East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, April 28, 1915, DAILY EVENING EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Positive Relief
For Constipation
The progress of modern medlcaJ
science le,erhapa, no more force
fully evident than In the simplify
ing of many of the old time reme
dies of past generation. For In
stance, the harsh cathartic and
violent purgative used by our
forefathers to. relieve constipation
re now known to be not only un
necessary but really harmful. Con
tlpatlon can be more effectively
relieved without the discomfort
and pain these old-time remedies
A combination of simple laxa
tive herbs with pepsin, sold In drug
store uhder the name of Dr. Cald
well' Fyrup Pepsin Is most effec
Ive, yet mild and pleasant. It Is'
absolutely free from opiates and,
narcotics and equally as desirable
a remedy for the tiniest babe as for1
rugged manhood. A free trial bot-'
tie can be obtained by writing to
Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 452 Waahlnc-i
ton St , Montlcello, 111. i
Avlau Thaw I Safe.
PITTSBL'HfJ, April 27. Fears for
William Thaw, 2nd, who Is serving as
an aviator with the foreign Volun
teers fighting for France, were set at
rest when his father, Denjumln
Thaw, of this city, received a cable
gram from Lawrem-e Hlude, a relative
In Paris, which read:
"William safe."
Thuw hud been reported In dla
patches from Paris as having been
killed while scouting near Verdun.
Man Take III Own Mvdlclno
He ho absolute faith In his med
icine he know whan he take It
for certain ailments he get relief.
People who take Dr. King' New Dl
eovery for an Irritating cold are op
timists they know this cough rem
edy will" penetrate the lining of the
throat, kill the germs, and open the
way for Nature to act. You can't
destroy a cold by superficial treat
inent you must go to the cause of
the trouble. He an optimist. Get
a bottle of Dr. King' New Discover)
today. Adv.
ity IlrfMMfw to Itoud.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 24. The
proposal to bond the city for 134
E00,00 to buy the properties of the
Spring Valley Water company appar
ently has been defeated, according to
tho city registrar. The- vole In 335
precincts out of a total of 401
stand: Yes. 32.254; no. 27.003. A
two-thirds vole Is required to carry
the bonds.
The vote In the 333 precincts lacks
about 7300' of enough affirmative
vole to carry the bonds.
Enhanced By Perfect Phyi
c&l Health.
The experience of Motherhood I a try
ing one to moat women and mark dis
tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one
woman in hundred U prepared or un
derstands how to properly care for her
self. Of course nearly every woman
nowaday has medical treatment at such
times, but many approach the experi
ence with an organism unfitted for the
trial of strength, and when it la over
her syatcra has received a shock from
which it Is hard to recover. Following
right upon this comes the nervous strain
of caring for the child, and a distinct
change in the mother results.
There is nothing more charming than
happy and healthy mother of children,
and indeed child-birth under the right
conditions need be no hazard to health or
beauty. The onexplainable thing is
that, with all the evidence of shattered
nerve and broken health resulting from
an unprepared condition, and with am
ple time in which to prepare, women
will persist In going blindly to the trial
Every woman at this time should rely
upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, moet valuable tonic and
lnvigorator of the female organism.
In many homes
once childless there
are now children be
cause of the fact
that Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound makes
women normal,
healthy and strong.
If yon want special advice write to
Lydia E. Plnkham Medicine Co. (conil.
dentist) Lynn, Matt. Toar letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held In strict confidence.
Dr. James' Headache Powders
givs instant relief--Cort
dime a package.
Nerve-racking, splitting or dull,
throbbing headaches yield In Just a few
moments to Dr. James' Headache Pow
der which cost only 10 cents a pack
age at any dnig store. It's the quick
est, surest headache relief in the whole
world. Don't suffer! Relieve the
ngony and distress now! You can.
Million of men and women hare
found that headache and neuralgia
misery is needless. Get what you ask
ta v
E, .(., FC3 The litEKEitD
(Special) The first Sunday crowd of
the season visited the springs in au
tomobllea and this place took on a
familiar appearance. The pool was
enjoyed and some of the visitors
spent a portion of the day fishing.
From Pendleton the following people
were here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bloch, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Alexander, Mr. and
Mr. Clarke Nelson, Miss C'ecile Boyd
Carl Perlntfer, Charles Angel, Burton
Oreulich, Kalph Temple. George W.
Haw, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Byers, C. D.
Bean. H. W. Doolittle. Tho. F. Mur
phy, Herman Rosenberg and Lee
Caldwell. From Adams came the
family of G. M. Morrison and from
Walla Walla Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pad
dock, Miss Bertha Anger and Roxey
SYRACUSE, April 27. While Roos
evelt chafed and fidgeted In the wit
ness ch.ilr, letter after letter was
lead In court tending to show that
close political relations formerly ex
isted between the former president,
the lute Senator Piatt and Barnes.
