i EIGHT PAGES Bond Clothes $15.00 to $30.00 are essentially "smart" that is to say they are modelled "up-to-the-moment," cut, draped and fit according to fashion's last word. Butmore than that, they represent value) in a new way value that gives dollar for dollar in service. Every suit London shrunk by cold wat er process and silk stitched at all points of strain. BOND BROTHERS SSSRJSSS Hloentslilp Uiies and Railroads. WASHINGTON, June 10. Although the Interstate Commerce Commission order, requiring several eastern rail roads to give up their steamship con nections on the Great Lakes, does not go Into effect until December 1, the -commission is being- kept busy ex plaining the reason for the order, which was made under the terms of the Panama canal act. Fifty Against Two. It Is not rea sonable to expect two weeks of outing to overcome the effects of fifty weeks of confinement. Take Hood's Bar saparllla along with you. It refreshes the blood. Improves the appetite, makes sleep easy and restful. Adv. tllri Ota Irl' as Best Author. ROSEBURO, Ore., Juno 9 In the Sold medal declamation contest, held at Kuthoilln under the auspices of she Women's Christian Temperance Union of Douglas county, Miss Shav r, of Sutherlln, won the prlxe. A delightful musical and literary pro gram followed the contest. CCVLON-INOIA ENGLISH BREAKFAST OOLONG JAPAN GUNPOWDER BLACK 4 GREEN Forgone week4at these prices to con vince you that the (ai, ic rrrt h the J regu la r4 price.' A pound oi this tea makes 300 cups.' At 80c pound; the cost is one cent for about Ufour cuds. 8 You can afford Kto drink good tea ft SGOLDENGATE TEA FOtGER & CO., SaJi:Fraiicisco 11 Oregon Thoatro, Sunday, June E 1 m m Italian Grand Opera Company Formerly Lambardi Co. Presents IL TROVATORE BY G. VERDI New Costumes Gorgeous Sceneries 50c to $1.50 Advance sale opens Saturday, June 12th, &t Pendleton Drug Co., 10 &. tn. Big Orchestra of Portland's Best Musicians Conducted by LUIGI GECCHETTI t i e-3 Era E3 WILSON'S REJOINDER. (Continued from page one.) to find the Imperlul German govern ment contending that an effort on the part of a merchantman to escape capture and secure assistance alters the obligation of the officer seeking to make the capture in respect to the safety to the l.ves of those on board the merchantman, although the ves sel has ceased her attempt to escape when torpedoed. There are not new circumstances. They have been in the minds of statesmen and of Interna tional Jurists throughout the develop ment of naval warfare, and the gov ernment of the United States does not understand that they have ever been held to alter the principles of human ity upon which It has insisted. Noth ing but actual forcible res'stunce or continued efforts to escape by flight when ordered to stop for the purpose of visit on the part of the merchant man has ever been held to forfeit the lives of her passengers or crew. "The government of the United ONE WEEK ON LY AT GROCERS JUNE 7th to 12th, 1915 3 SALE I frOLGER'S 8g TEA RMMUr SpcU retail sates mm price 1 LB. TINS .80 .80 h ". ' -0 .29 " s" " 3. re r.eo 1 1 ENTER YOUR OR1ER BELOW DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, States, however, does not understand that the Imperial German government of liability, but only Intends to set forth the circumstances which led the commander of the submarine to allow himself to lie hurried Into the course which he took. Status of Lusitania Taken Up. "Your Excellency's note, in discuss ing the loss of American lives result ing from the sinking of the steamship Lusitania, adverts at some length to certain information which the imperial German government has received with, regard to the character and outfit of that vessel, and your Excellency ex presses the fear that this Information may not have been brought to the at tention of the government of the United States. "It is stated in the note that the Lusitan'a was undoubtedly equipped with masked guns, supplied with trained gunners and special ammuni tion, transporting troops from Can ada, carrying a cargo noi p""'nh,.0. ,, ,,r.,i!t v,n .,( th war under the laws of the United States to a vessel also carrying passengers, and servlni:. in virtual effect, as an auxiliary to the naval forces of Great I'rituin. Fortunately these are mm- ters conrernins: which the government of the United Slates is in a position ; to Kive the imperial Herman govern-1 merit nfficial Information. Of the' fuels aliiBed in Your Excellency s note, if true, the government of the United States would have been hound ; to take official cognizance in per forming its ncognized duty as a neu tral power and In enforcing its Na tional laws. (.criiuin (.oNcriimcnt .Misinformed. "It was Its duty to see to it that the Lusitania was not armed for of fensive action, that she was not serv ing as a transport, that she did not carry a cargo prohibited by the statutes of the United Suites, and that If, In fact, she was n naval ves sel of Great Britain she should not receive clearance as a merchantman, and it performed that duty and en forced its statutes with scrupulous vigilance through its regularly con stituted officials. It Is able, there fore, to assure the Imperial German government that it has been misin formed. "If the Imperial German govern ment t hou Id deem itself to be In pos sess on of convincing evidence that the officials of the government of the United States did not perform these duties with thoroughness, the gov ernment of the United States sin cerely hopes that it will submit that evidence for consideration. Contentions Hold Irrelevant. "Whatever may be the contentions of the imperial German government regarding the carriage of contraband of war on board the Lusitania, or re- gardlng the explosion of that material by torpedo, it need only be said mat, hi the view of this government, the contentions are irrelevant to the ques tion of the legality of the methods used by the German naval authori ties In sinking that vessel. "But the sinking of passenger ships involves principles of humanity which throw Into the background any special circumstances of detail that may be thought to affect the cases principles which lift it. as the imperial govern ment will no doubt be quick to recog nize and acknowledge, out of the class of ordinary subjects of diplomatic dis cussion or International controversy. Whatever be the facta regarding the Lusitania, the principal fact is that a great steamer, primarily and chiefly a conveyance for passengers and car- E3I M 5-3 Er-i 3 El M !!!l!l!!!!!!!!lll!!IH!!!!!!!!!!li!ll!i 1 13 OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, rying more than 1000 souls who hud 1 'sunk' without no part or lot In the coi I war, was torpedoed and eo much an a challenge or a warning, and that men, women and children were gent to their death In circum I KUtnees unparalleled In modern war fare. Duty Owed to Humanity. The fact that more than 100 Amer ican citizen were among those who per idled made It the duty of the gov- eminent of the United .States to apeak of these things, and once more, with solemn emphasis, to call the atten tion of the imperial German govern ment to the grave responsibility which the government of the United Mates conceives that it nun incurred In th s tragic occurrence and to the indis putable principle upon which that re- ! sponsihlllty rests. The government of the United States Is contending for something much greater than mere rights of property or privileges of I commerce. It Is contending for noth 1 Ins less high and sacred than the I right of humanity, which every gov lernment honors Itself In respecting and which no government is Justified In rcttinnlng on behalf of those utider Its care and authority. Only her actual resistance to capture or refusal to stop when ordered to do so lor the purpose of visit could have af forded the commander of the sub mftrlne aJ)y ju8tlflcatlon for B0 much uiuii o. po ,m.. as putting The l.ves of those on board line snip in jeupuruy. i run the government of the United States understands the explicit Instructions Issued on August 3, 1914, by the im Perlal German Admiralty to lis com manders at sea to have recogn'zed and embodied, as do the naval codes of all other nations, and upon nd upon It every traveler and seaman had a right to depend. It is upon this principle of humanity, as well as upon the law founded upon this principle, that the United States must stand. . f Good Offfoes Tendered, "The government of the United States is happy to observe that Your Excellency's note closes :th the in- i. . ., iv,o in,T,.ric,i r:rmun government is willing, now as before, the to accept the good offices of United States In an attempt to come to an understanding with the govern ment of Great Hrltain, by which the I upon the sea may be changed. The government of the t nited states would consider it a privilege thus to sbpvb ta frtenils mill the world. It . .,. PIUIIUB 1 Cauj at tiiij nine .iiriar irnrrn mi, nr a n v int ims Hon or suggestion the other mav he will- ing to have It mnvev. and cordially invites the Imperial German govern- ment to make use of its services in thls wav at Its convenience. The whole world is concerned in anything .h.., hri,. h even nartlal accommodation of Interests or In any way mitigate the terrors of the pres- ent distressing conflict. vast number or aiiterent