. .,'' o D':LYEVOZ3E0ITI0:i TO ADVERTISED. Ths Kmt Oregonliin linn the lamest nald lendlelon of any oluor newspaper. Forecast for f a-tcrn drci n 1t Hie I tilted staiw rather Oiwrvcr t Portland. Fair tonight and Thursday, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER ' VOL. 26 COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER NO. 8312 DAILY P!4QT tnvn rKn k-Kt rr,.r, " w- w" ruLCiuw, UKEUON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 26 1915. 5z ji nnnf n r - - --- ' ' - - "ti-. MivMKiLAiv bitAMSHiP STRIKES MINE oinslrmpmrm TERMINAL II BE UNDER II HE IS J. P. QUE "Vice-President and General Manager of U-W.R. and N. Says Work Will Commence at That Date. $160,000 FOB CONSTRUCTION Contract for work Not Yet Let- Manx nl of 1111 Necessary - iur jams in lor 10 Storage Tracks, Roundhouse, Turntable, Work upon the terminal yards at uoi nock junction will commence about June 1, according to a tele iram received lam evening by Local Agent T. F. O'Brien from his brother, J. P, O'Brien, vice president and gen eral manager of the O.-W. R. & N. The construction work will entail nn expenditure of 1160,000 and a large Part if thi money will be turned. loose In local channels of circulation. The contract for the terminal work has not yet been let but will be soon. P. J. Eschbach of the Eschbach-Bruce Co , which will build the Coe dam. Is in me city now and yesterday, in company with Mr. O'Brien, went over KMiuna in oraer to prepare hlm elf better to bid upon the work, it is anticipated lhat Twohy Bros., wii. also enter a bid. The contract, among other things. Will reaulre about lianas vorH. ..i fill. This part of the work will, of course, tie done first. The plans for the yards call for ten storage tracks, ach with a capacity of 80 cars, a toundhouse of ten alalia a tnrniahU machine ahons a rln tmlr nil innk. water tanks and other accessories necessary for a thoroughly, modem terminal yards, Will Mean Mora Residents. After the freight terminal has been established here and O.-W. R. A N. trains start running over the Coyote Echo cutoff the . main line freight J-uns now terminating at Umatilla will all end here. This will mean that many of the railroad men now having lieadquarters at Umatilla will come here to live. Day and night crews will be main tained at the freight terminal and a telegraph office will be established t the Junction. How many members of the freight crews will live here la TlOt known. Tha rfnanntr-hara tvlll allll have headquarters at The Dalles and La Grande with the result most of the men will live In those places. How ever from 12 to 20 freight crews of six men each will end their runs here and have this as a lavnver nolnt. Thin will mean considerable business to the city In itself. Liner is Rammed by Freighter: all Taken off Safely FLKRT OP AMERICAN WAR VES- HELS STANDING BY 1)18 AISLED SHIP. NEW YORK. Mnv ! "tv,. t,.n. ship South Carolina with 7S passen gers and 1B1 of the crew of the Ryn dam, will arrive at the entrance ol the harbor at eight o'clock tonight. NEW YORK, May 26 The Hol land-American liner Ryndam was rammed by the freighter Joseoh J. Cuneo off Nantucket In a thii, eariy today. It Is believed the Ryn dam is In a sinking? con,1ltlr. enty-elght passengers and ma nt th crew were transferred to the Cuneo. The American Atlantic JMUflrlrnn In response to wireless calls, la standing vy prepared to take off the remain der of the crew If necessary. The Ryndam was mnvlmr lriiv toward port this afternoon convoyed by warships of the Atlantic fleet. Captain von Denheubel "anil in anil. ore remained aboard. Indications are the Ryndam Is In a serious condl tion. ITALIANS OCCUPY IPGflT POINTS TAKEN BY BAYONET Valleferno Pass on the Carnia Fron tier is Captured Two Offensive Movements Going Forward. HEAVY FISHTI1 IS EXPECTED One Army Marching