EIGHT PAGES FAG!" SEVEN n The Breeze fi'i'in our fan makii you com fnrtable and satisfied with life. Attach It to a fixture In jour home and you'll feel as coul nnd contented us on the front of a fu.t moving boat. Huy one, stay home mid keep cool during the heated spell. J. L. Vaughan (31 Main St. Phone 13, Cod Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES cs"u HOT TABLES CHILLI COn CARNE -SPANISH STYLE LUNCHES COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIR3T CLASS 8ERV1C1 TEA 5c Package Under State Hotel Cor. Webb and Cottonwood flu Phone t(T Pendleton, Ore. itiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiinimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: I Mow Qpenj f Hong Kong Cafe r 4XD NOODLE PARLORS I Noodles PARADE OF THE f.lEN OFTHE AMERICAN FLEET v s AND fChop Sueyl Onislil,. Tray Orders a Specialty. E 5 Boxes for ladles and gentlemen. OPEN' DAY AKD ALL NIGHTS MEALS 25c AM) VP. - Special Chicken Dinner E Sundays. 1 548 Main Street 1 2 Next to E. O. Bldg. Phone 608 E TilllllllllllllllllltllimillllllllllMIHIIimi? WANTED (torsos, .lares and Hulas Mr. Peddicord will be at Oregon Feed Yard, Monday, May 31 Bring in your stock on that day. Inquire Oregon Feed Yard for Particulars. GOLDEN RULE CAFE OPEN MEALS 25c AND UP. Meal tickets, good lor 21 meal, $5.00. Under new management. 225 EAST COURT STREET. That patronage of the public cordially solicited. 7 MONEY Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us UATL0CX LAAT2 INVESTMENT CO. 11J East Court St KSgQI.ES, OHO? SUEYj Cli DISHES rApYQ KWONG HONG LOW JSJiJf JL V 1 16 Wait Alta St.. Upstair.. Phone 433 Low Excursion Fares Tickets on sale daily by MlllERI. PACIFIC RY. T6 THE EXPOSITIONS SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO ( In connection with THE PALATIAL STEAMSHIP "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Ask About EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES In effect May 15 and daily thereafter, to all Eastern Points. Stopovers permitted and return limit Oct. 31 Through Trains Daily to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, St Louis. JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15 THE 1915 PARK SEASON Visit YELLOWSTONE PARK Reached via original entrance at Gardiner Gateway. Low fares daily during season. L. M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, A. G. P. A., Portland, Oregon. 'I if if WE, m & todifi!' H fj IV- f- - Ml k i . ,'t f iff J This photograph tdiowg just, a glimpse of the parade of 5.000 tailors and marines of the American fleet, which has been anchored In the Hud son river, New York, before President Wilson nt the public 1 brary on Fifth avenue, New Turk, May 17. In the far distance may be seen the small cov ered stand which held the president and several of those who accompa nied him. The display was equal to anything the navy has attempted. It was followed the next day by the president's review of the fleet as It went to sea. The detachment from the North Dakota led the bluejackets, then those from the Delaware, the Texas, and then came the battalion from the j super-dreadnought New York. The men from the Florida made a decided n't with the crowd, inasmuch as they were led by their mascot, the battle ship's goat "Dynamite." Nest came the sailors from the I'tah. the South Carolina, the Virginia, and the Rhode Island. The other battalions were as follows Nebraska, Georgia, Louisi ana, New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Kansas. The rear whs brought up by a battalion of the New York naval m litia. Each battleship contributed bluejackets and sixty-five marines. MANY CASES OF RHEUMATISM NOW SATS WE MIST KEEP FEET DRY AVOID EXPOSURE AND EAT LESS MEAT. Stay off the damp ground, avoid exposure, keep feet dry, eat I meat, drink lota of water, and above all take a spoonful of salts occasion ally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism Is caused by poison ous toxin, called uric acid, which Is generated In the bowels and absorb ed into the blopd. It is the func tion of the kidneys to filter this acid from the blood and cast it out in the urine. The pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chilly, cold weather the skin pores are clos ed, thus forcing- the kidneys to do double work, they become Weak And sluggish and fail to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the Joints and muscles causing stiffness, soreness and pain railed rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts; put a table- spoonful in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning tor a week. This is said to eliminate nrlc acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal action, thus ridding the blood of these impurities. Jad Salts is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with 