East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, May 17, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Walla Walla Elks
Win From Locals by
Score of 11 to 3
mn ii u in
It tooks fourteen frames for Fal
Uids Bucks to lick the Hermistoa
Kahbltfeet yesterday , 7to ( at Kound
I'p Park fourteen frames of as fine
la!l as has been here this season.
Though the game began as if the
home plate would be burled under
n avalanche of scores, both pitchers
settled to tfcelr work after their bad
utart and dueled It out to the end.
The came was & remarkably clean
one, too. only a few bad errors be
in commute!.
Farmer Ernest Knight who has
ever, was thrown out at home when
he tried to score on Hiatt's ground
ball to pitcher and, with two down
:h:nss looked to be settled. Hanaett,
playing left field, however, dropped
l-lakely's f'.yball and .when be re
trieved it, there were runners on sec-
third. Then came the
o. Clark hit trie ball on
the ground off first so far that Stra-
nahan had to stretch himself to field
It. Webb however, forgot to cover
f'rst and Stranahan was forced to
make a delayed throw home, too late
to cut off Hiatt. In the meantime,
Blakely had rounded third and was
caught In a pocket but he escaped
ond registered. Clark meantime atolo
second but a moment later was caught
by the old hidden ball trick.
From this time on the game went
along with neither side having much
of a chance until the fourteenth
came. Webb and Blakely were both
pitching great ball during the latter
part of the game. The score:
Hermiston AB R U PO A
Kill Caiie
Simply Delicious
By Mrs.fjnetMck'i-n;U Hill, Editor of
iht Boston Cooking ikhool Slagazin
In giving this recipe, Mrs. Hill be
lieves it to be one of the best all-around
cake recipes it lias been her good for
tune o make. The simplicity and uni
formly Rood results will appeal to every
penchant for poking the ball at
I Roberts, cf 7
the opportune moment, broke up the
same in the last of the Hth. He
mote out a clean hit and was p re
mitted to reach third on the hit
when the ball jumped through the
it fence. Then came along Senner
ho was with the pitching staff of
the champion Buekarooes last yeari Longhorn,
for a time, and his safety over second
torought the winning score across. Totals .
One of the features of the game Pendleton
Large, c 5
Jones, 3b 5
Voyen, lb 6
Hiatt, ss S
Blakely. p 6
Clark, 2b 6
Beasley. rf 6
If 5
0 1
1 11
2 S
2 12
1 I
2 S
2 t
2 0
0 5
.52 6 12 39 8
was the pitching of Blakely. Touch-! stranahan, lb S 2
?d up for eight hits and 6 runs In thejR. Knight. 2b 5 1
first four Innings, for the nine sue- Varian, 3b
tfeding innings he allowed neither Webb, p S
hit nor run. I Vaughan, c 5
Hermiston opened the game by J e. Knight, cf 7
making a trio of runs after tw0 were I tenner, rf 7
1own in the first inning. Jones was( Eubank, ss 6
hit tw a pitched ball, Voyen followed
with a two-ply swat and Hiatt and
Blakely each contributed singles. The
Bucks came right back in their half
pnd hung up a five. Stranahan walk
ed and Ralph Knight doubled. Cap
tain Varian therunon. scored both
.S3 7 10 42 23 3
Score by innings:
i Hermiston
I rt .f M U If U U U O
ty lacing tne spnenoa lor mree oases j H321O101
ana nimseu svuieu on neuw. b"""1-!
ball to first. Webb took second on a
w ild pitch and Vaughan straightened J
out a curve for two bases, .scoring
Wm. E. Knight grounded out butj
enner scratched out a single that
lut Vaughan across. The scoring
nded when Senner put himself out
t.y retting in the way of a batted ball
and Gillette fanned the breeses.
Hermiston opened with a doubl by
Clark and a single by Beaseley in the
econd but Webb tightened and pull
. 0 0
i 0 0
0 06
1 012
0 17
0 210
3 0
Summary: Sacrifice
horn, Hansett; two base hits, R.
Knight, Vaughan, Varian, Voyen.
Clark, Jones Large; three base hits
Varian E. Knight Voyen: stolen bases,
Roberts, Voyen, Clark, Beasley.
Stranahan, R. Knight, 2, Vaughan 2,
Senner, Euban; first on balls, off
Webb 1. off Blakely 6; struck our, by
-a th-Vni. .ft.r nark hart Webb 11. by Blakely 11; wild pitches.
