East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, June 08, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Waldomer Chains
The man who cares to be correct wears
& Waldomer chain.
These chains have no attachment to the
buttonhole but are worn from one vest
pocket to the other.
They may be worn in the upper or lower
If a pencil or knife is carried on one end
of the chain it may be more conveniently
used by having the watch in the lower right
pocket v ith the pencil in the upper left.
These chains are not only sensible but
very attractive and dressy.
We recommend the use of these instead
of the fobs and old style chains.
i)civ$y Dotes
of Pcndlctou
Royal M. Sawtelle
Established 1S87
Marriage I.liviiw Issued.
A marriage license was issued to
day to John Johnson and Myrtle My-ers.
riitinurr Mu ray cwu.
Judge Phelps today signed an order
requiring the plaintiff In the case of
M. J. Moran vs. the O.-W. R. 4 X. Co.
to pay the defendant's costs, assessed
at $72.54
Transform! to linker.
J. M. Lamb, wire chief of the local
telephone plant, has been transferied
to liaker where he will have the same
I position. He left today to acquaint
I himself with his new home but will
i not commence his duties there until
! June 15.
The Greatest Show That Ever Struck Pendleton (
Are the Unmatchable Values Every Day at The Golden Rule Store I j
You know in buying for 83 busy stores we buy for less, in many instances we sell you high grade merchandise at
about what the one store merchants have to pay for their goods. Buying direct from the manufacturer you are always
assured of the very latest fashions; then with our modern cash business methods you only pay for what you get. You
don't have to pay the bad accounts that are sure to accumulate with the old credit system.
Two 1)1 or. v IHrm-s Sltmed.
Hessle Mansfield has been granted
a divorce from her husband, Pert
Mansfield, and the latter U required
j by the decree to pay $10 a month to
ward the support of their child. An
j other decree hits been granted in the
: case of Edward Hurdle s. Mary l.ee
Jacwhs Will Is Filed.
The will of the late Jamer Jacobs
! was admitted to probate today. By
I Its terms his widow. Lydia A. Jacobs,
j is made the sole heir lo the estate
which consists of personal property
valued at 13000. Ernest French,
Thomas H. Milliorn and Oilman Fol
som have been named as appraisers of
the estate.
mercial Association will ask the ce
operaion of the entire city in arrang
ing suitable decorations so as to give
the town a festive appearance. Fri
day June IS, has been designated as
a special day for the purpose of decorates.
1 O. A. C. Students Homo.
Leo Haw has arrived home from
O. A. C. where he studied during the
I year. Julian Lowe, who formerly
j lived in Pendleton and who has been
! attending O. A. C, Is hero on a visit
i Clayton Strain, another Pendleton boy
at O. A. C , Is at present caring lor
the creamery at that institution and
may not return for some 'Ime.
Men's heavy bib overalls at
49, t9S S3?.
Men's heavy jumpers 49
GS, 83?.
Work shirts, 40c, 50c, 75c
values at 25?, 39?, 45?
Jumbo triple stitched, double
back and front, ventilated
arm pits 9S?
Work gloves, short wrist or
gauntlet 49?, 69?, 98?,
Canvas gloves. 5?, SVa?
Leather faced gloves.... 15?
Men's shirts and drawers at
25?, 39?, 45?.
Genuine B. V. D. or poros-
knit union suit 89?
Men's mesh and ribbed union
suits 49?, 69?, 98?.
Boys' shirts and drawers 25?
Boys' mesh and ribbed union
suits 25?, 45?
Men's straw hats for dress,
49?. 9S?, $1.49, $1.69,
John B. Stetson No. 1 quality
hats, a $5 value.... $3.45
Felt hats, why pay double
the Golden Rule price, at
OS?, 91. 19, $1.98, ?3. 19
Men's work shoes, a $2 and
$2.50 value at $1.49,
Men's heavy work shoes, yet
soft and good at $2.49,
$2.98, $3.50.
Men's dress shoes, the best
values we have ever shown
$2.49, $2.98, $3.50,
Boy Scout shoes, all sizes at
98?, $1.15, $1.69.