on Trieste H5 outer Toward the Carnia Alpt Several Additional Villages In Isonzo Are Taken Italians Meet mijilll. uppOHIllon. SCHOOL DISTRICT LOSES OUT IN SUPREME COURT DECISION REVERSES OPINION OF LOCAL COURT IX STEEL CO. SUIT, Instead Of Wlnntna out liefora tha supreme court In the suit brought by me .Northwest Steel Company the Pendleton school district w tha loser by the decision given yesterdaj oy tne supreme court A complete text of the opinion was received hr this morning bv Cltv Attorn. v rar and It shows the decision of Judge narria was reversed. The one polm. of vital Importance Involved In the suit wa the question whether the steel company had a right of action against the board be cause of the failure of the board to eiact a bond to protect those sup Plying material for use tn th sehnnl building. It Is recited by the court that three decisions have been given by other courts upon this subject A j Michigan case was decided In accord ance with Judge Harris' ruling mads' In the local case. In Minnesota Kansas decis!ons of directly opposite tenor were given. The Oreenn an. preme court takes this view and hold. hat the school district Is liable.' inererore the decision is reversed and the case remanded for another trial. In the opinion given yesterday Jus tices Harris and Bean did not par ticipate. The case will now go back to the circuit court for trial Unless Rattleri out of court. ROME. May 26. Italian t,wn. me pressing ineir advance against the Austrlans along a front of more than 300 Of the 488 miln hnrrior 11 . score or points they have occupied pauses ana mountain peaks command ing a 'wide exoansa or i,rriir.r- ,. have seized villages four miles (nside me irontier. Kelnrorcements are now being rushed forward in k positions taken. At all points the uSlnans were declared to be retir ing further Inside the frontier. Aerial scouts renortert h4 n,ri'. ans are taking up positions in pre viously prepared entrenchment other defenses Except In Vallnferra Pass, where the Italian forces resort ed to the use of the bayonet, the Aus trlans were declared to have resisted only by long range artillery fire. Von Ituclow to Berlin. BERLIN, May 28. Prince Von Buelow. German ambassador to Italy, arrived at Berlin, via Switzerland to day, He is expected to confer with Foreign Minister Von jagow and Chancellor Von Bethmann-Holweg during the day, Growers Don't Like Prices Offered for Wool; Bids Rejected SMITH AND SLUSIIEIt CLIPS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE HERE TODAY. Is there a conspiracy on the part of wool buyers to bear the price of wool below market figures In eastern Oregon? There are Umatilla county growers firm In this belief today and they base their belief upon the small number of hovers now In th fluid and the low price offered here today and nt Echo yesterday. Like the Echo sale yesterday the nale scheduled for Pendleton today was postponed because of the refusal of growers to take the prices offer ed. Tha 3 S3, fimlfh fn wool. th TPIl. 11am Blusher wool and a Walla Wal la clip owned by J. Scheuerman were offered for sale this morning. Prices bid for the Smith wool ranged from 1i In 91 l.fl rents and almtlnr nrlCAa were ofrerea for tne siusner wool AH hMa .ra ratfwteil A price of 16 1-8 cents was offered lor the scheuerman wool ana me of fer was accepted, so It Is reported. The bidders today were Messrs. An gell, Burke. Qreene and Livingstone. AMERICA. CASES WILL EE HEARD IK PRIZE COURT TRIALS ARE SET FOR JUNE 10 AT iajxwx, CABLES AUBAS. SADOR PAGE. Washington May 26 The cases Involving American cargoes of meat detained at British Ports are to be tried In a prize court June 7th, Ambassador Page Informed the state aepartment. it la the detention of these cargoes that has caused the ad ministration the greatest concern the past week and which