DAILY EAST OREGOXIAN. 1 ENDLETON. OREGON. MONDAY. MAY 31. 1915. EIGHT PAGES FACE TWO I f ii ou Simula snare m me meai economies this store offers. EVERY DAY BARGAINS; QUALITY GOODS AT PRICES THAT SIMPLY CAN'T HELP BUT APPEAL TO YOU. THE NEWEST THINGS ARE ALWAYS SHOWN HERE FIRST. OUR ASSORTMENTS ARE THE LARGEST AND MOST VARIED. YOU'LL LIKE THE TREATMENT YOU'LL RECEIVE. DON'T BUY TILL YOU'VE SEEN WHAT WE HAVE. WE GIVE ALL WE CAN FOR WHAT WE GET INSTEAD OF GETTING ALL WE CAN FOR WHAT WE GIVE. SALE OF Men's Suits This is the greatest and most successful sale of Men's Suits Pen dleton has seen in years. We have sold as many suits in the eight days this sale has run as we expected to sell in thirty days. There are hundreds of suits left, however, and you'll find choosing just as easy now as on the openig day of the sale. ' Now is the time to buy. You can save nearly ONE HALF the regular price of your suit. aif EXTRA SKIRTING These are of very best qual ity, carefully selected patterns of plaids, checks, stripes and plain cloths, 44 to 56 inches; all colors. The yard $1.00 to $2.50. CREPE FOR KIMONAS A soft finish serpentine crepe especially for kimonas, all col ors, beautiful designs, laund-. ers fine, 30 inches wide. The yard 20 WHITE CORDUROY High grade corduroy that washes, for suits, extra skirts, coats, etc., 28 to 32 inches wide. Comes, in wide and narrow wale. The yard 65 to ?1.50 CREPE DE CHINE 50. This silk can be used for dresses, waists and underwear, 36 inches wide ; shades of pink, light blue, mais, lavender and white ; soft finish. The yard 50 WOMEN'S KNITTED BATHING SUITS The very newest styles, round neck, cap sleeves, button shoulder, slit side skirt, contrasting trimmings; sizes 36 to 44 ; colors black and navy. Price only $2.75 Bathing Caps, all colors, only 50 ?1.75. Bathink Caps, all colors, only 50 BLACK SILK COATS Smart models in black corded silk coats trimmed with contrasting colors or with silk braid and black braid but tons; full flare skirts, high belt waist line. Other models in semi-fitted 1 styles. Prices from $17.50 to ?33.00 BLACK TAFFETA DRESS SKIRTS A very attractive style for this sea son. Taffeta dress skirts in very smart models. Light weight and cool for dress wear. Economically priced at $8.50 to $15.00 Visit Our Bargain Basement Now Hundreds of new bargains have been added to the basement stock. In fact new bargains are added every day. $1.50 Corsets, only 69 $5.00 Corsets, only 7l $2.00 Corsets, only 39 $1.00 Royal Worcester Waists, only 25 $2.50 "Round-up" Pillow Tops, only 98 Boys' Suits, only 69 to $2.49 $1.50 Boys' Knicker Pants, only 73? $4.00 Men's Work Shoes, only $2.98 25c Windsor Ties, only 13? $2.50 Men's Auto Hats, only 89? 10c Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, only 5? 10c Men's Plain White Handkerchiefs, only 6 for 25 coubo The Peoples Warehouse WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE SAVE YOUR T. P. W. TRADING STAMPS i P'RCMiUrf J coupon f IZ L WHITMAN'S THE NATIONAL SWEETS Just received a shipment of Whitman's GAUDIES fresh from the factory. Whenever you want good candy call at Tallmon h Go. French Capture Trenches. PARIS. May 2 By a brilliant charge which swept all resistance aside, the French stormed and oc- Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, eneloae ( cents to Foley It Co.. 215 Sheffield Ave, 'lileago, 111, writing- your name arid adrirens ciearly. You will re. celve la return a trial package con taining: H Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy fur coughs, coids, croup, whooping couglt, tightness and soreness In chest, grippe and bronchial couch a. (2) Foley Kidney Puis, for over worked and disordered kidneys and txadder allmenis, pain In sides and tack due to Kidney Trouble, sore muBi-les, slid Joints, backache and rheumatism. (3) Foley Cathartle Tablets, a whoi.some snd thoroughly cleansing cathartic Especially comforting to stout persona, and a purgative needed ly everybody with slusKlah bowels and torj.td liver. You can try these three family remedies for only 5c. Sold Everywhere. cupled a series of German earthworks near Souchez, It was officially an nounced. A number of prisoners were taken. Fighting everywhere in the north of Arras continues with uninterrupted violence. Around Ab lain the French artillery drove the Germans from heavily fortified farm houses. Food, Not Stone, Kills. PHILADELPHIA. May 