. W. Phlllppl. to C. p wvias 13000. 50 acres land, title descriptive. I Deed. Eugene W. S. L Baraett to J. W. Welch, $1200. Lot 4 and the west 20 feet of lot 5, in block 3 in Athena les employed by the Lubln company, Lubln asserted, he will cast well- known actresses and actors for the I various roles, to obtain the type ne Tlw ''Movies" In Philadelphia, , ; uelpma is to ue me noma ul i j "movies." This is the prediction of tJAJ1: '" to convey the Illusion to the " - auditor. He declared mat me oay ;the greatest movie- had b when the photoplay can .world, in announce ,d wlth plans of his corporation. xuUi u-, he tne m0 r.'LTTha tion picture must be artistic, must tell IJINia will uc picitcu it.. j ,i . n nhA(ifi-fltiriv nnd ine uianudiuB ui s 'r.n.h po s ble d g ee I The yearly payroll of hi. actors, P Insufad , of making up a cast out of Lubln emphasized, will be more than stock members of the various compan-j J,uuu,uuu Spokane 3 Victoria 0 At Vancouver Aberdeen 1 2 1 Va rinniiver 2 5 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE. At Boston Boston 611 Detroit 5 11 At New York Chicago 5 J New York 4 7 At Philadelphia Philadelphia " Cleveland 1 6 At Washington Washington St. Louis 2 8 Bfc. Tififcl.J jt 7 him ..I ! i. via HOODIES, CHOP SUEYi CHINA DISHES mPY'Q KWONG HONG LOW IJVVH W 16 Wt Alt. St., Upitain, Phone 413 ARROW Soft COLLARS Of White Pique or Rcrp, or plain Mull. 2 for 25c. rr.TT.TT, r-iMnonv rro.. tnt. MrT!'j Con Dung Lov CHOP SUEY NOODLES 7.e HOT TAAIES CHILLI COM CAR'iE SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Kfrythtn clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS 8ERVICH TEA 5c Packajse Under State Hotel lor. Webb ana Uoiunixoo'j e a stirring tale, and have the neces- nw ''ip n IF ev'ry man's name described him as well as VELVETS name describes it, a lot of folks I know would be applyin to tho legislature. FEDERAL LEAGUE. At Tirooklvn n- Newark lu Brooklyn ' 15 Second game: Brooklyn 2 Newark At Baltimore Buffalo Baltimore s ' Recnnd irame: Baltimore 18 11 Buffalo 6 At Kansas City Kansas City Chicago The StarJard the safest, most reliable and most popular .-for the common ailments of stomach, liver and bowels,. is alwya F3LLS ' I7u Utmeit Salt cAny Mtdicini in a Sold armkm. In hoxt. IP- We Have For Sale Pride of Washington Separators and Extras ENGINES ALL KINDS. We do repair and foundry work of every descrip tion and carry a complete line of harvest supplies, in cluding oils, belting, water tanks, etc, The Gilbert Hunt Co. John L Sharpstein, Receiver. tiMiMirtMMtttmmiiitmitiHMJtiiitnmiiititmmiHmM I EES 3 6 6 15 10 10 12 HANG OUT YOUR CHICAGO JUDGE GIVES VIEWS UPON MARRIAGE CHICAGO, June t Judge Fahath of the court of domestic relations, pacifier of thousands of angry imu and welder of many broken homes, has found why so many marriages are unhappy. Lack of understanding of each other, he says, is the first biff reason why his court Is always crowded. The husband, can't "understand" cetWn whims of the wife; she can't under stand certain of his quarrels then he gets a chance to play the role of mediator. Next In Importance as a shattercr ia ir,trfrence of relatives nr. both si.ls: sometimes drink on both sides. Then there are conditions w 'v,m If no home-rthey are living In a furt.lshcd room where the wife has no chance to prepare meuls or look after her husband In home ICE CASI 1 The Ice wagon has started making regular daily, in 1 eluding Sunday, trips to residences Hang out your card by 7 a. m. as the wagon will " but one trip daily, and that in the forenoon. P E3 iDBiin Po If you have no card stop the driver and ask for one ndlofon (go & Cold Itorago illlllliUiUMUl pi make I Go I. in ' 3 ,11 hon H Peodlet"ii, or lurroumlinKS. 1