PAGE THt DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN. PENDLETON. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1915. EIGHT PAGE t ? if. i . I 3 Era n i it M E3 ESS E 3 II E3 n n i 1 Er 3 I I Id JVJ UiL-jb du Liu u vJ fiiirnri pi jR'j The Women' Foreign Miwlonary Society of the Methodist church held a mission tea yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. J. Workman.' Mrs 8am Jinklnx had charge of the devotional. The following very ln tereallng program was given: Heading, "L-M-Cu". .Mrs. A. Eklund ''Life Transformer". Mrs. Jj. I). Waffle Vocal nolo Miss Grace Oliver "What a Little Slave Boy Accom- pllshed" Mrs. Roland Oliver "Children at Work for Christ" .... I Mrs. Geary Ktmbrell Vocal Solo Miss Perlnger At the close of the meeting de lightful refreshments were served. Mrs. J. J. Roulstone of Walla Wal la spent yesterday here as the guest ?! ?7".hWB,ML f,lakly and ccom-' jg STOPPING AT THE HOTEL ST. GEORGE WHERE THE to The Dalles. Mm. Roulstone was UTi ftrlV-rfav settlor ft rTmatl1ti nnn. tv. I THIS WELL KNOWN SPECIALIST IS VISITING PENDLETON FOR A FEW WEEKS. AFFLICTED MAY CONSULT HIM FREE. PEOPLE OF PENDLETON YOU HAVE NOW AN OPPORTUNITY FOR MONEY SAVING THAT IN 6 YEARS' TIME YOU HAVE NEVER BEFORE HAD. IS MONEY AN OBJECT TO YOU? WHY NOT NOW TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PSYCHOLOGICAL MOMENT AND OBTAIN THE BENEFITS OF THE J. S. BAKER SURPRISE SALE. TIME IS SHORT. YOU MUST GET BUSY, OR YOU LOSE SEE. 1-3 OF YOUR PURCHASE PRICE. IS THIS PERCENTAGE GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? CAN'T GET SUCH INTEREST IN THE BANKS YOU KNOW IT. (. MAKE YOUR HOME HAPPY, FOR YOUR CHILDREN'S SAKE, OTHERWISE YOU MAY REPENT IN BITTER TEARS. THINK ALONG THESE LINES FOR A WHILE, IT MAY CAUSE YOU TO WAKE UP. DON'T BE A CLAM, GET A MOVE ON, AT ANY RATE, TAKE THE GOODS, OR LEAVE THEM, IT'S UP TO YOU. "NUF SED." Hi (Hi 1 rvr i THE SALES SPECIALIST Among the Pendleton ladles who are making the trip down the Colum- THIS SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN IS A MAN OF REMARK- oia river today on the Imatllla coun-. a. i . .. . . n . . r . mi a -nerpnrn PI tM ft Fx 9? A It Adll Amu I i Anu nu jurrtftLn anuui-is riL ty ooai, tne "Annie Lummlngs, are Mrs. John F. Robinson. Mrs. Sam ft. Thompson, Mrs. W. M. Blakely. Mrs.1 Robert N". Stanfleld, Mrs. Leon Cohen' and Miss Thelma Thompson. TO BE EXAMINED BY HIM. Mr. and Mrs Carl Power, Miss Lo-' Dr- Darrln, the specialist, who re- prospects of life or danger of death la Rogers and Miss Frances Sallng cently arrived In Pendleton, announc- wnetner a cure is possioie or impos composedan automobile party to efl that he remain for several slble. He astonishes everyone with L'matllla last evening and return. I weeks and will give free consultatlon nis wonderrui ana correct nowien. at nis neaaquaners in me notei ou 01 aiseuara is wv yium miu Miss Margaret Colesworthy enter talned three of her high school ' George to those In need of his skillful and ability so great that a speedy cure services. Is almost absolutely certain. friends last evening at a birthday The coming of this noted specialist D. Damn specialties, luncheon at her home on the south la a blessing for the sick and the at- " Darrln make a 'Pec'alty of all hill. After the luncheon the young flicted. No person suffering from any, diseases of the eye nose. n"at, people enjoyed an auto ride and com- disease, or complication of ailments. lun. nart, stomach, liver, kidneys rleted the evening at a picture play- should be satisfied until they have! and bladder; also successfully treats hnima Ulna Pnlaoa-ni.hif. V.AA & b mln&J kw Tm Tavrtn vh A catarrh. deafness, coughs, dyspepsia. were Misses Angela Bowler. Pauline makes no charge for consultation and! constipation, piles, ulcers, neuralgia Rice and Jean Reber. Mrs. James A. Fee entertained the undertakes no case unless deemed and rheumatism. curable or Improvable. Those who are suffering In silence ladles of the South Hill bridge Club Perhaps have been unsuccessfully yesterday afternoon. As additional treated and believe their cases hope guesta she had Mrs. H. H. Hattery, ' r on'y "usceptlble to temporary Mrs. Dean Tatom and Miss Jennie reilet. snouia not despair ior u Perry. I possible that Dr. Darrin's successful ' 1 - . - - ' methods of treatment will restore the health and make life once more worth All diseases and weaknesses of the pelvic organs in either sex given spe cial attention. Those about to marry should call for advice and see If they are fit or qualified for marriage. Care ful consideration given In sexual In compatibility of marled people. The doctor baa a special quick treatment for all the private and spe cial diseases of men and la also ex traordinarily successful In the treat ment of all the peculiar ailments 01 women, such as have baffled the skill Mrs. Charles Bonney was hostess ,ivlng M he ha. done ln thousands of yesterday afternoon to the North Side 80aIlecl hopeless cases. A visit to Bridge Club. She also had as guests nim ,., te an(J u wllI BUrely be her sister, Mrs. G. W. Wiley, Mrs. ,h ,r1lh, ,n ftA ut as Frank Frailer and Mrs. W. J. Clarke. nfaUh is a most valuable asset, and of other physlciana and remedies. No Honors fell to Mrs. Frazler in the ,,aramount to almost anything a hu- suffering man or woman should fait l"-v' man being can possess. to call on him for free consultation ' I Dr. Darrln Is certainly one of the Mrs. George Perlnger, Miss Muriel most remarkable and successful phy Perlnger, Carl Perlnger and Fred siclans now before the public. The Bloch composed an automobile party perceptive faculties of this physician that went to the track meet at Walla seem so well trained that he at once Walla Monday. They returned to tells every disease of the human body fenoieton yesterday morning. i and precisely what condition of health i or disease exists; detects and describes Amone the Penrt!ennia. every symptom, ache and pain gives went down to Umatilla yesterday for l" VtZXi 13 uS IHfflHlllllllllllH!!!!!!!!!!1 liiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiinii m mm 1 i ETaeatr 9 1 S1 May, May 7th ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! AMERICA'S FOREMOST DRAMATIC ARTIST! GUV SATES POST IN "OMR the TENTMAKER" A Spectacular Persian Romance by Richard Walton Tully, author of "The Bird of Paradise" The Season's Supreme Spectacle! Original Superb Cast and Massive Production as Present ed for Six Months in New York Prices: Lower floor 32,00; Balcony SI Gal 50c AIL ORDERS WOW! Seat Sale &t Pendleton Drug Co. Thursday, May 6, 10:00 &. m. Health Promotes Happiness. Wrhout health, genuine joy Is Im possible; without good digestion aud regular bowel movement you can not have health. . Why neglect keep ing bowels open and risk being sick pnrt ailing? Tou don't have to. Tako cue small Dr. King's New Li' Pill nt night, ln the morning you will hpve a full, free bowel movement and feei much beter. Helps your rp petlte rnd digestion. Try one to night. Adv. Women Journalists Meet. WACO, Tex., May 5. Problems of interest to the Journalistic craft, as seen through women's eyes, were dis cussed today in the opening of a three day session of the Texas Woman's Press association here. Be Good