I rAcr nr.MT DAILl EAST OKEGONIAN, rENDLETON. OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 17, 1915. EIGHT PAGES The Friendship Bracelet, L ET us supply you with "Bob-o-links for your friend ship Bracelet. 0 Sterling Silver "Bob-o-links," with engrav ing included, cost only 25c each and we give you, free, a velvet wrist rib bon for your first "Bob-o-link" like the fol lowing illustration : Call today and see these "Bob-o-links," the fad that is sweeping the entire country. Royal M. S2w!slle JEWELER Pendleton, Oregon. Established 1337 The HALLMARK Store iUwsy nous of Pendleton Slliviin Hogs. ! The I'ilot Hock train made e spec : la I run to Pendleton Saturday evening j for the purpose of bringing in several j carloads of hosts intended for the Portland market. Miner Stork? Improving. Elmer Storle, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Walla Walla last week and who ws In critical condition. Is improving rap Idly now, according to friends who were In Walla Walla yesterday . Christians to Meet Baptists. The,game between the Christian and Haptist teams tomorrow evening, weather permitting, will be an indica tor of the way the race for the silver trophy cup but up by O. I. La Dow Is going to go. Right now the Baptists are leading the Twilight leacue and if they are able to take the measure of the Christians, they will have a lead that will make them hard' to eaten. Dissolution Notice. The firm of Averill and Sullivan, contractors, has dissolved partnership fey mutual consent Roger Averill will collect all Ml and pay all debts. ROGER AVERILL. JACK SULLIVAN. Pendeton, Ore., May 12, 1815. Adv Estray Notice Strayed one sorrel mare, branded S.S. on left shoulder; one old grey roan gelding with halter on. Will pay liberal reward for information leading to recovery of above describ ed animals. Address P. O. Earnheart Pendleton, Oregon, or phone 16F12 J " Ik 1 4, i V "Hi ; ) v-iL n n vt..' 'Ar- r o 1 i A THEDA BARA, the world famous vampire woman in Alexander Dumas' celebrated novel "THE CLEMEN CEAU CASE" at the Pastime THURSDAY-FRIDAY. Track Team Returns, Members of the Pendleton High School track squad that went to Eug ene to participate In the interscholas- tic meet there Saturday returned home this morning. The meet was won by Columbia college and the lo cal boys won but a single point. Those in the team were Emll Siebert, Ern est Boylen, Henry Latourelle, Char les Gordon, Arnold Minnis and Wes ley Minims. Coach Livingston accom panied the team on the trip. Inillalns Improve Cemetery. The Indians of the congregation of the Tutullla church are egaged in surrounding their burial grounds with a fence of concrete posts and plan to have the improvement completed be fore Memorial Day when they will formally dedicate it. The Indians raised the money necessary Tor the work by voluntary subscriptions, se curing between J150 and J200 in this way. John D. Bramwell of Pendleton Is doing the work. Peter Rocker Sells Out. Peter Becker, Court street tailor, has sold his shop and business to Peter Paulus who will take charge of the place June 1, when Mr. Becker and wife expect to leave for Tilla mook where he has a business build ing and will locate. Mr. Becker has been here nine years and purchased the tailor shop of E. A. SchlfHer. He came here direct from Germany and did so to .escape service in the Rus sian army. He is a liorman but was living in Ilium! and would have been subject to military service in behalf of tile czar had he remained there. He Is glad he came to Ameri ca for he considers he would have been killed by this time had he re mained in the old conutry. l nilerpes Operation. Mrs. Frank Taylor underwent a serious operation at St Anthony's hospital this morning. Improving His Home. A building permit for the construc tion of a porch upon the Joe Ell home was issued today. suh for images. Thomas J. Smith brought suit to day in the Justice court against the O.-W. R, & X. for 150 alleged to be due for a horse killed by an engine of the railroad company. SKetlen Pay Fines, This morning G. X. Knutson Jind J R, Thompson both entered pleas of guilty to exceeding the speed limit on the streets of Pendleton and each contributed five dollars to the treas ury. Rain is Very General. According to C. C. Connor who has returned from a trip to Harney coun ty by auto the rain has been general all over eastern Oregon. He went to Burns via Sherman county and trav eled 1200 miles all told, most of which distance was over muddy roads. Divorce Suit Filed, Alleging cruel and inhuman treat ment, Addle Brewster today filed suit for divorce against Henry Brewster They were married in Pendleton in September 1913. Plaintiff charges that her husband cursed and slapped her frequently. W. H. Peterson Is her at torney. SMALL DEFECTS OF THE EYE GROW TO GREAT ONES Errors of refraction are the cause of many eye