rr,r. ron DAILY EAST GREG OX AN. rENDLETON, ORFCON. ynpY, MY10 WIS. eight rAr.r.' 1 f ) I i f f i 1 i ,' JU I 1 f ' ill! jftn iiasstf Csi'"sr .m'nalssaw pulli i t if , ; . . . i i i i i En am i it i i 1 k-i vis Furniture, Rugs and liouse Fusnishings to Be Sold at Sensationally Low Prices for the Balance of This Month. Think over your home needs for the present and the future and come NOW while the pickings are best to this mammoth price slaughter of the best furniture in Pendleton M61M)F phce JOHN S. 1 Main Si and the sale is still On AN IMH:i'ENLifc.NTM;WSI'ArEU. j fobll.t.ed la!!y ind Semi Weekly 11 Pea 1 l!twti, Oregon, br the I EAST dliU,uNIAN 11 HUSHING CO. OfrHil County Itper. Jrir.tr I died i'rea Association. E&-ttHl at k p!utfice at Peuvileton. Urg' b. aa aecoud class matter. Telephone 1 OS SALE IN OT1IKR CIT1KS. ! Im;rial Hotel Xewa bund, 1'urtland. ; vrrffm. liosu.aa Ses To, Portland, Oregon. O.N F1LK AT Chicago P.urean, Hot Security Bulldina; Waeuincton. l C., Bureau Sol, Four tetctb street, X. W. Daitjr, Ilry, Daily, fatly, lUy. ItaitT. Html W ftenil Bemi W BUIteHRHTION KATES (IN ADVANCE) one year, by mall $5 00 ail modtha, by mail 2.50 three nxmtha. by mall 1.2ft one month, by mall 50 not year, by carrier 7 50 aix mootbs. by carrier 3-75 three months, by carrier 1.95 one mull in. oy carrier 63 eealy, one year by mall 1 50 eesir, six mtmtha, by mail 75 eeslj, four mom lis. by mall... .50 THE CAMPING SONG. How can we stay In the town, Now that the winter is dune? .Seme here a willow lets down Her flowing hair In the gun. Somewhere a road is turning. And Dawn's campfire is burn ing And oh, my heart Is yearning To go, my golden one. Give me your hand and run Out to the Road that we know. Scatter the dew in the sun. And our hearts will sing as we go. "Somewhere the leaves are making A tent that is ours for the tak ing Somewhere, when stars are walking, Our own campflre shall glow." When, on the Steeps of Sleep, Our tent of stars shall glow, Let us send through stillness deep This stng low, "Somewhere a Road Is leading To something some heart is needing Somewhere a Road is leading. If you will only go!" ;ienn Ward DriVach in The New Tork Times. to the hearts be- THEY ARE DRUNK- distant future. The first will never be the benefit intended unless the latter are built from one end of the Columbia to the other. Umatilla county must jrtt in line. Hermiston Her ald. You are right Brother Reeves. But good roads to the river need not always remain in the "dim and distant fu ture." There is a way whereby such roads may be provided and provided soon. The coun ty bonding law if made use of will open the door to water transportation for this county. All that is necessary is for good roads advocates in different sections to work together. The thing can be done. Let us do it and do it right. a m a SPEEDING TO COVER 0 slippery is the cause of the midnight resolution that even the Portland Oregonian has taken to the bush by denying it preferred railroad ownership of the land to government ownership. If railroad ownership of the land is not preferable to gov ernment ownership there was no excuse for the midnight res olution. The only possible purpose of the resolution was to help reverse Judge Wolver- ton's decision, take the land from the government and give it back to the railroad. The plea about wanting the land for settlers is bosh. In the task of turning the lands over to settlement the govern ment is more trustworthy than the railroad. The railroad held the land for 50 years and did not give it to settlers though obligated by contract to do so. The midnight resolution if followed by the supreme court, would permit the railroad to retain its land and dispose of it as originally ordered. It would mean $6,000,000 to the company at the very, least. It might mean $50,000,000. The Oregonian gives an illus tration of a newspaper that started forth to defend a shady job and did not have the stom-! ach to finish the fight. It is! : a "cup of coffee" argument in jit. The justice will not be a i candidate. Boston Post. HATEVER else may be said it is assuredly a time for the American for the resolution and for the INFANT MORTALITY ON $10 ! A WEEK. iJfULIA C. LATHROP. chief 3(J of the new Child's Bureau at Washington, has com piled figures to the following appalling effect, says a St. Louis paper: Deaths among babies whose fathers get less than $10 a week, 256 out of every 1000. Deaths among babies whose fathers get $25 or more a week, 84 out of every 1000. Has any other argument for social justice been as convinc ing. The industrial system has been called a Moloch because it makes child labor a source of important profits. It seems to be a feeble name for an industrial system that causes the death of 172 out of every thousand