DAILY EVEil'ij ED1TI0IJ p.!LY eve:::::3 EGiTie:i . N, X TO ADVERTISERS. The East Oregoiilan h th largest pld circulation of uy pwt In Oregon, east of l'orllnu'1, ind over twice the clmilatloa In l'eodlrlun of any other nrwspaper. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER 1 MiOM l'nmwl for Eastern Orejim by the lolled .States Weather Observer t Portland. Fair tonight an. I Saturday. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 26 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1913. NO. 8196 n L II 11 1 LI I f .UUJWiii PI '"'"J n I - I' ; lJ Li Li ITALY IS WARNED IMMENSE ARMY READY FOR FIELD ' Kaiser Lets it Become Known That He Has Thousands of Men Avail able in Case of Hostilities. MUMS IGNORE THE THREAT GERMAIN RING OF STEEL CLOSES I IN ON BRITISH FORCE rrriMu-atlonit Are Heine Hastened for War In Spite of German Sua' Claimed In East and We Against the Allle Troops Arc Hclng Hui-h ctl lo Concentration Camps. , BOISE HIGH SCHOOL BAND WILL PHY HERE SATURDAY (RT ALICE ROUE.) HOME, May 7. Italy will find her elf confronted by a great German army aliould' she enter the war on the fide of the allies. Thla Is tlio warning sounded by the kaiser. With the Germans on the western front making steady gains and the Russians being rapidly driven out of Prussia, the kaiser, telegraphing Prince Von Hui'low, the German ambassador at Rome, has let It become known that he will be In a position to spare thou annds of men to oppose the army Italy might put In the field. Despite the warning Italy continued! tMii meet. prrprat!oni for war. The service ofj 7ne following 40 passenger trains on the main lines batli pay nere lias been suspended to facilitate ti e was received by movement of troops and munitions io the Commercial Club this afternoon. UKRLIN, May 7. A German ring of steel Is slowly closing in on Ypres. An official statement from the var office announced the kaiser's troops are now In complete possession of Hill 60 about which bloody fighting has been In progress the past week. The statement declared the British counter attacks In an effort to retake the hit were repulsed with heavy loss. PARIS, May 7. The roar of heavy German artillery is now shaking tho entire battlefronL The Germans ap parently have decided to literally blow the British out of Ypres. Re ports from the French, British and Belgian field headquarters bring stor ies thut the Germans are using their heavy guns in enormous numbers at every point. At the court house grounds here to morrow evening a public bund con cert will be given by the Boise High School Band which will at that time be enrouts home to Boise from Mos cow, Jdjibo, where the band provid ed muKic during the Idaho state fair WHEAT CONT1NI Ks TO KEEK LOWER LEVELS CHICAGO, May 7.(8pec lal.) May wheat closed at IM today; July at $1.31 and Sep tember at M.22 5-8. PORTLAND. Ore., May 7. Portland wheat prices today are club, 11.18; bluestem, 11.22. Indiana Nine Goes North. BLOOMINGTOX, Ind., May 8. The Indiana J-'nlverslty baseball nine left today on Its annual northern Invas ion. While on the trip the Hoosiers will meet Wisconsin, Northwestern and Chicago. Responsibility of Sinking Lusitania to be Repudiated WARNING GIVEN WILL BE CLAIM OK GERMANY, THINKS WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, May 7. That tin German government would repudiate the responsibility toward the United States for the Lusitania disaster was the concensus of opinion In official circles. It is believed this expected attitude will be based on the' adver tisements published by the embassy in New York newspapers on the day the vessel sailed warning Americans against traveling on British ships. This warning, followed by the sinking of the vessel, caused a comment con cernlng a possible knowledge by the German embassy of what was to hap pen, but this is wholly unofficial. WASHINGTON, May 7. At the state department it was said the Lusl tanla and the Falaba disasters fell in the same category and undoubtedly would be handled along precisely sim ilar lines, insofar as American official Interest in the matter is concerned. LARGE CROWDS VIEW EXHIBITS OF PENDLETON HIGH SCHOOL Large crowds yesterday concentration camps. A royal decreo authorized the