2 . Wil liam Gllfrey, t years old, of 4629 Oak land street, was exonerated of the death of 3-year-old Arthur Smith by a eoroner's Jury. The Smith boy died following a stone fight near hie home in Frankford several days ago. An examlnaion by Dr. Wadsworth. Coroner's physician, showed that the Smith child died from overeating rather than from a blow as was first supposed. As soon as this became known, the Gllfrey boy was released. Blarney. Bh.IIi vr.n thlnlr It nnsalhU for a man to love two women at once? He Yes; twenty at once If they were all like you. Boston Transcript Neuralgia Pains stormed. Tou don't need to suffer those ag onizing nerve pains in the face, head, arms, shoulders, cheat and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan's Liniment; lie quietly for a rew minutes. Tou will get such re lief and comfort! Life and the world will look brighter. Get a bot tle today. 3 ounces for 25 cents, at ail druggists. Penetrates without rubbing. Adv. 'JuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMiiiititiiiiii 1 Another shipment just received 1 Announcements are being received by local friends of the marriage in Los Aniieles on Thursday, May twen-tv-seventh .of .William J. Gray and Miss Opal Jewel Sharer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Shafer of that city. Mr. Gray formerly lived hi Pendleton and was In business here with his brother, Harry Gray, He has been in Spokane for the past few j ears. The Fredila Seegrus Kel Club will meet this evening at the homo of Mrs. Lester Hamley, 650 Raley street. lannSj Bacon and La&'di A number of Pendleton friends of Dr. Rufus H. Hagood, formerly of the Eastern Oregon State Hospital, havs received announcements of the grad uation exercises of the army and na vy medical school at Washington, D. C, which he Is attending preparatory! to service as an army physician and surgeon. Mm. T Vntlnflf ant her nieces. Misses lnp and Iota Wagner, will to spend the summer with relatives. Miss Genevieve Elackmore of Port land visited with friends here Friday while en route home from an extend ed visit In the east. Miss Pauline Lederle of La Grande is visiting her father here. Mrs. Edwin J. Burke arrived hack In Pendleton Friday evening from Portland where she had been for sev eral days. She was accompanied by her little nephew. Robert Catlln. Mrs. C. O. Anderson of Andover, Illinois, and Mrs. Esther Holmes and small son, Carl, of Woodhlll, Illinois, are guests at the home of Mrs. A. P. Newqulst. Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Newqulst are sisters. They will visit here for awhile before going on to the San Francisco fair. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cohen, Mrs. Charles H. Carter and Harold Smith, who are motoring to San Francisco, Rpilfllnir. California. on VU, A..xf nnnnerllnif t n rarrlo r Af1 VPii J,IIUiaUU, BVV-WIUUiaj t,w i.uivs . . - - - by friends. They report a very en joyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Westbrooke Dickson and Mrs. William A. Noon were am ong the Pendletonians leaving Satur day afternoon for Bingham Springs to spend Sunday. 3 lb. Pail Lard, Government Inspected 50 5 5 lb. Pail Lard, Government Inspected 75 E 10 lb. Pail Lard, Government Inspected $1.50 E FRESH, MILD CURED, CORN-FED ARMOUR HAMS AND BACON. 5 FISH FISH FISH f Nice fresh Halibut and Royal Chinook Salmon U. S. Inspected Meats and 1 good accomodating service at the 1 OREGON MARKET I I TWO PHONES 600 AND 601 815 Main Street. 1 J. S. Rogers, Prop. 5 JMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiilllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIli! Whooping Oough. "About a year ago my three boys had whooping cough and I found Chamberlain's Cough IJemedy the only one that would relieve their cougn Ing and whooping spells. I continued this treatment and was surprised to find that It cured the disease In a very short time,"' writes Mrs. Archie Dalrymple, Crooksvllle, Ohio. For sale by all dealers. Palace Offered to Pope. MADRID. Mav 29. If la maA hot- that King Alfonso has offered the Escorlal Palace to Pope Benedict as a residence In case the nontiff decides to leave Italy. TliiHty-Ktx for 25 Cent. Dr. King's "New Life pills are now supplied in well-corked glass bottles containing 36 sugar coated white pills, for 25c. One pill with a glass of water before retiring Is an aver age dose. Easy and pleasant to take. Effective and positive in results. Cheap and economical to use. Get a bottle today, take a dose tonight your Constipation will be relieved In the morning. 