Kinas oi ItcprpM-ntatloiii or May 15 Renewed, lights In the harbors and along the "In the meantime, whatever ar- course of the canal are accurately re rangement may happily be made be- produced down to the minutest de tween the parties to the war. and tail. A number of ships are at an whatever may In the opinion of the chor In the different harbors and on imperial German government have these the anchor lights shine stead been the provocation or the circum-1 ily. Others lie moored at the docks stantial justification for the past acts and still others cruise back and forth of Its commanders at sea. the govern, throughout the length of the canal ment of the United States confidently and. as often as they come to the looks to see the justice and humanity locks are passed through these just of the government of Germany vin- exactly as regular vessels are passed dlcated in all cases where Americans through the locks down on the isth have been wronged or their rights as mus. There are a number of minia neutrals invaded. iture trains, all properly lighted, con- "The government of the United stantly moving along the tracks of States therefore very earnestly and the Panama railway and at the tops very solemnly renews the representa- of the towers of the three wireless tions of its note transmitted to the imperial German government on the lSth of May and relies in these repre- sentations upon the principles of hu- manity, the universally recocnized understandings of international law and the ancient friendship of the Gr- man nation. KlIits of Americans Reasserted. ' the model. These magnets are moved "The government of the United along by electric motors and the ships States cannot admit that the procla-' and trains are supplied with amm unition of a war zone from which tures which follow the magnets and neutral ships have been warned to are thus guided along the desired keep away may be made to operate as in any degree an abbreviation ot the rights of either of American ship - masters or of American citizens oouna on lawful errands as passengers on merchant sh:ps of belligerent nation ality. It does not understand the im perial German government to ques tion those rights. It understands It also to accept as established beyond question the principle that the lives of non-combatants cannot lawfully or rightfully be put in Jeopardy by the capture or destruction of an unresist ing merchantman and to recognize the obligation to take sufficient pre caution to ascertain whether a sus pected merchantman Is In fact of belligerent nationality or is in fact carrying contraband of war under a neutral flag. "The government of the United States therefore deems it reasonable to expect that the imperial German government will adopt the measures necessary to put these principles Into practice In respect to the safeguard ing of American lives and Americas ships and asks for assurances that this will be done. "ROBERT LAN'SIXG, 'Secretary of State ad Interim.' "Finest Cathartic I Ever Used" Tkr do sot trips uJ isair affect if qaick Sad term" Mrs L. L. Lrr. . "For a long time I suffered from constipation and liver trouble." says Mr. U U Lever of Green Bay, Wis. ."Nothing seemed to help me. I final ly secured a package of Foley Cathar tlo Tablets and am pleased to state that they have cured me. They are the finest cathartic I have everriMd, as they do not gripe, at ill, sod thou effect is quick. ana sure." If you are at all troubled "with constipation, Foley t'athirUc Tablets will be a blessing to you they not only Induce natural, comfortabla movement, but they have a strength ening ami beneficial effect upon the Intestinal tract. Foley Cathartic Tablets" can safely b tnken by any and every member of your family. Like all Foley remedies they are sold In yellow packages. Ac ccpt nothing but the genulno. , , Sold Everywhere. 1915. l!flHWtp nr liOlliilliU LiljliLL 1 1 PANAMA GIL OKE or fjub FEATURES j ZOXK n t, pisI'LAY WHICH SHOWS i ih:tii.ki) MWIIAXISM IfIG HITCH. OF 1'edrral (iow-rnmrnt AI lla.H Kxlil li ft of MuM and phouisraplnt and MihIiIs Zono Attraction is Much; Mow Interesting, However, 1'roin Fact Tluit It U Moving One. j (BY C. K. CRANSTON.) j SAN FRANCISCO. June 11. The completion of the Panama canal be- j Ing the "excuse," If that expression , may be used, for the great exposition I of 1915 at San Francisco, many visit-j ors, myself among the number, ex-, pected on their arrival to note more i or less of reference to the great In- torrtu tti.nul u-utroiiv in mum' If not aU of (he ,ndivi(lual (eatures of the fair. In this I was disappointed, for with two very notable exceptions. p.ractleLail' no. J." ? It what- k.vnnl fh tuft