v . ror DAILY EAST ORECONIAX, rEN'DLETON. OREGON. TUESDAY. JUNE 1. 191; EIGHT PAGES A IMiU ..Ni.t.M NtfteTAi'EB. M)I.4 Uhj t I itLlMUNU CO ti.rr4 at iw It l'n.di. Urafw, m fcxuid .hm av,l sutler. S"lj,ioe 1 ON 1UI.K IN OTHF CITIFS. Inpri4 .t bu4. t artiud. UwmiM Nrw i o roTt!sd, Onra. rti.E ai Itr. iff, tertj BoiKSag Mtlhcir. I. c, ttmi SOI, rvmt tMU strwt. X. w. li.N AIiVaSCKj ". t.: ? Mtl. Its 1. t.i MtMi smii t,r (T Mil It! J. (IO -.. kt MU I! . rr , ''. y rvro J" tr fcr rrr4r..., :a. t rarrter ..... twaiwm:?. iw f aij Beau j. m ,!,!. j . 20 . 1 25 . 7 $ . ITS . 1 ss . es . i . .75 the only man not condemned 'able ally in the Oregor.ian, If by the investigators. they can get that paper to con- Having gone that far Whit- tinue its pessimistic falsehood? man has now dismissed the they may be able to bear the charges against the other men. market and thus reap further thus leaving the four Tammany; profits at the expense of the men in control. 1 hey are men grower. named by Boss Murphy and THIS MA Y ENTER TAIN dominated by Ryan and Bel mont. Th;t artion is looked unon as showing Whitman does not 3 measure up to the calibre of a J vl l: ii. -1 l uig governor. lie is niargeu with playing hand in hand with the big business forces that dominate New York TRAGIC WORK AND TRAG IC END OST recent reports of submarine operations have dealt with their successful use against merch ant vessels. With new victims added daily to their list it can- through which every partisan jnoe denied that the 'German THE MIVSTHFI, HOT. The mlnnrrl boy to she war 1 you'll machine may have control. Ryan and Belmont are both democrats but at the Baltimore convention Bryan openly de- nouncea mem ana iiauy de clared he would support no democrat nominated for presi dent with such backing. Whit man's action in sustaining these men will be no asset in his presidential campaign. HELPING THE WOOL BUYERS gme. In the rank of death find him. Hit father's sword J.e ha gird ed on. And hi wild harp slung be hind him. "Ln1 of ntiiww'" (aid the war rior bard, ''Thri" all the world betray (Jn. .word! ie. .h. ,uht shown by the following display hall guard of editorial wisdom regarding One faithful harp shall praise ;the present market: submarine has proved effec tive as a warrior. But there is another side to the story and it tells of the de struction of submarines through the use of nets and in other ways. According to news from London a total of 34 Ger man submarines have been sunk since the beginning of the war. A report from Copen hagen places the number at 17. Nets are being extensively thee: The mlriKtrel fell but the foe- tnaa'i chain Could not bring hla proud soul under; The harp he loved ne'er spoke again. For he tore It cords asunder; And raid, "No chain shall sully thee, Thou soul of love and brav- Thy songs were made for pure and free. They shall never sound slavery:" the in WHITMAN THE SAN BI-PARTI- used by the English in trapping iinniMn :l.4A T"l TT OH OWmuch the Portland j "V""' V? .V Oregonian knows ab0ut lthPtain eddigin in com th win.. iJ mand was trapped by a net in me r u in ui rortn. in many cases the English do not know the actual results of their work because the submarines are sunk without their identity be coming known. Boat and crew go to the bottom to remain for ever. The world may not even know anything has happened, but when a submarine fails to return to its base after an al lotted time there is usually but one answer. The submarine deals in trag edy and no fate could be more 4 ; n. it ii tragic man me one mat con stantly threatens the submarine commander and his crew. im i i t rnces are low, except ior the choicest lots and they are not high enough for the finest grades to excite any great en thusiasm among the growers.. "Last year the market was good so good indeed that the heavy imports of raw wool I from Australia and elsewhere 1 i e : t having a serious effect." The cold facts are that prices paid for mixed and coarse wool