diseases as well as poor sight. PROPER FITTING GLASSES IN TIME CONSERVE TOUR EYESIGHT. My methods of fitting glasses are especially adapted to the most difficult cases. I can re fer you to pleased patrons by the hundred. DALE ROTHWELL Exclusive Optician American Nat. Bank Bid;., Pendleton. Phone 609 " '" 'I 1 ii PASTIME TODAY! World Film Corporation Presents DAINTY VIVIAN MARTIN IN The Arrival of Prepetua" A Shubert Feature in 5 Acts. A play especially written for the charming heroine of "The Wishing King" that brings out all the characteristics that have endeared her to stage and picture audiences. Vivian Martin's charming personality and ar tistic ability is not approached by any of the younger screen favorite?. Besides being the most beautiful screen star of the day she easily out shines ai! her closest competitors in dramatic abil- I ity. SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION The Vanderbilt Cup Race As Held at San Francisco Panama-Pacific Exposition, 1915. WITHOUT A DOUBT THE MOST SENSATIONAL FILM EVER SCREENED. Evening Mail says: "One of the best things of this sort ever taken. Thrills a plenty and five accidents." i Evening Sun : "Five hair raising accidents cleverly caught by the camera." Journal of Commerce : "A special attraction shown in such life like manner that lhe spectator almost jumps out of his seat." No Advance in Admission. AdllltS IOC 011(111 5c Yl lQF PERPETUAji Owner of Hotel Sues Landlord. T. K Beard, owner of the Golden Rule Hotel building, today filed an attachment suit against W. R. Gra ham, proprietor alleging the latter is $360 in arrears In his rental. Combln ed with his claim Is another for J8.50 alleged to be due the water commis sion. Charles H. Carter Is plaintiffs' attorney. Greek Meets Greek. A case of Greek meet'ng Greek In a bellicose way drew Sheriff Taylor and Deputy Estes to Myrick Saturday night. There were three of the foreig ners implicated in the fight and It is said one assaulted the others with a shovel. Marshal Elmer Albee of Helix this morning brought In two of the men but the other has made his escape for the time being. Gilliam Court Inspect Roads. Judge G. W. Parmon, Clerk C. M. Laughrldge and Commissioners M. E. Weatheford and John W. Maldment of Gillilam county were in Pendleton Saturday and were taken out over the Wild Horse macadam road by Judge C H. Marsh. They are contem plating building macadam roads In their county and when quite favorab ly Impressed with the macadam they saw here. Alien Is Picked I p Here. Upon advices from the immigration office at Walla Walla, Officer Alex Manning Saturday evening arrested Andreas Ramleau, who was employed In the kitchen of a local hotel. He Is charged with being an alien who en tered this country contrary to the law. U. S. Commissioner E. L. Wells and Sheriff Lee Barns drove over from Walla Walla Saturday evening and re turned with him. Grain In Fine Condition. That the wheat and barley near PI lot Rock has never looked better at this time of year than it does right now is the statement of Alex Manning who drove out yesterday to the old Manning place. The grain is knee high now, he states, and the barley Is already well headed white the wheat heads are forming. Mr. Manning looks for a big crop in that section this year. Indians Tie Methodists. Saturday afternoon the Methodist team of the Twilight league and the Indian school team played a 13 in ning tie game at the agency grounds The Indians iAd off In the first but the Methodists pulled ahead and kept a lead until the eighth when the young chiefs made It 10-10. Both pitchers tightened thereafter and kept the next five frames runless and the umpire was forced to call the game on account of darkness. Dupuls vs. Dupuls. Lela Dupuls today filed suit for divorce against her husband, Harry Dupius alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment. They were married In this city July 14, 1906, and within two weeks, plaintiff alleges her husband began abusing her, calling her vile names and assaulting her with his fists. She left him for two years, she alleges, and returned to him upon his promise to treat her properly but failed to keep his promise. They have one child, a daughter eight years old who was adopted by Its grandmother Mrs. Margaret Todhunter In 1909. J. I!. Perry Is plaintiff's attorney. FAST F.N D I.F.AGIK. Weston Wins In 9th. ATHENA. Ore. Mav 17. (SneHali With the score 2 to 1 against them when they came to bat in the ninth. the Weston stalwarts vuslnrrtnv run. Jured up a batting rally and pounded tnree runs across, taking the game bv a 4 to 2 score. It vjm n Iflmit iram. all the way through and never decided until the finish. The score: R. H. E. Athena 2 6 3 Weston 4 12 S Patteries, Schick and King; O'Hurra and Wood. Milton Noses Out Victory. HELIX, Ore., May 17. (Special.) Milton was able to keep her lead In