Boys' dress shoes, every pair
that stand the test $1.49,
$1.69, $1.98, $2.25,
Fancy ribbons, 35c and 50c
values 19?, 25?
Fancy collars 25?, 49?
Long silk gloves in white or
black 69?, 9S?
Short silk gloves.. 49?, 98?
Silk lisle gloves in black,
white or colors, long or
short 25?, 49?
Kid gloves, why pay an ad
vance in price 98?, $1.49
White kid gloves at $1.49,
Hand bags, a new lot just
received and priced at
49?, 69?, 98?, $1.25.
Colgate or Mennens best tal
cum 12?
Palmolive soap, 3 for.... 25?
Floating bath soap 6 for 25?
Wash goods you will need
for the hot weather that's
sure to come 5?, SVtt
10?, 12V,?, 15?
36 and 40 inch wash goods
at a third less than their
real value 25?, 35?, 49?
Beach cloth, so much the
rage this season 49?
Mercerized poplin, 25c value
at 19?
36 inch silk poplin, $1.00
value at 69?
40 in. silk poplin, also crepe
de chine, $1.50 and $1.75
value 98?
36 inch taffeta, black or col
ors, why pay $1.50, the
Golden Rule has a better
one at 98?
26 inch messaline, $1.00
value 69?
Fercale.. 6V4?. 10?, 12V4?
Best quality gingham.. 8V3?
Red Seal gingham 10?
Apron checks 5?, QlAt
If you are going away for a trip you will need a suit case or trunk. Suit Cases 98?, $1.49. $1.98, $2.98,
$3.98, $4.98, $5.90, $6.90, $9.90. Trunks $2.50, $3.50, $4.50, $5.90, $7.90. $8.90, $9.90.
With the time for the Pendleton
Chautauqua fast drawing near (June
22 to JSth Inclusive) active prepara
tions for the occasion are now under
way and the committee has arrang
ed for a systematic canvass of the
For the purpose of plac'ng tickets
the- city has been divided into four
districts and each section will to
looked out for by committees repre
senting the Civic Club, tHe Thursday
Afternoon Club, the Cunont Litera
ture Club and the W. C. T IT. The
business district will be canvassed by
a committee from the Commercial .As
sociation. The allotment of tickets is 600 and
it Is desired to have the entire allot
ment disposed of. In order to make
jure of success.
Scientists Elect IIca!. j
BOSTON", June 8. The First '
Church of Christ, Sciertist, mother ;
church of the Christian Science 06- 1
; nomination, elected Edward Merritt of j
Cleveland. O., president. i
j Reports at the annual meeting!
i showed that members of the church :
had contributed $127,667 to n fund
for relief of sufferers from the war. j
Work Will Proceed.
Although the government supervi
sor for the Pendleton federal build
ing has not arrived yet the work on
the building is now proceeding with
out stop, instructions have been
given for the supervisor now at The
Dalles to supervise the work here un
til the regular supervisor arrives.
Consequently the contractor will b
allowed to go ahead with his task.
Switzerland Is Cut Off.
BERNE, Switzerland. June I.
Communication by telegraph rnd tele
phone between Switzerland and Aus
tria has been Interrupted by order of
the Austrian government.
The Swiss authorities state that they
do not understand this action.
Dance at Skating Rink.
Open air dance at the ska'ing rink,
Wednesday night, June 9th. United
Orchestra. 10c a dance. Ml welcome.
lost masters to Meet.
For the purpose of attending a
meeting of the pres'dentlal post
masterers of Oregon, T. J. Tweedy,
Pendleton postmaster, lef; on t'le noon
train today. Presidential offices In
Umatilla county aside from the Pen
dleton office are those at Freewater,
Milton, Weston, Athene, F.cho and
Hermiston. It is under.und all the
officials of this county will att'nd the
A special committee from the Com-j Adv.
rrr ntt t itmm
Broadway Star Feature Produced by Vitagraph Co.