11th la and Is used with excellent results by thousands of folks who are sub ject to rheumatism. Here you have a pleasant, effervescent llthia-water drink which overcomes uric acid and is beneficial to your kidneys as well. LIQUIDATION IN CEREALS SHOWN (Saturday's Market.) CHICAGO, Interest In today's grain market was centered around the May future and It was a market of orderly liquidation in May wheat, corn and oats, with a little spurt In wheat toward the close on short covering. The distant wheat futures were un der pressure because of unsettled con dition of the cash article, but closed relatively firm on week end short cov ering, due to the double holiday. In corn there was a good deal of short covering towards the close of the market. There was no special feature to the cash market except that the May did not narrow up its spread and closed practically at a full carry, lng charge discount. Besides the heaviness In May and cash oats, the Influence on the de ferred future was the continued be lief that present climatic " conditions are very favorable to the growing crop. July and September were un der pressure most of the session with fair net losses for the day. Fair buying of product wag in evi dence and prices were a little higher Commercial houses were good buyers and some support was due to the bet ter cash trade. WHEAT. May Open, 11.39 3-4; high, $1.41; low, $1.37; close, $1.39 1-2. July Open, J126 1-2; high, $1.26 1-2; low, $1.26; close, $1.23 S-SB. Sept. Open, $1.20 1-2; high, $1.20 1-2; low, $1.19 1-2; close, $1 20 1-2. , A rENDIJJTON INTERVIEW. Mr, Knight Tells Ills Exper'fnee. The following brief account of an interview with a Pendleton man four years ago, and its sequel, will be read with keen Interest by every citlien. G. W. Knight, retired farmer, 613 Franklin street, Pendleton, says: For eight r ten years I was trou bled by pains through my back and kidneys and sometimes in my sides I had to get up several times at night to pass the kidney secretions and there was a great deal of sediment In them, that looked like brick dust. I tried a box of Doan's Kidney Pills and they soon relieved the backache and regulated the action of my kid neys." (Statement given May" 17, 1910.) OVER TWO TEARS LATER Mr Knight said: , "AH I said about Doan's Kidney Pills when I recom mended them several years ago, holds good. You may continue to publish my statement for the benefit of oth er kidney sufferers." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Knight had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. T. CEREALS LOWER AT PORTLAND (Saturday's Market.) PORTLAND, Ore. Sharp losses were shown for wheat on the Port land Merchants' exchange during the week. While foreign demand was good, the extreme cost of charters and the scarcity of ships took away all benefits of high values abroad. Oats market suffered severely for the same reason, there being a loss of $2 a ton for spot delivery on the exchange during the week. Spot barley was weaker and $1 a ton lower for the week with trade very dull. Mlllstuffs continue to show much strength. Flour Selling price: Patent, $6.40; Willamette valley, $6.40: ' Patent, $6.40; Willamette valley, $6.40; local straight, $5.70; bakers' J6.606 SO; export, $4.60. Hay Buying price, Willamette val ley timothy, fancy, $13; eastern Oregon-Idaho fane timothy, $16; alfalfa, $13 13.60; vetch and oats, $11; clov er, $8 9 per ton. Grain Backs 1915, nominal; No. 1 Calcutta, 7 1-4 to 7 l-lc. Mlllstuffs Selling price: Bran, $27(5 27.50; shorts, $28029. Rolled barley Selling price: $29 ffSO. Corn White, $34 35; cracked, $35 36.60 per ton. HOGS REGISTER LOSS FOR WEEK (Courtesy Sunday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore. Cattle market showed a weaker tone with lower prices at North Portland for the week. First of all to Influence the market was the somewhat heavier supply of Montana stuff. Killers' wants were limited, most of the big Intereats holding a surplus. The market sagged at the opening of the week's trade and continued depressed during the six days' trading. General cattle market range: Select steers $7.557.60 Beat hay fed steers ...... 7.50 Good to choice 7.25 Ordinary to fair 6.00 S 6.75 Best cows r . . 6 50 Good to prime 6.256.40 Select calves 6.50ft 7.25 Fancy bulla 5.25 5.50 Ordinary bulls 4.00 5.00 Hog Market Lower. Market for hogs was under pres sure practically all the week at North Portland. Even though the run was considerably short of that of the pre vious six days, killers were extreme ly bearish in their views and cut val ues accordingly. The market closed steady around $7.75 for tops. General hog market range: Iicst light $ 7. Medium light 7.70 Good to heavy 7.60 7.65 Rough to heavy 6.50 7.50 Mutton Market Steady. General conditions in the mutton trade at North Portland were steady for the week. Offerings showed a fair increase over the previous week, but a large per cent of the offerings came direct to killers on conlYact, Top lambs sold as high as $8 25 but the bulk of the good stuff did not bring quite this price. General mutton range: Spring lambs $8. 