threatened to cause another note of oroteat tn h sent to England. ROME, May 26 Italian armies have occupied thehlgh defiles along the Brenta river In the valley of Austrian Tirol and have captured Valleferno Pass nn th r-nmi tier, an official statement announc ed. The Austrian oositlnna r carried at the point of the bayonet. "On the'Frlull frontier our offen-i sive continues. The enemy every where Is retiring," the statement as serted. Two offensive movement are now In progress. One is toward the Carnia Alps and the other direct ed toward Trieste. Both are expect ed to develop heavy fighting. Several additional Isonzb villages nave oeen captured by the forces di recting the offensive in the direction of Trieste, it was announced. The army moving northward through Ve rona Is meeting with no opposition. Montebaldo. a hleh nenlc ht Adlge river and Lake Digardi, has neen occupied. In addition, Forcel la. Ponte Caffaro and Tonale Pass have been seized together with Monte Corno, Monte Fopplano, Monte Boff elanla and other passes and defiles east of the Adige valley. The taking of Valleferno Pais at the point of the bayonet is the first serious claali to be reported in con nectlon with the land operations. Balfour Becomes Lord of Admiralty 'I V II II III f II II iii i tut 11 I i I I II ft III 8 1 I III II 1 II t J II I II - h J III .: II r 'V. " I 11 V ' -:- J, I . . I i CENTER- BOMAl LTIY BOTTOM- jl.J.BILFQOR.. Kitchener Remains in the British Cabinet and Asquith is Still Premier-Lloyd George is Minister of Munitions, a New Post AMSTERDAM, May 26. An Ital ian aeroplane was shot down by Aus trian guns near Gortts and two staff officers, acting as observers, were killed, according to Berlin dispatch- ATHENS, May 26. The captain of the Greek steamer Adriatic, arriving here, brought a detailed story of the naval engagement in the Adriatic sea Between the Austrian and Italian fleets which clashed Mondav follow. Ing a raid on the Italian coast One nauan warship was so badly dam aged It was forced to dron out nf tha running fight which was being waged with the Austrlans, the captain said. The Austrian ships fled toward Pola. Allies Defeat Turks. CAIRO, Egypt, May 26. Threo thousand Turks were killed In a fierce engagement In connection nHth the Dardanelles operations, It was of- nciany announced here. The nllled troops made Important gain as a re sult of the fighting, taking several Turkish trenches. Rancher's Body Found. TACOMA, Wash., May 26. The body of E. H. Hochettler, a rancher of Anacortes, who escaped from the western stnte hospital three weoks ago, was found floating In the Nar rows here. The body had been In the water about two weeks. MAY WHEAT TAKES BIG DROP AT CHICAGO TODAY CHICAGO, May 26. (Special) A drop of five and a half cents In May wheat featured the wheat market here today. A small decline also occurred In Julv and Sent nuntatlnna At the close the following prices ruieo: May 11.60 1-4 bid; July 11.26 5-8 bid: Sent 11. in 1.1 bid. e PORTLAND, Ore., May 26. (Special) Portland wheat prl- ces today have been: club 11.10; bluestem 61.15. FORMER LIEUTENANT OF N. Y. POLICE OIES IN JULY WEEK OF THE I2TII IS SET BY COURT OF APPEALS LAST HOPE IS GONE. LONDON. May 2 Lord ITItohn. er retains the post of secretary of ar in the new coalition carlnet, which has received the approval of King George. The new First Lord oi me Admiralty will be Arthur J Balfour. Winston Snenrer Phnr,hm ex-head of the admiralty, takes the foniouo oi chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster. Herbert H. Asquith retains the pre miership and Sir Edward Grey the ministry oi rorelgn affairs. David Lloyd George, chancellor of the ex- cnequer In the old cabinet, will be minister of munitions in the new one. Full Cabinet Announced. The constitution of the new cabi net toiiows: Prime minister