"The Way of
the Trangressor"
Seeking the destruction of others he finds his
own. Those whom he intended to destroy come into
their own happiness and love.
"Jono's Hyunotic Eye"
He tries to hypnotize every one he comes in con
tact with.
Gus Weber Lew Fields
You All Have Heard of These Great Comedians
"Four of tho Finest"
They Start a Police Station of Their Own.
Admission: Adults 10c. Children Sc
Estate for Geo. M. Stevens
The whereabouts of George M.
Stevens Is sought by B. Stevens of
Sac City. Iowa, who his written to
Postmaster Tweedy for information.
According to the inquiry, Ci. M. tev.
ens has lived here at least a portion
of the time during the Isrt 12 years.
The death of an unmarried uncle
leaves an estate to the man who Is
wanted and he is asked to communi
cate with his relatives. I
1 Men's and Boys' Clothes
H every day for less than
jj sale prices elsewhere
g We ask you to examine our suit values in
greys, browns, plaids or fancv mixed at
H $6.90, $9.90, $12.50, $1 1.75.
H Blue Serge Suits, there is nothing that gives
f more satisfaction than a pure worsted
f serge at a saving of from $3 to $7.50 at
m the. Golden Rule, S9.90, $12.50,
p $14.75, $16.50.
Hj Young men's suits for those with their first
m pair of long pants $5.90, $6.90, $9.90,
N $12.50.
Boys' Knickerbocker suits, Norfolk coats,
i every suit worth a third more, $1.98,
f $2.98, $3.98.
p Boys' blue serge suits, $5 and $7.50 values,
Golden Rule every day price $3.98,
Men's khaki pants 9S, $1.25, $1.49,
g $1.98.
Men's dress pants at a saving of at least a
m third, 98, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98, $3.98
Ladies' Ready-to-Wear
for less than you will find
them on sale elsewhere
Tub dresses, just what you will need for
hot weather $1.98, $2.98, $3.98,
Silk poplin dresses, $10 values, every day
price at this big busy store $5.90
Silk poplin, mcssaiine and crepe de chine
dresses at about half their real value, at
$9.90, $12.50.
Tailored suits; possibly you have put off
buying one, $9.90, $12.50, $14.75,
White wash skirts just received and priced
at 9S, $1.49, $1.98, $2.98
Shirt waists, you can pay more but you
can't get more 98, $1.25, $1.98,
Silk messaline petticoats, $3, $4 and $5 val
ues at $1.98, $2.98, $3.49
Taffeta petticoats just received $1.98,
Ladies' Dusters for driving at 9S $1.49,
$1.98, $2.98.
Local Fugitive C'aitslit
George Polutas, section hmd on the
Northern Pacific, who is said to have
engaged In a fight with a fellow
worker near Pendleton t't'o weeks a:,'o
and fld when a warrant charging
him with assault with a deidly wea
pon was issued, appeared at the of
fice of tho paymaster of the Northern
Pacific in Portland yesterrlv and was
plnoed under arrest by Detectives
Hyde and Vaughn. Sheriff Taylor of
Pendleton, is sending an o"lcer for.
Polutas, who is being held in the city
Jail. Portland Oregonian. j
Can Do
-JIC. PenneuCo-Inc -
l l l 1 1. Iii Hi I ill I
1 1 ml iiiiiiMiiiMiii' ! in'"' " ' " "'T n ' ! I!!!"rili!ir:!!i!n!!!!ii
! Aid SMlety's Work.
J. (m. Kilpack, eastern Oregon rep
resentative of the P.oys f: Girls' Aid
: Society of Portland, hai been here
i today in connection with the com
, mlttment of two Milton children to
' the care of his institution. At the an
i nu.il meeting of the society held re
1 cently in Portland, Mr. Ki'pack sub-
: mittfd a report as to woik in eastern
; Oregon. His report shows 90 children
! now on the vteitlng list. A total of!
j 145 were visited during the year, 62,
I new cases were Investigated and a to-1
j tal of 128 children were Involved in
these Investigations.
status and tried to get her to secure
money from him. Just before he left,
he secured money on no-fund checks
and embezzled other money not be
longing to him. She nr. not heard
from him since, she alleges. She ask
for the restoration of her maiden
name, Ethel L. Kennedy. Kaley &
It.ib'y are her attorneys.