babies by with holding from the fathers the pay that would provide the con ditions essential to life. States independent of the rest of the world in this highly important de partment. The discovery of th s process and of the supplementary one relatimt to the manufacture of high explosives is particularly a reason for thankfulness." What this brilliant government chemist has done is an example of results that lie ahead of industrial chemists in this country. In a great many direct ons. the war in Europe HimulaU'il the countries outside the fighting area. Our country was hard est hit among the neutrals, for we used most European products and materials of manufacture. Now that Germany can't supply us dye-stuffs, our researchers must find a way to turn them out in this coun try. Made In America." is the goal of our merchants. To get there means that our researchers must work overtime, for old Mother Necessity is urging constantly. All th s new invention will mean a large redistribution of manufac turing capital. Stocks heretofore big money earners will not be so good, and some new stocks will offer big possibilities of profit. It has been largely due to Industrial discoveries that Standard Oil stock has repre sented the apex of gilt edgeness. Keep an eye on the American in dustrial worker in the future! JOHN M. OSKISOX. , bile, a carpet sweeper or snlvat nn and they go w here what they want Is to be had. Advertising the church was as In evitable as lighting them with Incan descent lamps. THIS MA Y ENTERTAIN ALWAYS IT IS THIS. To buy her presents his cash Is spent. And her words of thanks were sweeter than honey; But when he had squandered his last red cent She married a youth who saved his money. London Globe. KICKERS. You have frequently heard some lazy lout complain because Eve wish ed the apple on Adam. And now a chronic kicker complains because Noah didn't swat the flies when the supply was llmUed. Atchison Globe. CURRENT THINKING THE AMERICAN INVENTOR. I A young man employed by the gov ernment announced the other day that he had worked out processes for get ting 200 per cent more gasoline out of oil and of making in this country certain important constituents of coal tar dyes and of high explosives. Mother Necessity has been hard on the heels of our industrial chemists for some time; and, as usual, they have furnished the answer. Of Mr. Rlttman's discoveries Financial Am erica said the other day: "The free use of the discovery as to gasoline, as promised by the fact that the patents on the processes are to be dedicated to the whole Ameri can people, will do more to establish an equality of competition in the oil refining industry than many of the laws directed against monopoly, price fixing and restraint of trade. "The process relating to the pro duction of materials necessary for the dye industry will make the United CHIRIHES TO ADVERTISE. j (Editorial from the Chicago "Am erican." It was rather startling to hear from Talcott Williams, director of the School of Journalism In Columbia College, that the success of the Billy Sunday revival in Philadelphia was due to an advertising campaign by the churches of that city. The appointment of a committee of ministers to arrange a program of advertising for Chicago churches, In consequence of this address, indi cates that the churches have awak ened to the necessity of modern methods. Perhaps this Is the answer to the question that has been so often asked of recent years. "Why has church at tendance fallen off?" England, confronted with the ne cessity of raising an army of more than a million men resorted to adver tisement to get them and averted the terrifying expedient of conscrip tion. If patriotism can be stirred by ad vertisement there is no reason that religion should be squeamish at em ploying the same method. It Is a simple recognition of a change In habits of thought. Everybody reads the newspapers. The advertisements jog their perception in regard to what they need whether It is an automo- WHY HE RISHED TO THE BANK "The woman threw herself Into the river," read the teacher. "Her hus band rushed to the bank. Now tell me why her husband rushed to the bank?" "To get the Insurance money!'' yelled the class. Cincinnati Enquirer. WHY HE COLLAPSED. "And what," said the great speci alist, "do you consider to have been the cause of your husband's sudden and complete collapse?" "He Insisted on trying to follow a story in the moving pictures." Puck. HOW TASTES CHANGE. Funny that the very fellow who begs a girl for a lock of her ha r In the courtship days when he kisses it so fondly will swear like a trooper K he finds one of them In the butter after he Is married. Florida Times-l-'nion. HER FAMILY ALL RIGHT. Judge (to woman asking separa tion) How long have your relations been unpleasant? Woman Your Honor, my relations have always been pleasant. It's his relations that are the old grouches. Boston Transcript. Whooping Cough. Well everyone knows the effect of pine forests on coughs. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey is a remedy which brings quick relief for whooping cough loosens the mucous, soothes the lining of the throat and lungs, and makes the coughing spells less severe. A family with growing chil dren should not be without It Keep it handy for all coughs and colds. 1 5c at your druggist. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. Adv. Even a bachelor must admit that a wife Is an excellent thing to have around the house to blame things on when they go wrong. pips mm This Hotel has double the accommodations of any Hotel In Northwest. More conven iences, and more Pleasure for the guests. Itutes no higher. DS0 bed rooms, dnten dining and re ception rooms. tatcs to You .10 ronma, per day 11 " I ixl ronma with bath, per day I .VI 100 rooms ailh bath, per day S ou 2.m large uuialilt rooms, bath, per day 2 50 Extra person la room, ad ditional 1.00 people to be thoughtful and loyal to the government. Our administration faces a situation of extreme difficulty; it can best handle the problem advan tageously if the country keeps its head. It is no time for war mani acs to get rampant; nor for partisanship to show its face. America is a peaceful na tion and we may be assured the government will go far and endure much to avoid trouble. We can afford to be very patient and considerate. The European nations are crazed by the horrors and dangers in which they are involved. We railroad's side of the contro-l versy but it also believes in; "safety first." Therefore itj speeds to cover when the fight! grows warm. "He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day." NO HUGHES COFFEE HOSE republicans who have been hoping against hope that Justice Charles E. Hughes of the supreme court, of the United States might consent to .become a can didate for the republican nom ination for the presidency in 1916 must have felt their spir- can afford to make allowances' !nk yesterday at .the pub- for them. It would be wrong not to do so. The bent thing the American people can do is to support the administration in its desire for peace. A sober man does not show valor or dignity by fighting with a man who is drunk. Why cannot the same rule apply to nations? UNITY THEWATCHWORD fparllE Celilo canal Is now 8 lication of the following state ment made in the jurist's be half and with his approval: "Justice Hughes wholly dis approves the use of his name in connection with the presi dential campaign. Not only has he no desire to re-enter politics, but as a member of the supreme court he is not avail able. He is not a candidate in any sense and cannot permit his name to be used." As Mr. Hlltrripa. has fllwsva Ojy reality. The good roads been a man of his word, that leading to the Columbia seems to be conclusive enough, liver ure etill in the dim and There is not even a chance for WOT 32.1 Miles on 1 Gallon of Gasoline? Franklin 6-30 ; weight 2750 lbs. On May 1st 137 Franklin stock touring cars in 137 dif ferent localities of the U. S. made a general average of 32.1 miles on a measured gallon of gasolene. Let us explain and demonstrate to you why the Frank lin is the most economical car built in America. Pendleton Auto Co. Phone 541 812 Johnson Street r 1 To save the expense and risk necessary in handling and moving our grand large stock of HIGH GRADE MUSI CAL GOODS, we are going to let many go at Great Removal Reductions WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. DON'T BUY UNTIL YOU SEE US. Warren Music nous Fife! IIIHIIIIIIIIinilMllf! aiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiiuiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiM mmilHMhlllHlmMintiiiHHHiiHn : a.uiaHUH.u,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,.,!,,,;;;,!;,: L7J (ajaaSjsiaaaaiaVaaajavassaiaiaiaarV j MUTUAL MASTER PICTURES f frsjasVtiiiMJei iasaatltaViaJ 1 Would You Marry the Girl Who Knocked You Out? John Douglas did. The situation was unusual of course ; so was the setting of the wonderful Mutual Masterpicture He tesst Santa Cruz Island, in the Pacific, is the scene of this thrilling five reel drama that cost many thousands of dollars to produce. A costly steamship blown up right before your eyes Hitherto undiscovered and unexplored wonderlands are shown in this picture featuring such finished actors as Margarita Fischer Jos. Singleton, Harry Pollard and others. five reels full of realism, suparb acting, beautiful natural scen ery, staged on a South Sea Island, shown at the COSY THEATRE Tuesday, Wednesday, May 11-12 MUTUAL MOVIES SPECIAL MUSIC FOR THESE PICTURES.