DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, TENDLETON. OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1915 PAGE SEVEN Try "GET8.IT." It's V.:zh f:r Ocrns Sew, Kiniilo, Common-Sense Way. Ynu will neTer know how really easy It la Id gut rid of a r.t-n, until yon lave tried "CKTH IT." Niffhlng like It ban ever been priKlured. It taans less time to apply It tlinu It dues to read this. It will dura Keller's Auto Repair Shop New and second hand cars bought and sold. Cottonwood SL, Opposite City Hall. Phone 181. 7 POfJEY $ Plenty to Loan Come in and See Us 4 k i MATLOCK-LA&TZ IliYESTMEHT GO. 112 East Court SL -Ml I? EIGHT PAGES Con Dung Low CHOP SUEY NOODLES CV HOT TABLES CHILLI CON CARHE -SPANISH STYLE f 1 IMAM IY?e COFFEE Everything clean and up-to-date; FIRST CLASS SERVICB TEA 5c Paekasra Under State Hotel Cor. Wsbb and Cottonwood 8tn. Phoo M7 Pendleton, Or. uilimiHIIIIIIIIIIIIKIIItillllllllllllllll ItlllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL' The Foundation of Business 5 is built with a bank account. Save your money let jjj your banker know you, ami when' the time tomes he 5 will be ready to help you. 5 Don't expect a banker to 'help yon unices-time and E 5 conscientious dealings have proven you worthy of S banking confidence, 5 I THE I Amoricao National Bank I I OF PENDLETON, OREGON 1 Capital and Surplus $400,000.00 j STRONGEST BANK IN EASTERN OREGON. nilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIlHIIIIIIIIIMtlllllMllllllllllttlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllltlll Low Excursion Fares Ticket on tale daily by HORTilERH PACIFIC flY. TO THE EXPOSITIONS SAN FRANCISCO AND SAN DIEGO j In connection with , ) THE PALATIAL STEAMSHIP ' "NORTHERN PACIFIC" Ask About EASTBOUND SUMMER EXCURSION FARES In effect May IS and daily thereafter, to all Eastern PoinU. Stopovers permitted and return limit Oct. 31 Through Trains Daily to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Chicago, St Louis. L. M. CONRY, T. P. A., Spokane, Wn. WALTER ADAMS, Agent, Pendleton, Oregon. A. D. CHARLTON, A. C P. A., Portland, Oregon. ,,.u..,-..,. i,..ll..i..,:......;ii.,,iu,..,,u.,,,1,,iai.llli;aama1 First national Ban!. 0 PEKDLETQN, pa I ESTABLISHED 1882 1 3 a 3 Known For fe ,wwHHiHmHtmHM'MHnHHM!H''H)flHlWmmflM 1i.i,j,i,..i1iiuiiii-"ii.iiiiiiiilliiliy'ul'l"'lul'll'""l"a'"""""""-'""'" .......,..Mi,,.,l Kalrtl Com. puns hi Evwr Nm Um "GETS-IT," U -G-m" Eiwr&xm Sur.ly. Qufekbl found you, prtpprlally If you iave tried pvorytlUiig elue for corn. Two dropi ap plied iu a fw aecoiulu that' all. The corn alMTt'lR, then fume r.tht off, pain IcMKly, .without fiiMHlnK or trouble. If you ruivt wer marie a fat bundle out of your ti with bautlajfea ; wml thick, corn-pre. Inn cu.'nn tIiikh,; com-pulllng la.vca; corn tPTmliif plAKtem- well, you'll apprwlote th? dlffnmice whf-n you nue 'iKT8 IT." Your rom-unnny will vanish. Cutting bd1 kouj?- inn wuii Knivea, rasora, rim aud arlaHora. and tiio dauirtr of hloM notion art done away with. Try "(i KTH-IT" tonight for any iii,rn, callus, wart or banlou. Never ";PTS IT" la aold by dnifclHta prery whrf, ''"(' a iHitO, or ut direct by n. I.awrn & Co., CMrafro. Sold In I'endle ton and rw-onimcndwl aa 'the world's bent corn rurp hy 1'eudlKlon Drug Co., and F. J. lKnat;lMon. JUNE 15 TO SEPT. 15 THE 1915 PARK SEASON Visit YELLOWSTONE PARK Reached via original entrance at Gardiner Gateway. Low fares daily during season. GREGOM M M 3 I -it It's Strength rv t j i 7... s.