Fishermen Off For Trout.
Norborne PerkeUy. U O. Fraz'er
Frank Saling and John Mumm left
this afternoon for Meadow creek
'litest of trout.
Suit to FomeloHo Mortgage.
Thompson C. Ellott, prominent
Walla Walla capitalist, this morning
instituted suit In the local circuit
court for the foreclosure pf two mort
gages alleged to have been given to
secure note and obligations upon
which la now due the total sum of
$3091. 57. One of the mortgage.? is
on a 600 acre tract of limd In the
east end of the county and the other
upon lot In Montavllla add'tlon to
Portland. The owners o,' he lard
who are made the defendants In the
suit are Iredell 8 Stone and wife, arnl
Ellas Y. Btone and wife. The Secur
Itv Savings & Trust Co., and F C.
Bow ii made defendant also In-
Jeweler in Hospital.
John Rosenberg, well known Jewel
er, is In St. Anthony's hospital and is
In rather a grave condition. He un
derwent an operation yesterday and
today g resting comfortab'jr.
Delinquent Girl Committed.
County Judge Marsh today commit
ted to the care of the Hoys' and
fJirls' Aid Society of Portland Grace
Eergerson, a delinquent girl whose
mother, a traveling saleswoman for a
local house, had desertod her and her
18 year old sister In Milton.
lirown ItcmodelH Chapel.
J. T. lirown has a force of men en
gaged In remodeling the chapel along
side his furniture store, and, when th
work is completed, he will have a
chapel that would be a credit to any
town. The old chapel i being re-
Walla Walla 1j plaintiff attorney.
aainuch aa they claim eome mtereex modeled and doors placed so mai
I in the lands. Thos. H. Brents of there will be an unobstructed and ex
clusive passage from the morgue to
the chapel and from the chapel to the
hearse. A balcony is being construct
ed In the west end of the room for the
use of the choir and there will be a
separate entrance to It. Another en
trance will be for the use of the mln
Husband a Fugitive; Wants Divorce.
Married April li, ItU to Walter O.
Edwards, his wife, Ethel I Edwards
alleges that on May 1 he began a
rnuriu. of cruel and Inhuman treat
ment toward her and continued It un- Ister and the family, and a small room
til he deserted her and fled to parts' Is being built for the use of the fam
' unknown as an embezzler on August illy. An arched celling will be built
' 2T of the same year, tihe alleges thej and all of the walls tinted,
took up their home on the reservation 1
and that, contrary to her wiehes and 'Art Danee With lYIUlo.
In violation of the law, he continued Patrons of the Alta theater yccter
to take Honors upon the reservation. ' day were surprised to see the familiar
She alleges that he sought several figure of Art Acord, popular Hound
times to learn her father's financial up performer, dancing about upon tho
screen with the vivacious FriUie
Scheff. He took the part of a mar!
time officer in "Pretty Mrs. Smith"
and handled his part in a way that
suggests that his first name is not an
Graduating Iverc lsn of Academy.
A Iare crowd is gathered In tho
Oregon theater this afternoon to wit
ness the graduating exercises of St.
Joseph's academy. Four pupils will
receive their diplomas thiH afternoon
and the program that preced
formal presentation Is an ambitious
one. Plshop O'llellly Is to make tho
commencement address.
The man who really knows himself
thej doesn't tell all he knows.
The Alta Theatre
the famous English star, playing the title role
in Mrs. Fiske's creation.
The theme while not unusual has been steadfastly
followed, and yields a stream of dramatic, but consistent
ly human incidents.
A Very Realistic Factory Fire Forms One
of the Features of the Drama
. ; J ll n
- VAUDEVILLE RAY LAWRENCE, great female impenonator,
Last Time Today Do Not Miss Him