KIG1IT TAGi:? DAILY EAST ORIX-OMAN, PENDLETON, ORFGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1015. v.r,v. i u ir " I NEWS OF FARM & RANGE ft. Hi"'"'""""-" PEMECO- TRY KNIGHTS FAMOUS GOODS CENTRAL MARKET 173 Phone 33 173 TRY OUR FRESH VEGETABLES CENTRAL MARKET Phone 33 EMECO" OUALITY The Expression of the Highest Perfection in Meats USE "PEMECO" PENDLETON MEAT CENTRAL MARKET 173" Ph one "33 173" TRY TO KEEP YOUR MONEY working in Pendleton and Umatilla County. CENTRAL MARKET Phone 33 WAREHOUSE GOMPAHY IS i OPTIMISTIC OVER WOOL 1 HAMS LARDS BACONS- LOCALS (Sb Advertising in Brief BATES. P Hot first luMntoa lOe P llUi. lltl"Dl lDMrtlOI....AC Ptf lln. Mr mouth fl.00 ho local Uln tor liw than U5& Cooot It ordlnsry word to lln. Locals will Dot b tsiea orr tk 'about and remlttaact But accoa- pui ordM. For fuel font flT. Furnished roomi In the Nye Apart ment Home, (01 Water street. Fer sale New Economy Chief cream aeparator. Inquire ilO Thomp son. Five room houM for sal on north aid. Corner lot Improved. Address "W thla offlc. John Rosenberg, watchmaker and; Jeweler, Court and Cottonwood. All work guaranteed. Very many people desire to buy IMIIUB 111 PMI I J I U MirUih II yon to offer, and price? N. Berkeley. Wanted Experienced flrl with Kood referencea for general house work. Inquire $11 Lewla street Phone 711 J. Isaac Jay, the blacksmith, horse hoer and wheelwright, la still doing business at his old aland, 132 Cotton wood street. Dunham, Brownlow A Payne, con tractor, builders, Job work. Eatl mate and plana furnished. Golden Rule Hotel basement Phone HI J. Furnished housekeeping rooms, 813 Thompson. Experienced Jap Took wants posi tion. Addreaa "U" this office. Wanted Competent woman for general housework n ranch. Phone 614. For aule Bay buggy. Good condition, cheap. Call at Pendleton Cycle Co. Lost Gamma Phi Beta pin with diamond In center. Finder return to thla office. Black Minorca gga for hatching 11.00 per setting, $5.00 per hundred L, Boyd, 501 E. Court Wanted PosltUn on ranch by competent man and Wife, no children- Phone 408, or call 21 Willow at Lost Fine chain necklace wit small diamond pendant. Reward II returned to 301 Coable. Phone 2351 For sale 4 l-l acre tract and modern seven mm house In River side. Address R. H. Patton, care this office. For Role II fe. cut, 24 in. cylin der Holt Combiae, 12 horse equaliser. good condition, 1650.60. F, O. B. Kennewlok, Wash. S. D. L. Ross, Athena, Ore. "Mutt" take the big load and "Jeff ahows th speed. Finland Bros, haul anything and reasonable. Furniture van and storage warehouse Office (47 Main street Phone 111. Choice beddtag plants of all ktada now In stock. Drop In and leok them over. Open evenings and San days. Hookers, 44 Main street, last Oregonlan building. Phon ttl. Plants carefully packed for out of town buyers. Peace and Plenty in Pendleton Roses without thorns Caesars without their Brutus" Politics without Graft Millinery without worry Chic Styles at Right Prices. CARRIER MILLINERY 740 Main Street. Telephone 413 FOR MONDAY Apple and Grape Jelly Pint 15 Blue Ribbon Flour 25 pound sack O0 Red Mexican Beans Extra large, clean stock, 16 lbs. $1 Pure Cider Vinegar Gallon 30 Dill Pickles Choice firm, new shipment, dozen 20? Boiled Ham Pound 35 Cream Brick Cheese Pound 30? Special Cane and Corn Syrup, Va-gal 60 & Picnic Hams Nut butter, lb 20 f 1.00 to $1.50 Grape Fruit Special Home Lard, 10 lbs. ?1.50 .4 for 25 Coffee An extra good pea Table Peaches Another berry, lb. 3 for.... ? 1.00 shipment, 8 tins.... $1.00 New Honey, 3 for 50 Hawaiian Pineapple Tid Bits, 12 tins.... ?1.20 FRESH EGGS DOZEN .. 20c THE SPECIALTY CASH GROCERY Phono 476. Next Door to Quelle Oaf 628 Main. Bedding plants, baskets. Forshaw Hoy wanted Boy wanted to ca-c fur lawn (luring summer. Inquire "IV'thls office. For sale Two good milch cow.-. Address John Wkhmann, Pendleton, or phone 16F22. For trade A new, modern 110 bbL electric flour mill located In valley town 20,000 population, will trade for eastern Oregon or Washington wheat land. Price 122,000. For par llculars write .65 Trade Street, S- ktn, Ore. Money to Ivoan. I am In a position to loan 130,000 in real estate In Umatilla county loans to run from three to five years (Adv.) WILL M. PETERSON Good Cool and Wood. Our Rock Sprints coal burns clean giving you more heat and less dirt for your money. Good dry wood thst doesn't boll, tut burns. Also slabs and kindling. Protect yourself from cold snd cost order from B. L. Burroughs, phone 6. Adv. For Sale Very Ilfasonable. Modern 7-room h,usa ami 7 Int. about 1 blocks frtm town 1 block from paved streets. Suitable for chicken raising and