- - - 'y i h in it i a k 4:4 .'fjH' '.,v, : C-l In thefp days when it appeura tht It Is but a mailer of hours whe Italy Hh ill tie tit war with her former allie.", It Ik (if Interest to know her military eitil)tnent. The great Kiupp Iron WorkH are known the irld over and man? time INTERIOR CROPS FINE SHAPE iTbiir.iday's Market. POHTLANU, (ire. That Krain crop conditions lri the Interior are .the best In years. ias the assertion made to day by K. I). Stephenson, head of the coffee department of Wadhams & Co., who has just returned from a three week trip through the interior ending in Mi-ntana. "Timely rains have done wonders for the Brain crops," says Stephen son. "While I have not been over all parts of the interior, the sections I have not visited are reported excel lent by other travelers. "If one (jc-ts away from the coast there is no aich thing as burn ess de pression. Montana has nut been so prosperous for many a year as at th time. High ,nrlces were realized for grain, wool, r.iutton, horses and met als. "Around Itjilte, condition are ex traordinarily Kood. I actuallyrflid more business In Jlontant this trip than ever before. With copper at 19i520o a pound and all mine employes par ticipating in tne high prices, business conditions are-excellent. Thej tell me that none of the miners are getting less than $4 jlay at this time. "Xortht Sionlana had very time ly rainsand the grain crops are Jn ex cellent condition.' Wheat business continues to be of fered by the n(ral west and 'the east with Increased t.rxlers reported from the Interior. Australia Is still a factor in the oats trade as well as In wheat, 'Lut the difficulties of securing transportation acting as a rtoppage to trade. Flour Selling price: Patent J6.40; Willamette valley, '16.40; local wralght tV.70; bakers" lti.60 ffi 6.S0; -export H.Sn. Hay Puylng price. Willamette val ley timothy, faiicy. Jl 2.50 13; .east ern Oregon-ldalio fancy timothy J16; alfnt.fa. I13?1S.50; vetch and nats til-, clover. SS ft per ton. drain Sacks 1915 nominal: So. 1 CalCTRta. 7 1-405 -l'2c. Kolied Parley Selling price $19 JO. 00. Corn White. Wii3.i; cracked J35 36.50 per ton. It was a queer market indeed for cash wheat today on the Portland Merchaws' Exchange. It was queer In more ways than one. Pales were actually -made at lc above the ask ing price for red Russian. The reg ular quotefl bids for s-pnt red Russian were at I1.-03 with hoWers asking but 11.06. Pesvite this buyers, out of the goodness ot their heart ,pal $1 07 for me lot f 5000 bushels of prompt red Russian while a similar amount went at 11.0. Other sales Included 6000 bushels, June bluestem at il l! and 10.000 bm-hels at 11.18. SAGE TEA TURNS GRAY HAIR DARK IT'S GRANDMOTHER'S RECTPK TO BRI.VG BACK OOI.OR AND M'STHE TO HAUL That beautiful, even ahade of dark, g'ossy hair can mly be had by brew In a mixture of Saga Tern and Sul phur. Your hair la your charm. It markea or mars tho face. When It fades, turns gray, streaked and looks dry, wispy and scraggy, Just an ap r'.lcalon or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't bother '.o prepare the tonic; you can get from from any drag store a (0-cent bottle of "Wyeth's age and Sulphur Compound," ready to use. This can olwaya be depended upon to bring ta..k the natural color, thickness and lustre of your hair and remove dandruff, rtop scalp Itching and falling hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth'i Saga and Sulphur because It darkens so natur clly and evenly that nobody can tali It has been applted. Tou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through the hair, taking one small strand at a time; bf morning the gray hair has disap peared, and after another application It becomes beautifully dark and ap pears glossy, lustrous and abundant. . i r-a T 4 I - -Z. I J 1 v'fMiti( ha it Wn hinted that the Cerman,..!, true r not cannot now be a8eer really had no ooni,.Vnt to makeltained ht should Italy enter the war against the ummunitl.m manufartur-1 Cerman Kuns certainly will be used era f the neutral t nhed Staten since , URainst the r makers they are even now fihtln aainst The picture e-hows an Italian