,. ., , ,k. i.,. irf I by Webb 1, Blakeley i left on bases
... .H.j . -iwi. i . r,h Hermiston 7, Pendleton la: double
innning when Strannahan singled andiPias. Eubank to R. Kn:ght to Stran
cored on Varians- two bagger. ahan: hit by pitcher, Jones A aughan;
After that It appeared that Pend- ndit.on of weather, cloudy and
leton had the game bottled up until! threatening; condit.on of fieid. good;
the eighth when a series of dlsust- ime f me 2 hrs- 20 mln- umpire
.rs made up a catastrophe that tied'00: scorer, Chessman.
tip the game. Large opened that inn
ing with a terrific drive that was Hiots at Florence,
jtood for two bases. Jones grounded! FLORENCE, Italy, May 17. A
out but Voyen smashed the ball so number of persons were taken to hos-
hard that It bounded over the fence, , pitals with broken heads as a result
permitting Large to register and the of clashes between "Pacificists" and
batter to reach third. Voyen, how- "Interventionists" here.
WHEN you get your first pouch of
"Right-Cur don't take too big a
Take a small chew-"Right-Cut" gives
you all the pure, rich tobacco taste sea
soned and sweetened just enough.
More real comfort and tobacco satis
faction for a dime in "Right-Cut" than
twice the money will buy in the old kind.
Take a very mil! chew lets than one-quarter the
old size. It will be more tstiarring than i mouthful
of ordinary tobacco. Just nibble on it until you Sod
, the strength chew tha suits you. luck it sway.
TKn 11 it rmt Si, hrtar .atitv and eventv the real
tobacco taste come, how it latiifies without grinding, how
much leas yon hive to spit, bow lew chewa you take to
b tobacco satiated. That's why it it Tkt Riai Ttbocc
Uua. That's why it coats lest in tkt end.
)t M I mdr atrt in. oi abort .bred to dial Ta woi'l am
a. (nod oat m th your icctk. Crladiag oa ordiaarf caadied wbacea
Im . an tua Slack.
- . I . I A I m-J nn Ilk HutUu. maA
IM pfa. nci " ' - ,'
bifiahoa. Nuti hvm taa aU brtoa out tba nch tubaeeo uala la KtiM-Cat.
One small chew takes the place of two big
cl-.cws of tlie old kind.
SO Union Square, New York
The Pendleton Elks encountered a
ball team yesterday when they bump
ed up arilnst the antlered herd of!
Walla Walla and that's the principal
reason why they brought home the
tail end of a 11 to 3 score. For the
local Elks only have a team picked
up over night and they put tip a bet
ter resistance than they expected
hen they found that the Walla Wal-1
lans numbered In their lineup such
old professional stars s Lundstrum'
and Beck and such ex-college stars
as Bryan and Sturgis.
Pendleton's chief difficulty was at,
bat. The ball, as shot across by,
i?ryan, ex-Pullman star, never seem-j
?il to be where the bat swung. In
net John Dickson got the only two
hits on the Bucktown side. On the
other hand the stickers of the Gara
den City broke Into the hit column
all too often.
The feature of the game was the
.act that the PendWton Elks were
able to make the game a close one
during the first half. In fact they
were within striking distance of vic
tory until the eighth when the Walla
Wallans chased six scores across af
ter two men were down. The Pend
leton team was accompanied to Wal
la Walla by 40 or SO rooters and 400
people saw the game. .
Pilot Rock Wins 10
to 4 From Stanfield
STANFIELD, May 17. (Special)
Pilot Rock made It six straight
victories for a perfect percentage
yesterday when the Stanfleld-Echo
boys went down to defeat 10 tot. The
locals were unable to do much with
Darl.ng's benders while the slugging
Pebbles found both Harlan and Hos
klns, at opportune times. Errors
were not Infrequent on both sides.
The score:
Stanfield AB R H PO A E
Smith, cf 5 1 1 0 0 1
Clock, lb 4 1 0 7 0 1
Gilbert, 3b 4 4 2 1 1 0
Pickett, 2b 4 1 2 2 3 2
Albrecht, c 3 1 1 8 3 0
Rankin, If 4 1 1 0 0 0
Rover, ss 4 0 1 2 1 1
Westgate, rf 4 0 1 3 0 0
Darling, p 3 1 0 0 1 3
KC Nat Cake
One-half cu butter; 1 cj gran
vlatea su,t;ar; & Wirt; 2cufsJtorf
2 Iftrt teaspoonills K C Baking to
dfr"t J tup of nut meats chopped finc
whites of 4 yjr, beate n dry.