Today's session was given over
largely to reading of letters. Counsel
for Barnes produced 50 from Piatt
to Roosevelt showing their close rela
tlons during the closing months of
the colonel's administration as gov
ernor and also while he was vice
president and piesldent. No startling
political disclosures were made as a
result of reading tills correspondence.
On Friday of this week the high
and grade schools of the county will
hold their annual tiack and field
meet here In Pendleton, All the
sho?ils of the county except 1'endle
ton enter teams In this meet. Limt
year Athena ran away with the meet
with Hennistun a poor second.
In the evening the oratorical con
test will be held In the lilKh school
auditorium with representatives of
both hlKh mid grade schools contest
ing I'endleton H. S. will be allow
ed to enter an orator and will be rep
resented by Mini Haiel Wyrlck.
On the Umatilla forest reserve this
year there will graie 1,0 S00 head of
cattle and horses and 62.500 head of
sheep, according to the announcement
of the forestry service. On the We
i.aba reserve will be 11,200 horses and
cattle and 103,100 head of sheep and
on the Whitman reserve 8860 horses
and Cattle and 113 head of sheep.
The forest service ha completed
the compilation of grazing allotments
In all of the forest reserve for the
coming season and calculate that the
revenue from this source will total
11.200 000, or $200,000 in excess of
the receipts of last year. In a few
Instances the number of livestock to
be admitted to the reserves Is de
creased a compared with last year,
but this has been done only where
the area of the reserves ha been re
duced. Thore have been no reduc
tions because of depletion of the
range. On the contrary, the capacity
of the range In forest reserves Is said
to have Increased, with corresponding
Increase in the allotments where
the range will safely bear It.
In all the foresC service has au
thorized the grazing of 1 983,775 head
of cattle and horses, 8,747,025 sheep
and goat and 64.040 swine on the
forest reserve This Is an Increase of
J2.656 cattle and horses, and a de
crease of 120.881 sheep and goat. In
crease in application for cattle per
mits Is due to the fact that many
stockmen are turning to cattle and
(Mmlnifhlng their sheep holdings.
The grating charge imposed this
year are slightly higher In the re
serves than heretofore, ranging from
48 to 90 cent a head for cattle and
horses and 1! to 18 cent for sheep.
The average rate In Oregon 1 60
cent for cattle and 15. cents fot
Next Sunday will be "Go to
Church" day and the ministers of the
city are making every effort to have
a large a turn-out as possible. The
day will also be observed a "Moth
er's Day' and some appropriate ser
mon will probably be given In connec
tion with this observance.
The churche are advertising the
"Oo to Church" feature extensively
throughout the city and every minis
ter Is expecting to see his church fill
ed to capacity. The men especially
are urged to make a special effort to
attend on that day. There will be
special music.
Oregon lias 17,000 Cars
SALEM, Ore., April J4 Secre
tary of Htate Olcott announced that
over 2400 motorcycle and 2300 chau
ffeur had been furnished licenses
this year, and he believed that motor
vehicle registrations for the entire
year would 23.000. There were 16,
847 motor vehicles, 3898 motorcycles
and 1800 chauffeurs registered last
Mr. Olcott thinks the Increase in
chauffeur licenses Is a result of the
Jitney btu.
1 '- "a " '""'' L''"" " " "" - - - -mm
"Tine WsiidfflE
Only a Blindfolded man would buy an automobile
today without looking the Maxwell over
There's no excuse today for any man who is "jollied" into buying a car before he looks
over the 1915 Maxwell.
We give you the two vital things in this Maxwell Car and then the 17 new features
that have made the 1915 Maxwell the most talked-about car ever produced.
Here are the two vital things that any cane
man wants when he buy an automobile
In the first place
a handsome, real automobile that
he can be proud to ride in.
In the second place
a powerful, fast, economical auto
mobile that will take him any
where and bring him back.
Read This List
Attraetir Streamline fiodr
Pars streamline body: graceful crown fenders.
With all rtreta concealed All tb gr.cn. style
and "snap" that you will Bat In any f the kit best
Jrloed can.
A High-Tension Mafneto
Nearly all the blfh priced can have hlrt iMislon
magneto A nigh tension matneto glvea poslttT.
Ignition. Tha Simma majrneto, with which tha Max
wall la equipped, la rscosnised aa oo. of the Bast
magnetos mads.
Left Sid Drive Central Control
Laft aid. steer with laar earning lerers Is canter
of drlrlng compartment center control baa heea
accepted by leading makera ot exposals-, automo
bile, aa the aafaat and moat eomtorUbl tor the
di-lrer; that la why tha Maxwell baa It Tba Max
well It to euy to drlra and control that a child
a handl. It.