gardening. In qulr "Mrs. C. A.." this office. Adv Dance Saturday Night The second of the series of public dances given under the auspices ol the Jolly Club" will take place Sat urday evening, April 17, at Eagle Woodman Hall. Prlies will be given to both ladles and gentlemen, three each. Come out and have a good time, United Orchestra of Pendleton. Adv, Dance Tonight In Monv Hall. All are Invited to the regular pub lic dance tonight in Moose hall. Latest music by Pendleton orchestra. Good time assured. Admission 50c. Adv. 3 years pounds on left age about four 1000 pounds hook on left ix poind The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, tuwit One grey are, very gentle, age about four years old, weight about 1000 pounds; branded single tree hook on left shoulder. One grey gelding, about old, weight about 1000 branded single tree hook shoulder. One dark grey gelding, age about four years, weight about 1000 pound. branded single tree hook on left shoulder. One grey gehling, years, weight about branded single tree rhoulder. One light grey work horse, ago about ten years, weight about 1050 pounds, branded L with bar over on left him, ring bone on right front foot. One brown gelding, white stripe Ir. face, age about six years, weight about 1050 pounds, branded X on right shoulder. . If said animals are not claimed By the owners or those entitled to the possession of them, costs and ex pense against them paid and they taken away within ten days fron. the date hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. m of the 29th day of April, 1915, the said animals will be sold to the highest bidder, at public auction, for cash, at the city pound, located at the Depot Barn, Cottonwood street. In said City of Pendleton, the pro ceeds of such sale to be applied to the payment of such costs and ex penses of making sale. Dated this 17th day of April, 1915 JOHN KEARNEY, City Marshal GREAT SHORTAGE IN AISTHAL- I IAS Cl,ir WIIX HKIJ' m ix ,1 AMERICAN I-KK KS. ' That the wool market will Is strong us soon us the buyers come i west In sufficient numbers to make some competition Is Indicated by tre advices of the Portland Wool Ware. f. . houe company embodied in a letter E to patrona April 13. In part the. let- ter states; As Is usual this time of the year, there is apparently a quiet market - prevailing in the lack on the part of I the wool buyers to Indicate in the L. least to the grower what he may ex- g pect to pay for his wool. Taking, f " however, as a basis for prices the actual sales that are being made to- E day, fully substantiate that wool L prices are strong with no apparent reason for a break. The reporte 1 shortage of some 400,000 bales In gj Australia means 170,000,000 pounds g less wool to be shorn in Australia, and If this Is true It will be a decided advantage to the strength of our do-. mestic wools. We have received up to the pres-' ent time In the neighborhood of 250.000 pounds of wool, most of which has been shorn along the Co- S lumbla and In the Yakima valley in Washington. These wools are nuv being graded and will be offered for r: sale in the very near future, anil aft- jF er that time we will be able lo give to you more fully the pike you may s expert to receive. We beg to report S sales of short, fine wool this week j of 2 2 l-2c a pound. j g ll1nnr Make Protest At t'ie g niai meeting of the people of Hepp-1 ner and the users of the I'matlll.'i S national forest last Friday night present the reasons against the re- moviil of the forestry office from Heppner the unanimous opinion of all present was that any change lo the location of the office was unde-i sirable and that Heppner was the logical place for this office. Hepp ner Herald. m m m Italn Is Ronrflrial Over two inch es of rain haB fallen In the last two weeks, which has been a great all In bringing out the late sown grain. In fact, after the rain of a couple of weeks ago, the grain seemed to shoct up overnight. Fruit trees of all de scriptions are In bloom and even the locusts are leaving ont very fast. Pilot Rock Record. Grans Will lie (;od Forest Super visor J. M. Sthmits has returneo from a several days' inspection trip through portions of the Wenaha re serve, made especially to measure cord wood and to Investigate ranpe grazing conditions. Mr. Schmitz states that early range grazing will be splendid this year, the lack of snow having no effect oi. mountain grass, which Is always good In the spring and depends later In the season on the late rains. Mr. Schmlti also says there Is consider able tick fever among the cattle on the Umatilla and that on Meacham creek there is a let T trouble with