this season have been ap proximately 50 per cent higher than the pnees paid for the same wool a year ago. One large eastern Oregon clip that sold at 19 cents last year was THE FEACirMAKKK. j It was the lajt naif of the ninth I I inning and the score was tied. Ther-:l I were two out. but with three men on! bases and Demon Dick, the pinch hit- ter, at the bat, the fans felt that ther 1 was still hope. f? offerings and m based. The next three were wide of the plate and the um pire called them balls. The pitcher sent over a fajrt one on a level with the batter's eyes. Demon Dick drop- g 3 ped his bat and started for first base 1 1 "Striker out!" yelled the umpire as If 3 the ball thudded Into the catcnerV f glove. . The pinch hitter stopped In his - tracks. Breathless with suspense, tho'l:! fans watched him turn and walk to ward the umpire, his hands clenched and his face black with rage. '-He won't do a thing to that cross eved mutt," chortled the bat boy gleefully, i gs And. as it happened, the bat boyE5 was right. Demon Dick did not dolgs a thing to the umpire. For Just asjl Dick opened his mouth to intone hlsjp song of hate a woman leaned out over 3 the railing of a grandstand box and 3 screamed: jsl "Richard: Don't you dare talk back to him. You know what he did to you yesterday. I m not going to have you fined again. I want that ten dollars for a new hat." I ' I ainiess uenusuv AT REASONABLE PRICES " That which is the highest ideal of dental art is yours by coming to my office. Why go to a dentist who does not give you the best the profession has to offer? . WThy go to a dentist who hurts you and wrecks your nervous sys tem with pain, why be a victim of such tortures? I am offering you the most modern methods known to dentistry. My experience of 8 years active practice and from post graduate courses is at your command. Painless dentistry is a reality. j What does this mean to you? I do not use poisonous drugs, do your work without pain. I will not put you to sleep, but will i nVFRVOR WHITMAN of New York, concerning "cently sold at 27 cents, whom for a time there was presidental talk, seems to be much the same sort of a bi partisan as Barnes and Murphy. Whitman is now being This same advance has gen erally prevailed wherever coarse wool has been sold. Ad vices recently received here from Salt Lake showed a mil lion pounds of Utah and Idaho CURRENT THINKING fiercely grilled because of hi3jwool.had been sold Pries behavior toward four Tarn many Hall members of the pub lic service commission of New York. At the time of his elec tion the commission was as Failed for being subservient to the corporations they were sup posed to regulate. At the present governor's instigation an investigation was made and William Hay ward, attorney and personal friend of the governor was chairman. 'The committee brought in a fearless report finding the public service com missioners guilty of "miscon duct, inefficiency and neglect of duty." After such a showing by in vestigators of his own choosing it was supposed the governor would take quick action to cor rect affairs. He has not done bo. On the other hand he has supplanted a man who is cred ited with having been the most efficient on the commission. ranging from 26 to 28 cents Last year it brought from 17 to 19 cents. Fine .wool which the Ore gonian ignorantly presumes to be the most expensive brings much less per pound than coarse wool. Ihe same was true last year. Prices for fine wool now range approximately the same as a year ago though some growers have been of fered more for their fine wool than they were given last sea son. , The deadlock over wool is not due to the fact prices are low but because they are not as high as the growers believe they should receive under world market conditions. In other words they fear the buy ers are going to take the most of the cream and leave the growers less than their just share, If this is the purpose of the woolbuyers they have a valu