00 8.25 Grain fed shorn yearlings. 7.007.25 Best shorn yearlings .... 6.00 6 25 Best shorn wethers 6.006.25 Best shorn ewes 5.00 5.25 hotofraphy for the Little Folfts Here is a real Camera A Substantial Knockabout Camera The Seneca Scout It exactly fits a boy or girl and yet sppealt to older people u well for it taket clear sharp pictures and is light, strong and quirk. Ko.2 takes piYtiircs iVt, x Jliand costs 2.00. No. 2 A takes 2'i x 4 '4 pictures and costs f). 00. TbcK fa M norv r.laillr. Uttroetlve. saiaaratTir faf yonr Hftlr nite ititn Inrnlnr Ihiw to onke plctnm. with txx of three Sroeca Scoot CwmfM- Yw auc U I sw b.a raw lo-.Ur . II mil fe.rior bu artfiuc nature sad any be ibe ajjci&f of la boy. Aikjtntr tUaltr for Smct Itandboek tt'l frtt. 1 hi nffy it txkaiated, wrilt nt. r n SENECA CAMERA MFG. CO. Rocfcoter. N. Y. Please send me postpaid Che Seneca Handbook. Nam. Addreas SENECA CAMERA MFG. COMPANY ROCHESTER, N.Y. Urtnt aWnaaat Umn Makers Is Iks Worts For a Torpid Liver. "I have used Chamberlain's Tab lets off and on for the past six years whenever my liver showd signs of be ing in a disordered condition. The; nave always acted quickly and given me the desired relief," writes Mrs. F. H. Trubus, Sprlngvllle, N. T. For sale by all dealers. Adv. worthless check. The state clteljand pretty, appeared with her glrllsii time at which Lee was in company diary, to show that Lee was with her with two men down town. His fl-i at the time. The alibi worked and ancee, Mifs Esther Carlson, young1 Lee was freed. If 9 Every man may have his price, but not every man finds a market. Sweetheart's Diary Saves Him. ST. PAUL, Minn., May 28. Nor man Lee Is a free man today because he has a sweetheart who kept a diary. Lee was charged with passing $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased co learn that there Is at least me areaded disease that science has been able to core In all Its stages, and that It Catarrh Ball's Catarrh Care Is the only positive core now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure taken Internally, arrlm directly opon tbe blood and mucous sur- taces or tae system, tnerebj destroying tn foundation af the disease, and giving tb patient strength by building up tbe constl totlon and assisting nature lo doing Its work. The oroorletora hav an mnrh faith tn Its curative powers that they offer Ons nnnarea Dollars tor any case ttiat It falls to core. 8end for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHE1Y a CO., Toledo, Ohio Bold by all DrtrUrts. 7oe. Take Hall's Family Ills for constloatloa CHICHESTER TUB 1UAMOND nRAfiD. ff C-'4 il-eae.rllaoJIlr4A CMLCF lllla la Bed and Void BcttllkV to. scaled with Blue Ribboa. V Tata aUer. Bay T yoair v II - it Drantat. Ail fcf!l l. irt H.Tr a D1AMONB BRAND FILLS. Sot 8ft yean KBowa J Best, Safest. Always ReliaVIa Oifi BY BRUCGiSTS EVU.YV.10lf "What other men have accomplished through I. C. S. help, I can accom plish. If the I. C. S have raised the salaries of these men, they can raise MY salary. If others have won out through I. C. S. help, I can win out. To me, I. C. S. means 'I Can Succeed.' " Get the " I -Can-Succeed " spirit; for the I. C. S. can raise your salary whether you are a dollar-a-day man or a dollar-an-hour man; a long hour man or a short-hour man; a young man or an old man; an inside man or an outside man; or whether you live in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, or Australia. On an average, 300 students every month voluntarily report bettered positions and increased salaries as the direct result of I. C. S. help. Through I. C. S. help Failures have become Succeses. Through I. C. S. help men already in good positions have advanced to still better posi tions. A responsible position it awaiting you. To learn all about it, mark and mail the attached coupon. If you can read and write, the I. C. S. will go to you and train you in your spare time for a well-paid position in the line of work you like best. I. C. S. students do not have to leave home nor lose even an hour from work. I. C. S. Courses are prepared especially to suit the require ments of those having to get their . technical education in soite of dif- ! International Correvtlence Schools Acuities. The I. C. S. way makes everything clear and simple. No matter what time of day or night your spare time comes, the International Correspondence Schools are ready when you are. To mark