suspension of tele graph and telephoen service without notice. .lob Hunting In Alaska. WASHINGTON, May 7. Secretary Lane Is still receiving applications fcr Jobs on the Alaska railroad, despPe elaborate explanations for many weeks that there are no Jobs to ba had that the only government em ployes are a comparatively few ex perienced engineers. The Iiolse High school band In at tendance at the Idaho state fair field meet at Moscow will be in your citj Saturday at 5 p. m. and will give gratis a concert If arrangements are made for the same either In park or down town that evening. Wire at once if you will arrange, WARD FRENCH. Moscow, Ida. After consultation with local busi ness men Mr. Tallman arranged to afternoon music and magazine racks snA Inlaid uuer to nae ins am laj)t e'Venlng were gathered ln'cneck boards made of several dlf PreUHrd"egt TallmaTof . Moose Hall to see the exhlblU of! f"ent k'n. The exhibit the domestic science and manua tne grade scnoo,s the h)gn ,,,, and training departments of the public j the night school and these students schools, and no one who went but range In age. from 11 to 65. The came away to marvel at the resu'ts' names of the makers are attached to accomplished by boys and girls' each bit of furniture. The lumber through scientific guidance. It it alone In the furniture cost t 1200 and without doubt the finest exhibit of Its it is hard to estimate the value of the kind ever shown in eastern Oregon' work. and ranks with any in the northwest. Over In the west end of the hall is In the handiwork of the student , the exhibit of the domestic science there is plenty for both men and wo-and arts department. On the walls men to admire. If the eye of the av- are hung the accomplishments of the GUI YIELDS TO PRACTICALLY ALL JAPAII'S DEMANDS New Note is Submitted to Tokio - Which is Expected to Avert Crisis Over Concessions Asked. SITUATION LOOKS BRIGHTER Whctlicr Japan Will Accept Latest Proposals la As Yet I'nknown Toklo Government Is Determined to Insist I'pon Unqualified Accept ance Upon the Part of China. TOKIO. May 7. Peace between J. pan and China, was Insured when the lokio government withdrew from Its list of 21 demands made upon I'ckin Hie fifth group, which from Uie start was obnoxious to the Chinese govern ment and threatened to plunge the nations into war. All other conces sions sought by Japan arc to he grant ed in efrect, it is understood. LONDON, May 7. Dispatches re ceived from Pekin declare that China has yielded to practically all the de mands made by Japan and that only details remain to be worked out. Die patches declare th action of China will surely prevent war. PEKIN, May 7. China has sub BIG CUNARDER IS SENT TO BOTTOM OFF IRISH COAST MANY AMERICANS ARE ABOARD THE LINER ON THEIR WAYTO ENGLAND Torpedo Strikes Vessel This Afternoon-Calls for Help Immediately Sent Out-Craft of all Kind Rushing From Queenstown to Aid in Work of Rescue-News of Disaster is Receiv ed at Washington by Wilson and Bryan With out Word of Comment-Crowds in New York Gather About Cunard Line Office Awaiting More Details of the Sinking. LIVERPOOL, May 7. The giant Cunard liner Luaitania, with a heavy passenger list of American citizens, was torpedo ed and sunk off the Irish coast this afternoon. No loss of life has been reported as yet. . Small boats of every description rushed from Queenstown to Old Head of Kinsale, off which the big liner was torpedoed, An unconfirmed report said the Lusitania had been beached. The first report that the Lusitania was in trouhle was nickpr! nn mitted a new note to japan which is by wireless at Lands End. It reported there was a decided list expected to avert a serious crisis in to the steampr and thnf occirfano ,o tj t v..-v Huuiumuvc 1100 UIKCIlllV WallLcll. LSLrr negotiations growing out of To- nOQr,0f,.. ;i.j ., i. r ... ' ... 7 !" "rpmio iui am a nn uie pure auiuonues the klo's demands upon grounds and wired un acceptance of the offer. erage man cannot appreciate the nu- sewing classes. There are dresses of common gingham hold the concert at the court house ( merous evidences of expert needlecreft; all kinds from Pekin. While "I, T- r H , . . wlc the text nf th itt mm,,.!,.)