grocery Jiiiiiiiiiitiif it iitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiititiitf iititiiiiifiittif fitt mi iisimif rit iimiitf it f GROCERIES DELIVERED E to any part of city C. O. D. E I Gonroy's Gash E The Cheapest Place in Pendleton to Buy Groceries. E 114 E. Webb Street. Phone 640 YOUR CHOICE, 3 FOR 2Z? Large Carnation Milk, Assorted Soups, Corn and Gloss Starch, Sapolio, Bon Ami, Lemon and Vanilla Extract, Prepared Mustard, Best Pork and Beans, Eagle Lye. YOUR CHOICE, 2 for 15 Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, Black Pepper, Ginger, Mustard, Leslies 3 lb. sack Salt, Blueing and Ammonia. S Leslies Salt, 8 pounds 20t f Royal Club Coffee 35 3 for ? 1.00 E Best Maine Corn 15 E Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 for 25 I E Matches, 7 boxes 25 E E Flake White 60f E E Best Cheese, pound 20 E E Standard Corn and Tomatoes, S Kelloggs Corn Flakes, each 10 1 S Coal Oil, gallon v 20 E Simmiiiitii tniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiiutiiiiiimttiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiiif THE SEA SWEEPERS. mere was an old lady who swept back the sea. And she was as busy a busy could be. We laughed to observe her industrl oils style, But she kept at her task with a song and a smile. "It's better," said she, "To work, you'll agree, And It pleases my fancy to sweep back the sea " A neighbor of hers gathered fabul ous gain. He sought for repose, but the quest was In vain. He coveted fame with ambition sin cere. But for every good word came a crit ical sneer. "Dear madam," said he In a manner quite free, "You are wasting your time as you sweep back the sea." "Ho! Ho;" she made answer. "You toil year by year, "Mid the ebb and flow of despair and good cheer. Tour task is like mine, only hardly so wise. Since I get the fresh air and some fine exercise," And he answered, "Ah, me! If you like, I win be Tour partner and help you to sweep back the sea." Wash ington Star. PLACE IX THE SIX FOR EATHER the He (Chicago News.) At last the titular head of household has been recognized. has long had it coming to him. Among the resolutions presented to the Illinois congress of mothers held this week In Ottawa were a number deploring the extravagances of dress Indulged In by schoolgirls and recom mending that simpler attire be adopt ed. In the furtherance of this laud able recommendation the heroic mothers there assembled agreed that precept must be accompanied by ex ample. Therefore they urged all others to avoid extreme styles and to work for simplicity. A preamble to these resolutions set forth that they were being promul gated for the benefit of father so that he might have "the opportunity to enjoy the fujl measure of his priv ilege and responsibility In regard to his children." It will be noted that father Is thus distinctly recognized as having priv ileges. Heretofore be has reveled only in responsibility. Father would do well to accept his recognition at Its face value and delight himself In It, bearing In mind that it is neither wise nor polite to look a gift horse In the mouth. Besides, there may be no ulterior purpose behind these res olutions. If mother and daughter wanted to save on the wardrobe in order to buy an atuomobile or make a trip somewnere ana dbck me would say so. Or would they? So let father rejoice In the public and official recognition he has won on his merits from the duly constituted! mothers of this great commonwealth,! not seeking to go behind the returns, whatever It may cost him. THEITl LONGEST KVX. Your show was the worst we have ever had here," said the manager of the Hlckville Opera House, as he handed the manager of the Fly-by- .Mgnt company nia share of the bx office receipts. "That's queer," said the manager of the company. "Why, when we played in Chicago we had the lon?e:t run In the history of the city." ' I'm sorry." replied the manager ct the opera house. "Sorry about what?" demanded the manager of the company. "Sorry