and mail the attached coupon will cost you nothing but postage and place you under absolutely no obligation. Send the coupon NOW. Baa 858, SctmIm. Pa. Please explaja. wltfc ;f farther eMieatioa ra aiy t i I aaalilv lot the noati ptolessioa befote walck 1 have marked X. a. tr.de, at Aalaieaile ftuaawMj lieatttaal wli.at.. Pauitr, Ferauae I'lehKal Cnamaav Baahbeeaa Meaaaaiaal OtaftaMA atanaoraakar MtMMHaal Cnalaeei Advarttamf Man T.iaaWawa Caaarl SaW'Ca,a Wttttaf Statianar, t.wis. Wiaaaw T,anaMa T.itHa Maaafa.tarlnf Caauaaraiat imMtratiaf Ctatt Eafwaa. tnawathai D.aianMg httUttt CaatraatOf Aeatutaalarai D,attaaa Aitanaat Ctatalat f Saaaa Caaarala Caaatraattaa Iftneuefaa i F't-ah PtMatn(i a,aMa yttiaaj Baaa,na I ftanaaa Mtna raraataa C Sa.Vee ' tta'w Mia, uimtin4tnt A jt Strut and Ao. O'O I.liip Open Past Seward. SEWARD, Alaska, May 24. The government engineers repairing the Alaska Northern Railroad have open ed the line for operation 27 mllea out from Seward. Section crews are re pairing the track and the dock at Se ward. The telephone line Is being re paired from Seward to Mile 72, and later will be extended to Ship Creek, where the engineers constructing the new railroad to the Matanuska coal fields are making their headquarters. Reports from Ship Creek say that of 1500 people who have gone there In expectation of getting work in government construction only 300 have been employed. Men are clear ing the rlKht of way along 12 miles of the line from Ship Creek to the coal field. CLASSIFIED DIRECTOR Y FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOHN 8. BAKER FTJNERAT. ni rector and licensed embalmer On- posits postofflce. Funeral parlor, two funeral cars. Calls responded to day or night Phone 75. X T. BROWN'S FURNITURE STORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. Most modem funeral parlor, morgue and funeral cars. Calls re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Water streets. Telephone 13. INSURANCE AND LAND BUSINESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT CO, MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys and sells all kinds of real estate. Does a general brokerage business. Fayi taxes and makes Investments for non residents. Writes fire, life and ace! dent Insurance. Reference, any bank tn Pendleton. JAMES JOHNS. Pre C. H. MARSH, See. EENTLET A I.EFFINGWEI.L, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agent. 315 Main street. Phone 404. ATTORNEY8. RALET RALET, ATTORNITS-AT law. Office tn American National Bank Building. VETERINARY SURGEONS. FEE & FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office in Despain building. CARTER A SMTTHE, ATTORNEYS at law. Office in rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B. PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. C W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNT! Veterinarian Residence telephone, 27; offlco telephone. SO SECOND-HAND DEALERS. IV. ETROBLE, DEALE"rl IjPnEW and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand good bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come and get out Price. 21$ E. Court street Fhont) Z71W. PETERSON ft BISHOU, ATTOR neys at law; room $ and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and federal court. Room 1, I, t and 4, over Taylor Hardware ,Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deed, mortgage and contract drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W.' F. YOHNKA, AUCTI0NEE8 make a specialty of farmers' stocks and machinery sale. "The man thai get you the money.' Leave order at East Oregonlan office. MALE HELP WASTED. WANTED GOOD LIVE CANVASS er to represent us in Eastern Ore gon. Commission proposition. Cash weekly. Pacific Nursery Co., 122 1-i Grand Ave, Portland, Ore. MISCELLANEOUS. ENGRAVED CARDS. INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, etc Very lateet tyles. Call at East Ore gonlan office and see sample. AUCTION SALES THE EAST OR egonlan makes a specialty of auc tion sale bills, cards and advertising We Cn furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will sussurs you of having a successful sale. FREDERICK STEIWER, ATTORNEY at law. Office In Smith-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL. ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office in Despain building. PHT8ICTANS. DRS. WHITAKER WOOD, DEN tlsts. Office hours I a. m. to I p. m. Miiarkey Building, Pendleton, Oregon. , MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED PARTY WILL PAT Cm or give trad for Umatilla county farm, $29 to $C0 per acre). Address Bos II, Athena, Or. BIT AVER ff.Tff.- " cor-:r.vY !"'HH T IPG1T. RMVL-a no, vvtroa ts scrlptlon for county court, circuit L court. Justice court, real estate, ta, ( for sal at East Oregonlan office, SK -1 i