DAILY EVEi:i::3 EDJTIO.'J DAjwprs ECIT!0:i Forecast for Eastern (hyn hf the Inlted stairs Hrathrr (ihw'nor at Portland. TO ADVEitTlSOlS. Th East Oregonlan hM the Urgent paid circulation of may wpr In Oregon, Mat of 1'urtlaod, and over twice tha circulation Id Pendleton of any other newspaper. Fair toaight; fair. Tuesday probably COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 26 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1915. NO. 8480 ' " -' ' ' 1 . " 1 11 1"S."""""" "' " 1 - - . - . .i T. R. PROMISES TO IE SECRETS OF II. Y. REPUBLICANS Some Political Skeletons Will be Brought Forth From State Organ ization Closets at Trial. $50,000 DAMAGE SUIT IS M I'rlwilc Detective Guard Colonel and William llarncw An They Ar rive at Syracuse for (ciilng of lJiU'l vms 1 lames hull In Based ou Alleged T. It. Statement. SYRACUSE. N. Y.. April 19 Prlvute detectives guarded both Col onel Roosevelt and William Bnrnei when they arrived at the court house today to Le present at Barnes' f 50, 000 libel milt against the former pres ident. Surging crowds surrounded the. court house and Jammed the cor. rldors. Cheers greeted the arrival of the defendant and the plaintiff. Roosevelt seemed In fine humor The Interrogation of 'talesmen by Barnes' counsel Indicated the plain tiff relies on Justice Andrews to hold that the Uooaevelt statement linking llarnes with that of "Boss" Murphy of Tammany Hall Is In Itself libelous. All the talesmen were asked if the; would allow political considerations to Influence their verdict. SYRACUSE, N. Y., April 1 During the trial of the Barnes-Roosevelt suit, begun here today, "Theo dore Roosevelt promises to open re publican state organisation closets and reveal some political skeleton. William Barnes la suing the former republican president and present pro gressive leader to recover f 50,000 damages for alleged libel. Amidst his pre-election activities last year, Roosevelt declared a bi partisan agreement existed In this mats tvtwea the -republioaa and democratic organizations. He speci fically accused Barnes of being po litically leagued with Charles F. Mur phy. Barnes, although no longer republican state committee chairman Is regarded still as state republican (Continued on page fire.) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT WORK OX BOfSD PLAN K)OD ItO ADS REPRESENTATIVES SHOW GET TOGETHER ' Sl'lIlT. That the members ot the executive committee of the Umatilla County (lood Hoads Association will get to gether on a bonding program which they can all support with enthusiasm Is Indicated by the results of the first meeting of the committee held here Saturday. The ealon was held In the Com mercial Club rooms with J. F. Rob inson presiding and lasted from 2 o'clock until S. All members of the committee were present excepting Frank Sloan of Stanfleld ' who wa unable to attend. The committee will meet again at 2 o'clock next! Saturday. j The committee meeting waa hnr- monlotia at all tlmea and showed a (Continued on page eight) PORTLAND, Ore., April Im properly worth halt a million dollars was threatened by a fire which start ed In the Blako-McFall six itory building. Fourth and Ankeny streets In the heart of the wholesale district at 7 o'clock I not night, and In a few minutes turned the structure Into a raging furnace which no fireman could enter. The probable loss at 10 p. m. waa estimated at (250,000, with 0 per cent carried by Insur ance. The origin of the fire is un fixed. Practically all the fire fighting ap paratus In the city had been sum moned by 8 o'clock. The flreboat David Campbell stretched three lines of hose from the river. Twenty Firemen Overcome., Twenty firemen were overcome by smoke, five ot whom were rushed to the hospital In a precarious condi tion. The other firemen were taken to the Multnomah hotel, where they were taken care of by Assistant City Physician Harding. Nearly all were from engine company No. I. IlIakc-McFall Heaviest Loft. The heaviest losers are the Falling FE LOSS AT POUD MAY REACH HALF MILLION DOLLARS ffl TRIAL OENIED II CASE OE Fill BY SUPREME COURT Man Convicted of Murder of Mary Phagan Must Hang Unless Ex ecutive Clemency is Extended. ALL CLAIMS ARE OVERRULED lulled Slates Supreme Court Refuse to Grunt Petition Upon Writ of ll.ils-as Ci-rpus Through Wlilt-li a New Trial Was tMng Sought Trial Regular, Court Holds. WASHINGTON, April 19. Leo Frank must hang for the murder of Mary Phagan, of Atlanta unless ex ecutive clemency Is extended. The, I'nlled States supreme court denied the appeal of Frank today for a new trial. The decision was upon a writ of habeas corpus, through which new trial was sought. All Frank's grounds foi seeking a new trial were tverrujed. Justice Pitney read the