the East End League by emerging with the thick end of the score In a long-distance endurance contest yes terday. Theinal score was 13 to 10. The battery for the victors was Bar tholomew and Rennlck and for the vanquished Thome, Pierce and Thome DOTH WANTED TO TALK: WIFE, AS ISIAL, WINS DENVER. Colo.. May 17. If you want to know what happens In' a wo man suffrage state when a man and wife both voters want to talk at a public political meeting at the same time, read the following true story: Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson is a state senator from Denver. Her hus band is known as Mr. Helen Ring Robinson. At a meeting in the Wom an's Club both Mr. and Mrs. Robinson arose at the same time to address the chairman of the meeting. "Mr. Chairman." they both cried simultaneously. They stood side by side, Mr. Robinson much the taller and bigger. Mrs. Robinson looked Rt the per son who challenegd her right to the floor and without waiting for the chairman to recognize her, she push ed Mr. Robinson back into his seat and proceeded to deliver a few remarks. HOW HE WAS INJIRFD. "He's broke." "And the girl he was engaged to has dropped him " "She dropped and broke him. eh?" "No; she broke and dropped him." Houston Post. Mrs. Cannon Not Guilty. MIXEOLO, L. L, May 10 One hour's deliberation was sufficient for the Jury which had the fate of Mrs. Florence Carman In Its power, to re- l.'l!!lllll!IIIIMII!lll!lllllllllll!III!lll IIIIUIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllillMllillillllllllllllllinii The longer ou keep from trading at the 1 Golden Rule the more i money you ue looing ' Your neighbors are saving r money because they have found the same high grade s merchandise here for less every day 'the year 5 round. BETTER BE WISE AND FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBORS EX- AMPLE. 5 Men's Blue Serge Suits, every one a pure wool and worth a third more, our every day price 99.90, ?12.50, a 914.75, 916.50. The best values we have ever offered in mixed s effects, fancy plaids or 5 striped suits, should 5 sell at a third more, but S priced the Golden Rule S way at 96.90, 97.90, 99.90, 912.50 ' and 914.75. Young men's suits for s those just out of their S knickerbockers 95.90, 96.90, 97.90, 99.90. 5 Boys' knickerbocker suits 5 in plaids, fancy mixed stripes or blue serges at 91.98, 92.98, 93.98, 94.98. Men's khaki pants with cuff bottom at 98, 5 91.23, 91.49, 91.98. 5 Men's worsted pants 98, 5 91.49, 91.98. Men's pure worsted pants the better kind, worth a S third more at 92.49, 92.98, 93.98. 3 IOC CAN DO BETTER AT WE LEAD S OTHERS FOLLOW f!imilllll!lllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimil!lllllllllll!lllllllllllll.-!llllllllllllllUIII turn a verdict, exonerating the wife of the Freeport physician of the charge of murdering Mrs. Louise Bailey. The court's charge was unusually favor able to the defendant. Eight months ago 12 men debated for 18 houri without agreement. Mrs. Bailey was shot dead by a bul let fired from a revolver put through a window In Dr. Carman's office. She hnd gone there to consult with him. The prosecution sought to prove Mrs. Marman's "unreasonable Jealousy" ot her husband as a motive. BIG SPECIAL SALE OF ALL POPULAR . SHEET MUSIC Jtrar 13 for $1.00 ONLY OC A COPY Everybody can sing at these prices We are going to move SlSSlSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSiSSSS- W MMSSSHSSSJSM MMSSJMMSSMMSSMSMSSIS 4MBSMSMSSSM SMSSMSSSSSWHMSISISISSSSM and are offering removal sale bargains all over our store. Come in and get the best musical goods NOW for less. Warren's Music House We will be in our big new store at 8 1 5 Main street after June I st WntT rsrra In Court. Today quite a number of water u crs along the Umatilla and their at torneys have been before the circuit court presenting their objections to the findings of the state water board In the recent adjudication of rights. Judge Phelps this morning advised the attorneys to consult and agree upon those In which there la no dis pute so that they may be eliminated. Commissioner O. T. Cochran Is pre sent and on behalf of the water board is admitting errors In a good many of the cases. The hearing was taken up again this afternoon. L. Vf, Palmer, factory representa tive of the Firestone Tire Co. Is here upon a visit to the Pendleton Rubber Sc Supply Co., agents for Umatilla county, THE LAST CHANCE To see the fascinating comedienne Elsie Janis In a play written by herself entitled "The Caprices of Kitty" Heartily enjoyed by last night's large audience. Vaudeville The La Rosas Castilian Songs and Dances. TOMORROW Another Star of World-wide Fame Madame Olga Petrova ' In the Great Sensational Drama "TI1F HEART OF A PAINTED WOW This is one of the strongest dramatic productions produced in silent form this year. The Alta Theatre The House With the High Standard.