39 for 25c, at all drug gists. Adv. LOCAL MOOSE 11 IK GAME WITH PEBBLES FIRST TIMK PILOT ROCK IS DE FEATED FINAL SCORE IS 7 TO 6. It remained for the Pendleton Moose team to take .the measure of the Pilot Rock Pebbles. At the Far mers' Picnic at Pilot Rock Saturday afternoon the local Paps turned a trick that no other team has been able to turn this year but It took 11 Innings to do It. The final score was Pendleton 7, Pilot Rock . Darling, the Pilot Rock regular, did not work during the entire game. Chief of Police Pickett essayed the mound work for seven Innings and then Darling was rushed In to save the day. However, the Moose had a real pitcher In Senner, the heavy stickers of the Pebbles being unable to do much with him. Errors were frequent on both sides and the root ing was wild, Eubanks 'aa the star of the Moose In the batting department. In six times up he connected safely four times. Franz is credited with three stolen bases. The Moose lined up as follows: Eubank as, Moore 3b, El liott 2b, Franz If, Henrlck cf, Geissel rf, Hanset c, Senner p, and Kreuger lb. The score: R. H. E. Moose 7 13 8 Pilot Rock 6 8 11 Batteries Senner and Hanset; Pickett, Darling and Albrecht. The results of the other sports at the picnic were as follows: 100 yard dash Worthlngton, Athe na, first; Chas. Hosklns, Echo, sec-ond. 60 yard dash worthlngton, Athe na, first; Royer, Pilot Rock, second. Girls' race Miss L. Johnson, Pilot Rock, first: Miss Z. Johnson, Pilot Rock, second. Boys' race Bennle Johnson, Tllot Rock, first; Wesley Fletcher, Pendle ton, second. Boys' race Bennle Johnson, Pilot Rock, first; George Runyan, Pilot Rock, second. Novelty race Prof. L, P. Oambee, Pendleton, first; W. Shull, Pilot Rock, second. Three-legged race Tracy Porter and Walter Terry, Pilot Rock, 1. Standing broad Jump Won by Newt Royer, Pilot Rock. Fat man's race Aubrey Graham, Pendleton, first; Cummlngs, Pilot Rock, second. A feature not on the program was a match race, 60 yard dash, for ft special prise, between Newt Royer of Pilot Rock and Emery Worthlngton of Athena, and was won by Royer. There has been much praise given the Pilot Rock committee and other citizens of that town responsible for the success of the big picnic Saturday. Circus Band Leader Finds Man Here Who Helped Him as Boy CHIEF MVSICIAX OF BARNES SHOW GIVES HAKIIY CUE TON A SERENADE. Perhaps some of you noticed that Friday evening when the Al G. Barnes circus bund came up town, It stopped In front of the St. George Hotel and played a number of selec tions. Perhaps you thought the con cert was Just to advertise the evening performance. If so you were mistak en. Bark of the serenade Is a story The leader of that band Is a trom bonist by the name of Ed A. Woeck ener, a very talented bandmaster. Twenty years ago he was a little kid In Erie, Penn., and with his father and mother, sisters and brothers, com posed a family band. Harry Clifton the genial mixologist of the St. George bar, at that time was In the show business and was managing one branch of n big show that spilt in or diT to make all of the small towns. The main band went with the other half of the show and Clifton was told to go out and get another band. He heard that the little town of Erie boasted a band and he hied him self over to that burg. He found the aforesaid Woeckener family band, most of the members In knee pants He hired It and it made good. That was the start of the Barnes band master In the show business. Now Clifton knows a doien or more of the chief men In the Barnes show and they sought him out. Incidental ly they took along the bandmaster. Introductions followed and recogni tion was mutual. "Don't Introduce me to him." said Woeckener, "why Har ry's the man that started me In the business." At once he served notice on all members of the band to meet at the St. George Hotel In the early evening, and he serenaded Clifton. Not con tent with that he escorted Clifton and some of his friends to the evening performance as special guests, showed them behind the scenes, Introduced them to all of the principal perform ers, explained many things of liner est and gave them seats of honor dur ing the performance. As bandmaster Mr. Woeckener has produced a band for the