that the fxnn ..p.ma.Prlfl, is to be found in the bewildering maze of Interesting and beautiful features which go to make up this the great est of International expositions. The two exceptions are an instal- "on P "aiace or u oerai An, uv ,ne reaerai government wnicn con sists of a number ot moaeis, rener maps, and photographs which very vividly portray practically every phase of the construction and oper ation of the canal; and an attraction on the "zone" which is advertised and heralded as "The Panama Canal," and cons'sts of a really working model, on a much larger scale than the federal exnioii. oi me canai uaeu ana ioe adjacent territory including all of the; eanal strip and a large section of the; isthmus besides. n-u. i . . .1.. ,n .... . .liC amcai u. Lite v..v ...rf.'a, models, in the government exhibit is most beautifully constructed and I have no doubt, as nearly accurate as it is possible to make it but every- thing about it is motionless, on me olher hand the model in the Zone show is on a much larger scale (6000, t one on the horizontal. I believe as! compared with Dafto to one by the : government), and the spaces which are occupied by water, that Is the oceans, lakes, reservoirs and streams, are actually filled with water 0 v h ch a multitude of little model ves- sels of various styles, are afloat in i perfectly natural manner. Then to j add to the realistic appearance all the , stations the blue flame and sputtering j crackle of the wireless current faithfully s'mulated. The manner of moving the vessels and trains is veryj ingenious. Throughout most of their j courses they are moved by means of magnets which are installed under i the fl of the room which supports courses. But when it comes to pass- , ing the ve..els tiiiough the locks tht change of level as the water is admit- ted or released would so change the distance between the magnets and the armatures as to make that method impractical. So when a ship arrives at the entrance of" a lock it stops and the tiw-liues of the miniature elec tr c towing locomotives are attached and she is hauled into the lock in ex act imitation of the method actually in use. The water is admitted, or re leased, the lock-gates are opened and closed, in fact the entire operation is performed in mlnature in perfect sim. ulntion of the full sized working. The manipulation of these locking opera tions is performed by an operator who is stationed In a chamber directly un der the floor beneath Gatun I-ake and the Pedro Miguel and Miraflores locks but his assistance Is rendered without his appearing to the spectators and the appearance is as If the whole thing were automatic. I forgot to tell you that when I vis ited the Canal for the purpose of get ting the "dope" for this letter I had the unusual favor of be ng 'personally conducted" by Mr. Faxter of the Pa nama Canal Exhibition company, who very courteously supplied me with many Interesting details of the con struction and operation of this mar velous piece of mechanism, which are not included in the phonographic "lec ture" supplied to all visitors as a part of the return for the price of admis sion. Tarts of the building which covers this "show., (it Is said to be nearly five acres In siie) are open and the wind blows In and stirs the waters of the "Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Gatun Lake" just about sufficiently to raise waves on a scale in propor tion to the sire of the model. The lit tle ships are only held In their posi tions by the attraction of the mag nets or sometimes the wind blows hard enough to overcome this attrac tion and then the vessels go "adrift" and fetch up In places where they were not Intended to make landings, when of course they have to be re covered and returned to their proper positions. This nil adds to the real istic, effect and attractiveness of the spectacle. !L(3y .Us Cn all your merchandise. We can do this on all your needs in wearing; apparel, Dry Goods, Notions, Ladies' Furnishings, Ladies 'and Chil dren's Shoes, Men's Shoes, Clothing-, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Suit Cases, Traveling Bags and Bedding, in fact everything in merchandise for the entire family. SALVAGE SALE PRICES HAVE LOWERED THE HIGH COST OF LIVING. All we ask is for you to drop in our store and let us make good what we claim. We will show you nice, clean, new high grade merchandise for less money than is asked elsewhere for mer chandise bought cheap to sell cheap. Former Vohlonbore Sforo Iluilt In Great Bnildirur. Now this whole affair Is built in a great building arM around the out side of the model and about 20 feet above the surface of the water Is a moving