EIGHT PAGES DAILY EAST OTiEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1913, PAGE FIVE AND TfiOOQUGn SAfilTATIOil THAT MAKE Y'J U M J I 1 iJ SUPERIOR MEATS ORDER FROM OUR SELECT STOCK OF "Pemeco' Beef "Pemeco" Pork "Pemeco" Lamb "Pemeco" Veal 'Pemeco" Hams "Pemeco" Bacon "Pemeco" Lard 'Pemeco" Sausage Fresh. Every Day Chinook Salmon, Fancy Halibut, Silver Smelt, Halibut Cheeks, Salmon Trout PURE FOOD LUNCH GOODS. Van Camp's Pork & Beans. Van Camp s Soups. Derby Lunch Tongue. Libby's Veal Loaf Underwood's Deviled Ham Fancy Canned Shrimps 'White Star" Tuna Fish Walker's Hot Tamales Heinz's "57." Tomato Catsup Baked Beans Tomato Soup KNIGHTS JELLY, QUART JARS. SERVICE QUALITY SANITATION The Central yiarket 33 TWO PHONES 173 INSPECTION SCORE 86.6 LOCALS Q A dvertising in Brief KATK8. Per line Oral lnMrtluo.. lc 'r HrMj, additional Insertion Be Per line, pr month II. Oe No lorala takm for leas than "lot. Count 0 ordinary worn to line. Ixx'in will not be taken over tba pbone and remittance muat accoav pan ordvr. fell fill THACKEIl GETS MONET FOR LOSS OF HIS EVE, Very speedy settlement of the ac cident clnlm of Elmer Thacker, was made by the Maryland Casualty com pany, through their local agents, Mat-lock-Laati Investment company. Thacker wi Injured while at work nt the Fendleton Roller Mills last Friday at 5 o'clock, by a flying piece of chipped ateel piercing the eyeball which necessitated Its removal by Doctors Hoyden A Boyden, and thia morning received a check for $948, together with hoapltal and doctor bills, In full settlement of his claim. Thacker was Insured by the Pendle ton Roller Milli, nnder a general pol icy carried by that company with tha Maryland Casualty company. PENDLETON STOCKMAN IS KAMED STOCK INSPECTOR SALEM, Ore., June 1. Because thj railroads announced they would re fuse to accept all ahlpmenta of live stock not Inspected after tnrfnv no v. ernor Wlthycombe named a number of atock Inspector! for various parts or the Hate, the number Including A. W. Rugg, of Pendleton, prominent Lmatllla county sheepman. His ter rltory will be UmatlUa conntft MILLINERY MADAME'S CROWNING GLORY The face is the mirror reflecting intellect and character. A fitting and becoming hat adds not mars the reflection. CARRIER MILLINERY 140 Mala Street. Telephone SIS if I I II I I l i it I I is CAN THE SPECIALTY GASH GROCERY Phone 476. Neit Door to Quell Osis. 28 Main. For fuel tone five. For sale Good range, phone 2J6R Dressmaking Mra. Bowman, S53M. Have your piano tuned. Call Whip ple. Wanted Woman or girl for gener. al housework. Phone 190. Apartment to rent In the Nye house. 602 Water atreet. LoKt One pair of trousers. Re turn to Model Cleaners and receive reward. Oregon Life, best for OregonlanA Pee C. L. Mayo, Dlat. Mgr., or Clark Varian. John Rosenberg, Court atreet watchmaker and Jeweler. All work guaranteed. For private tutoring in any branch of study for children or grown people, phone 303. . i For sale O. K. cleaning and press ing pr.ilors. Inquire at O. K. barber shop. Terms reasonable. For rent Housekeeping apart ment In strictly private home. In quire 515 Post street. Phone 28BR. Wanted Man and wife to make home with private family on North Side. Very close In. Address "G" tills office. Sewing wanted by expert seam stress. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Mrs. Bell, 211 W. Webb street. Telephone 276J. Old papers for sale; tied In bundle. Good for starting fires, etc. 10 a but1lj. This office. , Very many people desire to buy lands In eastern Oregon. What have you to offer, and prlcet N. Berkeley. For rent S nice rooms, gas, elec tric lights, big bath room, fireplace, garage, nice lawn, reasonable. "L" this of floe. Lost At Baseball grounds. Elk tooth stick pin with small diamond. Return to this office and receive re' ward. For Sale Five White sewing ma chines, ranging from $65 to $80. Will sell for from J20 to 130. Inquire 220 E. Court or phone 765. For sale Roll top desk, show case, wardrobe, cots, hotel dishes, Iron beds, two refrigerators, lace curtalnr, cash register. Room 4, Association building. "Mutt" takes the big loads and "Jeff" shows the speed. Penland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office 147 Main street. Phone SSI. Twenty-third annual reunion Uma tilla County Pioneers, Weston, Or., June 11 and 12, All Invited. J. M Bentley, president; S. A. Barnes, sec retary. "We have a good position for a live man in this county. We offer you something which will be worth your while to Investigate. Writ for details. The Old Reliable Albany Nurseries, Albany, Ore. G. W. Burley of La Grande Is at the Bowman. Mayor Hugh Frnith is up from Echo today. John G. Fisher of Nolln, was In the city yesterday. Evalyn Skinner of Echo Is a visitor In Pendleton today. Charles Stanton of Helix Is a busi ness visitor In the city