Barnes clr. cus that is a credit to that big tented attraction. Few circus bands heard here have been as good. Tou can tell by some men's actions that they aro used to eating off a red tablecloth. Every man Imagines that he can put up a convincing argument, but can he? THE SKEPTICS Are Becoming Less and Less. When They Read of the Remarkable Cures by Dr. Darrin. The Successful Treatment of This Srjecialial CreatM I Pnnflrlnr. The Afflicted Have Only This. Week to Call on Him at the Hotel St. George. Strawberry Short Cake For Jlnner every Sunday and ones or rwice on week days is not too often to serve this delicious dessert as long as straw berries last The whipped cream for ths top is not absolutely necessary, but it makes short cake more attractive to the eye as weit ai 10 me taste. K C Strawberry Short Cake By Mn. Janet McKeiuie Hill, Editor of uic oonon cooking School Magazine, fi cwps sifUd pastry flour; f J Uvtl Powder; i teaspomrfulialt; 4 curt sAorfjminT nhntit S tup milk; butter; t batkett $trawberrie$;betwecn land teupi granulated lugart t cup or more double cream. ill ! IA Pi, I Hull, wuh and drain the berriei) reierve a few choice berrin to garnish the top ol the caie( cut the rett in halrei and mix with the mpr. Beat the cream and aet wide to chill. Sift together, three timei, the flour, baking powder and salt; work in the shortening i Uien mix to s soft dough with the milk. Spread tht mixture in two layer cake pant. Bake about twenty minutei. Turn one cake out on a hot plate, ipread liberally with butter, pour on part of the berrieii cover with the second cake, alio ipread with but ter, pour over the reit of the berriei snd put the whipped cream above, with the whole berries here and there. The Cook's Book containi 90 Jutt such dehcioua recinei. Vnn frn by sending the colored certificate packed ... . "v , naaing I'owuer to the Jaquea Mfg. Co., Chicago, being lure to wnte your name and address plainly It Is by the skilled and successful mastery of the serious and varied torms of human Ills that Dr. Darrin has earned the confidence and sup port of the people. His marvelous success In curing his patients has overcome much prejudice and skep ticism that some persons havs Just; because of his advertising, that bs does not remain here permanently, that he may be a quack, or for somo ether foolish reasons, for U natural) follows that whenever a patient Is cured of any disease dangerous to life they praise the doctor and urge their frfpnrlM rftluMvA. ttnA ..Uli I " " "iiu iicbiuui iu consult him which is the secret of Dr. Darrlna large and successful practice. Tills Is practically the last week for the afflicted to call on Dr. Darrin af Hotel Ht. George to obtain the most expert treatment that can be given by a specialist for a sure, quick and permanent cure of whatever aliment, they may have as the dostor's visit to Pendleton expires next Sunday, June. 6th. A friendly talk will cost nothing; and may save years of suffering and perhaps life. Young, middle-aged or old men sufforlng from sny disease or the effects and follies, indiscretions and excesses restored to perfect, health and strength. y Ladles suffering from any compli cation of female trouble should call' and havo a free Consultation (and ex amination If necessary) with this suc cessful specialist, who has restore many a sick woman to health after doctors have said; "An operation was necessary. Each visitor is seen privately dur ing the office hours, from 10 a. m. lo 8 p. m. dally. All delicate matters held In sacred confidence. Most cases can be successfully treated at homo, after one visit to the doctor. A Good rtroonunend. So different Is Dr. Darrln's trest nient from olher doctors that num berless testimonials an cniio fnrth from the cured, of which the follow ing Is an example: Walla Walla, Wash. Dr Darrin: Dear Sir I am as, a rule very much averse to giv ing testimonials but this Is one Instance 1n which It gives me real pleasure to recommend your treatment, which has been so ef ficient In my case for heart, llv er and kidney complication. I haven's a pain, eat hearty, with no Indigestion, and the bowels regular; sleep well, without hav ing to get up lilRhts as I used to on account of my prostatic trou ble. Have gained In weight and feel like a new man. Tou may publish this If you will, as It will give others confidence In your ability. JAMES HAI.LErt JONES.