!.. tusiieu everyming possiDie to assist the steampr. is not known, officials declare that The Lusitania was torpedoed at 2:33 this afternoon At in effect it concedes, under protest, the point where the attack took place the liner's course no'rmal- the chief Japanese demands. Tne y was in sight of land. note was handed to Japanese Mlnlrter Ekio Kioki today and forwarded to x-.-,. Tokio. The new reply was declared LUUUM, May 7. Lloyd's confirmed the sinking of the to have been framed af'er an all night LUSltania this afternoon. conference between President Yuan - and his diplomatic advisers. I vt?r vrnrr w . . .' ' . ; r :, : J n "Ul""cr 01 prominent Americans In diplomatic circles it was report- SURPLUS WATER OF NEW SYSTEM TO GO TO USERS WITHOUT COST and if none of the delicacies in the housedresses to ballroom gowns andjed the conference decided it would be Were aboard the Lusitania. This afternoon the officer of tho r-rtrtkoM, AnoHniAnt anndol in hint la... IV.... . I. ..... . . , , n .J li . , ... iAlV-TO VL 11117 cookery department appeal to him, j street suits. Towels hemstitched ty and this is not possible, there is cer-i little girls In the grades and other tainly plenty In the manual training carefully done needlework draw forth By a plan Inaugurated last evening by the Pendleton water commission the people of the oity are to be? per mitted to use the surplus water of the gravity system this summer without any additional cost. The revenue de rived In 19H from the system hav ing been ample for the maintenance and operation of the department and for the sinking fund requirements, the commission unanimously decided last evening that. If the same amount o( revenue can be secured this year, the people should have the benefit of the entire water supply without extra charge. The water users are to be given their choice of two different plans os embodied In two separate resolutions, one Introduced by Commissioner Strain and the other by Commissioner Best, Mr. Strain's resolution requires the superintendent to establish mor.lh by month the available excess of wa ter, this excess to he divided pro rata nmong the residential users. Thus In the month of May the surplus is estab-j lished at 25 per cent. If you accept the Strain plan, you sign a contract to pay as much for water this month as you did In May, 1914, and at the same time you will be entitled to use one fourth more water than last year. If you use more than a fourth more, you will be required to pay extra st the rate of 25 cents per thousand gal Ions. If you do not wish to sign the con tract for your pro rata share of the surplus, you will be permitted by the Best resolution to extra water any way. The Best resolution raises the maximum amount of water available at the minimum charge from 4000 gallons to 6000 gallons a month. Thus those who do not sign a con tract for water In accordance with the Strain resolution will be given BOOO gallons of water for a dollar In stead of 4000 as heretofore. In elth. er event, the householder who needs display to delight his eye. That such beautiful and elegant pieces of furniture as are on exhibit were made In our public schools seems almost unbelievable to tho.ie whose school days mennt "reading and ritlng and rlthmitlc." Even the eye of the expert cabinet worker cannot detect flaws in the pieces turned out by the advanced students of the department and there Isn't e home In town but what would proud to own a great deal of the fur nlture. On exhibit there is almost everything In the line of furniture housewife could ask for from I footstools to bedroom sets. Then is and "Ahs" from the water for his lawn and flowers will get a larger amount for the same money than he did In 1914. The resolutions are In effect un'll January l, 1916. The following Is the' thM ..! irnuiuuun m mil: "Whnmiia thAA i v " .