today. Jess Mathes of Echo, spent yester day and last night in Pendleton. Frank Stanton came in on the N. P. train this morning from Helix. S. D. Peterson, Milton lawyer, ias In the city yesterday on business. Enoch Pearson, a well known sheep man of Wallula, is in the city today. Charles Stanton of Helix was reg istered at the St. George last evening. Tr.tin W Pnmtihll ruma lln fpum Hermlston last evening and returned: on No. 17 today. Mrs. Frank Frazler Is entertaining, the members of the North Side Bridge! Club and a few other friends at her. home this afternoon. Fred Bread, Dan Allntott and Er- nest Walden returned to their homes j in La Grande last evening after spend ing commencement week with friends here. CITY OF UMATILLA TO HAVE WATER SYSTEM UMATILLA, Ore., June 1 After more than a year's filibustering the city and the O.-W. R. & N. company have reached an agreement whereby the c ty of Umatilla w ill have an ade quate water supply. I'nder an agreement reached by the city council and representaties of the railroad company the company will drive a 12 or 15 inch well to a depth! of over 100 feet. Install a pumping plant and raise their tanks to a height of 100 feet above the railroad tracks. The company will meter the water to the c:ty from the tank. The city Is to install its own distribution sys tem, which will consist of six and four inch cast iron mains and 13 fire hy drants. Pike & O'Nell. Portland contract ors, have been awarded the contract for the distribution system which will cost about $10,000. Work w ill be started within the next 10 days. The railroad company has I a well drilling outfit in posit cm for operation. Special effort will be made to get the entire work done within the next six weeks so as to be able to eliminate Ith. nrao.nt val.r eiitinlv h.fnr. iYia warm weather makes it a menace to health. For Sale, Very Reasonable, Modern 7-room house and T lota about 1 block off paved streets. Suit able for chicken raising and garden ing. Inquire "Mrs. C. A." this office, Adv. Notice. To Whom This May Concern My wife, Nora Dudley, having wilfully left my bed and board, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her. C. E. Dudley, Elgin, Oregon-Adv. ROUMANIA IS READY TO ENTER THE CONFLICT PITTSBURG,, Pa., June 1. E. Borcea. official representative of Rou- mania, is getting bids from Pittsburg manufacturers on several million dol lars' worth of shells and war equip ment, and contracts will be closed soon. "Roumania Is ready to go to war a' a moment's notce," he said. "I be lleve war will be declared within the next two or three weeks." Before coming to Pittsburg Mr. Borcea visited Chicago and other manufacturing centes where, he says, he awarded contracts to the amount of $12,000,000. He stated that during the last 10 months his government had spent approximately $90,000,000 in Italy, France and the United States for war supplies. For Sale. One rubber tire single buggy, one ateel tire single buggy; 1 set light single harness, 1 set heavy single harness, 1 pony (will ride or drive) 1 saddle. Inquire "X" this office. Adv. Good Coal and Wood. Our Rock Splints coal burns clean giving you more heat and less dirt tor your money. Good dry wood that doesn't boil, but burns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from cold and cost order from B U Burroughs, phone 6. Adv. Notlc. Commencing June 1st, the-Pendleton Valley Dairy will make two de liveries a day to homes. Fresh milk and cream, wholesale or retail. Good service and quick delivery. We re ceived highest rating at last state In spection. Phone 23F4- Adv. Notice. Public dance at skating rink Thurs day night. Adv, Bartender' Ball. There will be a ball given by the Bartenders In the Eagle-Woodman hall on Wednesday evening, June 2nd. Everybody Invited. Light refresh ments served. Admission, 60 cents. Adv. A girl always likes to mention some highbrows who were to have attended her wedding, but at the last moment found It Impossible to come. ine average woman loves to go shopping because she thinks there's something good In store for her. 4 WILDING, TENNIS STAR, KILLED FIGHTING THE TVltKS AT DARDANELLES Pendleton agents for. "Red fern" Corsets, Warner Corsets, Kaysers Silk Hose, Wanhoe Silk Gloves, Alexandre Kid Gloves, High Class Millinery. Cousins, Hanan and C. P. Ford Shoes for Women. Pictorial Review Patterns. Athena Underwear for Women High Class Millinery. THEY ARE HERE White Shoes and Low Cuts ..ifT'l"!, is A Fine A Fine A Fine A Fine A Fine A Fine See What We Offer in good Footwear White Buck Button Shoe at $4.00 White Buck Colonial Pump at f 4.50 White Buck Button Oxford at ' 3.50 Whi ite Canvas Colonial Pump at 3.50 White Canvas Mary Jane at 2.75 White Canvas I Strap Sandal a 2.25 DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE ONLY. PENDLETON'S ... QUALITY STORE