and first lord of the treasury, Mr. Asquith. Minister, without portfolio, Lord Lansdowne. Lord high chancellor, sir st0'ni. u. uucKmaster. Lord president of the council. Lord Crewe. Lord privy seal, Lord Curzon of Kedleston. Chancellor of the exchequer, Regl nald McKenna. Secretary of state for home affairs. Sir John A. Simon. Secretary of state for foreign af fairs, Sir Edward Grev. Secretary for the colonies, Andrew Bonar Law. Secretary for India, J. Austen Chamberlain. - Secretary of state for war, Lord Kitchener. Lod George to Provide Munitions. Minister of Munitions. nvirt T inv,i Georse. First Lord of the Admlrnttv i- tnur f. naitour. President of the board of trade, Walter Runclman. President of the local government board. Walter Hume Long. Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancas ter, Winston Spencer Churchill. Chief secretary for Ireland as McKinnon Wood. President of the board of flffrtcul- ture, Lord Selborne. First commissioner of works. T.ewls tiarcourt. President of the board of erillfntinn Arthur Henderson. Attorney general, Sir Edward Car son. NEBRASKAIN BADLY DAMAGED BUT ABLE TO LIMP TO PORT Admiralty Report at London Declares Vessel was lorpedoed-taptain Not Sure Whether Mine or Torpedo Explodes Under His Ship Crew Takes to Small Boats and no Lives Lost -Disaster Takes Place off Fasntet. LONDON. Mav 9fiTh a- . . been torpedoed, it w molX-9 hM WASHINGTON Mntr OR Tt, j , . . an official renort tnv'f r " Z.pmeni. rce statino- tha a " ' ; "-""""i ucuerai stunner in London, according hi t?n T " Suamer Nebraskan h been torpedoed according to an admiralty announcement. Ihe admiralty reports the American steamer Nebraskan bound from Livemool fnr h ni., V . eorasKan, torpedoed 40 miles ,4 h.I.ti, .s been satre stated "tvT ,, au,,!t' KJnners mes Sher hiJ" 18 m Sma11 boat3' standin b The KINSALE. Mnv ffi tv, XTt, today. Her ow w H "l?ian Paea..ne" eartbound trollable." "Jing tne signal "Con- o5ed?dka SLHf. ... n. on. hM been Inju'her dtoe Sled." """' NEW YORK. Mav 9R An,..' tt .. . . . pany officials 7pX' "r'i:!lwua? eamship Com- steamer Nebrasn " 'ZTTXi'? &m of the been torpedoed. p naa sirucK 8 mine or ha The Nebraskan reported. uUaiuea to Ldverpool, Green esplST SS rt"t when .. WASHINGTON M patches are so positive ln asserting the Nebraskan was torpedoed it was me general opinion that the theory .e vessel struck a mine would not uuia. QUEENSTOWN. May 26 The Ne braskan passed here hi. .r,.,. - - -.,G1UUVII "ouna tor Liverpool, making onty mkiu mnes an hour. At this rate it win reach Liverpool tomorrow night. LONDON. May 26. The American steamer Nebraskan was torpedoed, a report to the admiralty stated, and Is slowly making its way back to port The Nebraskan was badly damaged by an explosion 40 miles off Fastnet ne crew took to small boats. There Was no loss Of life. This fternnn an armed trawler sent a wireless it os convoying the Nebraskan back to Port WASHINGTON. Mav S6 Wiih n. gotiations as a result of Wilson's pro test still pending, th adminiotrnHn was distinctly shocked by the report of the British admiralty that the Am. erican steamer Nebmnkan h. k. auu ueni torpedoed. Not only does It suggest that Germany has not ceased subma rine activities pending a formal reply to the American protest, but the re Port caused especial comment be cause the Nebraskan flew the Ameri can nag and was homeward bound so there could be no suspicion she waa carrying contraband President Wilson and Secretary Bryan received the news with obviou concern. Connni n. , , . , - . t oKinner cabled an official message of the re Port made by the British admiralty, but said he had receive n , rect from Fastnet n. ... the explosion which damaged the Ne- There was a nt? ,i. ...i, . -.".M vcDie reiies in or- ftcia, circles whe word cam) suaiues. Until complete reports have