Sift flour andbatinRpowdertogether,
three times. Cream the butter, add th
sugar; then alternately, the milk and
the flour mixture; lastly the whites of
eggs and the nut meats. Bake in a
sheet iu a shallow pan thirty or forty
minutes When cold cover with the
icing and decorate with whole nut meats.
This is also an excellent while cake reap
whea duu urc omitted.
CkocoUta IcinJ
One cup granulated sugar, i ounet
thocolaie; u hiU of I egg, beak dry,
y, teaspoonful vanilla txtract cup
Stir the sugar, chocolate and water
until the mixture boils; cover and let
boil three minutes. Uncover and let
boil till when tested in cold water a soft
ball may be formed; beat into the whits
of egg, then beat until cold, add vanilla.
The nut caramel frosting- given on pnpe forty
of the K C Cook's Book nmy be used in plar of
the ch,xxlate frosting, if desired. A copy ox
the Cook's Book hunUdomcly illustrated in 9
colors, wilt be mailed free, if you will send the
colored certlrieMe packed in JS-ceut cam of K
C Biking rowvicr to Uie Jiucu Mm. Co
CMcaaM, gi
i Tlie 1
r?c on
ii i t
Totals 35 10 9 23 9 S
Stanfield AB R H PO R E
S, Markham, ss ...5 1 1 1 1 1
Campbell, If 5 0 2 4 1 0
Xorman. cf 5 0 2 3 0 0
C. Hoskins, c 3 0 0 5 7 0
F. Hoskins, lb 3 0 0 9 1 2
Gilbert, 2b 4 1 0 3 1 1
L. Markham, rf. ..4 1 1 0 1 2
Lundwall, 3b 4 0 02 0 1
Harlan, p 4 1 2 0 1 1
Totals 37 4 8 27 13 8
Summary: Sacrifice hits Stanfield 1
two base hits P. R. 2; Stan. 2; threo
base hits P. R. 1; stolen bases P. R
4; stanfield 1; First base on balls, off
Darling 2 off Harian 3 Struck out
by Darling 9, by Harlan 6, Hoskins 5;
Innnlngs pitched by Darling 9, by
Harlan 4 1-2, Hoskins 4 1-2; Hits off
Darling 8 off Harlan 5. Hoskins 3;
Wild Pitches by Darling 2. by Har
ltn 0, Hoskins 1; Vitcory credltel to
Darling. Defeat charged to Hoskins
Passed balls, by Albrecht 0 by Hos
kins, 0; Left on bases P. R. 2, Stan.
7; Double plays P. R. 2, Stan. 0; Hit
by pitcher Hosklns2; Condition of
weather cloudy, condition of field
good. Time of Game 2 hrs. 10 min.
Umpire Phay, scorer Pruitt.
- ! '
Yesterday's Results.
At San Francisco Oakland 8-4,
Portland 7-2.
At Salt Lake Los Angeles 5, Salt
Lake 4, (HD innlnngs.)
At Los Angeles San Francisco 8-5,
Venice 5-4 (second game 10 in
AT Seattle R.H.E.
Victoria 1 1 1
Seattle 0 4 2
At Aberdeen
Tacoma 2 12
Aberdeen 0
Second Game
Tacoma 1
, Aberdeen ..5 2
At Spokane
Spokane 4 5
Vancouver , 2 6
Second Game
Spokane 19 17
Vancouver 3 I
At Cleveland R. H
Boston 3 7
At Detroit
New York
Detroit 2
At Chicago-
Philadelphia 4 7
Chicago 2 t
At St. Louis-
St. Louis 2 7
Washington . 1 4
States today . They will compete In
the American open championship.
Triangular College Race
PRIXCETOX, N. J. May 16. The
triangular rowing match between the
varsity and freshmen crews of
Princeton, Yale and Cornell will be
held here today on Lake Carnegie.
The course Is one and seven-eigh
ths miles.
Cornell-Pennsylvania Dual Meet
ITHACA, N. Y., May 16 The dual
meet between Cornell and University
of Pennsylvania Is scheduled for to
day at the local college field.
Xassau County Kennel Show
The fourth annual show of the Nas
sau County Kennel, Club Is to be
held here today .
Yale and Princeton Golf Match
GREENWICH, Conn., May 16.
Yale's golf team meets Princeton to
day on the course of the Greenwich
Country Club.
Colonial League Season opens
PAWTCCKET, R. I. May 16. The
Colonial League season starts tday.