Dedicate C. C X. T. Stadium. NEW YORK, May 29. The Stad ium donated by Adnlph Lewlsohn to the College of the City of New Tork will be dedicated today by a Greek play presented by Granville Barker and his cast of famous outdoor play ers. "The Trojan Woman" of Eu ripides Is the play that will be en acted by the Barker company. It Is expected more than 15 000 will attend the dedicatory performance, which Includes the 7000 students of the college and their friends. Cltv officials will also witness the Greek tragedy. (Continued on Page 1.) Mrs. Gus Bertholet has returned to her home at Pasco after spending th past week as house guest of Mrs. R. Raymond. Mrs. Gladys Slaughter of this eitt is spending the week in Portland, hav ing left several days ago. Mrs. Fred C. Fulton of Stanfield, is' one of a party of Stanfield ladles la Pendleton today. Last evening the members of the Woodmen of the World were surpris ed after their meeting by their ladles who came in upon them with great quantities of strawberries and cream which they served in the banquet room. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Becker are to leave tomorrow for Tillamook where they will reside in the future. Mr. Becker recently sold his tailoring business here. Miss Lois Hatfield of Seattle is here upon a viBlt with her sister, Mrs. D. S. Robinson. Miss Ruth Terpening, one of the graduates of the high . school last week, left yesterday for Cheney,' Washington where she will attend normal school during the summer. Miss Elva Engdahl. formerly a Per-1 dleton girl, returned to her home In Portland yesterday after a visit here as the guest of Miss Mildred Lynde.j In mmnanv with Miss Lynde and' Carl Engdahl, she motored to Helix j punaay ana spent me aay m mo n of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland. We Sell For Less because we buy for less Buying drummers samples for 19 stores for spot cash and selling for cash enables us to sell for what the single merchant pays for his goods. Work Shoes, the kind that will wear for $1.19, 81.95, ?2.45, S2.85, $2.95, $3.25, $3.45, $3.65, $3.85, $3.95. . Dress Shoes, button and lace for $2.65, $2.95, $3.20, $3.25, $3.45, $3.65, $3.S5, $3.95, Men's stitch-down sandals, Goodyear welts, all sizes from 6 to 11 for $2.65 All oxfords for men, button and lace for $1.95, $2.85 Ladies' three strap patent pumps, for $1.95 Ladies' Mary Janes for $1.85 Ladies' cloth top patent pumps in grey and brown, reg ular $3.50 value for $2.95 Ladies' white Mary Janes for $1.25 Children's white Mary Janes for 6oV, 85 Children's patent Mary Janes for 95 and $1.45 Child's strap pumps for 50, 60s Children's Sandals for 50, 75&, $1.25 Ladies' high toplace boots, just what you want for your mountain trip, for 3 45 Boys' shoes for $1.00, $1.25, $1.40, $1.45, $1.C5 and $1.85. Girls' shoes for $1.00, $1.20, $1.45, $1.55, $1.65, and $1.85. T THE HUB 51AX AHIJESTEU. (Continued from Page 1.) AT. LD1NG. LONDON, June 1. Anthony T- wilding, or Mew Zealand, former lawn tennis champion of Great Brit aln, and who several times has been a member of the Australian team In the Dnvls Cup matches, has been killed In the fighting; In the Dardnn elles. Mr. Wilding Was a second lieu tenant in the Royal Marines. the trail that finally led to the arrest when he picked up a man going un der the name of Frank Foster who offered for sale the revolver stolen from the Milton safe. Foster was brought to Pendletnn j and questioned closely. He denied j any participation in the Milton crime, j stating that he had taken the revol- j ver from a cache under a warehouse, I the location of which a pal had given him. This pal had been In Pendle-1 ton with him on May 18, he said, and : the two had then gone to Wallula There they separated, the one going to Lewiston and the other returning for the revolver. From Foster. Sheriff Taylor secur-1 ed a full description of the other man and a few days later encountered him on the streets of this city. He was placed In the city Jail but steadfastly denied any knowledge of the crime E. B. Wood, chief special agent for the O.-W. R. & N. took his picture to WMla Walla where he was Identified as Rob Roy. In the meantime, how ever, Sheriff Taylor's persuasiveness had resulted In a complete confession. , The man, who had given the name of Frank Rogers, declared he worked alone on the Job and secured 152 In cash. The Milton agent declares there was SS2 In cash In the safe but the yeggmnn asserts that there was a 130 check which he destroyed. The yeggman Is a nulet, peaceful man in appearance and even the of ficers declare he has not the earmarks of s criminal. And yet his record stamps him as one of the best profes s'onal yeggmen In the west. Tuesday Wednesday ADELE LANE in a three reel Universal Feature "A IVIodsm Enoch firden" NESTOR COMEDY Hit When lor Idol Foil" "Celeste"