To Yourself by keeping in pood physical trim and you will be the best friend to yourself and a pleas ure to others. Most sicknesses begin in the ordinary and minor ailments of the digestive organs, and for these ailments ikcfiattis '.Sill! have become the most popular remedy, because they are so safe, so certain, and prompt in their beneficial action. They tone the stomach, stim ulate the liver, regulate the bowels. By cleansing the system and purifying the blood they prove that they Are the Best Of Good Friends Urt t Salt of Knr Mdkla la Ui World. Sold mrprktn, In bum, 10c, ZSc. 3COPA84 a CE . m0m ning to end; tells so plainly that you Tou learn tne and advice. Each visitor to Dr. Darrln Is seen by him privately. All secret troubles and delicate matters are held by him In sacred confidence. Sufferers from any disease or ail ment of whatever nature, should losa no time In consulting Dr. Darrln as soon as possible, for should they un dergo treatment, they will have the benefit of the doctor's personal atten tion during his visit here Hotel Men Convene. j A Warning to feel tired before ex- ine ceieorat on therA nrarA nr , Mrs. A. H. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. William qnow he '" corrL Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs. Walter CreSSWell an,1 tamllv fiM tt , Taylor. Mrs. W. p. Temple, Mrs. Hen-' HOUSTON, Tex., May 5 The an- ertion is not laziness It's a sign that ry Dixon Jones, Miss Edna Zimmer- nual convention of the American ho- the system lacks vitality, and need man, Mr. and Mrs F. E. King, B. I,, tel protective association of the Vnl- the tonic effect of Hood's Saraaparilla. Ballard, Nesmith Ankeny and George ted States and Canada will be held Sufferers should not delay. Get rid Hartman. Jr. AH made the trip to here and ln Galveston and Dallas be- of that tired feeling by beginning to and from by auto. ginning today and ending May 6th. take Hood s Sarsaparilla today. Adv. NEMO WEEK SPECIAL. Our Department is Equipped With All The New Numbers. 1 twamn AT PRICES THAT WILL MOVE THEM OUT OF OUR DEPARTMENT IN A HURRY. I PRICE x 1. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY we place on sale absolutely every wool suit in our department at the ex tremely low price of one-half. Every coat at one-third less. Choose while the selections are at their best. LESS Suit Pri rices $20.00 Suits at ?10.00 $22.50 Suits at $11.25 $25.00 Suits at $12.50 $27.50 Suite at $13.75 $30.00 Suits at $15.00 $32.50 Suits at $16.25 $35.00 Suits at $17.50 $37.50 Suits at $18.75 $40.00 Suits at $20.00 $45.00 Suits at $22.50 Coat Pn rices $15. $16. $18. $20 $22, $24, $28, $30, $32 $35 00 Coats 00 Coats 00 Coats .00 Coats ,50 Coats ,00 Coats ,00 Coats ,00 Coats .50 Coats .00 Coats at $10.00 at $10.60 at $12.00 at $ 13.33 at $15.00 at $16.00 at $18.67 at $20.00 at $21.67 at dMJ.JC SPECIAL SALE RIBBONS Our entire line of taffeta ribbons will be placed on sale at greatly reduced prices. Also all fancy ribbons. Save at these timely prices. SPECIAL GLOVE SALE Three Days Only. Fownes $1.50 Gloves $1.19 Fownes $1.75 Gloves $1.30 Fownes $2.00 Gloves $1.59 Slightly mussed Gloves, values to $2.00, sale 9S NEMO WEEK SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION WE GIVE S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS. ALEXANDERS IfH(IHirrTf(tll!itttfiMHIHfMTTniMIIIll' 'l:TTfMT!!I!ITTfTTTMII!lf1H(mtnniTmift!!!ni1'(T?!!rif!ini!!r!III immmii!!! !P!!!l!!!I!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!H!!!!!l!!!',!l,!0 IliulUiUiliilliiiillilUiiiiiilliuiuiuiliir fill - A fx ... - A X IlliliiliilillllilliluilillilibilluluU Va Mtreast