artll and helns; killed by cannon and shells lery corps ready for action. The sun ' "'"I'l" m vjermany ami old to Franc Whether this report i GRASS CATTLE III THE MARKET (Courtesy Thursday's Journal.) PORTLAND, Ore.. First Califor nia grass fed cattle of the season en tered the North Portland market, there by opening the grass cattle sea son here. The shipment consisted of 11 cars from Mercer and was brought forward by A. F. Hunt, the veteran cattleman of the yards. That there is a smaller supply of cattle available In California this sea son than the general trade had be lieved was the statement made to The Journal by Mr. Hunt today. "Cattle are lese plentiful in the south than we had been led to ex pect, says Hunt. Little real fat stuff Is available there at the present time and these come only from favored sections. The feed is still too soft in the south. "It will be some time, probably about the middle. of June, before cat tle shipments will be available In any fair supply from northern California this seaBon." Cattle market conditions are rather favorable in the .North Portland mar ket at this tlm. Extreme tops for the California grass stuff reached 17.75, which Is considered very favor able. This was for light weight offer ings of quality. Heavier stuff sold down to ,7.40. Aside frona the California offerings there was only a very limited supply of cattle available for the trade at North Portland today. General cattle market range: Select steers JS OO 8.20 Best hay fed ate re 7.75 Good to choke 7.25 (Q 7.35 Ordinary to fair 6.00 6.75 Best cows 6.50 6.75 Good to prime 6.25 6.4 Select calves 5 50(& 6.00 Ordinary bulls 4 00$ 5.00 Hog Market sorter. Market for hogs is softer at North Portland. There was only a small run reported In the yards at the opening of today's trade. While demand con tinues good, recent jirice losses at stockyard points east of the Rockies had a depressing effect upon values here. Tops were generally quoted around S4i 8.10, which Is still a very substantial premium cTer any other recognized stockyard market in the country. The hog market trafie ruled steady to weaker at most points in the east today. General hog market range: SSest light S.O0S.lO Wedlum ligtit 8.00s.5 Cood to heavy 7 75 "i.W Hough and iavy ......... 7.10 ?r 7.5 Multoa Market Is Steiuly. t the prions of yesterday, market for mutton anl lambs was considered Just about steady at Xorth Portland todav. There ,was only a very small run reported ii, two loads coming from .-Salem an a similar smount from Junction City. Mutton trade oonditlons In :the east ern markets are likewise Aslng off somewhat with lower price quoted at some points: General mutton range; Hprlng lambs I 5 25 Grain fed shorn yearlings. 7.15 S5 7.25 Rest shorn wethers 6.i5 Rest shorn ewes 5 Ofl 5.25 Wool stock is generally quoted a1 $1.00 higher tton shora. l.lvpto4'k Shippers. Hogs Harclay & Cummlngs, Cor- vallis, 1 fcjad; F. Thompson, Lebanon, 1 load; J. C. Nelson, Roosevelt, Wash.. 1 load. Cattle A. F. Hunt, Merced, Cal 11 loads Sheep H. A. Banderwent, Salem, 2 loads; J. S. Flint, Junction City, I loads; Mixed stuff H. J. Harris. Red mond, 1 load cattle and hogs; Patton. Overton & Falk, Halsey, 1 load rattle, calves and hogs. What War Mean. MINOT. N. D., May 11. John and Edward Baker, who live In East Pr-naala will rm-elVa a letter from their brother here, tellng them their mother, lets than tmrty miles rrom them Is dead. The letter will travel 12.000 miles to get to them, less than nil r,,lln. nu'ni- The re.