the audience abandoned the chase," replied the manager of the opera house. Youngstown Telegram. DR. F. L. INGRAM, CTTTIXG IT SHOUT. Bacon Judbrother was a busy mm yet the busier he grew the more fe votedly he seemed to love his charm !ng wife. It really came to be quite a problem. It took time away from his work, especially when he was trav eling and had to read his wife's 22 Page letters. But as soon as he took up the stuiy of efficiency all was made clear. "Himalays,'1 he explained to her, "there is no reason on earth whj love, as weU as anything else In Wta, can't be boiled down, compressed ar.d economized, according to the rule? cf scientific economy. Now, in the fu ture, when you send me letters, thh k hard and put all you have to say In DENTISTRY . Suite 3, 4 and 5 Schmidt Bldg. H Lady Assistant Always in Attendance Tl!l"Il'!!l!l,,!,lll'!!,!ll!!!':ni!!:Mt!WM!!H,!!ll iliiiiluiliiiilUiiliiliuiyiliilitliililiiiaiw i I i I f f i i H n i I 1 1! 1 1 r i i I! E-'3 i 3 3 E 1 C 73 llliiiiiUlillliiiliUiiliiillliliilliuitlialliMUuiUllllliiiuaiUiilltiUllll 3 r a a By es short a space as possible. I Vnow it will take a lot of thinking, but It' never too late to begin." She promised, and the next weok. when he went away on a business trip to Crlckforks, grouse shooting, her first letter came to him was merely. "B. S. D. O. D. T. H. B. F. T. C." "Easy as rolling off a greased log!" he cried happily "She means 'Bright eyes Sweetie: Dear, oh do turn home. Heart bursting for thy caresses." It wasn't until a messenger toy brought him a bill for 200 that he realized the letter meant: Bought Saturday duck of dress two hundred. Having bill forwarded to Crickforis." " 'I'm afraid y ou arc not overfond of work." the lady said. " 'No. ma'am, I ain't, the beggar agreed. 'How could I be? Work's wot killed my wife.'" V Knew from Experience. "Is the man your sister Is goln to marry rich?" "Xaw! Every time the marriage Is mentioned pa says: 'Poor man!'" St. Louis Post-Dispatch. DAXGEROl'S PRACTICE, Breathlesly he rushed into the barber shop and sprang Into the chair "I want a shave and a haircut, and I only have 15 minutes,'' he said. Old Frits stopped to consider, anuV asked, "Vich do you want the most?" "A shave." The shave took about 11 minutes. As Frl removed the towel from h! customer's neck, he said: "Mln frlend, don't nefer again ask a bar ber to cut your hairs and ehafe you in 15 minutes, because some time you might find a barber vat would do IC Youth's Companion. JESTS. Selfish As a Government, "The naive, frank selfishness of warring nations It makes me think of the beggar," said Andrew Carnegie at a luncheon In New York. "A beggar, muscular and well-fed, asked a lady for a nickel. UMIIUIIIIIIIIllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllilJi MUTUAL MASTER PICTURES f SEE ROBERT EDESON, THE SKY PILOT, IN "On tho Jight Stogo" A Five-Reel Mutual Masterpictwre E You'll enjoy Mr. Edeson's interpretation of a fight- 5 ing parson in Arizona the many scenes full of thrilling S I action, and Arizona's wonderful scenery. 5 KEYSTONE COMEDY AMBROSE'S FURY J 15c TODAY 10c I I SPECIAL MUSIC WITH THE MASTERPICTURES I COSY THEATRE I I MUTUAL MOVIES niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuilllii; The Host Efficient Gar in America Franklin 6-30; weight 2750 lbs. LET US SHOW YOU Pendleton Auto Co. Phone 541 812 Johnson Street IKxIglng Ao Argument. Crawford How do you get your wife to believe what you say when you come home late. Crabuhaw I first listen to what she r Ira K ILJ hew NEW A Dig Shipment of Hon Onos Just Received Everything bought here is guaranteed to be just as represented, or your money cheerfully refunded We are agents for eastern manufacturers and can sell direct from the factosy to you, saving the middleman's profit. Easy Terms as low as $ 1 0 down ana $5 a month. See Our Big Stock in Our New Store JVL m ir JL 111 Telephone 524. 818-820 Main Street accuses me of doing and then I own up to it. Judge.