decision of! the court which held that the plei that Frank's rights had been !jlat- ed because he was not present when me jury returned the verdict, was loot because an objection was not I abed Immediately before the trial in court. The decision says In part: "Fiank's petition shows that, having been for mally indicted for murder, he wan placed on trial before a court of competent Jurors, had a Dubllo trial whlch was delllrately conducted.!?. " l.Z ' .a 18 ' nad the benefit of counsel ami was . found guilty and sentenced pursuant to the laws of the state. "It was twice moved before the trial court to grant a new trial ani once to set aside the verdict. It has been heard three times before the court of last resort In Georgia and In every Instance met with ad- ers action, and the action of the trial court has been affirmed." The court held that "allegations of hostile public sentiment and disor der In and about the courtroom Im properly Influenced the trial court t nd the Jury are rejected becauso they were found untrue In point o' fact upon evidence presumably jus tifying that finding and which he haw not produced In the present proceed ing." NEWS SUMMARY General. Thaw begin new fight to ccae from laUeawan. New trial la denied I,eo Frank. Colonel Roosevelt promises to show up some ruimblican secrets In New York state, French preparing to launch spring campaign. Indiana politician begin terms In Ieavenworth, Local. Tomorrow set apart for all citizens to aid In making good roads. TwitchcM-Tlioinitsnii gllo.000 dam age milt on trial; slow In getting Jury ltev. hymtcr attacks "Herman Hall" In sermon. Historic yoke sent to MaJ. Moor, house. rendleton Iowa to Stanfleld; Pilot Hock gwamns llermlstoii. estate, which owns the building, and the BlakeMcFaIl company, which occupies three fourths of the build ing. Nine other firms hava offices In the building. They are: The Hlcks-Chatten Engraving company. The Kelley-Clarka Company, The- Portland Stationery ft Wood work Company, George P, Ida 4 Co. The O. E. Fletcher Sales Agency. The Western Dry Goods Company, Marshall Field & Co. F. T. Crowe Co. Montague O'Hellly Company, con tractors. C. D. Brunn, president of the Blake-McFall Company, estimated the company's probable stock loss at $200,000. Mr. Brunn said that part of the company's stock was In the burning building, and the remainder In the warehouse. He was unable he said, to make an accurate estimate of the stock In either building last night. The Blake-McFall Company. Mr. Brunn said, carried Insurance equal to 80 per cent of the total val ue of the stock. Converted I-jrjyrry .... 4 ji yk - . .'X '! 'Sly :Mr 1 ..fr3B in V" i"w-- ill NEWPORT NEWS. April 19. Th o r,tnvj.r1il (-1.. r u h n-iiliuir t.I ...r . - ' - was formerly a cracK ortn Uerman HARRY THAW BEGINS NEW FIGHT FOR HIS FREEDOM SLAVEIl OF STAMXMin WHITE MAKINti LAST THY TO ES CAPE MATTEAWAX. NEW YORK, April 1:1 Thrw wl" ..ot know until Thursday what suc uu his attorneys have In tht fight !o prevent his return t'i Matteawan. After briefs were filed in the supreme court, in inaws appli' n Ion u.r a habeas corpus, a three days' adjourn' i.'ent was taken. NEW YORK, April 19. Harry K Thaw, slayer of Stanford White, to- day began a new and final fight to escape return to Matteawan asylum. Hearing of his last legal resort to avoid being returned to the state hos 1 Hal for criminal Insane was sched uled today in the supreme court. The proceeding today was based upon Thaw's third application for a writ of habeas corpus since he was extradited from New Hampshire. The proceedings today were brought by Thaw to test his sanity. If found sane he will ask for formal dis charge from custody, having been ac quitted because of insanlty--of murdering White In Madison Square Garden nine years ago. I Thaw waa forced to the proceeding today by the action of the supreme court and appellate division In deny ing that, after being acquitted of conspiracy, could hold him, and, un der the order of Justice Dowllng committing him as a lunatic to Mat teawan, return- him to the asylum. The habeas corpus trial today was brought by Thaw for a new determi nation of his sanity. His counsel pro posed today to ask for a Jury trial, but the attorney general's office con tends that this Is not permissible. Re-openlng and a "re-hash" of the whole sordid story of Thaw's In fatuation for Evelyn Nesblt and his killing of White, was Involved In the trial begun today. Many alienists will be called. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw may also testify. r t ' HerA la a nhnlnffranh Ih. tin 1 RINZ EITEL FRIEDR1CH it J . k-Ti j ,v . r, rneancn, nnicn nag interned at Newport News. For some time ed lht .verma" corW wutaer would make a dash for the open sea but the presence of he British warship, off the Virginia Cape, determined the captain not to risk his ship and crew in unkempt Cruiser at Newport News?;) m :-i:,..jrrrr It had been at sea since Au - i i . . . . .? mercnanimen in "at tlm' tne ,hlM 8nd car0'8 ... laiwu 4 i.vuu.'juu. one nua but 20 tons of coal in her bunkers' GET OUT ON HIGHWAYS AND DO SOI II IN INTERESTS OF GOOD IADS IS BATTLE-CRT Tomorrow is "Good Roads Day" in Umatilla County- Peaceful Army With Rakes and Other Implements Will Try to Improve Highways by Filling up Holes and Throwing Away Debris That Hinders Travel. Tomorrow is Good Roads Day in t'matilla county by decree of the new -ly formed I'matilla County Auto Club and by endorsement of the various commercial clubs and kindred organi zations In different sections. What are you to do? "Get out on the roads in which you are particularly interested." says Rov W. Rltner, president of the Auto Cluu. "Take a shovel and a rake with vou. Rake the loose rocks out of the roads where they have been washed on the grades. Fill up the I ttle holes, throw j the bottles out of the roads, fix the approaches to the little bridges and do any other work vou can for the I good of the cause.' According to Mr. Rimer it is not the expectation that any big work can be done on the roads tomorrow. The object will he to take care of work that can be easily handled and yet will make a vast difference in the state of the roads If the Work is done. Where really heavy work is to be done it will have to be left to the regular crews. On the Ritner-Storie ranch tomor row the whole force will take a lay off and devote the day to working the roads. It Is the expectation that many farmers will take the same course and i . . , , . , i . . , . . . . - . 'nhen lw ilrnnn.ri in uomn. 1 v ton Koads. after successfully run- ning the gauntlet of British cruisers wnich nan been hovering; about In wait for the Prlnz Eitel Frledrich. devote the day to fixing the roads over which they travel most. People from the towns will have the privilege of working the roads adjacent to the towns or elsewhere if they v sh to do so. .Sportsmen who wish to im prove roads over which they travel going fishing will find tomorrow a good time to got busy. There are indications that Good Roads Day will be generally observed all over the county. In the nest end of the county the people are well or Banized and will go out in earnest to work the roads, devot ng the entire Jay to the move, M'COMIlS AMI WIFE SEPARATE: NO DIVORCE WASHINGTON. April 13 Intimate friends of Mrs. Wil liam F. McCombs. wife of the chairman of the democratic na tional committee, confirmed re ports that she has separated from her husband but will not be divorced. Mrs. McCombs is a devout Cathol'c. j. . . - mm SUIT FOR DAMAGES OPENS T Case of Twitchell vs. Thompson' Growing Out of Auto Accident Last July is on Before Judge Phelps. BRILLIANT ARRAY OF COUNSEL ProKiMxlive Jurors are Subjected to .Most Searching Questioning Only Two are Excused for Cauae Per rmptory Challenges IWIng Exercis ed at Afternoon Session. Examination of Jurors ha taken up practically the entire time today in COURT RERE the elreu't court where the J30.000 tIefront and , approachinI damage suit of Twitchell vs. Thomp- t t ,,, , . son is on trial. The entire morning 'arm rather the allied and the Oer was used in filling the Jury box with man ""mle" are facln a greater me Jurors passed for cause and this af- nace ,han and bullet- Th ternonn the attorneys are exercising f an epidemic due to thou- their neremntorv ehallemre, T.tttl If an,s ot rotting bodies is great. All any tesfmony will be "taken today. Judge A. S. Bennett of The Dalles conducted the examination for the plaintiff and Col. J. H." Raley did the same for the defendant. Each sub jected the men called to a most tearch inz nuestionfnp. rermirfnp thom In r- plain among other things whether or Within a month It Is believed the not they have had business relations great offensive of the allied . armies with either party, how well acquainted must be launched. New French guns they were v.th the parties, whether are now arriving at the front and or not they are owners or drivers of great quantities of ammunition are automobiles, how much they know being concentrated at all points along about the case and whether or not they the line. Where Kitchener and Jof had formed an opinion as to the re- fre will strike first is problematical, sponsibility for the accident. The counsel for the plaintiff also asked al-1 BERLIN. April IS. Roland Garros, most every juror whether or not they a noted French aviator has been cap have had any friendly or business re- tured by the Germans, the war office latlons with Mr. or Mrs. E. W. Mo- announced. Comas, who were in the Thompson The statement declared Garros was auto at the time of the collision. 