-ISon IS that ft German line Is between them and their maternal home. is one of the newest ,.r the Krupp factory. CHICAGO WHEAT RISES AT CLOSE (Thursday's Market.) CHICAGO, 111. Wheat closed l-4e higher. Prices were slightly higher in pit at the opening today. May wheat opened at 11.61 1 bushel, a gain of l-4c over last night July was up 34c at the start and Sep tember opened with an advance of lc. Crop reports were of a bullish na ture. Trading was extremely dull. The foreign news today was conflict ing. J Corn prices were l-4c to 3-8c high- er at the outset of the trading. There j w-as evidence that farmers were loos j ening up on corn and an Increased movement was looked for. Oats started slightly higher. Trad ing !n provisions was small with narrow range In valnes. "WHEAT. May Open, J1.51 1-2; high, 11.13; low, 11. Bl; close, !1."S2 1-2. July Open, 11.26, high, $1.27 1-4; low, $1.25; close. $1.26 3-8A. Sept Open, $1.20; wheat, $121 1-2; low, 11.20 1-8; close, Y 20 1-2. Con federate "Sfemorlal Day. FREDERICKSBL'RG. Va., May 20. Confederate Memorial Day Is being observed try a big turnout of veterans and sons of veterans. $100 Reward, 8100. , Hie readers of tali paper will be pleased io learn that there Is st least one dreaded Ifoease tbat science has been sble to curt in all Its stages, and tost Is Catarrh Hall's Catarrh Core Is toe only poeUtTt ure now kaown to the nedlcal fraternity Catarrh belag a constitutional disease. r nilm a caastltutlonal treatment Hall'i i'a(arrh Core la taken laternally, acting llractly upon the blood and mureaa ear taoes of the system, thereby destroying the foiuHlation f tbe disease, and giving the pattest trentrth by building np the eonsti rattan and assisting natar In doing Itt ork. The proprietors btve so much fa Kb In Its enrstlTe powers thst tbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fatli t eeee. gene for list of testimonials, address F. J. CHEHY a CO.. Toledo. Ohio gold by all Urclsta. T&c Take Hall's Family mils for mnnHnstina. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY FtNEIlAi, DrRRCVORS. JOHN fi. BAKI-a, FUNEAAL Di rector and lloensed embclmer. Oo- poslte paetofflce. Funeral narlor. two funeral can. CsV.s responded to day! or night Phone 5. J. T. BROWN'S FTiRNlTURE 6TORE Funeral director and licensed em balmer. M-aet modern funeral parlor, morgue and funerai cars. Cells re sponded to day or night Corner Main and Waiter streets. Telephone (3. rXM RAXCE AND LAiVD BCSIKESS HARTMAN ABSTRACT -CO., MAKES reliable abstracts of title to all lands In Umatilla county. Loans on city and farm property. Buys asd sells all kinds of real estate. Doee a general brokerage buslavess. Pave taxes and makes Investment for non residents. Writes fire, life and acci dent Insurance. References, any bank In Pendleton, JAMES JOHNS. Pre. C. H. MARSH, See. 13ENTLEY a IJEFFIXGWELL, REAL estate, fire, life and accident Insur ance agenta. lit Main street- Phone 44. MISCKLLAXKOV8. ENGRAVED CARDS, INVITATIONS wedding announcements, embossed private and business stationery, eta Very latest styles. Call at East Or gonlan office and tee sample., AUCTION 8ALE3 THE EAST OR egonlao makes a specialty of auc tion eal bills, cards and advertising We cn furnish auctioneer, clerk and advertising complete that will assur yon of having a successful sal. GOLDEN RULE CAFE OPEfl MEALS 25c AND UP. Meal tickets, good for 21 meals, $5,00. Under new management. 225 EAST COURT STREET. That patronage of the public cordially solicited. HOODIES, CHOP SUEY, CHIHft DISHES rnPY'Q KWONG HONG LOW Wl- X W U6 West Atta St. Up.tain. Phone 433 it (ffiriu the fl t a 1 "VI mem f Jj "What other men have accomplished through I. C. S. help, I can accom plish. If the I. C. S have raised the salaries of these men, they can raise MY salary. If others have won out through I. C. S. help, I can win out. To me, I. C. S. means 'I Can Succeed.' " Get the " I-Can-Succeed" spirit; for the I. C. S. can raise your salary whether you are a dollar-a-day man or a dollar-an-hour man; a long hour man or a short-hour man; a young man or an old man; an inside man