Yale-Harvard Dual Meet
NEW HAVEN, Conn., May 16.
The Yale-Harvard dual meet Is on
today at the local athletic grounds.
Indiana-Illinois Game
CHAPAIGN, HI., May 16. The
eyes of the Western Conferences
baseball fans were turned In this di
rection today to watch the result of
the Indiana-Illinois game. The game
may go far to decide the "Big Nine"
race. Illinois won the title last year,
but was defeated by Indiana 13 to 2.
Far Eastern Olympic
SHANGHAI, May 16. The Far
Eastern Olympic games opened here
today with athletes entered from the
Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, Korea,
Siam and many Chinese provinces.
The games are conducted In mucn
the same manner as the Western
Olympics. They were first held in
Manila In 1913. In addition to the
the regular track and field events,
the list of contests Include soccer
A chance to get your new hat for Less than Whole
sale Price A loss to us. A saving to you.
Sale now on and continues all week
740 Main St Phone 413
For Iaf&ntt and Children.
Tba fki Yoa Have 'Always Bsiigti.
Bears tba
Signature' of
o 12
At Chicago-
It. H. E
Pittsburg 4
Chicago 1
At St. Iul
Kansas City 2
,t. Louis 2
Kntllsli Golfer Coming td V. 8.
NEW TOHK, May 16. Harry
Vardon and Edward Ray planned to
s:I! from England for the United
"TIZ" For Tender, Pnffed-np, Barn-
Ins, Calloused Fee, and
"Sur! 1 dm TIZ'
erery tira for any
foot trouble,"
Tou can be happy-footed Just like
me. Use "TIZ" and never suffer with
tender, raw, burning, blistered, swol
len, tired, smelly feet "TIZ" and
only "TIZ" takes the pain and Mr
ness out of cofTis, callouses and bun
Ions. As soon as you put your feet In a
"TIZ" bath, you just feel th happi
ness soaking In. How good your
poor, old feet feel. They want to
dance for Joy. "TIZ" U grand. TIZ"
Instantly draws out all the polsoaeus
exudations which puff up your feet
and cause lore. Inflamed, aching,
sweaty, smelly feet
Get a 26 cent box of "TIZ" at any
drug store or department store. Oct
Instant foot relief. Laugh at foot
sufferers who complain. Because
your feet are never, never going t
bother or make you limp any more.
basketball, volley ball, baseball and
9reat Interests has been aroused II
the games and coaches and managers
rf Mzh aehnol and colleae teams
throughout the East have been ar
ranged for months training athletes
for the competition.
I la Waat Alia St.. Uoitalra.' Phana all
Thaw Trial May 17.
NEW YORK, May 15. Justice
Laughlln of the appellate court cr
dered Judge Hendricks to proceed
with a Jury trial to test the sanity of
Harry Thaw. This Is a great Thaw
victory. The trial was set for May
An enterprising ranchman at Bis
marck, N. D., having In his ranch an
artesian well delivering water at a
pressure of 70 pounds to the square
inch, Is utilizing the water therefrom
to run an electric plant to supply en
erey for his own purposes.
Help the Stomach
Digest Your Food
When the stomach falls to digest
and distribute that which Is eaten,
the bowels become clogged with a
mass of waste and refuse that fer
ments and generates poisons that
are gradually forced into the blood,
causing distress and often serlou;
Most people naturally object to
the drastic cathartic and purga-'
tlve agents that shock the system.
A mild, gentle laxative, positive in
Its effect hd that will quickly re
lieve constipation Is Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsltt, sold by druggists at
fifty cents and oh dollar a bottle 1
It does not gripe of cramp, but
acts easily and pleasantly and Is
therefore the most satisfactory
remedy for children, women and I
elderly persons. For a free trial
bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell,
452 Washington St., Monticello, Ills.
Cool With Gas
50 feet of service pipe free
FREE, for Range Connections on present
mains. Service pipe means all outside pipinjjr
and is not inside or House piping.
This offer for a
limited time only
Phone 40
for .he GAS MAN, and he will gladly call at
your home and give you an estimate on the cost
of your inside piping.
Ranges and Water
Heaters Sold on
Easy Terms
Pacific Power 6 Light Co.
"Always at Your Service"
If you are interested in wheat land, it will pay
you well to see me. 5000 acres in tracts from
1 60 acres to 800 and 1 200 acre farms at
prices from $25 up to $125 per acre.
Call or write to
W. H. Morrison, Helix, Oregon