'captured at a point "between the ' Only two jurors. Perry Houser of Me use and the Moselle." He was a Echo, and J. H. Price of Weston were lieutenant in the French flying corps, excused for cause although others,. Whether- Garros' aeroplane was shot were challenged. The first twelve down or he was captured after land men to be passed were J. H. Coffman, ing tnslde the German lines la not sta V. G. Haun, Arthur L. Grover, Joseph ted. ' , N". Scott, G. W. Beddow, J. I. Agnew. , " Sidney Dennis. Otis McCartv A. C. riTwar"-v H .OLO OX-TEA.! YOKE SHOWS This afternoon at 1:30 court resum- rnQlirn IICTtinn flC TQItfri ed and the attorneys were Instructed rUmtlUi niClllUU Ul I MillLL to proceed with their peremptory' chal- lenges. At press time the defendant's counsel had exercised two of their MAJOR MOORHOISE SECURES three challenges, excusing J. I. Ag-. RELIC OF PIONEER DAYS new of Hermiston and Otis McCarty, XHE WEST, of Echo. In Agnew's place Ralph. Folsom of Pendleton was drawn and rn the window of the oftce of Ma passed for cause over the challenge of ljor Moorhouse today is an infer tile plaintiff. esting relic of the mode of travel in ..a m a. ree. .-r. ana sr., are witn Judge Bennett as counsel for the plaintiff while Prosecuting Attorney Frederick Steiwer Is associated with (Continued on page eight) M0OPAI0 T0 AUTO CLUB TO BE USED WHERE NEEDED DIRECTORS OF ORGANIZATION MAKE STATEMENT REGARD ING EXPENDITURE. By action taken Saturday bv the directors of the Umatilla. Count v in. to Club the money collected by the, organization from its memtiers in the form ot dues will be expended in the! sections from which the money comes. The expenditure of the mon ey in any one comunlty will be In trusted to the committeeman or di rector from that section or town, in this way It is believed the funds will be used in an equitable manner. The club is offering a free mem bership to the party who will design the most attractive emblem using the letters V. A. C. The emblem will be used on the cars of the members Joining the club and will signify their interest In the organization and the cause of better highways. INDIA POLITICIANS ARRIVE AT LEAVENWORTH TO KANSAS CITT. April 19 Bearing Don Roberts, mayor ot Terre Haute and the fourteen other Vigo county BEGIN SERVING SENTENCES politicians, convicted of conspiracy tul'V" lHn ,!"b-rl Tr" jthe 14 other Indlanapnl a politician Perpetrate election frauds, a special , bg;in their aetitences In the federal Missouri Pacltio train reached here from Indianapolis. The men are be- ing taken to the federal penitentiary j EIICII PREPARI! IG OFFENSIVE AGAINST GERMANS New Guns are Being Hurried to the ' Front and Large Quantities of Ammunition are Concentrated. BLOW WILL BE STRUCK SOON UK Point to bo Attacked by General " Joffre and Kitchener I ao Yet ProhlematM-aJ Iju-g Number of 'I'nburied Itead MeiUM-e Urirur Epidemic Feared. LONDON. April 19. With spring rains drenching portions of the bat- alon the battle ,ront tre,ches arl8 Irom lne vasl 1 "a 01 ,,eat' A lnou' sand Domes nave lain in tne open spaces between the hostile trenches for weeks and months. Thousands of other bodies are covered 'only by a thin layer of earth. Umatilla county in earlier days. It is a large wooden yoke that was used on an ox team ih freighting goods through this county long before the railroads came and when automobiles were of the stuff of wh ch dreams are made. It belonged originally to'o. W. Hunt the railroad builder, when he was running freight wagons from Umatilla Landing to the Boise Basin, and it was shipped to Major Moorhouse this morning by R. N. Adams, who is liv ing on the old Hunt ranch near th Present town of Stanfleld and who discovered the yoke there. Hunt, who later built the Hunt lino from Pendleton to Wallula and Hunt's Junction, now a branch of the Nor- ern Paclfe. operated a freight lino rnm t0 an"! one of hU 1 ers was tnipqua-' Johnson, well known here. Six and eltht ox teamt were used to each wagon and the yoke on display here today was for tlw wheel team. Baron Commits SuU-ide. REIGATE. Surrey. Eng., April 19. Baron Auguste Julius Clemens Her bert De Reuter, manager and director of Reuter's Telegram company com mltted suicide by shooting himself In the temple on Sunday. Melancholy due to his wife's death a week ago is be lieved to have been responsible. H was (3 years old. at Leavenworth to serve sentences Im posed by Federal Judge Andruii LEAVENWORTH, April U. Penlteiitiary. Thev arrived on a spe cial Missouri Pacific train and at one went thrnuah th r.,m,..tiiv r.r t-,.m. miumvnt. PENITENTIARY