been received no furYher representations will be made Ge" thlv at'n avai!ab!e- The fact lhe5 were ordered to cable further re EC lnT of usins the In Z '"fiCa,e no tim wi" be lost in demanding a disavowal and re paration frnm n . . . re aamlrauy, info NEWS SUMMARY ALBANY, May 26. Charles F. Becker, former lieutenant of the New Vork police, must die in the eloctric cnalr at Sins Sine during- tha weak oi juiy iztn, ror the murder or Her man Rosenthal. This time was set by the court of appeals which denied neckera apeal for a new trial yes terday. Iliirke Offers tn Tnli All. NEW YORK. May 26 John Burke former manager of the Panama r. nal sone commissary accused of re ceiving bribes, offered to tell all In regard to the alleged frauds In the Panama canal contracts. He Is said to have been promised Immunity. Burke made the otter In connection with the trial of Jacob L. Solas, ac cused of bribery. Some sentences of a grammatical Judge are anything tut proper. frengh m mm m ID DESTROY 11 DEPOT; AERIAL SIATI IS Be PARIS, May 26. In a great raid over the German lines sv.n,.i, oil men destroyed the German aerial sta- uon at oi. yuentln and wrecked the fuel depot there, it was ntfMiniiu siatea. iiomos were dropped at va rious German positions, doing great damage to the rallwav m.i .,ni depots at concentration points. fighting to the north nf Ahhn. where the French are continuing thi- offenslve movement is hncnmin. uesperate daily, the Germans deliv ering vigorous counter attacks, tho official statement declnrat !.,,( n the French gains In the Lorette Hills and northwest of Angrea are being maintained. Fiithti IIS in the, rAtin of Neuve Chapelle Is resulting in ic.ny losses to tne enemy. HAZEBUOrCK. Mav S Pt- ing down to earth In a stream of fire two British aviators were fatally in jured when the motor nf thai. ,.- plane exploded while reconnoltering iiigo over tne allied lines. The aero plane turned turtle and craaha tn .earth following the explosion. They ten wumn their own lines. Both aviators will die. Five Hangings Scheduled. PHOENIX, Ariz.. May 26. Sixty Invitations have been Issued for five angings scheduled at the state Pris- 'on at Florence. Friday. The con. demned men are almost in a state of collapse due to the uncertainty of their fate, which depends entirely on the not on by the state pardon board tomorrow. If the board grants re Prieve there Is still hope. If It re fuses to uct, the five men must die. i General. American steamship Nebraskan Is torpedoed. Italians hold many positions aero Austrian frontier. Furlons attacks directed against Local. Wool bids are rejected here. Work on terminal n-ill . - School district loses m supreme Mrs. JIousou iles Here IJelgian Notes Barred. LONDON, May 26,An official proclamation announced prohibits the entry Into Great Brltan of Belgian bank notes. LEADER OF KEW YORK'S SOCIETY DIES SUDDENLY MRS. ST11TESAXT FISH. 80 si r CIMBS TO STHOKE OF PARALYSIS. NEW TORK." May M xr died I suddenly iast night at her honS or. the Glencllff estate, according to word received here. It la believed she She died before her children could be summoned. A husband survive., ,., Klnc Condition (ritkal. ATHEN'S. Mv tri .. tin. "'" onstan tine of Greeca n...,i . "..ri v-i a suoaeu sinking spell. HI, condition Is . ..cindjr critical. Von Mackenzen Crosses San River; Furious Attacks are Directed Against Przemysl BERLIN Mav . Mackenxen's forces have crod j1"-m9' h. Auatro-Oerm.. for. San river at i!-.i, .. ,. . ces in Callcia. th ,.fi... , nines norm " nm- of Prsemyst. after nni...in. . ted. General v,, i . Of t-wirte It ti-n ftfri. .:n.. ..... v'"tif announced. rETROGRAD. May SU.-Furiou, attacks are again being mde upon to be personally conducting the nw asults which appnr-ntly nr of gr u fore... The offensive In th r.,n of the fortress was resumed Kile Monday.