Thras-Speed Sliding Cear Trantaitaioa
VII high prteed can bar. s sliding gear trans-
Bleslo. It la costly to make, but It la tha beat,
tha motor has tb. power, eliding gears will
The Maxwell
, No other automobile u backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers
in every part of this country-are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices.
lint splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part
for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock, MaxweU Service is one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners.
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
i o i tuenre
I'bone 4.
j I ' jj S
We give you these two vital things, and
then just about every other detail of re
finement, comfort and endurance that you
can think of.
Take power and hill-climbing ability, for
example when you buy a 1915 Maxwell
you buy an exact duplicate of the stock
Maxwell cars in which "Wild Bill" Turner
and "Billy" Carlson broke two World's Re
cords in two of the toughest, roughest moun
of Expensive Features. The 1915
ball the ear oot of any mod or aano. Tha Maxwell
ha a three-anMut .etartlv sHflln. sin Irancm i.amw
because Maxwell engineers do not consider any
ether type to be worthy ot th Maxwell car.
Double-Shell Radiator with Shook
Absorbing Device
Tb Maxwell radiator la of handsome design,
gracefully currcd, and It la built to be trouble
Eroof. It la tha expensiT double shell trpe and
aa ample moling capacity. The radiator Is
mounted to th (rams by meant of a shock ab
sorbin device on each side, which raltevee th.
radiator ot all twlata and distortions ot the frame,
caused by roughness ot the road. Tba shock ab
sorbing derlca also mlaimtiaa tb. possibility ot
radiator laaka.
Th Roomy Full S-Ptaaenger Body
Adjustable Front Seat
Tb IMS Maxwell baa full grows S-passengwr
body. The front seat la adjustable, you can moy.
It three iachea forward or backward. Thle makes
the car really comfortable for th. drlrer. No
cramped leas for tall people or uncomfortabl.
reaching for short people. Most irlrers' seat are
made to fit anyone ao fit Bo one.
Company's Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owner
give you your car not
Maxwell Has These Features And Many Others.
Low "Up-keep" Carburetor
The carburetor used on tba Maxwell was espec
ially designed for It after long and eerer. teats
under every conceivable condition. Economr tours
conducted by hundreds of dealers and owners in
different sections of the country have proved Its
efficiency. Its quick response to throttle and it
extremely low consumption of gasoline. It au
bee termed tb. "low up-keep" carburetor.
Irreversible Steering" Gear
The greatest margin of aafety has been pro
Tided In the steering gear of the li15 Msxwell.
The Maxwell Irreversible ateerlng mechanism Is
of the expensive wonn-and-gear type and lu su
periority over every other type llee Is Its many
ad)ustments. At no Urn la more than a fourth of
the bearing surface of th. gear which operate
the worm in use. When needed. new bearing
surface may be had by adjusting the fear s quarter
of a turn. In short, the Maxwell steering gear
has four times the adjustment ef any other land.
Heavy Car Comfort
Wist surprises most people Is tb. smooth, bucy-
an excuse on delivery
tain hill-climbs ever made ML Hamilton
and ML Wilson.
Take speed and endurance, for example
when you buy a Maxwell you buy a car made
by the same designers the same chief engi
neer from the same Maxwell Laboratory,
heat-treated, tested steel, that was used in the
Maxwell Racers in which Barney Oldfield
and "Billy" Carlson both broke the 300
mile non-stop race records in Corona and
San Diego.
nt riding qnalltlei of tb. Jfimrn. The erring
auspension of the 1915 Marwell la the earn costly
combination of long aeml-elhptlral front springs
and the three-quarter elliptic rear aprlnsa that
ln.?1 oa1,m"" h'T weight, high priced care.
The Maxwell offers you every essential of the bicjl
eat priced machines at a Alia of their cost
One Size oi Tire Anti-Skids on Rear
The Maxwell car la on et the easiest ear. fa tb
World on Urea. Maxwell owners carry but on.
pare Ur and but one site ot spar, tube Econom
ical SO Inch x 3 Inch Urea are used all around.
A famous mak. at antl-skld Una ara supplied
on rear wheels.
A Dependable Electric Starter
for $55 extra, yon can have your Unveil 4.
llvered equipped with tha famous Slmma-HuU aleo-
trio starter. Tbla atartar I afflciaat, trouble proof
and easily operated.
And tb. Maxwell la completely equipped from th.
clear Tlslon. entllatln windshield at tie front
to the spar, tire carrier at tb. rear.
day '
Cottonwood St.
ro.it turnic
omon nuiii