-i io l iimes nn pt. i a .,nv. j i j ,hn Jlri'"be.ln.?Ur.mUnl- room set. big four-poster beds of iw v'i Z Z,Z .1 " lne ,ncoml mahogany and other - woods. amnio t .u i. 4 waa, length mirrors, all manners and fah- " o'umury mainten ance, Uhkeen. and sinking tA therefore be ANOTHER MAN BADLY WANTED Ions of chairs, beautiful chests, II- (iiiln.iii.nl. f tu . .7 - - i urary lamps, uressers, unrary lauiea " jtih, mereiore do resntvea that the water users i-f Xc"it iITs wi'.hout addiul:rcposd SHERIFF TAYLOR PICKS UP To this end the water superintend ent is nereny Instructed as follows, to-wlt; (1) Whatever water was used dur ing the year 1914 for residential pur poses on any given premises fully Ir rigated may be deemed the unit of quantity for such premises for tho year 1915, month by month consecu. lively. (2) Any many "Ohs womenfolk. And last but not least there are a half dozen or more young ladies act ually demonstrating what they know of the science of food preparation, Cooking is dohe With neatness aid des patch before the eyes of the visitors and salmis and biscuits or other deli cacies are served while they watch. Many practical demonstrations ure he; made from which even the experienc ed housewife can learn something. Every patron of the school owes It to himself or herself to visit the ex hibit which will be maintained both this afternoon and evening. R, E. Chloupek and Clarence Tubbs of the manual training department and Mias full- Alice Rutler and Miss Ceclle Boyd of the domestic science department with some of their students will be present i d.'iect and explain ras an air of suicidal to oppose Japan by force. It Cunard line Were Crowded with npnnlo Hr-aA K u is not known whether the latest con- As Vet there ha hppn nn ovitomof T- -j i 1, "evf" cessions will satisfy jaran. it is evi- 11 A. . "- excitement. It wm evident that each dent the Tokio government is dispo- V""" situation more serious and there w, fd to insist upon the acceptance of all anxleiy its demands without reservation but me Lusitania earned 1400 passengers amono- vnm the situation is regarded here as be- Alfred Qwyjlll VnnderMlt Elbert MhaVZ Pi, , r ' ing brighter than yesterday. ' . ' , W l' 'r D, lubDard nd Charles Froh- "l- Beff.e the steamer sailed many passengers were warned iiioi Buuieimng was going to nappen to the bijj liner. i 2 BRITISH SHIPS ARE TORPEDOED Bf NDERSEA VESSEL ficeSfEthfcShrt 8:40 o'clock this afternoon of-' iices oi me LUnard line iiia q cfat4- A. ' - - VU VV I . j port that the Lusitania had been sunk. ment confirming the re- I.IVEItPOOI. of life in the Slay 7.- An omluoiM lilnl that thM ... -usltani, dlter r... ...1 " w,ou9 loM says: ' Wc have hone, that " " "'"" . I moan the line knew there was loss of life. This was Interpreted t AI.I.F.GK.I) KSCAPF.D CONVICT FIIOM WAIXA WAM.A PF.X IS CAltiHT IIKKE. tne moustacne wnich the man wore when his picture was taken for the rogue's gallery. Lpon being taken into custody, the man gave his name af Ed Bu.h and denied he was an escaped convict. The Penitentiary officials have been noti' fled. Escaped convicts from the Walla Wnlln nenitpntinrv will nrnlinhlv ffive l-tn... ,i. - " D ,i'niifuin Hiiu i iimiiua couniy a wiue irgr quantity of water this year berth hereafter after the experience , eo'ntlnl purpose, of two of their number within the ... ui ner option, contract wiin me water commission to tne same sum month hv month pay 1) secutlvcly As that paid for correspond- inonins or tne year 1914, (3) The available excess for the niontn or May is hereby placed at 25 per cent and for ench month here after the water superintendent shall estimate the surplus water If any, anl fix the percentage of surplus subject to the direction of the water commis sion. (4) For all water used In Alt am nf days. Yesterday Sheriff T. Taylor turned over John Jordan, a negro convict, to the penitentiary guards, having picked him up at East lnnd. and today he apprehended C. E. TT.,1. n r. tt- v t. . .... nn nous v. tx. .iiw.ll, U. pillUlG V1U- mior irom ine same institution. At least the sheriff declares he is Ecker, the denial of the man to the contrary notwithstanding. Sheriff Taylor picked the alleged convict up Just before noon In the downtown district. He spotted him lh. .,i... . V UI"B """" waicnea mm mmih k, .i. 1 a rrom until he was convinced he was the man - - i" uwr snail pay at uin mie ot zs cents per 1000 gallons. (5) Any person occupying prem Ises not supplied with cltv at.r i the year 1914 and using water In ex cess of the minimum mav annlv to HUMANE SONOAY WILL BE OBSERVED MAY 23 the commission to fix a Just and reas onable rate. wanted. The man tried to work a