rabid coyotes. Expret Rig Crop Fruit Growers must get together at n arly date on the handling of this year's crop We have an organlsatton already, but not all with fruit for sale this year are members. Everyone should get In and stick together. Unl-ss this 1? done best results will not be secured. It now seems certain that the Her mlston district will have an enor mous crop this season one to be measured by the carload. It will re quire good business to handle this output and we hope the first real crop will be taken care of right Hermiston Herald. Two It Fnd Peals W. S. Ranks has traded his town property for 8C acres of bottom land on Dry creek belonging to J. H. Overturf. This Is first class alfalfa land and the win ter water from Dry creek will be sup- 1 and the Little Ford Rambled Right Along" 4 j H S r J Nearly Every Family Can Afford a THE car that is not only low in price, but low in after cost of oper ation and maintenance. It takes you where you want to go for 2 cents a mile. Built and designed to serve and save ; to give luxury of pleasure and sturdiness in business demands. This is why FORD is the universal car and 700,000 are in use. , "i ' RrriCHIlCn Ford shares its Profits with J'0"- If the SOO.OOO cars are sold till fc 1(1 UCll between August 1st, 1914, and August 1st, 1915, you will receive a $40 or $50 dividend. The new model FORDS have torpedo cowl dash; electric lights; Jones speed ometer; round fenders and rain vision wind shield without braces. FORD Touring Car F. O. B. Pendleton S565;with electric starter $675 FORD Roadster F. 6. B. Pendleton, $515 ; with electric starter ?625 CARS HERE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. OREGON MOTOR GARAGE Telephone 468 B. F. TROMBLEY, Prop. 119-121 W. Court Street jaemented by a w-51 to be dug by Mr Overturf. F. Dixon of Vincent has sold his 20 acre alfalfa ranch to J. Trash of Dixie. It was a cash deal. Mr. Tash will take Immediate possession while Mr. Dixon intends removing to southern Idaho to make his home. The deal was made through the Tay lor Realty Co. of Walla Walla, whose advertisement appears In the Times. Freewater Times. In after years many a man won ders why he failed to appreciate a soft snap when he had it The HALLMARK Store Royal H. SiwWIe JEWCLER EitabliiheJ IM7 An Automobile Fort One of the latest Inventions for serv ice in war times is called the war mo tor or movable fort It can be oper ated by a few en, and wherever It has been used has always demonstrat ed its efficiency- An efficient aid to Nature in Cases of poor appetite, headache, bloating indigestion, dyspepsia, billiousness and constipation can be found in Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters. Time and again it has demonstrated its effici ency, and if you will only use it promptly may be the means of help ing you very materially towards re covering your health and strength. Give it a fair trial. 0RI80CJ TDEQTB lONIGHT AND ALL WEEK o)Ofo THE Hypnotist Assisted by Grices 7-piece orchestra of Portland Special Prices 15c 25c 35c i 0) " 1 U iUl I J I V J MUM Harvard Students Rest. BOSTON, April 17 The annual spring vacation period at Harvard University began today, with many athlete getting a rest and hundreds going home for a brief recreation. Championship Moot Arranged, riUNCKTON, N. J., April 17 An other leg of the Intercollegiate swim ming association championship con test will be fought out here between swimming teams of Columbia nnd Pennsylvania universities. Tale was also tied for first place. ' A i 11 I Ml i B SUNDAY THEATRE MONDAY B i n aCK DOX THE SENSATIONAL MYSTERY DRAMA. " The most vivid portrayal of crime and its detection ever known to man. Swift and powerful action. Breathless scenes. Each a mental shock that brings you gasping to the edge of your seat. NELLIE THE PRIDE OF THE FIRE HOUSE Nellie who works in a factory is the sweetheart of the fireman next door. Fire breaks out and the boys rescue her. Inspector throws a homely old maid into flames to rescue Nellie. Comedy Comedy. EDNA MAISON In THE LOVE OF MARY WEST. 7 TO KID nn I Saturday Only 'Wolves of Society' Tells of a daring pair of society crooks, who en trap a wealthy, old man, drive his niece from home, and attempt to swindle their victim out of his fortune. The society crooks, a brother ami sister, worse than parasites, use a woman's beauty as a line in their scheming for riches. "Under the Table' RIP-ROARING, SIDE-SPLITTING, RIB-CRACKING 2 REEL L-KO COMEDY. If you like comedy you'll get double distilled laughs and funny thrills from the acting of Hank Mann. His fun is all his own, it will cure you up with laughter. II IS i