or an outside man; or whether you live in Europe, Asia, Africa, America, or Australia. , On an average, 3(H) students every month voluntarily report bettered positions and increased salaries as the direct result of I. C. S. help. Through I. C. S. help Failures have become Succeses. Through I. C. S. help men already in gxd positions have advanced to still better posi tions. A responsible position is awaiting you. To learn all about it, mark and mail the attached coupon. If you can read and write, the I. C. S. will go to you and train you in your spare 'time for a well-paid position in the line of work you like best. I. C. S. students do not have to leave home nor lose even an hour from work. 1. C. S. Courses are prepared especially to suit the require ments of those having to get their technical education in soite of dif- ! InternatiCorwsndence Schooto Acuities. The I. C. S. way makes everything clear and simple. No matter what time of day or night your spare time comes, the International Correspondence Schools are ready when you are. To mark and mail the attached coupon will cost you nothing but postage and place you under absolutely no obligation. Send the coupon NOW. ATTORKKTS. JKALET at RALEY, ATTOHNETS-AT IftW (if ft In Ama.nn V.lln-.l Bank Building. FEE 4 FEE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW urtice in Despakn building. CARTER V SMYTH E, ATTORNEY8 at law. urnce la rear of American National Bank Building. JAMES B PERRY, ATTORNEY AT law. Office over Taylor Hardware Company. PETERSON 4V BISHOU. ATTOR- neys at law; rooms t and 4, Smith Crawford building. DOUGLAS W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY at law. Will practice In all state and fedaral courts. Rooms l, J, 1 and 4, over Taylor Hardware Co. GEORGE W. COUTTS. ATTORNEY at law. Estates settled, wills, deeds, mortgages and contracts drawn. Col lections made. Room 17, Schmidt block. FREDERICK STEIWER. ATTORN ET at law. Office In 8m1th-Crawford building. S. A. LOWELL, ATTORNEY AND counsellor at law. Office In Despain building. PHYSICIANS. DRS. WHITAKER A WOOD, DEN Msta. Office hours I a. m. to I p. m Hllarkey Building, Pendleton. Oregon. LEGAL BLANKS OF .EVERT .IE scrlption for county court, circuit court. Justice eourt, real estate, etc, for sale at East Oregonlan office. sTj,w 4 jmia I am tmx SSS, ScraatM, fa. tfease ezplsil, witfaoot firthef obllgitlGB ea I part, bow f eta qnslliv lor the posttla, trade, pralci.ioa balore waica i bat narked X. a.l.me.1. irw., ciiol wi..m. Pwtltri Fanning UmlnW ,.f iMIraw aieltal.l Dr.ti.mta twf., atMIMnUial I-".'.. a,ti.na Mm T.'.rrfwn. tHrt InM-Cre Writing tt.l.rr fi Wi.a.a T .naming T..IH. M.mri.ianng Cwwaareial IttMtratng GiH I q-..r lnaw.tri. DMMing BwWin, Canbaatar Aohlt.claral D'lttamafl am,,..! Chaarlft f Svan'i Cv.,!, Oanatntatlaa UngiMaM J F'" SVaaain,, ftt.aai f ilttag Banking I Qarmaa Win. Frwaea Ciil f llta'.an atif p.nt.naen Kxmt- Strut omd A'd.. CUT .Stilt- VETERIXART SURGEONS. G W. LASSEN, M. D. V. COUNTl Veterinarian. Residence telephone, 27; office) telephone, to SnCOXD.H.lXDlEAl.EK8. v. strobleT' deTlrinnew and second-hand goods. Cash paid for all secondhand goods bought Cheapest place In Pendleton to buy household goods. Come snd get our prices. 21 E. Court street Phone I71W. AUCTIONEERS. COL. W. F. YOHNKA, AUCTIONEKB makes a specialty of farmers' stock and machinery sales. 'The man thai gets you the at East Oregonlan office. MALE HKI.P WAXTF.I). WANTED GOOD LIVE CANVASS. er to represent us in Eastern Ore gon. Commission propos'tlon. Cash weekly. Pacific Nursery Co. 122 1-1 Grand Ave, Portlan 1, Ore. MISCFJJJXEOIS. WANTED PARTY WILL PAY Cash or ftve trad for Umatilla county farm, ISO to 1C0 per acre Addrena Box 11, Athena, Ore. KAVEr ENGRAVING C0MTANY f'"";1 ' f 'rj- -rp-:, - aaa-J P t Mr1VPi:W".V'j.-.tlv(i1(