clever ruse when he suspected that he m'ght be watched. Passing one of the ministers of the city and recog nising him by his cloth, he greeted him warly like an old friend. Sheriff Taylor, however, was not to be de ceived by this or by the absence of HBQVRST OF NATIONAL ORGAN IZATION THAT LOCAL PAS TORS DISCUSS SUBJECT. To have Sunday, May 23, observed as Humane Sunday Is the purpose of a movement now underway hum and which la meeting with success. The object Is to have the pastors of the various local churches deliver ser mons upon the subject of the neces sity for mercy and kindness in the treatment of God's helpless creature suffering little children and abused animals. The effort here Is part of the nation-wide propaganda by the Ameri can Humane Association and at the request of the Portland chairman Mr. P. W. Vincent Is taking the mat ter up with the local ministers. Those I;On0V. May :. Sh,-tl.y bi-forcl Ambassador Hlnes at 8 o,-!ook the Cunard com,,,, issued I fir,,,!,,- , Jl Tit ,L LIVERPOOL, May T. The liner Candidate, a sister ship of the Cen turion, was torpedoed by a German submarine off Waterford, Ireland, jesterday, according to an announce ment, A trawler rescued the Candi date's crew of 44. I Crew Is Saved. LONDON, May 7. The British steamer Centurion, 545 tons, was tor pedoed by a submarine. The crew was reported saved. Trawler Sunk. GRIMSBY, England., May 7. The trawler Don was sunk In the North sea last night by striking a mine. Two of the crew were saved by a passing trawler. The rest perished. T.ondiin .,. roifnw tiu. i.... . .. . . . formal statement annoum imr theU.1.1 .iV- . .VI," . e I u"",anl- I hmir "",St a'"1 nk ,u UI" ' Lusitania was torpedoed without the slightest warning, and sunk within a few m ntites. The bulletin said the company was not yet fully Informed regarding the welfare of the assen-gers. officials announced that despite the t-MIKMoing f Lusitania tho llm-r Transylvania. hl..i. i ...,.. ... LONDON. May 7 -The Cerms,, r to the Cm,,,,,, submarine which sank the Hisitania! 1 lven.l at five (hi aru-rnoon M. - . n.- i.ic same wnui, yes-i me trip mer Hk- course fnl. tortlav sank two 5000 ton freighter ,,,,VH mj Lusltaia the Centurion ami (he Candidate autl! o,i We.lnes.lay the will,, sl.l,, i;r,i NEW YOltK. .Mav , of Intlmrn. The adinlrultv has enls ...ol .V.. ..... ...nr,l.otn" flotilla nf fa ,,... "." . "'" .""..i " "WC liHtio,,. tor tlic uiulcrsi'a boat. LIVERPOOL, .May 7. The "ill Ilckl from Un-riuM.I: (Continued on page eight) NEWS SUMMARY H.I win. saw Mi,ih , lowing t lHlttlH ,.,,,. '""'? of ,vnss.-lls,.rt a,-m. ... ... nioriimtion state.1 the I.asitania was! , Kk w n,"klMC Klu.wlo Ntrnck by torpedo at 2 thl-t afternuou! l,n ,,IK! ' tho i-.i..r, and sank In 33 minutes. rawrd. A number of boats were early on me scene ami ,nmltat,.ir k..M amiinctov m ..- j! work of Ukinjr on boonl the passe n i tne i.nsiiania.. It Is under- ij Moo.1 tlN? Liisitanla g own boats were ucu io care for the passenger. Cn Uncr Lusitania Is torpedo and T"' T" b"U' WVro sunk off Irish coast by a German ,b- '' ers rowved ready for marine. China pan. aeeedea to demands ot Ja- any eventuality and it Is possible thl precaution proved the salvation of tlie Issengers. Local. NEW YOHK. May 7. Tle mnanl TtCKtdonts of Pendleton to get more "ne late Unlay nuule public the fnl. water during summer without extra '"wHwi niage from Uverpool: Ma- eliarge. j Jorlty of rescue vewsels now apparent New federal building will be finer making Lh- yiKvusumn.' titan at first planned. I May 23 will be observed as ' Hti.' W ASHINGTON. May 7. The state mane Sunday." department rwelied a dispatch from I Bri.i Secretary an was at luncheon !.. .. . of the tori-edolng of the Lusitanl reached him. He hurried to the stat, department At 2.15 o'clock no of ft. via Information had bee revive,! and the department was mu,.n Lfforts were made to establish com munlcation with consular reprewnt.' tlves at the nearest scene of the dU. aster. WASHINGTON. May 7.-President VS ll-on had Just finished lunch when Asu'stant Secretary Forster told hit , the Lusitania had bn M, N,, comment was vouchsafed. om,. l. formation Is lacking. The navy de partment notified the M hit. . it had only pre, dlnpatrli,.