platform that completely en- circles the oblong space containing u. On this moving platform, which I 1440 feet long, are seats for iZW spectators and there is a telephone re ceivor for each spectator. If you take a seat on the platform and place the American embassy on Instructions the receiver to your ear you hear from the state department at Wash comprehensive lecture descriptive of'(ngt0n. the canal, as you move slowly around the building. This lecture Is 'ground om uy mwi ingeniously arranged ttat no. ter where you sit. the part of the lec- ture which you will hear will be de- scriptive of the section of the model which is before you at that particular H This phonographic-telephone installation is about the most Ingen ious part of the whole contrivance. This "zone" attraction of the Panama canal is a close rival, if It does not actually exceed it. of the Canadian building for the popular verdict of be Ing the most attractive feature ol the whole affair. In fact I believe if it were not for the fact that the Canadian building is a "free show v hile the Panama Canal costs B0 cents extra, that the latter would eas ily be classed as the leading attrac tion of the exposition. Nobody whs visits the fair should miss seeing it. even if he has to go without enough meals to make np the price of admis sion. By studying thftS and the federal exhibit one can get as thorough and intimate an Idea of what the canal is like as, It seems to be, can be pos- js; sible without taking a trip to the Isth- Yamhill pioneer. 92, Dies. LA FAYETTE. Ore.. June 4. , James M. Belcher, a pioneer of Yam- i hil! county and Lafayette, passed away at his home here, lacking oniy a few weeks of 92 years old. He was born in Virginia in 1823. His par ents' moved to Yamhill county, pre- REMARKABLE CASE of Mrs. HAM Declares Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Saved Her Life and Sanity. Chamroek, Mo. " I feel it my duty to tell the public the condition of my health befora using your medicine. I had falling, inflamma tion and congestion, female weakness, pains in both sides, backaches and bear ing down pains, waa short of memory, ! nervous, impatient, j passed sleepless nights, and had 1 neither strenirth nor energy. There was always a fear and i dread In my mind, I had cold, nervous, ! weak spells, hot flashes over my body. ; 1 had place in my right side that was j so sore that I could hardlv bear tha i weight of my clothes. I tried medicine and doctors, but they did me little good, and I never expected to get out again. I got Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier, and I cer tainly would have been in grave or in an asylum if your medicines had not saved me. But now I can work all day, sleep well at night, eat anything I want, have no hot flashes or weak, nervous spells. All pains, aches, fears and dreads are gone, my house, children and husband are no longer neglected, as I am almost entirely free of the bad syrsptoms I had belore taking your remedies, and all is pleasure and happiness in my home. " Mrs, Josie Ham, R. F. D. 1, Box 22. Shamrock, Missouri, If yon wnnt special artvlov writ Lydia K. l'lnkluuii Mtnlk'inu Co (couildcuUal) Lyun, Muss, wm PAGE THREE A Moiey gon, in 1850. His wife died less than two years ago at the age of 87. Two children survive, C. T. Belcher, of Portland, and Miss Belle Belcher who lived with her father and mother. Pasfiort Are Revoked. BERLIN, June 8. The passports of two American citizens living In Dresden, Leon Raines and Karl Reck nagel. have been ordered revoked bv makes itching eczema vanish There is immediate relief for skins itching, burning and disfigured by ec serna, ringworm, or similar tormentinif ikindiscase.inawarm bath with Resinol Soap, and a simple application of Resinol Ointment. The soothing, healing Res inol balsams sink right into the skin, stop itching instanlly, and soon clear away all trace of eruption, even in sovere and Stubborn cases. Rennet Ointment nl Rettnol Soap ire told br til druggists Prescribed by duttors tur 2u Turk Ti Hi i ii ill ma it 1 1 1 1 1 ii I . in 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t Plow Openj Png Kong Cafe j il 4VXD NOODLE PARLORS Noodles I AND Chop Sueyf Outside Tray Orders a Specialty. E Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. H OPEN DAY AND ALL NIGHT 5 MEALS 25C AM) CP. Special Chicken Sundays. Dinner 5 1 548 Main Street 1 Next to E. O. Bldg. Phone 101 5 ftiMiimimmiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiii? WHITMAN'S THE NATIONAL SWEETS Just received a shipment of Whitman's CANDIES fresh from the factory. Whenever you want good candy call at Tallman & Co. Leading 'Druiati Resjpgj i n